
Starting college can be a difficult experience. You have to deal with new responsibilities and growing independence, a challenging course load and, of course, the social scene. When a roommate is thrown into the mix, it may feel like you’re struggling with all that stuff while living in a small box with a stranger.
But having a roommate doesn’t need to be one more thing to worry about. When students go into their living situations with realistic expectations and a willingness to compromise, things can work out just fine.
When you first meet your roommate, chances are you’ll be on your best behaviour. You want to get along, since this is the person who’s going to be sharing your living space for the next year. But try to think ahead to potential (可能的) worst cases, too.
For example, imagine it’s 2 a.m. and you’re working on a paper that should be finished in 8 hours. Your roommate comes in from a party and wants to continue the party in your room.
At times like these, you won’t be feeling good. That’s why talking about problems that might come up ahead of time -- and respecting each other’s wishes when the time comes -- is so important.
Talk about the things that are really important to you, and make sure your roommate understands. Then encourage him or her to do the same.
For example, does it make you angry when people take things without asking first? Let your roommate know your feelings about these types of things from the start, so that both of you have a feel for each other’s likes, dislikes, and habits.
小题1:The underlined word “compromise” in the second paragraph means “     ”.
A.make a decisionB.lend a handC.come to termsD.have a try
小题2:You should try to be polite to your roommate because       .
A.you are glad to share the room with him or her
B.you will live with him or her in the same room for some time
C.you will ask him or her for help in the future
D.strangers are very difficult to deal with
小题3: Which of the following is the best way to get along well with your roommate?
A.To stay silent when there are disagreements.
B.To spend more time doing things together with your roommate.
C.To have the same hobbies and living habits with your roommate.
D.To talk with your roommate in advance about possible future problems.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.It is really a worrying thing to have a roommate.
B.It is difficult to get along well with a roommate.
C.It is your duty to help your roommate in his or her daily life.
D.It is very important for you and your roommate to understand each other.


小题1:根据things can work out just fine.可知compromise意为妥协,故选C。
小题2:根据You want to get along, since this is the person who’s going to be sharing your living space for the next year.,故选B。
小题3:根据That’s why talking about problems that might come up ahead of time -- and respecting each other’s wishes when the time comes -- is so important.,故选D。
小题4:根据Let your roommate know your feelings about these types of things from the start, so that both of you have a feel for each other’s likes, dislikes, and habits. 可知你和你的室友相互理解是非常重要的。
I recently ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for a long while.Our conversation was lively and full of news from both sides.Before we parted she said,“You'll have to drop in sometime.” I immediately sensed that if I simply  “dropped in’’  I would take my friend by surprise,and I would be discouraged by the image of her standing in her doorway,staring at me,and asking,“Oh,err …what brings you here?”
Whatever happened to the unannounced drop-in visit? When I was growing up in the 1960s, it seemed that people - mostly relatives, but also friends - were always popping in. My parents would put coffee on,and my mom would find something in the kitchen to serve along with it.Then the conversation would begin…The neighbor lady,a worrier,was unloading her sadness while my mom quietly listened.The Irish man next door had such an accent that I remember asking what language he spoke.My Polish relatives arrived in packs…But I never heard my parents say anything like “We weren’t expecting you’’ or “This isn’t a good time.”Drop-in visitors had a certain right of way and became No.1.
What happened to such visits? Actually I know the answer.Times have changed.Everybody gets busy with work.There is no longer a stay-at-home mom keeping a pot of hot coffee or tea ready throughout the day for a surprise guest.Exploding malls and stores are now replacing homes as a central form of entertainment.
Just the other day a former student of mine showed up.“I'm sorry for the surprise visit.”my student began.“I just wanted to see if you still lived here.I'll only stay a minute.”My response was immediate.“ No, you won’t,” I said.“Just come in, sit, have coffee, and we’ll talk.’’
I had nothing in the kitchen but we ordered pizza.And we had a lovely time.I have tried to keep the drop-in tradition alive though it takes some effort.
小题1:The author thought of his friend’s invitation --- “You’ll have to drop in sometime”--- as _______.
