
More and more people think it necessary to study in an English-speaking country and it didn’t take long at all for me to decide to come and study in UK.
Having been in the school for 2 months, I’m getting used to school life, and I am starting to make the most of my time in here. School starts at 9 o’clock every morning, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have long days, in which we have 9 lessons and school finishes at 4 o’clock. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays we have short days, in which we have only 6 lessons and finish at 1 o’clock. After lessons, we have two hours of activity time, when you can choose from a wide range of activities, including all the major sports, such as rugby and football, and also the minor sports such as basketball and tennis.
As a boarder( 寄宿者),the quality of food is something I consider very important, and Merchiston has not let me down. The school kitchens are run by a professional food company, and the quality of food is very excellent and also they take the healthy diet very seriously: I remember once I was once asked to take more salad for my meal by a member of the kitchen staff(员工) for I didn’t have enough vegetables. This brings another point of being a boarder: you need to learn how to look after yourself and be responsible(负责) for yourself. One of the huge advantages of being a boarder is that we can have breakfast in the school, which means we don’t have to pull ourselves out of bed as early as the day pupils!
小题1:The passage mainly tells us about _______.
A.the author’s school life in the UK as a boarder.
B.the author’s opinion of the school life in the UK.
C.the differences in school life between China and UK.
D.the boarder life in a Britain middle school.
小题2:According to the second paragraph, we can learn that the author _________ .
A.has not enough time to studyB.likes to play tennis and basketball
C.went to the school two months agoD.finishes school at 4 o’clock
小题3:How many lessons do the students have every week in this school?
小题4:The underlined words “let me down” in the last paragraph means _______.
A.made me disappointedB.made me pleasedC.encouraged meD.amazed me
小题5:As a boarder in the school, the author ___________ .
A.is not used to the food thereB.has learned to have healthy diets
C.is specially taken good care ofD.sleep as much as the day pupils


小题2:根据I Having been in the school for 2 months.故选C。
小题3:根据School starts at 9 o’clock every morning, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have long days, in which we have 9 lessons and school finishes at 4 o’clock. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays we have short days, in which we have only 6 lessons and finish at 1 o’clock.故选B。
小题4:根据The school kitchens are run by a professional food company, and the quality of food is very excellent and also they take the healthy diet very seriously,可猜测出“let me down”的意思是令我失望,故选A。
小题5:根据I remember once I was once asked to take more salad for my meal by a member of the kitchen staff(员工) for I didn’t have enough vegetables. This brings another point of being a boarder: you need to learn how to look after yourself and be responsible(负责) for yourself.故选B。
“People are ruder today because they are rushed and more ‘time poor’ than ever before, ” says Patsy Rowe, “ Manners have fallen off the radar(雷达). ” Due to our strong attraction to electronic equipment it is a wonder more people don’t wake up each morning and greet the singing birds with a complaint(抱怨)about the noise. Here are some examples of rudeness.
Some people prefer to do almost everything over the internet. To them, dealing with an actual human is like an evolutionary step backward. It feels very slow because humans don, t work at 4G speeds. When you have dinner with friends, you will often notice someone paying more attention to his mobile phone. We have programmed ourselves to think that every new message brings life-changing news, so taking calls and checking our texts are more important than talking to the people we are with. What is worse, some people even tend to send anonymous(匿名的) rude messages by email.
However, rudeness is never acceptable, Don, t assume it is OK to be rude if the person you, re in touch with won, t recognize you. If you have something awful to say, have the courage to face the person and say it, write a letter or email and sign it, or forget it. Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.
We shouldn′t blame technology for our shortcomings. Technology is here to help us, but we should not allow it to take over our lives. An important step is acknowledging our shortcomings. People spend a lot of time pointing out bad manners but it would be even more help if we′d publicly acknowledge good manners when we see them.
小题1:What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph I?
A.People can tell good from bad behavior.
B.Radar is able to observe human behavior.
C.People care little about their behavior.
D.Radar can be used to predict human behavior.
小题2:Some people are less willing to deal with humans because
A.they are becoming less patient
B.they are growing too independent
C.they have to handle many important messages
D.they have to follow an evolutionary step backward.
