
【题目】Their modern style home seems oddly___________among the town's old farmhouses.

A.out of balanceB.out of controlC.out of styleD.out of place



考查介词短语辨析。句意:他们的现代风格的家在镇上的旧农舍中显得很不相称。A. out of balance失去平衡;B. out of control失去控制;C. out of style过时的;D. out of place不合适的,不相称的。结合上文Their modern style home seems oddly可知现代风格的家在镇上的旧农舍中显得很不相称(out of place)。故选D


【题目】 A few weeks ago, scientists at Ukraine's Vernadsky Research Base in Antarctica found their usually white surrounds were covered in a shocking blood-red. For such a mess, the culprits behind this horrible scene are tiny.

“Our scientists have identified them under a microscope as Chlamydomonasnivalis(雪地衣藻),” said the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine in a Facebook post.

These green algae, a type of seaweed, are common in all icy and snowy regions of Earth, from the Arctic to high mountain regions. They lie still during the freezing winter, but once the sunlight warms enough to soften their world, the algae awake, making use of the melt water and sunlight to rapidly bloom.

“The algae need liquid water in order to bloom,” University of Leeds microbiologist Steffi Lutz told Gizmodo in 2016. “The algal blooms contribute to climate change,” the center stated.

A study in 2016 showed that snow algal blooms can decrease the amount of light reflected from the snow by up to 13 percent across one melt season in the Arctic. “This will surely result in higher melt rates,” the researchers wrote.

In 2017 environmental scientists calculated that microbial communities contributed to over a sixth of the snowmelt where they were present in Alaskan ice fields. Their experiments showed that areas with more melt water led to the growth of 50 percent more algae and places with more algae melted further.

This Antarctic summer has certainly seen a lot more melt water than usual. Temperature records keep changing, leading to rapid melting previously only seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

1What does the underlined word “culprits” in Paragraph 1 mean?



2What can we know about Chlamydomonasnivalis?

A.They can be found anywhere.B.They are sensitive to temperature.

C.They grow slower than before.D.They survive only one melt season.

3What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.Ice and snow will soon disappear in the Antarctic.

B.Microbial communities bring about extreme weathers.

C.The Southern Hemisphere is warmer than the other parts.

D.Climate change and algae growth interact with each other.

4Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Snow Turned Blood-red.B.How Algae Began in the Arctic.

C.Why Climate Changes Greatly.D.How the Snow Reflects Sunlight.

【题目】 Mini Cooper introduced its fastest street legal model yet at the Los Angeles Auto Show this week.

Mini has already decided that the car number 0001 will go to a customer in the United States, but hasn’t decided yet how to choose who will get it. It will not be decided through an auction (拍卖). said Mike Peyton, Mini’s vice president for the Americas.

On this Mini John Cooper Works GP, the fender flares (轮眉) are made from carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic. The material is recycled waste left over from the production of BMW i3 and i8. The rear wing is actually two wings combined and provides downforce at the back of the car to keep it pressed to the ground at high speeds. The turbocharged four-cylinder engine is the most powerful that has ever been used in a Mini. It has 75 horsepower more than the next most-powerful Mini John Cooper Works model.

The John Cooper Works GP has a special eight-speed automatic transmission, according to the company. It also has paddle shifters (换档器) on the steering wheel so the driver can shift modes by hand. To save weight, the car only has front seats which are special light weight sports seats.

There’s no choice of paint color on this Mini Cooper. The cars will be painted in Racing Gray, with the mirrors finished in Melting Silver.

The cars are named for John Cooper, a racing driver and race car designer who worked with the British Motor Corporation to create performance versions of the original Minis in the 1960s. Those cars became extremely popular with car racers.


Engine power: 301 horsepower

Top speed: 165 miles an hour

Amount: 3000

Time of production: July, 2020

Price: starting about: $45,000

1What makes this Mini Cooper environment friendly?

A.Parts of it are made from waste.

B.It’s completely powered by electricity.

C.Its fender flares are produced by BMW.

D.Its ownership won’t be decided through an auction.

2The new Mini Cooper doesn’t provide ________.

A.manual shiftersB.backseats

C.back wingsD.automatic modes

3We can know from the passage that the new Mini Cooper ________.

A.is designed by John Cooper

B.mainly aims at car racers

C.is not yet on the market

D.will be produced in the British Motor Corporation

【题目】Learning from Leonardo

Yes, Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius. 1 However, we can learn from him and try to be more like him.

Be constantly curious.

Leonardo actually did have special talents, but his distinguishing and most inspiring quality was his strong curiosity. He wanted to know what causes people to yawn and how light is processed in the eye. 2Being constantly and randomly curious about everything around us is something that each of us can push ourselves to do, every waking hour, just as he did.

Seek knowledge itself.

Not all knowledge needs to be useful. 3 By allowing himself to be driven by pure curiosity, he got to explore more horizons and see more connections than anyone else of his times.


