
Whenever my dog, Barney, comes into the house after having been for a ride in the car, he runs to the pen(围栏) we have set up for him by the back door. It’s not something we intentionally trained him to do. The habit came simply because my husband tended to put him in his pen whenever they came in. After doing it a few times, Barney just figures that’s what you do when you come inside after a car ride.

It’s the same with your thinking. You get into the habit of thinking a certain way and then you’ll rarely question it after that.

This is especially true when you were growing up. You developed habits that just made things easier for you. You probably didn’t even think about them. That’s just the way it was and that’s what you did. Just like Barney thinks he has to go into his pen, you do things automatically as well.

For example, when you were a kid, you may have been told not to “talk back” and to just keep quiet about things that were bothering you. These are habits that might have worked to keep you safe and out of trouble when you were young.

Now that you're grown up, you may be finding that these previous strategies are actually causing you problems. In a relationship, not communicating isn't going to work as your partner can’t read your mind. What works when you're a child may not work when you become an adult.

When you decide you need to change your thoughts, your brain may at first feel that it's not a safe thing to do. Lots of practice and years of experience says it’s not. Also, you don’t know to question the thought. It’s a truth for you. The trick is to look at your results and see if your thoughts are the cause. Be willing to question your thinking and ask yourself if there are thoughts that are hindering (妨碍) you. As you are now in a different phase of your life, different strategies may be needed.

1.As with the dog Barney, people _______.

A.think in a habitual way

B.enjoy having a car ride

C.usually behave in a friendly way

D.have a good memory

2.According to the passage, as a kid, one tends to _________.

A.be afraid to make mistakes

B.have the experience of playing with a dog

C.learn much from adults like his/her parents

D.form a habit which can keep his/her out of trouble

3.In the writer’s opinion, adults should _______.

A.not“talk back”

B.avoid causing any problem

C.change the habit which will bring troubles

D.value their habits formed in their childhood

4.It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

A.the author’s husband must be good at training dogs

B.childhood is the best time for developing good habits

C.one can change his/her life by changing his/her thoughts

D.you should change all your childhood habits when you grow up









1.A 推理题。根据文章第一段前4行Whenever my dog, Barney, comes into the house after having been for a ride in the car, he runs to the pen(围栏) we have set up for him by the back door. It’s not something we intentionally trained him to do. The habit came simply because my husband tended to put him in his pen whenever they came in说明我们已经把这当成是一个习惯的事情了。故A正确。

2.D 推理题。根据文章第二段1,2行This is especially true when you were growing up. You developed habits that just made things easier for you.说明D正确。

3.C 推理题。根据These are habits that might have worked to keep you safe and out of trouble when you were young. 说明我们要养成一些让我们安全没有麻烦的好的习惯,故C正确。

4.C 推断题。根据文章最后一段When you decide you need to change your thoughts, your brain may at first feel that it's not a safe thing to do.说明我们可以通过改变自己的想法来改变自己的生活习惯,故C项正确。





Most people seem to be passive at work. They do what they are told to do, and they don’t do what they are not told to do. In the end, one thing results: unmotivated (不积极的) people.

     We’re employed to think. In fact, no matter how many times our bosses disagree with us, it is our responsibility to think for the company. There are lots of times when I disagree with my boss, and sometimes we even end up having arguments; however, I still offer my suggestions whenever I don’t agree.

     Spending more time thinking also helps us to be more efficient (高效的) and helps to reduce our chances of frustration (挫败). Before I do something, I usually need some time to think about it to make sure that what I’m doing makes sense. This can be as long as a few days when a project is big, or as short as only a few seconds for a simple task. After thinking about a project, it sometimes becomes clear that a simple task could achieve the same result. In those cases, not only did I save myself from possible frustration, but I also felt happy and satisfied that I saved valuable resources for my company.

     With so many people not taking time to think, it’s no wonder that many people are unmotivated. Today, I encourage you to think things over whenever you have a chance. At first, it might take a while, but once it becomes a habit, you will feel more motivated as you will be more valuable to the company.