小题3:The author thinks sending unsigned awful messages is
小题4:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.We should applaud good behabior.
B.Technology can neber be blamed
C.We should keep pointing out mistakes.
D.Technology will take over lives one day.
The teacher was leaving the village, and everybody seemed sorry. The miller lent him the small cart and horse to carry his goods to Christminster, the city of his destination. Such a vehicle proved of quite enough size of the teacher’s belongings, for his only article, in addition to the packing-case of books, was a piano that he had bought when he thought of learning instrumental music. But the eagerness having faded, he had never acquired the skill of playing, and the purchased article had been a permanent trouble to him.
The headmaster had gone away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of changes. He didn’t mean to return till the evening, when the new teacher would have arrived, and everything would be smooth again.
The blacksmith, the carpenter and the teacher were standing in confused attitudes in the sitting room before the instrument. The teacher had remarked that even if he got it into the cart he should not know what to do with it on his arrival at Christminster, since he was only going into a temporary place just at first.
A little boy of eleven, who had been assisting in the packing, joined the group of men, and said, “Aunt has got a fuel-house, and it could be put there, perhaps, till you’ve found a place to settle in, sir.”
“Good idea,” said the blacksmith. The smith and the carpenter started to see about possibility of the suggested shelter, and the boy and the teacher were left standing alone.
“Sorry I am going, Jude?” asked the latter kindly.
Tears rose into the boy’s eyes. He admitted that he was sorry.
“So am I,” said the teacher. He continued, “Well---don’t speak of this everywhere. You know what a university is, and a university degree? It is the necessary hallmark(标志) of a man who want to do anything in teaching. My plan, or dream, is to be a university graduate. By going to Christminster, I shall be at headquarters(总部), so to speak, and if my plan is practical at all, I consider that being on the spot will afford me a better chance.”
The smith and his companion returned. Old Miss Fawly’s fuel-house was big enough, and she seemed willing to give the instrument standing-room there. So it was left in the school till the evening, when more hands would be available for removing it; and the teacher gave a final glance round.
小题1:The teacher purchased the instrument to ___________________.
A.teach his students instrumental music
B.better equip the village school
C.learn to play it himself
D.let students appreciate elegant art of music
小题2: It seemed that the teacher __________________.
A.was not getting on well with the headmaster
B.had lived a rather simple life in the village
C.was likely to continue to practise playing the piano
D.was tired of teaching
小题3: Why did the teacher leave for Christminster?
A.Because he was admitted to a university there.
B.Because he was offered a temporary job with better pay there.
C.Because he preferred the life in a big city to that in a village.
D.Because he thought he had better chance to attend university there.
小题4:Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
A.The teacher was torn between the eagerness to go to the city and his love for the village.
B.The teacher was going into a temporary place in Christminster at first.
C.The teacher moved his piano into the fuel-house with the help of some other people.
D.The teacher had so much belongings that he had to borrow a cart.
小题5:The motivation of the teacher’s moving lay in his ___________.
Memory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really make a self-effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successful, there are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you.
  Sometimes you remember things that did not happen. One morning last week, for example, I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remembered locking it carefully the night before.
Memory “trick” works the other way as well. Once in a while you remember not doing something, and then find out that you did. One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barber(理发师) shop waiting for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barber shop across the street from my office.
  We always seem to find something funny in incidents(小事) caused by people’s forgetfulness or absent-mindedness(心不在焉). Stories about absent-minded professors have been told for years, and we never got tired of hearing new ones. Unfortunately, however, absent-mindedness is not always funny. There are times when “trick” of our memory can cause us great trouble. (words: 169)
小题1:If you want to have a good memory, ________.
A.you should force yourself to remember things
B.you should make a self-effort of practice and exercise
C.you should never stop learning
D.you should try hard to remember things
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.One night the writer forgot to lock the front door.
B.One night the writer forgot having locked the front door.
C.The writer remembered to lock the door.
D.The writer remembered unlocking the front door.
小题3:From the sentence "We never get tired of hearing new ones", we can infer that______.
