
好的心情可以使我们感到愉快、幸福。但是怎样才能保持一个好的心情呢?请你根据以下提示,以How to keep a good mood.为题用英语写一篇短文。






How to keep a good mood



Something Fun

A person is on trial for murder in a court room in Oklahoma. There is strong evidence indicating guilt. However, the body is not found.

In the defense's(辩护)closing statement, the lawyer, knowing that his client is guilty and that it looks like he'll probably be convicted, resorted to a clever trick.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury(陪审团), I have a surprise for you all," the lawyer says as he looks at his watch." Within one minute, the person assumed dead in this case will walk into this court room," he says and he looks towards the court-room door. The jury, somewhat surprised, looks at the door eagerly. A minute passes. Nothing happens.

Finally the lawyer says," Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all waited with expectation. I, therefore, put it to you that there is a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a verdict(裁决)of no guilty.

The jury, clearly confused, retires to discuss.

A very few minutes later, the jury returned and a representative pronouns a verdict of guilty.

“But how?” inquires the lawyer. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.”

Answers the representative, “Oh, we did look. But your client didn’t.”

1.Why was the person on trial according to the passage?

A. Because he couldn’t pay off the debts.

B. Because he was accused of murder.

C. Because he did not pay the tax in time.

D. Because he planned to cheat the jury.

2.Why did the lawyer come up with the trick?

A. To find the body. B. To annoy the jury.

C. To help his client. D. To save himself.

3.Why did the jury look at the door eagerly?

A. The lawyer’s words must be true.

B. They expected his family to come in.

C. They were surprised and taken in by the lawyer.

D. They thought the person on trial was escaping.

4.What did the representative’s answer mean in the last paragraph?

A. They firmly believed that nobody was killed.

B. The behavior of the client gave him away.

C. The jury still needed more evidence to prove it.

D. The lawyer’s words were worth thinking about.

Smoking is harmful. But as soon as you quit the habit, everything will be OK, right?


New research has found that even if you give up smoking, the damage it has done to your genes (基因) will stay there for a much longer time.

In the research, a team of US scientists studied the blood of 16,000 people. Among them, some were smokers, some used to smoke, and the rest were non-smokers. Scientists compared their genes and found that more than 7,000 genes of smokers had changed-a number that is one-third of known human genes.

According to NBC News, both heart disease and cancer are caused by genetic changes. Some people may have had the changes when they were born, but most people get them in their day-to-day lives while doing things like smoking.

When you stop smoking, a lot of these genes will return to normal within five years.

This means your body is trying to heal (治愈) itself of the harmful effects of smoking. But the changes in some of the genes stay for longer. They can stay for as long as 30 years.It’s almost like leaving a footprint on wet cement (水泥) 一it will always be there, even when you’ve walked away and when the cement becomes dry.

Although the study results may make people unhappy, there is a bright side: the findings could help scientists invent medicine to treat genetic damage caused by smoking or find ways to tell which people have heart disease or cancer risks.

1.The function of Paragraph 1 is to .

A. give an example B. introduce the topic of the passage

C. make an argument D. show the main idea of the passage

2.Most genetic changes happen because of .

A. people’s condition at birth B. environmental pollution

C. people’s bad living habits D. heart disease and cancer

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to .

A. the cement B. the footprint

C. the harmful effect D. the genetic change

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The findings are the fruit of more than three years’ research.

B. The findings have prevented more people from starting smoking

C. The findings offer evidence that a damaged gene can heal itself.

D. The findings help to find cures for genetic damage caused by smoking.

On Sunday morning in Rio, when Chinese women’s volleyball team took on Serbia for the Olympic title, 70 percent of Chinese families watched live broadcast on TV, easily beating the audience rating for Lunar New Year Gala. As team captain Hui Ruoqi hit a powerful spike to seal it 19-25, 25-17, 25-22, 25-23 on Sunday morning in Rio, applause and cheers almost blew off the roof of Maracanazinho. China’s news program Xinwen Lianbo spent seven of 30 minutes reliving the story. This is their third Olympic gold medal the Chinese women’s volleyball team has won since the 1980s.

In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team was assigned to the so-called group of death and faced several strong competitors. But the team never gave up. When the team lost its Rio Olympic opener to the Netherlands on Aug 6, Lang Ping urged her players to support one another through the ups and downs. When China lost to Serbia and the United States, finishing fourth to get a narrow escape from Group B and had to face host Brazil in the quarters, Lang Ping helped her players grow from each defeat on the pressure-packed Olympic stage.

Lang Ping, nicknamed “Iron Hammer”, is a national heroine as well as a legend in world sports. She made histories in coaching many clubs and national teams to top level. She resigned due to health reasons in 1998. However, when the Chinese women’s volleyball faced difficulties after the Beijing Olympics, the 52-year-old lady came back in 2013 and took the coaching position. She dug out a group of young talents including Rio 2016 MVP Zhu Ting to help seasoned players Hui Ruoqi and Xu Yunli. But more importantly, she passed on the spirit to them.

