

For my grandmother’s 70th birthday,my family and I visited South Korea.While there,I was attentive to Korean high schools and students.

I was surprised by how different Korea’s public high schools are from America’s.Korean high schools can be all?girls,all?boys or co?ed (男女同校的) unlike our standard co?ed high schools.There are three grades:“go 1(10th)”,“go 2(11th)” and “go 3(12th)”.“Go” is the first syllable of the word “go?deung?hakkyo”,which,simply translated,is “high school”.

In America,unless you want to go to a private school,you don’t have to take an entrance exam.In Korea,however,students must take a test to get in because of the many choices of schools.

Another difference I couldn’t help but notice was the students’ appearance.With very few exceptions,all wear uniforms. A name tag (标牌) with the student’s name,grade and homeroom number must also be worn.Girl’s skirts can’t be above the upper part of the knee,and it is forbidden to dye(染) your hair or wear accessories (装饰品) except small earrings.There are strict regulations for appearance to achieve neatness,and it seems the only freedom students have is with their choices of hair style,socks and shoes.

The final difference was the setup of the classes.There may be 40 students in a classroom,but the number can be less or even more,depending on the population of the town or city.Although there are many students per classroom,they are very close,which I think is a result of not changing classrooms for different subjects.There are no levels in the subjects and the teachers are the ones who switch classrooms.They just have ten?minute breaks between subjects.In each class,students are ranked by their grades.This causes strict competition,and Korean students do a lot of studying.To help them,all schools have extra study classes after school.One other fact that helped me appreciate living in America is that Koreans have school on Saturdays.Although it’s only a half day,I think I speak for most Americans when I say we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday.

Korea’s public high schools are clearly different from America’s.I had imagined them to be just like our schools,but now I have a clear picture of how different they are.

1.How many main differences are mentioned between Korea’s public high school and America’s?

A.3. B.4.

C.5. D.6.

2.It seems that the writer ________.

A.is familiar with the education system of high schools in Korea

B.is fond of Korean students’ appearance

C.prefers the high school life of America to the one of Korea

D.feels it common to have lessons on weekends

3.What does the underlined word “setup” in paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.Arrangement. B.Size.

C.Number. D.Outline.

4.According to the rules, the students of Korea can ________.

A.go to different high schools without exams

B.wear any clothes except uniforms at school

C.attend different classes as they like

D.have different hair styles


I used to think that life in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, was filled with never-changing routines. I hated that everyone seemed to know everything about everyone else. Everyone seemed to enjoy talking about other people and their lives. I also didn’t like the fact that people seemed very close-minded. I felt trapped. I felt like I was missing out on opportunities. It seemed to me that city life would be the opposite.

Then I took my first trip to New York City. I couldn’t wait to experience the city. However, when I arrived in the Big Apple, it wasn’t at all what I had imagined. I knew it was home to thousands of people, but I hadn’t had the least expectation to see so many people on the street at one time. All the streets were filled with people. I also felt a little surprised to see that everyone was in a hurry and everything moved at such a fast pace. When I took the subway for the first time, I said hello to the middle-aged woman next to me. She looked at me with dislike and didn’t say a word.

After just one day, I realized how important my small town is to me. Now I appreciate the familiar faces I see every day. I like the feeling of security(安全) and belonging my town offers. Jim Thorpe gives me a sense of community and togetherness that the city doesn’t provide. I realize just how much a simple hello does for a stranger — it really can make your day a little better.

My big trip showed me that my small town really has instilled(注入) morals and values in me that I didn’t even know I had. I never would have known what a big place my town holds in my heart if I had not taken that trip to New York City.

1.How did the author feel about life in Jim Thorpe at first?

A. People there cared little about others.

B. People there liked to accept new things.

C. Living there was a great disadvantage.

D. There were many chances of career development.

2.What surprised the author most in New York City?

A. The gestures of greeting.

B. The modern transportation.

C. The fast pace of life.

D. The crowded streets.

3.What made the author change his / her attitudes to his /her hometown?

