
4.-Excuse me,but I want to use your computer to search for some information.
-You ______ have my computer if you don't take care of it.(  )

分析 句意:-打扰一下,我想用你的电脑查询一些信息.--如果你不爱惜它,你就不能用我的电脑.

解答 答案B."needn't"没必要;"shan't"用于二,三人称表示要求,命令,警告,允诺,威胁;"shouldn't"不应该;"might't"可能不.根据句意,:-打扰一下,我想用你的电脑查询一些信息.--如果你不爱惜它,你就不能用我的电脑.表示警告.故选B.

点评 本题考查情态动词,要掌握词意并结合具体的语境选择出正确的选项.

3.Olympic medalist Dara Torres,the 41-year-old swimmer,is more than a feel-good story. Torres is as determined and driven in her daily life as she is in the pool. She is dedicated to pursuing her passions and following her dreams-something she hopes to instill(灌输)in her 2-year-old daughter and women and girls everywhere. After all,her dreams took her to Beijing.
   Upon her return after the Olympics,SUCCESS writer Don Yaeger,caught up with Torres,who shared her insights.
   What insights can you offer others ( non-athletes,too) about setting and staying on track to reach goals?
   Everyone has his highs and lows when doing things,but you have to remember what the end result is when you're having those tough times. I think about the end and about my feelings of success,and that keeps me going. I definitely set goals for myself and try not to get too distracted trying to reach them. And always remember to have fun!
   Any strategies or tips for overcoming mental obstacles to be your very best?
   Mental obstacles are tough. For my personally,if I was having mental obstacles,I would talk to my coach,who was the most important person to me during this comeback. It's so important to have that person in your life,a trusted advisor. Communication is very important,and I've learned it's OK to turn to others if you're having a tough time. When I was younger,I would internalize(使…内化) things. Not any more. It's a great relief to be able to share.
61.When saying"more than a feel-good story",the writer means thatD.
A. Torres is good at telling stories
C. Torres is a 41-year-old swimmer
B. Torres is feeling good
D. Torres is not only a feel-good story
62.In Dara's opinion,when one is having his tough times,heC.
A. must turn to his coaches for help
B. had better communicate with friends through the Internet
C. should think about the successful en
D. ought to adjust his goal
63.According to the passage,communication is very important inA.
A.overcoming mental obstacles
C. winning others'support and aid
B. building good relations with others
D. preventing one's imagination running away
64.Which of the following words can best describe Torres?D
A.Negative         B.Subjective       C.Objective        D. Positive
65.The writer mainly wants to tell usB.
A. Don Yaeger's most successful interview
B. Dara Torres pursues her passions in the pool and in life
C. how athletes overcome mental obstacles in competitions
D. everyone has his highs and lows when doing things.
4.China produces 58,000 tons of silk each year.Yet one of the most popular silk companies in the world is Jim Thompson,a brand based in Thailand.
   Thompson,a Delaware native,was trained to be an architect in the mid-1920s,but joined the United States army in the early 1940s in response to the rise of World War II.  He was soon appointed to the Office of Strategic Services ( which eventually became the CIA)  and traveled around the world,including Thailand,where he fell in love with the people and their country.
   There were few hotels that accommodated international travelers in the capital of Bangkok,and Thompson thought that with the rise of leisure travel,the Far East would make an appealing destination for Westerners. Upon his discharge from the military in 1946,he returned to Thailand to start his own silk  business.
   At the time,silk was main y being produced in the northeast of Thailand,but due to the dullness of the collection process,silk production was on the decline. Thompson was determined to revive(振兴)  the business,so in 1947,he took a variety of silk thread~back to New York City to see if the product would be marketable to foreign consumers.  He received a positive response9 so the Jim Thompson Silk Company was founded in 1948.
   Jim Thompson is credited for reviving the silk industry.After the establishment of his company,silk costumes soon-appeared in Broadway plays and popular films such as Ben Hur,and Thai royalty,such as Her Majesty Queen Sirikit,began wearing silk often. Many also think his work contributed greatly to the Thai economy,since the silk industry continues to employ thousands of Thai citizens even today.
   Jim Thompson's success is no mystery.'However,his disappearance on March 26,1967 certainly is one. Thompson made a trip to Malaysia to visit friends and one day,ventured into the jungle on an afternoon walk.  He was never seen again despite search parties sent out by the Royal Army Air Corps and British troops. Many have their own theories on his disappearance,but none have been completely confirmed.   
43. What conclusion can you make about silk since the  Jim Thompson Silk Company's establishment?C
A. Siik has only been worn by royalty.          
B. Silk has become harder to get.
C. Silk has become more popular.           
D. Silk has become more expensive.
44.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true about Thompson?D
A. His military service ended after World WarⅡ. 
B. His disappearance remains a mystery.
C.  He is the founder of Jim.Thompson.
D. He is a Thai American. 
45.Which one of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word"credited"in paragraph 5?A
A. Honoured.       
B. Sorry.   
C. Accounted.      
D. Blamed.
46.What is this passage mostly about?A
A. The revival of the silk industry.
B. The mysterious disappearance of Jim Thompson.  
C. How the silk industry improved the Thai economy.
D. How Jim Thompson Silk Company came into being.

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