Among all the Chinese sports teams, the women’s volleyball remain the most special one, whose victories fueled Chinese confidence in the 1980s and still represent the best things that sports can offer to the Chinese: perseverance, courage and unity.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. The game against Serbia attracted more Chinese audience than Lunar New Year Gala.

B. China’s Xinwen Lianbo reported the team’s victory for 30 minutes.

C. The roof of Maracanazinho was blown off by the excited audience.

D. The Chinese women’s volleyball team was beaten by Serbia.

2.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. the team beat the Netherlands on Aug 6

B. Lang resigned from a club due to health problems in 2013

C. Lang brought the Chinese women’s volleyball back to the Olympic glory

D. after the Rio Olympic opener, the team experienced non-stop victories

3.Who does the underline word “she” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Zhu Ting. B. Hui Ruoqi. C. Xu Yunli. D. Lang Ping.

4.What make the Chinese women’s volleyball team so special?

A. The coach and strong competitors. B. Some young talents and seasoned players.

C. Each defeat and pressure. D. The teams’ success and spirits.


Thank your friends for the following priceless things

Thank you for being completely honest with me—even when I don’t want to hear it.

1.There’s something different about hearing the truth from your best friend that makes it a little more bearable. Your best friend knows that always being honest with you will make you trust them, and that’s what friendship is about.

Thank you for always bringing my mood up.

2.You know you are with someone who knows you inside and out, and you can be your true self around them. How can that not put you in a better mood instantly?

Thank you for being selfless.

You have truly made this world a better place by caring more for others than for yourself. You are an inspiration. 3.Through their daily life they show you how to put others above yourself, and how to enjoy doing so. It takes a special person to be selfless, if you are lucky enough to have this type of person as a best friend, cherish them.

Thank you for knowing when something is wrong with me, and what to do to make it better.

You can’t fool your best friend. They know when something isn’t right with you, even when you try to lie through your teeth.4.If you are going through a breakup, they bring you your favorite type of ice cream and help you eat the whole thing.

Thank you for thinking about me.

A simple text asking how you’re doing, or how your day was can instantly change your day around. Your best friend checks in with you just to say hi because they are thinking about you.5. You both take time out of your day just to check in.

A. Distance can hurt a lot of relationships.

B. You share more memories with your friends.

C. Your best friend inspires you to be a better person.

D. They help you instead of getting disappointed with you.

E. It’s not easy to hear the truth when you don’t want to hear it.

F. It’s a great feeling to know someone cares about you that much.

G. Anytime you’re around your best friend your mood automatically gets better.

I climbed Kilimanjaro with Lava Expeditions (探险队) during the rainy season.

I flew to Nairobi in Kenya and spent several days there. At my hotel in Nairobi I met the rest of the group with whom I would spend the next week. We all travelled on the bus together for a 6-hour journey into Tanzania and then Arusha, a quiet town.

After we arrived at our hotel in Arusha, we had dinner and a few drinks. Then we were introduced to more members including Taddeus Minja, the main guide, who was very experienced — climbing Kilimanjaro runs through the generations (代) of his family.

The next day the Lava Expeditions members checked if we had the correct and enough clothing for our expedition on Kilimanjaro. Only one person needed to bring more clothes.

After that we set off, walking in the rain through the beauty of the rainforest, all the way to the first camp. I was happy the next few days as the view was so wonderful and changed every day. I suffered a little during the trip and I felt so tired. But the members of Lava Expeditions provided me with lots of encouragement, which was one of the best memories. Finally we reached the top of Kilimanjaro in bright blue skies.

I felt excited about climbing Kilimanjaro and the feeling didn’t change during my trip. Lava Expeditions looked after me so well that I was deeply thankful for their help.

1.How did the author get to Nairobi?

A. By bus. B. By train. C. By air. D. On foot.

2.What do we know about Taddeus Minja according to the passage?

A. He organized the journey.

B. He was the leader of Lava Expeditions.

C. He was the manager of a hotel in Arusha.

D. He had much knowledge about climbing mountains.

3.How did Lava Expeditions help the author while climbing Kilimanjaro?

A. By carrying bags for him. B. By offering food to him.

C. By encouraging him. D. By teaching him climbing skills.

4.What did the author think of his climbing Kilimanjaro?

A. Tiring and disappointing. B. Tiring but happy.

C. Dangerous but exciting. D. Dangerous and tiring.

5.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To tell readers about Lava Expeditions.

B. To give readers advice on climbing Kilimanjaro.

C. To encourage more people to climb Kilimanjaro.

D. To share his experience of climbing Kilimanjaro.

The ancient Chinese game Go is considered one of the most complicated strategy games. Winning the game was seen as a test of human creativity. That is, until a machine found a way to do it better. Alpha Go, an artificial intelligence (AI) machine built by Google, won its first match against South Korean Lee Sedol on March 9. Still digesting his loss, Lee said during the post-game press conference, “1.