A. Travelling to New York City.

B. The familiar faces in Jim Thorpe.

C. A big place in his / her town.

D. Everybody likes talking about others.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Love of my small town

B. A sense of community

C. A pleasant trip to New York City

D. Differences between big cities and small towns


There are probably no people on Earth who like to gossip (说闲话) as much as the British.If prying into other’s lives were an Olympic sport,then Team GB would surely take the gold medal.

And when the British can’t watch the lives of real people with glee,they have another source of entertainment to fall back on—the soap opera.British soap operas are very different to US TV dramas.For one,they are normally longer running.The two most popular,Coronation Street and Eastenders,have been running for 48 and 24 years respectively.Both are broadcast several times a week,so remarkably there have been more than 7,000 episodes of Coronation Street.

The most obvious difference is that,unlike US dramas,the British soap operas focus on the real world.There is little glamour,the stars are rarely rich,and they normally have boring jobs.Perhaps the appeal is that the lives of the characters often mirror the lives of the audience—but with some drama added.This means the viewer can relate to the characters and feel the pain and happiness they go through on the show.

Because these soap operas last for decades,the cast is ever changing.The shows rarely focus on one or two main characters.Like the real world,people come and go all the time.However,there are exceptions.Coronation Street’s William Roach,76,has played the role of Ken Barlow since the very first episode of the show in 1960,and he is still a regular.

The choice of which soap opera you follow is often cultural:People from the north of British tend to watch Coronation Street as it is set in Manchester.People from the south generally prefer Eastenders,which is set in the east of London.The show is generally considered grittier and is aimed at a younger audience.

1.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.British people like to know things about other people.

B.British team can get Olympic gold medals.

C.What is British soap opera.

D.People in the north like different things from the people in the south.

2.What is the main difference between American dramas and British soap operas?

A.American dramas are longer.

B.British soap operas are longer.

C.American dramas deal with dangerous things.

D.British soap operas deal with real people.

3.Why do British people like to watch such operas?

A.They can find their own life from the operas.

B.They can enjoy the operas in their free time.

C.They can watch the operas for many years.

D.They care about the fate of the characters in the operas.

4.The underlined word “episodes” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ________.

A.plays B.pages

C.issues D.parts

5.One characteristic of British operas is that ________.

A.the characters play the same role for a long time

B.the characters in the play often change

C.people don’t know what will happen next

D.there is only one or two characters in them

People with an impulsive personality refer to those who tend to do things without considering the possible dangers or problems first. According to a new study by researchers at the University of Georgia, such people may be more likely to have food addiction. The study found that people exhibiting impulsive behavior weren’t necessarily overweight, but impulsiveness was related to a direct relationship with food, and therefore, less healthy weight.

Food addiction has been compared to addictive drug use. Studies have linked the dopamine (多巴胺) release that occurs after tasting delicious food to the dopamine release that happens when people consume other addictive substances.

Impulsive behavior involves several personality traits (特点). Two of these traits, known as negative urgency and lack of perseverance, were particularly associated with food addiction and high BMI (身体质量指数) during the study.

Negative urgency is characterized by the tendency to behave impulsively when experiencing negative emotions. Some people might drink alcohol or take drugs. For others, it could mean eating to feel better. Lack of perseverance is when a person has a hard time finishing hard or boring tasks. People with a lack of perseverance might have difficulty attempting to change addictive eating behavior, which could also cause obesity.

“Impulsiveness might be one reason why some people eat in an addictive way despite motivation to lose weight,” said Dr. Ashley Gearhardt, a clinical psychologist. He was involved in developing the Yale Food Addiction Scale in aid of those people. “We are theorizing that if food addiction is really a thing, then our measure, the Yale Food Addiction Scale, should be related to helping control impulsive action,” said Gearhardt.

Clinical psychologist Dr. James MacKillop, whose lab was conducting the study, believes that therapies used to treat addictive drug behavior could help people who suffer from addictive eating habits.