When Leonardo came up with an idea, he designed an experiment to test it. When his experiment showed that a theory was flawed (瑕疵的), he abandoned his theory and sought a new one. If we want to be more like Leonardo, we have to be fearless about changing our minds based on new and real information.

Take notes on paper.

Five hundred years later, Leonardo's notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us.5 This way, fifty years from now, our own notebooks, will also be around to astonish and inspire our grandchildren, unlike our tweets and Facebook posts.

A.Show respect to facts.

B.You'd better show interest in writing.

C.We may never be able to match his talents.

D.Work up the enthusiasm to start writing them.

E.Sometimes it should be learned for pure pleasure.

F.Merely a small part of knowledge can be applied to practice.

G.Also, he instructed himself to learn about the light of the moon.


Generally speaking,people often return to a set level of happiness despite life's ups and downs,For instance,people who win the lottery tend to return to roughly their original levels of happiness after the novelty of the win has worn off.The same-is true for those who are in major accidents and lose the use of their legs.The change in ability can be damaging at first,but people generally return to their pre-accident levels of happiness after the habituation period.This phenomenon is called hedonic adaptation,a concept studied by positive psychology researchers.

There are activities that are more or less affected by hedonic adaptation.Some of these activities are known as pleasures.They can lift your mood and leave you feeling wonderful,but their effects can be relatively a short time.What's more,we get used to them relatively quickly.If you have the same meal every day for a week,for example,you may find it to be less pleasurable by the end of the week. Gratifications(满足)are also such activities affected by hedonic adaptation.They can get us into a feeling of"flow”where we don't notice the passage of time,and where we're thoroughly engaged in what we're doing.Gratifications are activities that require more effort and thought,but the payoff is higher as well The more we engage,the more we enjoy!

Knowing that pleasures don't last long in their effects may make them seem less worth the effort than gratifications.There are reasons why they can be perfect for certain situations,however.First,they bring a quick lift in mood without a great deal of effort.This is actually quite valuable because there is significant research that shows that a lift in mood can lead to chain reaction of positive feelings.Second, gratifications do take more effort,so when you only have few minutes or a very limited amount of energy,pleasures are often the simpler and more accessible option.

Thankfully, we can do something to move away from the limiting effects of hedonic adaptation and engage in activities that can create a greater level of happiness in lie.For example,be sure to make time for hobbies!It doesn't really matter what the hobby is;as long as it's one you enjoy,you'll benefit from it,and these benefits will extend into the rest of your life.It's also a good idea to help other people. This can create greater meaning in your life, and thus create greater happiness.Enjoying your positive experiences is also a great way to maximize the positive in your life.So at the end of the day,a few days, a week,write about three things you enjoyed that day.Then,you'll be reliving these positive experience as you write about them,and can relive them again when you read.

Hedonic Adaptation

Concept of hedonic adaptation

Hedonic adaptation refers to people's general tendency to return to a set

level of 1despite life's ups and downs.

Two kinds of activities influenced by hedonic adaptations

●Pleasures are activities whose positive effects are 2and our adaptation to them is also gone fast.

●Gratifications are activities that take us more effort but can bring more 3results. In other words, compared with pleasures, they are more4to the effects of hedonic adaptation.

Advantages of pleasures over gratifications

●Pleasures not only can lift our moods quickly but also are relatively


●Pleasures are a better-choice when we're too6or worn out.

Tips of 7

the effects of hedonic

●Take up hobbies that 8to you whatever they are.

●Do others a favor and it can make you live more 9

●Enjoy your positive experiences by taking a regular10about adaptation them.

【题目】 Climate change has already begun to impact our planet in more ways than we can think.

1 Saving the environment starts with us and it is our responsibility to act against these terrible changes to preserve the planet for future generations.

Make your commute green. Millions of people drive to work every day. 2 However, the downside to this is that millions of cars emit greenhouse gases that destroy our atmosphere. There are always other options that you can utilize to make your commute to work eco-friendly. For starters, taking public transportation to work is a great way to cut out emissions. Riding your bike to work is also incredibly helpful to the environment and is a great method to get exercise.

Be more conservative with energy usage. Becoming more energy efficient is a great way to prevent pollution. 3 Make sure to turn off lights and unplug devices that you are not using anymore when you are done with them. Replace your light bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs to help you save electricity too.

Recycle. Manufacturing plants emit a large number of greenhouse gasses per year. It is unavoidable in the production of goods that we use on a regular basis. However, a cleaner alternative would be to invest in recycling. 4 The professionals will take these items to a processing plant where they will be remade into other recyclable materials again.

5 Focusing your efforts to spread awareness about renewable energy is the best way to create a positive impact in your community. By informing others about how renewable energy is better than fossil fuels (化石燃料), you will persuade others into investing in the idea.

A.Educate yourself and others.

B.Encourage the use of renewable energies.

C.It’s simply unavoidable in our modern-day society.

D.Be sure to collect your abandoned paper, plastic and electronics.

E.Fortunately, there are always things we can do to fight against it.

F.This requires you to cut down on energy usage in your household.

G.Recycling is a cost-effective and eco-friendly process that eliminates waste.

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