11.美国ESL(English As A Second Language)教师代表团到你校考察英语教学.你作为学生代表,简单汇报你校英语教学情况.发言稿包括以下内容:1.英语课时、教学目标;
分析 本文为发言稿.
解答 A Possible Version
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to our school.
Here I'd like to introduce our English teaching and study in brief.As you know,we've already been studying English early in the elementary school.Nowadays we have four hours of English every week.Besides,we all have to spend much more time on it,otherwise we can't complete the teaching task.As to the Senior High English Curriculum Standards,students have to master a vocabulary of more than 3500 words and accomplish reading materials of over 350 thousand words by the end of Senior Three.
I'm glad to say we Chinese students have made great progress in English reading and listening,but we have a Iong way to go,especially in spoken English and writing.Sometimes we find it rather difficult to speak to somebody and write something in English.
We're lucky enough to haye you here.Please do a favor to give us as much advice as possible to improve our English.
That's all.Thank you for your attention.
点评 考生需了解写作要点及写作意图,合理安排写作结构,平时注意积累词汇及语法知识.

现象 | 家长小时候 | 懂礼貌、尊重别人、循规蹈矩 |
现在的小孩 | 不乐于助人、不尊重别人、崇尚自由. | |
原因 | 1.互联网及电视节目中不良信息的影响 2.家长和老师过分关注学生成绩,忽视对学生行为习惯的培养 | |
建议 | (提出至少两点建议)… |
Nowadays,a large number of children have bad manners while their parents behaved well when they were at the same age.