“Most of the programs for weight loss at this point focus on the most obvious things, which are clearly diet and exercise,” MacKillop said. “It seems that managing strong desires to eat would naturally fit in with the skills a person would need to eat healthily.”

1.According to Paragraph 1, the result of food addiction is ________.

A. less healthy weight

B. motivation to lose weight

C. negative emotions

D. taking alcohol or drugs

2.How does the author introduce the two personality traits in Paragraph 4?

A. By making comparisons and conclusions.

B. By explaining causes and effects.

C. By presenting questions and answers.

D. By giving definitions and examples.

3.What can be inferred about the Yale Food Addiction Scale from the text?

A. It has been successfully carried out among overweight people.

B. It might help some impulsive people with food addiction to lose weight.

C. It will prove whether food addiction is a problem to impulsive people.

D. It is theoretically a proper treatment for addictive food and drug behavior.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Dopamine release caused by food addiction

B. Food addiction compared to drug use

C. Impulsive personality linked to food addition

D. Food addiction contributing to obesity


Scientists recently found three animal species living two miles below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, where the super-salty waters don’t have oxygen(氧). They’re multicellular(多细胞的), which means their bodies have many cells. They each are as small as a large grain of sand. But they are animals.

The most exciting thing about these creatures, say the scientists, is that they obviously don’t need oxygen to live. What biologists know about life so far is that only single-celled living things can live in places that have no oxygen, and that multicellular organisms(有机物) can visit these places, but not live there. These newly found creatures could change that idea.

Finding animals down there was so surprising that the scientists couldn’t believe it. At first, “we thought they were dead bodies,” Roberto Danovaro, a scientist at the Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona, Italy, told Science News. To find out whether the animals could actually live there Danovaro and his colleagues brought up more samples(样本) from the ocean floor. Studying the animals in the new samples showed that they appeared to be alive.

The researchers did more tests, and found that some of the animals had eggs—which suggests they were reproducing(繁殖). Also in the samples were old skins, suggesting that the animals had lived there long enough to grow. Finally, pictures taken showed that the insides of the animals appear to be adapted to live in an environment that has no oxygen.

These clues suggest the animals don’t need oxygen, but the evidence(证据) is indirect, which means that scientists still have not observed how the animals live without oxygen. This means more studies are needed, but the scientists think they’re on the right track. And if they’re right, biologists will need to rethink what they know about where animals live.

1.What excited the scientists most is that ______.

A.they found three animal species visit the salty water under the Mediterranean Sea

B.single-celled animals can live in super-salty waters

C.the tiny animals have many cells

D.three kinds of animals can live in places that have no oxygen

2.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 means the scientists could think _____.

A.only single-celled creatures don’t need oxygen to live

B.multicellular animals can visit the super-salty waters

C.the newly found creatures can’t live in the super-salty waters

D.multicellular animals also can live without oxygen besides single-celled ones

3.Which of the following CAN’T be used to prove the newly found creatures can live in super-salty waters?

A.Their dead bodies are found there.

B.Some in the samples have eggs.

C.Some old skins are found in the samples.

D.The pictures of their insides have been taken.

4.More studies are needed to prove_____.

A.where single-celled animals can live

B.how the newly found animals live without oxygen

C.whether the multicellular creatures can live underwater

D.why the super-salty waters have no oxygen


You know how wonderful you are, and you know that others know how wonderful you are, but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy (嫉妒)? For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship. When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can do, but the good news is that there is. Don't let jealousy spoil your friendship. Deal with it confidently and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.

It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is, but if you want to save your friendship you'll have to do just that. Don't approach them and ask why they are jealous of you unless of course you want to appear totally conceited (逞能的), just take some time alone with them and let them know that you've been feeling like there's been something coming between you. If they refuse to respond, then use the opportunities to explain how you have been feeling. Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.