A.we enjoy hearing new stories about absent-mindedness of professors
B.we don’t want to know anything more about absent-mindedness of professors
C.we will never get rid of(摆脱) listening to new stories about absent-mindedness
D.absent-mindedness happens not only to professors but to many other people
It seems hard to watch someone yawn and not to yawn ourselves. Even reading about yawning can make you do it. Now, a new study has found why yawning has such a powerful force.
Yawning when others yawn, the study suggests, is a sign of pity and a form of social connection. Kids don’t develop this deeply rooted behavior until around age four, the study found. Kids with autism (自闭症) are less likely to catch yawns. In the most serious cases, they never do. Yawning might help doctors to see whether the children are developing rightly. The work could also lead to a better understanding of the ways that people communicate and connect.
"Emotional infection seems to be a born thing that connects us together," said Molly Helt, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Connecticut. "Yawning may be part of that." Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back. He never did.
"The fact that autistic kids don’t do it might mean they’re really missing out on that emotional connection with people around them," she said. "The biggest thing people try to figure out after birth is how we become humans and understand that humans have minds that are different from others’," she added. "Autistic people never seem to understand that."
Like infectious laughter and crying, scientists have found that yawning is a shared experience that promotes social connection. Helt said it could fight stress after a period of being nervous and spread a feeling of calm through a group.
小题1:What does the new study suggest, according to the first two paragraphs?
A.It is easy to stop yawning when you see others yawn.
B.Yawning has some mysterious force which is related to God.
C.Children follow others in yawning just after they are born.
D.Yawning is a form of communication.
小题2:According to Molly Helt, _________________.
A.emotions are infectious, but yawning is not
B.yawning helps clear ears on planes
C.humans differ from animals because they communicate with others
D.yawning is a kind of emotional connection among humans
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true about yawning?
A.It is natural to yawn back if people around you yawn.
B.Some kids are too young to yawn after others.
C.Yawning can be used to test children’s development.
D.Kids with autism yawn easily when others yawn.
小题4:The author implies in the last paragraph that ________.
A.it is bad manners to yawn on some social occasions
B.yawning can make people feel relaxed
C.yawning is different from infectious laughter and crying in theory
D.the more you yawn, the happier you will be
Why do parents have such a difficult time to communicate openly and honestly with their teens? For this, there are many reasons but most of them stem from not being able to properly understand their teens. It is a dangerous gap because parents will have to communicate with their teens about a wide variety of issues during the most important years of their lives. Thus, parents must know how to communicate openly and honestly with their teens.
Here are a few tips to make communication easier between parents and teenagers.
1. Try not to talk down to your teens. Make them feel as if their views really matter, which not only helps your discussions with your teen but bring you closer to him.
2. Imagine what it would be like to be a teen. Try to remember some of the negative feelings you experienced as a teenager and apply it to your teen's situation.
3. Never make negative remarks to your teen about what she has said or done.
4. Remember how much courage it would have taken for your teen to come and talk to you about his personal issues. So listen respectfully.
5. Don't ignore your teen's feelings because it is usually a cry for help. For instance, if your teen is unusually angry, it may be time to spend a bit of quality time with your teen to determine what is wrong and where he is coming from.
It is, therefore, necessary for parents to strive to keep lines of communication open at all times with their teens. Try to remember what it was like to be a teenager and how vulnerable(脆弱的)you felt. Then you will be well on your way to help your teen communicate more openly and honestly.
小题1:Why don't teens want to talk about their personal issues with their parents?
A.Because they can't respect their parents.
B.Because they can't understand their parents.
C.Because their parents won't understand them well.
D.Because their parents are not honest.
小题2:When your son comes to you for help, you should NOT _____.
A.listen respectively B.treat him seriously
C.care about his feelingD.make negative remarks
小题3:Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined phrase  “talk down to”?
A.put downB.look down uponC.chat withD.quarrel with
小题4:The best title for this passage is _____.
A.Causes of generation gap
B.Relations between teens and parents
C.Suggestions for parents-children effective communication
D.Problems with communication between teens and parents
My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years . Being a waitress changed my  1 . I tried my best to do what I loved---  2 People. I always made everyone , customers and coworkers,   3  good.
