
5.When I first hiked in the silent Ponderosa pines of the Black Hills,I was surprised at how quiet the world became.Nowadays,when I walk in the woods,I notice other things.I hear songs of unseen birds and catch glimpses of wildflower color,all of (25)which make great subjects for me to put in front of a camera.
Finding those birds is (26)why I've spent more time in the woods of Eastern South Dakota this year than any other.Last spring I witnessed and photographed the songbird migration for the first time.I saw brightly colored birds that I'd never seen before.I guess I (27)was hooked (hook) because this spring I was back in the woods searching for more.
I have a goal to photograph all the colorful birds that call South Dakota home.One that has hidden from me to this day is the Scarlet Tanager(猩红比蓝雀).They are best found in Union Grove State Park or Newton Hills and are colored red with black wings.This year,I made three separate trips to find them.I also took time (28)to learn (learn) their song and call.This helped me find a female at dusk at Union Grove,but I could not get a decent photo.Later in the week,as I began another search at Newton Hills,a Summer Tanager flew to a tree next to me and gave me a long look.It was a real treat because the Summer Tanager is much (29)rarer (rare) to find in South Dakota.Later in the day,I finally saw my first male Scarlet …well,his tail feathers anyway.By the time I (30)spotted(spot) him,he was flying deep into the woods.I was disappointed.Then I thought this might be an invitation."Come back into the woods.Lose (31)yourself among the leaves,listen to the song I sing and maybe one day we will meet."I look forward to that day.

分析 当我第一次在布莱克山脉那片寂静的黄松林中徒步时,我惊叹世界竟变得如此安静.现在,当我漫步林间,我会注意其他事物.我会聆听看不见鸟儿的歌唱,看野花的色彩,所有这些都是相机捕捉到的绝妙题材.为了找到我心仪的鸟,我在南达科他州东部的树林里呆了很多时间,我的目标是拍摄所有栖息在那儿的色彩绚丽的鸟,最终见到了猩红比蓝雀和玫红比蓝雀.

解答 25.which     考查非限制性定语从句.Which指代前面提到的birds和glimpses.非限制性定语从句,且为介词of的宾语,只能用which. 
26.why      考查表语从句.根据句意,"我今年呆在南达科他州东部树林里的时间比以往长"与"找到那些鸟"之间是因果关系,表示原因,所以用why.
27.was hooked       考查时态语态.hook意为"吸引"与主语I是被动关系,又因叙述的是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was hooked.
28.to learn      考查非谓语动词.take time to do something意为"花费时间做某事"为固定搭配,故填to learn.    
29.rarer         考查形容词比较级.根据句意可知玫红比蓝雀要罕见的多,此处暗含比较,且much常修饰形容词或副词的比较级,故用rarer.   
30.spotted     考查时态.spot意为"发现",根据句意:到我发现它时,它正飞向树林深处,可知此处用一般过去时,故用spotted.
31.yourself  考查固定搭配.lose oneself意为"迷失于,沉迷于",此处指鸟对作者的邀请,所以应用第二人称单数.句意:让你自己沉迷于树叶之中,故用yourself.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析,逐题解答.