A.a nice way of refusal
B.an excuse of leaving
C.a kind of politeness
D.an expression of surprise
小题2:The underlined phrase “ pop in”  in the second paragraph means _________.
A.make many friends
B.make a special date
C.have a good time
D.pay a sudden visit
小题3:The woman from the neighborhood used to visit the author’s home to ________.
A.seek comfort from my parents
B.make new friends
C.1isten to my parents’ story
D.taste nice dishes
小题4:From the third paragraph of the passage,we can infer that __________.
A.the author misses the lost good days
B.unexpected visitors are still welcome now
C.modern people prefer outdoor activities
D.there are more jobs for the housewives now
小题5:The author writes the passage intending to __________.     
A.encourage people to be drop-in visitors
B.explain how to deal with unexpected visitors
C.share his feelings about the drop-in tradition
D.show the importance of making friends
I had an experience some years ago, which taught me something about the ways in which people make a bad situation worse by blaming themselves.One January, I had to hold two funerals on successive days for two elderly women in my community.Both had died “full of years”, as the Bible would say.Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence (吊唁) calls on the two families on the same afternoon.
At the first home, the son of the deceased (已故的) woman said to me, “If only I had sent my mother to Florida and gotten her out of this cold and snow, she would be alive today.It’s my fault that she died.” At the second home, the son of the other deceased woman said, “If only I hadn’t insisted on my mother’s going to Florida, she would be alive today.That long airplane ride, the sudden change of climate, was more than she could take.It’s my fault that she’s dead.”
You see that any time there is a death, the survivors will feel guilty.Because the course of action they took turned out badly, they believe that the opposite course — keeping Mother at home, putting off the operation — would have turned out better.After all, how could it have turned out any worse?
There seem to be two elements involved in our willingness to feel guilty.The first is our pressing need to believe that the world makes sense, that there is a cause for every effect and a reason for everything that happens.That leads us to find patterns and connections both where they really exist and where they exist only in our minds.
The second element is the view that we are the cause of what happens, especially the bad things that happen.It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault.The roots of this feeling may lie in our childhood.
A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his needs, and that he makes everything happen in it.He wakes up in the morning and summons the rest of the world to its tasks.He cries, and someone comes to attend to him.When he is hungry, people feed him, and when he is wet, people change him.Very often, we do not completely outgrow that childish view that our wishes cause things to happen.
小题1:The author had to hold the two women’s funerals probably because __________________.
A.he wanted to comfort the two families
B.he was an official from the community
C.he had great pity for the deceased
D.he was priest of the local church
小题2:People feel guilty for the deaths of their loved ones because _______________________.
A.they couldn’t find a better way to express their sorrow
B.they believe that they were responsible
C.they had neglected the natural course of events
D.they didn’t know things often turn out in the opposite direction
小题3:According to the passage, the underlined part in paragraph 4 probably means that ______.
A.everything in the world is predetermined
B.the world can be interpreted in different ways
C.there’s an explanation for everything in the world
D.we have to be sensible in order to understand the world
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Life and death is an unsolved mystery.
B.Every story should have a happy ending.
C.Never feel guilty all the time because not every disaster is our fault.
D.In general, the survivors will feel guilty about the people who passed away .
I have a friend named Monty Roberts. He has let me use his horse ranch(养马场)to put on events to raise money for youth at risk programs.
Last time I was there he introduced me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let you use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant(流动的)horse trainer. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be when he grew up.”
“That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of owning a horse ranch someday. He put all his heart into the project and wrote about his dream in great detail. He even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of the buildings, stables and the track, and even a detailed floor plan for a 4000-square-foot house on it.”
“The next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later ,he received a large red “F” on his paper with a note, ‘See me after class.’ The boy went to see the teacher and asked why. The teacher told him there was no way for a young boy like him to do that because owning a horse ranch required much money and resources, and then added ‘If you’ll rewrite his paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.’”
“The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what to do. His father said, ‘Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it’s a very important decision for you.’”