It is suggested in the passage that people should _____.

      A. stop arguing with their bosses

B. seize every chance they meet

C. present views to their companies

      D. avoid big projects

According to the passage, spending more time thinking _________.

A. is a waste of time and resources

B. can help people understand what others do

C. can help people impress their companies

      D. is a good way to improve efficiency

The author wrote this passage to ________.

      A. persuade people to do what they are not told to do

B. encourage people to be more motivated

C. show people how to give different opinions

      D. tell people how to form good thinking habits.

 It can be inferred from the passage that the author is ______ at work.

A. negative           B. lazy           C. positive              D. powerful

II. 完形填空:(共20题;满分20分;每小题1分)
If I had known earlier that there was a reason why I was a low achiever, I may not have worked so hard in my late twenties and early thirties. I was writing. I was working for no other reason than to hear people 51  me.
Most people who 52  university read at least twice as fast as I do. I've never known my left 53  my right. I avoid dialing a telephone if I can, because I sometimes have to try three times to get the number 54 . I hear that recording "The 55  you have reached is not in service." more than any man on the earth.
In spite of my  56  I view dyslexia(朗读困难) as a gift, not something bad. Many dyslexics are good at right-brain, advanced thought, and that's what my kind of creating writing is. I' m starting with nothing and coming up with something that didn't 57  before. That' s my advantage.
58  my career to Ralph Salisbury, my writing 59  at the university of Oregon, who looked past my misspellings and gave me  60  and hope. I never looked  61 .
I am also very good at observing. This means nothing in school, but when I 62  books or scripts, I'm seeing everything in my 63 .
I write  64 . I go like the wind and can 65  up to 15 pages a day. Writing is not the 66 . I have no problem in downloading; it's inputting where things get jumbled(混乱).
The real 67  I have for the dyslexics is not that they have to 68  with jumbled input, but that they will give up before they finish school. Parents have to create victories 69  they can, whether it' s music, sports or arts. You want your dyslexic child to be able to say, "Yeah, reading is 70 . But I have other things I can do."
51. A. leave                  B. love                         C. help                  D. praise
52. A. begin with          B. head for                   C. get along           D. go through
53. A. from                  B. between                   C. to                    D. of
54. A. wrong                B. down                       C. right                 D. clear
55. A. amount               B. number                    C. code                 D. zone
56. A. shortcomings          B. weaknesses               C. faults                D. difficulties
57. A. happen               B. meet                        C. remain                     D. exist
58. A. owe                    B. refer                        C. devote               D. obey
59. A. instructor            B. examiner                  C. professor           D. headmaster
60. A. disappointment    B. encouragement          C. satisfaction        D. spirit
61. A. into                    B. through                    C. around                     D. back
62. A. read                   B. publish                     C. write                 D. borrow
63. A. books                 B. mind                        C. imagination              D. world
64. A. slowly                B. usually                     C. quickly             D. suddenly
65. A. get                           B. go                           C. make                D. hurry
66. A. point                  B. problem                   C. reason               D. hard-work
67. A. puzzle                B. thing                        C. situation            D. fear
68. A. argue                  B. struggle                    C. compare            D. provide
69. A. whenever            B. however                   C. whichever         D. whatever
70. A. necessary            B. pleasant                    C. hard                  D. Easy

Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona he moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.
My earliest memories of my father are a tall, handsome, successful man devoted to his work and his family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult I feared him and felt bitter about him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.
On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor café. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical (挑剔的) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting to be around? What had held him back before?
The next day dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. In his new home in Arizona, my dad is back to me from where he was.
56.Why did the author feel bitter about her father as a young adult?
A.He was silent most of the time.
B.He was too proud of himself.
C.He did not love his children.
D.He expected too much of her.
57.When the author went out with her father on weekend, she would feel         .
A.nervous        B.sorry      C.tired          D.safe
58.The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to         .
A. the author’s son                  B.the author’s father
C.the friend of the author’s father         D.the café owner

The way we get about has a deep influence on the way we live-affecting where we set up home, work and holiday. So what changes might come in the way we get around? What big ideas are out there, and do they have any chance of coming true?

