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With the development of modern society£¬fast food restaurants are becoming more and more popular to many people in the world£¬but they are especial popular with children£®
One reason is because many fast food restaurants now give a child a present with every Child's meal£¬which draw more and more children's attention£®Most fast food restaurants made a series of toys for customers to collect them£®The collectors are not only children£®
There are lots of adult who also enjoy collecting the toys such as teddy bears£¬model cars or electronic toys£®Some people had collected the toys for many years£®Believe it or not£¬some of the older toy collections worth much money£®
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½â´ð With the development of modern society£¬fast food restaurants are becoming more and more popular tomany people
in the world£¬but they are especialpopular with children£®One reason is because many fast food restaurants now
especially that
give a child a present with everyChild's meal£¬which draw more and more children's attention£®Most fast food
restaurants made a series of toys for customers to collect them£®The collectors are not only children£®
make È¥µô
There are lots of adult who also enjoy collecting the toys such as teddy bears£¬model
cars orelectronic toys£®Some people had collected the toys for many years£®Believe it
and have
or not£¬some of the older toy collections¡Äworth much money£®
1£®to--with ¿¼²é½é´Ê´îÅ䣮be popular with Êǹ̶¨¶ÌÓÒâ˼ÊÇ"ÊÜijÈ˵Ļ¶Ó"£®
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-Not exactly£®Not of us has one£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | all | B£® | every | C£® | each | D£® | every one |
A£® | see | B£® | will see | C£® | would see | D£® | would have seen |
A£® | figured out | B£® | taken out | C£® | picked out | D£® | left out |
A£® | which | B£® | whom | C£® | whose | D£® | who |
A£® | had been | B£® | have made | C£® | had made | D£® | have remained |