“Finally, a week later, the boy turned in the same paper without any change and stated, ‘You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.’”
“I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.”
Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.
小题1: The teacher gave him an “F” for his written paper because the
teacher thought       .
A.he didn’t do a good job in his studies
B.he described an unrealistic goal in his paper
C.he came from an itinerant horse trainer’s family
D.he wrote his paper without the help of his father
小题2: Why did the boy turn in the same paper without any change?
A.Because he made up his mind to stick to his dream.
B.Because his father stopped him from rewriting it.
C.Because he was angry about his teacher’s words.
D.Because he had put too much of his heart into it.
小题3: From the story we can infer that the boy was actually       .
A.Monty himselfB.the author himself
C.Monty’s friendD.an unknown person
小题4: According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT
that       .
A.the boy was very interested in having a horse ranch of his own
B.the boy might have got a higher grade if he’d rewritten his paper
C.the boy succeeded in turning his dream into reality in the end
D.the boy wouldn’t have reached his goal without his father’s support
小题5: The author wrote this passage mainly to       
A.tell people how to describe their goals
B.warn people against dream stealers
C.encourage people to stick to their dreams
D.teach people how to write their papers
Apollo 11, carrying Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins, was launched on 16 July, 1969. Five days later they stepped down onto the moon.
Neil Armstrong
On the way there: Of all the wonderful views we had, the most impressive to me was on the way to the Moon when we flew through its shadow. We were still thousands of miles away, but close enough so that the Moon almost filled our window. The moon appeared blue-grey. It seemed almost as if it were showing us its roundness, its similarity in shape to our Earth, in a sort of welcome. I was sure it would be a hospitable(好客的) host. It had been waiting for its first visitors for a long time.
After touch down: The sky is black, you know. It’s a very dark sky, but it still seemed more like daylight than darkness as we looked out the window. It’s a very strange thing but the surface looked very warm and inviting. It seemed to be tan(棕褐色). It’s hard to explain that, because later when I held the material in my hand, it wasn’t tan at all. It was black, grey and so on.
Edwin Aldrin
On the Moon: The blue color of my boots has completely disappeared now into this soil—still don’t know what color to describe this other than grayish(灰色的) cocoa.
Back on board: The moon was a very natural and pleasant environment in which to work. On the Moon, in one-sixth gravity, you have a strong feeling of being somewhere. As we did our experiments, some objects we threw away would go in a slow, lazy manner.
小题1:What impressed Neil Armstrong most?
A.The moon filling their window.
B.Seeing the shape of the moon
C.Flying through the shadow of the moon.
D.The five—day flight to the moon.
小题2:What did Armstrong find very strange on the moon?
A.The color of the sky.B.The surface of the moon
C.The gravity on the moon.D.The daylight on the moon.
小题3:Edward Aldrin described the soil as ________.
A.tanB.grayC.blackD.grayish cocoa.
小题4:What can be said about Edward Aldrin?      
A.He landed on the moon alone.
B.He was sent to the moon by Apollo 11.
C.He didn’t notice the gravity of the moon.
D.He found it impossible to work on the moon.
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题的四个选项( A、  B、  C,D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
The world always makes way for the dreamer.
When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler  36 everyone’s spirits up to the ceiling, I 37  there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to    38   people feel like that.” My father asked me 39  I meant. “I want to be a motivational (激励人的)speaker just like Mr. Zigler,”  I replied.A 40 was born.
Recently, I began seeking my dream of motivating others. 41  a four-year relationship with Fortune 100 Company  42  as a sales-trainer and ending as a regional sales manager, I left the company at the height of my 43 . Many people were 44 that I would leave after earning a six-figure income. And they asked 45  I would risk everything for a dream.
I made my 46  to start my own company and leave my secure position after  47  a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company delivered a  48  that changed my life. He asked us, “If a god would offer you three wishes, what would they be?” After giving us a 49 to write down the three wishes, he then asked us, “Why do you need a  50 ?” I would never forget the power I felt at that moment. I realized that  51 I had accomplished in the past had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and didn’t need a god’s help to become a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker was  52  .