One of my   4  customers was Fred Hasbrook. He  5 came for Breakfast on Sunday mornings.  6 I saw the old man coming, I always smiled at him and   7  the best service.
One day, Fred saw me and asked , “What’s up ? You’re not  8 today.” I told him that I dreamed of having my own  9 . but when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款),they said , “We just don’t have the  10 .”“Fred,” I said to the old man, “I know I can  11 more if somebody would just have faith in me.”
The next day , Fred came and  12 me a check totaling $50,000—along with a  13 that read, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my  14 in your honesty as a person. Good people with a dream should have the chance to  15 that dream.
I accepted the money and plans for the restaurant I would  16 . Things did not go well. My plans  17 and I lost the money.
Later I decided to  18 a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  19 and became a pretty good agent.  20 I paid back Fred the $50,000.Five years later, I was able to open my own firm.
A.As soon asB.Every timeC.BecauseD.Since
A.timeB.money C.courageD.luck
A.keep on withB.put up withC.apply forD.give up
Volunteering abroad is a great way to help others, improve your skills and become a more confident, independent person. If you are interested in volunteering abroad, here are some places to go.
If you seek a life on the beach, in a great climate with friendly people, Australia might be your best bet. With thousands of volunteers already signing up to leave for Australia during the holidays, it will be a very popular option.
This vast country has some great opportunities on offer and is especially popular this year. A lot of volunteer work is available in Brazil centers on conservation and ecological projects. With the world's largest rainforest in Brazil, of which huge part is in danger, there are lots of different jobs you can do.
Kenya is the destination for those seeking an African experience. Generally volunteers in Kenya work in orphanages(孤儿院)or with local children living in slums(贫民窟). There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in poverty, so if you truly feel like making a difference to a community, Kenya should be at the top of your list.
Costa Rica
Golden sandy beaches, clear coastlines and beautiful cities are what Costa Rica is all about. Because of its small size, you can see a lot of the country in just a short time. You can really make the most of your time as a volunteer. A lot of work is needed with wildlife and ecological work, so if you want to look after turtles on the beach, Costa Rica could be just the place for you
小题1:If you are interested in protecting the environment, you will probably go to _______.  
A.Australia B.KenyaC.BrazilD.Costa Rica
小题2:1t can be inferred from the passage that volunteers in Kenya mainly work with_______.
A.animalsB.plantsC.the elderly D.children
小题3:If you choose to go to Costa Rica, you are supposed to________.
A.work with animals on the beach
B.surf with children in the water
C.take care of trees in the forests
D.look after children who have lost their parents
My friend, Emma Daniels, spent the summer of 1974 traveling in Israel. During her month-long stay in Jerusalem she often went to a café called Chocolate Soup. It was run by two men, one of whom—Alex—used to live in Montreal. One morning when Emma went in for coffee, while chatting with her new friend Alex, she mentioned that she had just finished the book she was reading and had nothing else to read. Alex said he had a wonderful book she might like, and that he’d be happy to lend it to her. As he lived just above the café, he quickly ran up to get it. The book he handed to Emma just minutes later was Markings, a book by a former Secretary— General of the United Nations (UN).
Emma had never read it, nor had she ever bought a copy. But, when she opened it up, she was floored to see her own name and address inside the cover in her own handwriting. It turned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a Californian who was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange addresses, but neither of them had any paper. The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack(背包) and asked Emma to write her name and address inside. When he returned to California, he left the book behind in Montreal, and his friend Alex kept it. When Alex later moved to Jerusalem, he took the book along.
小题1:Alex lent Emma the book, Markings,         .
A.to show his friendliness to her
B.to show his interest in reading
C.to tell her about the importance of the UN
D.to let her write her name and address inside
小题2:How did Emma feel the moment she opened the book?
A.Pleased. B.Satisfied C.Worried.D.Surprised.
小题3:We can learn from the text that the Californian       .
A.met Emma at a concertB.invited Emma to a concert
C.introduced Emma to his friendD.left Emma his backpack
小题4:Who was supposed to be the first owner of the book?
A.An official of the UN.B.A coffee shop owner.
C.A friend of the author’s.D.Alex’s friend from California.

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