When you figure out what is annoying your friend, ask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better. If, for example, (s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn't get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team then maybe you could invite him or her along the next time or block off one day a week for just the two of you. Remember, though, that whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise. Don't limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy. Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.

Even the best of friendships can be ruined by jealousy. This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies. Before taking extreme action, chat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise. If you can't, be prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won't.

1.According to the author, the jealousy emotion is ________.

A.normal B.productive

C.destructive D.extreme

2.What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 2?

A.How to solve the problem of jealousy.

B.Why we need to solve the problem of jealousy.

C.How to explain your jealousy to your friends.

D.Why it is hard to deal with the problem of jealousy.

3.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.There's always a solution to solve the problem of jealousy.

B.Jealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.

C.You may lose a friend to keep your own gifts, chances or self?development.

D.You should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution.

4.This passage is mainly intended for ________.

A.female readers B.students

C.teenagers D.best friends


Eight days for just ¥12,000

Departure time:May,October 2012


● Return flights from 6 China’s airports to Naples

● Return airport to hotel transport

● Seven nights’ accommodation at the 3?star Hotel Nice

● Breakfast

● The service of guides

● Government taxes

Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europe’s most wonderful corners—Naples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet place.The ancient Romans called the city “happy land” with attractive coastline,colorful towns,splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea.Your best choice for a truly memorable holiday!

Choose between the peaceful traditional villages of Sant’ Agata,setting on a hillside six miles away from Sorrento,or the more lively and well?known international resort town of Sorrento,with wonderful views over the Bay of Naples.

Breathtaking scenery,famous sights and European restaurants everywhere.From the mysterious Isle of Capri to the hunting ruins of Pompeii,and from the unforgettable “Amalfi Drive” to the delightful resorts(度假胜地) of Positano,Sorrento and Ravello,the area is a feast for the eyes!Join us,and you won’t be disappointed!

Price based on two tourists sharing a double room at the Hotel Nice.A single room,another ¥2,000.A group of ten college students,¥10,000 for each.

Like to know more?Telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd.on:0845 ?226 ?7788(All calls charge at local rates).

1.All the following are included in the price of ¥12,000 EXCEPT________.

A.transport between airport and hotel

B.telephone calls made by tourists

C.the service of guides to tourists

D.a double room for every two tourists

2.If you don’t like sharing a room with others,you have to pay________.

A.¥12,000 B.¥10,000

C.¥2,000 D.¥14,000

3.If you like to visit historical sites,which of the following is your best choice?

A.Amalfi. B.Sant’ Agata.

C.Pompeii. D.Sorrento.

4.Who is the advertisement intended for?

A.Potential tourists. B.College students.

C.Government officers. D Old people


Gratitude makes your life better

1._______ And thankfulness and appreciation are the pathway to happiness and well-being. Gratitude keeps us focused on what is already good in your lives, and opens up the doorway to more goodness to flow into our lives. Gratitude does make your life better in the following ways.

You feel more satisfied.

Not completely happy with your life? Gratitude is a lasting feeling that lasts longer than other sensations. 2._______ When you practice gratitude, you take time to appreciate the things that you’re thankful for in your life.


When you say “thank you” to someone, they feel that you appreciate what they did for you, even if just a little bit. Saying “thank you” is therefore a powerful motivator for others to keep helping you again. Have you ever noticed how it feels when someone doesn’t appreciate what you did for them? 4._______ The words, thank you, go a long way. You can never show someone enough gratitude.

You’re happier.

Grateful people are happier. They’re more in tune with what’s going well in their lives and focus more on the positive. 5.________ It’s very enjoyable to recognize the things that you might have been taking for granted, and to feel happy for having them in your life.

A. You help others.

B. You motivate others.

C. They won’t thank you after you help them.

D. It makes you not want to help them again in the future.

E. When you actually count your blessings, it puts you in a positive and uplifting mood.

F. Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and showing appreciation for what you have in your lives.

G. Grateful people are more satisfied with their lives because they focus more on what they appreciate in their life.

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