20.Simple living doesn't mean that you give up your job and start living in the countryside,but it means that we spend our time,energy and efforts on important things in life.It can be good for us in some ways.
Firstly,simple living can keep your mind peaceful.It makes sure that unnecessary things are out of your life and you concentrate on the real factors that affect the quality of life.Through simple living you can see the positive side of life and won't feel jealous and greedy.
Secondly,simple living can make you have time for your loved ones.Most of us become so busy in our lives that we forget to spend time with our dear ones.People who believe in simple living value the time spent with their loved ones.
Thirdly,simple living is helpful in the improvement of health.By choosing to be simple,you feel less stressed in daily life.Simple living gives you a new view on things and helps you join in creative activities.It allows you to devote some time to recreational activities,physical exercises,etc,which help you in leading a healthy lifestyle.
Fourthly,living simply allow you to have time to look back on the precious moments in your life.It makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses.People who aimlessly pursue materialistic pleasure are often not sure what they exactly want from life.They never have time to analyze themselves.Simple living helps you stay happy with what life has offered you and helps in creating positivity in your life.
Lastly,reducing your expenses can make sure that you're doing your bit for the protection of the environment.If all of us reduce our daily expenses on electricity,fuels,etc,we'll be able to stop the degradation(恶化) of the environment.
(71)Title:Simple Living/Simple Living's ( Significance/Importance/Meaning/Value)
(72)Advantages/BenefitsSupporting details
Giving you
of mind
◆Making you concentrate on the real factors that affect the quality of life
◆Making you see the positive side of life and avoid bad
(74)feelings like jealousy and greediness
Making you have time for your loved ones◆Making you free to stay with your loved ones
◆Making you (75)value the time spent with your loved ones
Helping you in
(76)improving health
◆Reducing your stress
◆Giving you a new view on things
◆Helping you lead a healthy lifestyle by (77)devoting your time to creative activities like recreational activities,physical exercises,etc
Reminding you of your precious moments in life◆Making you know your (78)strengths and weaknesses
◆Making you know what you exactly want from life
◆Giving you time to analyze yourself
◆Giving you sense of (79)happiness/satisfaction/staying happy/contentment and helping in creating positivity in your life
Helping protect the environment◆(80)Preventing/Stopping/Keeping the environment from becoming bad by reducing the use of electricity,fuels,etc.
4.Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness,happiness,goodness and self-respect?The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as"honor"help you create this life of good feelings.
Here is an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.
Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item.If we keep silent,and profit from the clerk's mistake,we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement.Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune.On the other hand,if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item,the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty.We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.
Then,what is it to do with our sense of happiness?
In the first case,where we don't tell the clerk,a couple of things would happen.Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief.In the process,we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect.We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted,since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends.We damage our own reputations by telling others.In contrast,bringing the error to the clerk's attention  causes different things to happen.Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable.Upon leaving the store,we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased.Whenever we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.
There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions.Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions.Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence.And it's easy to think and act honorably again when we're happy.While the positive cycle can be difficult to start,once it's started,it's easy to continue.Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind,which is important for our happiness.
46.According to the passage,the positive action in the example contributes to ourB.
A.financial rewards            B.self-respect
C.advertising ability           D.friendly relationship
47.The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal toD.
A.lying         B.advertising     C.cheating        D.stealing
48.The underlined phrase"bringing the error to the clerk's attention"meansD.
A.offering advice to the clerk
B.reminding the clerk of the charged item
C.asking the clerk to be more attentive
D.telling the truth to the clerk
49.How will we feel if we let the clerk know her mistakeC?
A.We'll be very excited.B.We'll feel unfortunate.
C.We'll have a sense of honor.D.We'll feel sorry for the clerk.
50.The best title of this passage isA.
A.Happiness through Honorable Actions
B.A Strong Sense of Humor
C.Keeping on Doing Exercise
D.A Beautiful Positive Energy.
1.Some people think if you are happy,you are blind to reality.But when we research it,happiness actually raises every single business and educational outcome for the brain.How did we miss this?Why do we have these social misunderstandings about happiness?Because we assumed you were average.When we study people,scientists are often interested in what the average is.
Many people think happiness is genetic.That's only half the story,because the average person does not fight their genes.When we stop studying the average and begin researching positive outliers-people who are above average for a positive aspect like optimism or intelligence-a wildly different picture appears.Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.
Scientifically,happiness is a choice.It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its limited resources as you process the world.If you scan for the negative first,your brain really has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded(嵌入) in your work.But if you scan the world for the positive,you start to acquire an amazing advantage.
I wrote the cover story for the Harvard Business Review magazine on"Happiness Leads to Profits."Based on my article called"Positive Intelligence"and my research in The Happiness Advantage,I summarized our researched conclusion:the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and busy workforce.
A decade of research in the business world proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome:increasing sales by 37%,productivity by 31%,and accuracy on tasks by 19%,as well as a number of health and quality-of-life improvements.
25.The underlined word"this"in the first paragraph refers toB.
A.the fact that people are happy
B.the connection between happiness and educational outcome
C.the fact that people often misunderstand happiness
D.the fact that most people are average
26.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Scientists are only interested in what the average is.
B.You can choose to be happy or not.
C.The average are not happy at all.
D.Our decisions and habits have nothing to do with happiness.
27.Why does the writer mention his articles and research?C
A.To advertise himself.
B.To arouse the readers'interest.
C.To support his point about happiness.
D.To attract the readers to read his articles.
28.What is the author's purpose of writing this article?D
A.To explain what is happiness.
B.To describe the misunderstandings about happiness.
C.To show people the importance of happiness.
D.To make the point that happiness promotes business and educational outcome.
2.In order to increase their job chances after college,Chinese students are turning to a special practice-Eiffel Tower nose jobs (鼻整形术).The latest trend in plastic surgery promises to create a nose that is classic,slim and sloping,similar to the sweeping curve of the Eiffel Tower.
     Surgeon Wang Xuming said:"We are influenced by the beauty of the Eiffel Tower,we are not content to just add something to the nose,we reconstruct it."The surgery costs about US $ 10,000 and involves the enlarging of the nose using tissue from the forehead.
     Hundreds of posters advertising the procedure are put up all over Chongqing city,where surgeon Xuming runs his practice.They show a Westem-Iooking woman with an almost-too-perfect nose,against an outline of the Eiffel Tower.
     Interestingly,many young women in China are eager to achieve a western appearance,as they  believe it will give them an advantage in the highly competitive job market."Some students face a lot of employment pressure after graduation.If their facial features are good,they'II have more chances of finding a job,"said surgeon Xuming."We've had students getting the Eiffel Tower nose; it's helped them a lot."
     Apparently,Chinese employers are quite particular about appearances and prefer attractive candidates.Some of them even go as far as putting height and weight requirements in their employment ads.Plastic surgeons across the country are reporting an increase in the number of students choosing beauty"improvement".
     According  to a Mr.Li,hospital manager at surgeon Xuming's clinic,most of their customers are female and the bill is taken care of by the family."They usually come in with their mothers,and tend to be from well-off backgrounds,"he said.

51.Chinese college students choose to have a nose operation toC.
A.marry well                           
B.look cool
C.have a good job                        
D.look like westerners
52.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A
A.The posters
B.A nose job.
C.The Eiffel Tower
D.A plastic surgery procedure.
53.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 thatD
A.employers are potential customers
B.ads promote the plastic surgery
C.appearance is as important as height and weight
D.attractive appearance seems to increase job chances
54.From what Mr.Li said we can learn thatD
A.most families can't afford the surgeon
B.the number of plastic surgeons is increasing
C.patients can be well looked after at the clinic
D.their customers are usually from wealthy families
55:What's the author's attitude towards Eiffel Tower nose jobs?B

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