But that was just the beginning. In the following week, Alpha Go outperformed Lee in another three matches. 2.

Some people have been arguing that AI is harmful to the human race. 3. Similarly, UK scientist Stephen Hawking once warned that the “development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”.

So are we really on the verge(边缘)of living in the world shown in the Terminator(终结者)sci-fimovies? “Not quite,” answered The Economist. After all, it’s hard to get computers to apply their knowledge to everyday situations. “4.” Thomas Johnson said, founder of an AI toy company. “But for a robot, to walk up and down hills requires so many complicated decisions to be made in real time, and it’s really difficult to do.”

As The Economist put it: “We have a long way to go before AI’s abilities truly begin to approach the human brain, despite how powerful the technology can be when focusing on a single task.”

Meanwhile, John Mark off of The New York Times argued that researchers should build artificial intelligence that aims for “intelligence augmentation (增加)” (IA) in which computers make people more effective.

He wrote: “5.Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make choices using technology to improve the world.”

A. Many robots fell over like little kids learning to walk.

B. We take for granted things like balance and vision.

C. Eventually, our fate is in our own hands.

D. So what is next for AI and humanity?

E. That made the five-match score 4-1 in favor of Alpha Go.

F. In 2014, US businessman Elon Musk said at an MIT conference that developing the technology is calling up a “demon(魔鬼)”.

G. I am in shock; I admit that.

An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son.

Suddenly a crow(乌鸦)perched on the tree near their window.

The father asked his son,“What is this? ”

The son replied,“It is a crow.”

After a few minutes,the father asked his son the 2nd time,“What is this? ”

The son said,“Father,I have just now told you ‘It's a crow’.”

After a little while,the old father again asked his son the 3rd time,“What is this? ”

“It's a crow,a crow,a crow.”said the son loudly.

A little after,the father again asked his son the 4th time,“What is this? ”

This time the son shouted at his father,“Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? ‘IT IS A CROW’. Are you not able to understand this? ”

A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary,which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page,he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it,the following words were written in the diary:

“Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa,when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was,and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel annoyed; I rather felt affection for my innocent child.”

1.What does the underlined word “perched” mean in the passage?

A. knocked B. landed

C. hit D. flew

2.Why did the Father ask the same question again and again?

A. Because he couldn't understand what his son said.

B. Because he was too old to remember anything.

C. Because he wanted to make his son angry.

D. Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be.

3.How old was the old man when his son asked him 23 times “What is this”?

A. 80 years old. B. 45 years old.

C. 38 years old. D. 35 years old.

4.What is the most suitable title for the passage?

A. A crow. B. An old man.

C. An old dairy. D. Father's love.

Recently my wife and I were faced with a difficult situation while traveling by car in the mountains with our hired drive. It was going to be a long ride and we were _________. Just as we began to doze(打盹), the engine made a strange , loud noise and then _________working.

The sun was just setting and the air was getting _________. We tried communicating with the driver but with little _________. He told us he was going to get _________and then left.

In a(n) _________location with no houses in sight, we started to hear the cries of wild animals. We also didn’t have much food it was getting colder and darker. I began to _________confidence. Should we leave the car and seek shelter? Would our driver ever_________?Was he a trustworthy man? We were very_________.

A couple of hours passed.____________, the headlights from another car could be seen in the____________. An unfamiliar man got out of the car. He looked ______________at first until his mouth opened with a big friendly smile. He asked us to get into the ____________with him. He had such a kind face, so we knew we could ______________him. We climbed into the car.

Before we left, he put a note on the windshield(挡风玻璃) of our car with his phone number on it. Then he drove us to a nearby village, and we ____________his family. They offered us tea and local foods, and everyone asked us questions and were thrilled to have ____________guests.

Later that evening, the phone rang. It was our ______________. He had kept his work and____________the car. We prepared to leave and thanked our new friends.

I will never forget the____________and hospitality(好客) we received on that day because we relied on a(n) ______________for help.

1.A. afraid B. tired C. bored D. nervous

2.A. stopped B. began C. continued D. kept

3.A. fresher B. hotter C. cooler D. drier

4.A. patience B. luck C. success D. fun

5.A. food B. help C. fuel D. light

6.A. exact B. secret C. special D. faraway

7.A. lose B. express C. build D. share

8.A. visit B. believe C. return D. fail

9.A. disappointed B. ashamed C. puzzled D. worried

10.A. Gradually B. Immediately C. Suddenly D. Formally

11.A. air B. end C. dark D. daytime

12.A. unhealthy B. unhappy C. unfriendly D. uncomfortable

13.A. shelter B. car C. house D. mountains

14.A. give up B. look after C. come across D. rely on

15.A. met B. left C. helped D. invited

16.A. familiar B. regular C. unwelcome D. unexpected

17.A. guest B. driver C. member D. relative

18.A. bought B. fixed C. driven D. washed

19.A. courage B. beauty C. warmth D. need

20.A. engineer B. traveler C. stranger D. cook

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