Having made that decision, I was immediately 53  . One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off from his job, and now we had no  54  . But I held fast to my dream. The wonder really began to happen. In a short time my husband found a better job.And I was able to book several  55  engagements with new customers. I discovered the incredible power of dreams.
小题2:A  slipped         B.came                C.arrived       D.left
A.getB.make C.hopeD.cheer
小题6:A.Because       B.Before                C  After             D.While
A.speech B.bookC.reportD.newspaper
Most of us are the only child in our family. We have no brothers or sisters. Our family mainly consists of our mom,our dad and us. We are growing up in a world differently from our parents’. And we will be the future leaders of China. Some day we have to work hand in hand with each other and make China more and more beautiful. So we must learn to love each other like brothers and sisters.
It’s hard to think how difficult life would be if we had a sibling(同胞,手足).We never have to share anything at home. Of course, we might have cousins, but we don’t have to live with them! Our parents try to give us the best, and the best doesn’t need sharing between two or three children. Do we ever ask ourselves if we are (宠坏) spoiled?
A recent study has found that many children don’t know how to love others! We don’r know the value of money. We don’t know how hard our parents are to support us. We don’t want others to regard us as spoiled, do we? Well, why not start now to help our parents at home, share a game with one of our friends or value the opinions of our classmates, even if we don’t always agree? In a word, we must learn to love each other!
小题1:The underlined phrase “consists of ” means ____________in Chinese.
小题2:As Chinese teenagers, what’s our duty in the future?
A.To save money
B.To learn to love each other
C.To look after our brothers and sisters
D.To make China more and more beautiful
小题3:Why do some people think we are spoiled?
A.We don’t know how to love each other
B.We only share games with our friends
C.We don’t know how to use money
D.Our parents work hard to support us.
Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high school students. They study hard and do extremely well on achievement tests. And next year,Rowena will be attending Harvard University.Billy,her younger brother,hopes to go to Cornell.What makes Rowena and Billy different from most students is that they don't go to school.In fact,they've never been to school.Since kindergarten,they've studied at home.Like many of more than one million people who receive home schooling in the United States, they feel as if they've gotten a good education.
The home-schooling trend began in the U.S.in the 1980s with parents keeping their children out of public schools so they could provide religious education at home. Today,as the home-schooling trend continues to grow,parents are more likely to consider home schooling as an option because they believe schools don't do a very good job of teaching and are occasionally dangerous places.But can parents really do a better job?
The answer in many cases is yes.In many studies,students taught at home ranked average or above average when compared to students who went to public schools.More importantly,these students were often more self-directed and have a greater depth of knowledge.They were well prepared for academic challenges.
One such student,Robert Conrad, now a sophomore at university, claims he really learned how to study and schedule his time during his eight years of home schooling.Still, not every student is as successful as Robert.
“For every home-schooling success story,there are an equal number of failures.”states Henry Lipscomb,an educational researcher.“There are just so many disadvantages that students taught at home have to overcome.” For example,they have fewer chances to get in touch with others of their own age.Consequently,they sometimes lack the usual social skills.“No matter what,though,”states Lipscomb,“home-schooling is a growing trend.I think we'll be seeing more and more of this.”
小题1:Compared with other students, Rowena and Billy are most different in the fact that ___________.
A.they preferred to teach themselves
B.they do extremely well on achievement tests
C.they don't go to school as other teenagers
D.they feel they have gotten a good education
小题2:According to the article, what is NOT the advantage of being educated at home?
A.Home is a safer place for children.
B.Students taught at home are more self-directed.
C.Students taught at home have a greater depth of knowledge.
D.Students taught at home can go to good universities.
小题3:The writer thinks __________ .
A.parents can do a better job than schools
B.home-schooling will be more and more useful
C.home-schooling is good in some aspects
D.students taught at home make greater achievements
小题4:The best title of this text might be ________ .
A.Home-schooling:A Growing Trend
B.Home-schooling:A Better Choice
C.Home-schooling:A Way to Success
D.Home-schooling:A New Method of Education

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