Personal Air Travel

The idea: flying cars

Developments in light small plane technology will make it possible for everyone to own what are, in fact, flying cars. They will have closed cabins, heating, stereos and room for two people.

You will take off from a field near your home and fly to towns and cities. After landing, you will take off the fixed wing and continue your journey by road just as if you were traveling by car.

Fuel efficient engines and the advantage of being able to travel in the sky will keep costs and the environmental influence down.

Flying for Fun

The idea: Jet Packs

The idea was a hit when a stuntman (特技演员) flew around on one during the opening ceremony of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, which was very successful.

You’ll be able to use the equipment-roughly the size of two scuba tanks fastened to your back-for short journeys.

They will be handy for cleaning hard-to-reach windows, arriving in style at a party and shopping.


The idea: driverless taxis

These computer-controlled taxis will take you wherever you want along a fixed route, whenever you want to go.

For the price of one person’s bus fare, several people can ride at speeds of up to 25 mph, and there will be fences to guard against accidents.

There will be little, if any, wait for the use of the taxis, which will leave from stations and will be used by prepaid cards.

The taxis, which will travel on a 1.5 m-wide track, will use 75% less energy per passenger than a car and 50% less than a bus.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. future travel                       B. big ideas and dreams

C. advanced technology               D. the influence of travel

2.We learn from the passage that flying cars ________.

A. will operate only in the sky  

B. will be more expensive than common cars

C. will have few bad effects on the environment

D. won’t be equipped with things similar to what cars have

3. With Jet Packs, we can do all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. attend a party                           B. clean high windows

C. go shopping                      D. have a long journey

4.As for driverless taxis, we can infer that ________.

A. we can go wherever we want in them

B. they will be both convenient and safe

C. it costs more to take them than to take ordinary cars

D. they will be operated by computers as well as by people


There is one word that is on the lips of Americans, day and night: “Sorry.”

One time as I was walking on the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing against my handbag. Even as he continued on his way, he turned back and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didn’t forget to apologize. One day, after I bought a mango, the salesman was giving me the change, but I wasn’t ready for it and a coin dropped to the ground. “I’m sorry,” he said while bending down to pick it up. I was puzzled—why would he apologize when it is my fault?

Another time, I stepped on a man’s foot in an escalator, at the same time, we both said “sorry”. I thought it interesting, was it really necessary for him to apologize? Later on, an American friend explained to me that according to the American mentality, the escalators a public place, and everyone should be able to stand in it. After someone occupies a position in the elevator, making it difficult for someone else to find a place to stand, isn’t it necessary to express an apology?

If you go to the movies and the tickets happen to be sold out, the ticket seller will say: “Sorry, the tickets are sold out.” Whenever one of your hopes goes unfulfilled, an American will say “sorry” as a sign of sympathy.

During my stay in America, I often came across situations in which I was supposed to say “sorry”. Gradually, I realized that when friction(摩擦)appears in daily life, Americans don’t care much about who is wrong; If someone is troubled, a “sorry” is always necessary. When this happens, even if the other person is hurt, the “sorry” cools tempers and human kindness is shown. Perhaps this is why I never saw anyone quarreling on the buses, subways or streets of America.

1.How many examples are given to show that Americans like to say “sorry”?

A.One             B.Two              C.Three            D.Four

2.When the author was walking on the street, a young man ran by hurriedly ______.

A.and took away his bag                    B.and touched his bag

C.to help him with his bag                   D.to brush his bag

3.Which of the following plays a different role in the passage?

A.Paragraph 2       B.Paragraph 3        C.Paragraph 4        D.Paragraph 5

4.At last, the author’s attitude towards the Americans’ “sorry” seems to be ______.

A.angry            B.interested         C.approving(赞成)    D.disappointed

5.The best title for the passage can be “_______”.

A.My life in America                       B.Americans’ “sorry”

C.My experience in an escalator             D.The meaning of “sorry”


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