
13.To:Director of Operations,Greensboro Hospital
From:Worldwide Express(WW-EX)
Date:September 3,2014
We are writing to inform you that our company,Worldwide Express(WW-EX),now provides the advanced Medical Express Solutions system,a best available packaging and delivery service customized especially for the healthcare industry.The transport of materials can be costly,but our service can offer your hospital a safe,inexpensive,technologically advanced method for shipping your healthcare materials.Worldwide Express,already a trusted name in packaging and delivery,can guarantee that you can place your confidence in our new Medical Express Solutions.
As fierce competition and tighter regulations force companies to operate in a more cost-effective manner,the pace of change in the healthcare market is creating some difficult challenges.Medical Express Solutions helps address these challenges with fast and reliable transportation system that uses unique protective packaging.By joining forces with Medical Express Solutions,your medical facility will have an unbroken delivery chain,providing temperature-controlled protection for all medical products and diagnostic specimens(诊断标本) at various stages of storage and transport.
Medical Express Solutions'special packaging system provides reliable delivery of time and temperature-sensitive materials without the need to replace dry ice during transport.Made of recyclable materials,our patented packaging is more environmentally friendly,and guarantees safe storage,support,and delivery of healthcare-related products in cooled or deep-frozen states for up to 120hours.In addition,our service is easy to use.Attached,please find a sample copy of our WW-EX Airbill Hospital staff simply fill out the information on the Airbill,and Medical Express Solutions takes care of the rest,including the packing.
With reliable and speedy service,guaranteed delivery times,and dependable tracking of sensitive shipments,your hospital staff can track the progress of their deliveries at all times.Do not wait another day.Phone l-800-290-5992.and one of our experienced staff will assist you in obtaining further information on setting up a WW-EX Medical Express Solutions account for your facility today.
Thank you for your attention.
Bill Grawley,
President,Worldwide Express
21.What do we know about Worldwide Express?B
A.It designs shipping packages.
B.It's a reliable delivery company.
C.It produces healthcare materials.
D.It's a newly developed shipping system.
22.The Medical Express Solutions systemC.
A.was created by GreensboroHospital
B.helps solve challenges in the healthcare industry
C.provides high-quality packaging and delivery service
D.was designed to protect diagnostic specimens for hospitals
23.We can infer from the text that hospital staffD.
A.must present their personal information
B.need to pack their items before delivery
C.will open a Worldwide Express account for free
D.can view where their items are during the delivery process
24.What is the purpose of this letter?A
A.To recommend a superb service.
B.To market a patented packaging.
C.To advertise healthcare facilities.
D.To introduce a trusted company.

分析 本文是一篇应用文.是全球快递公司写给美国格林斯博罗医院运营总监的一封信,信中主要介绍了全球快递公司新推出的医疗快递解决方案系统.

解答 21.B 细节理解题.根据第一段的our company,Worldwide Express和Worldwide Express,already a trusted name in packaging and delivery可知,全球快递,在包装和送货方面已经是一个值得信赖的名字.所以Worldwide Express是一家值得信赖的包装和快递公司.故选B.
22.C 细节理解题.根据第一段的a best available packaging and delivery service和ourservice can offer your hospital a safe,inexpensive,technologically advanced method for shipping yourhealthcare materials以及第二段中的Medical Express Solutions…a fast and reliabletransportation system可知,Medical Express Solutions系统为医疗机构提供高品质的包装和递送服务.故选C.
23.D 推理判断题.根据最后一段的your hospital staff can track the progress of their deliveries at alltimes可知,医院的工作人员可以随时追踪他们的送货进度.所以医务人员在任何时间都可以跟踪他们的快递进度.故选D.
24.A 写作意图题.本文主要介绍了Worldwide Express公司新推出的Medical Express Solutions系统,该系统给医疗机构提供最好的包装和递送服务.所以这封信的目的是推荐一种优质的服务,故选A.

点评 本文是广告布告类阅读,主要考查细节理解题和推理判断题.在做细节理解题时,首先根据题目要求迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语.认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

11.This is not a typical summer camp.Michelle Paw law and eight other teenage girls are participating in the three-day camp offered by the Arlington County Fire Department located just outside Washington.Firefighter Clare Burley is in charge of the program,who said the purpose is to try to get young women interested in considering the fire service as a career.
The free-of-charge,overnight camp is designed to let the girls experience what firefighters do to protect the community.That includes some rigorous(严酷的) activities such as moving a fire victim."I didn't think I could pull that 170pound body with a friend,but I was actually able to do it."she said.
They take classes and learn how to climb the ladder on a fire truck,operate emergency tools and rescue an injured person.They also do their share of cleaning the firehouse and the equipment.
"Every week without fail on a Saturday,the job is to wash all the equipment.And we wanted the girls to see this is what we do.This is a typical day in a firehouse,"she said.
Firefighting is still a male-dominated service,but Burley says with 22women on its force of 320the Arlington County Fire Department is above the national average of 4.5percent.She joined the department seven years ago.
"We do everything that the guys do to the same standard.We are tested to the same standard.We are expected to operate at the same standard,"she said.
Most of the girls say they had never thought about becoming a firefighter,but the camp was a great learning experience."I think it is definitely not a job that only men can do.Women can do it just as well as men can,"said Michelle Pawlaw.
21.What's the purpose of the summer camp?D
A.To tell the girls how to put firefighting knowledge into practice.
B.To teach the girls what to do when caught in fire.
C.To provide the girls with a typical summer camp
D.To attract more girls to take firefighting as a career.
22.What can we infer from Paragraph 5?A
A.Arlington County Fire Department is in the lead in employing women firefighters.
B.Arlington County Fire Department is the first to employ women firefighters.
C.More and more women are ready to join the fire department.
D.No women ever want to perform the firefighting service.
23.What can we infer from Michelle's words in the last paragraph?C
A.She has determined to join the firefighters in the future.
B.She will persuade her fellow students to join in the camp.
C.She realizes that women can also be good firefighters.
D.She thinks women can do better than men.
4.It's that time of year when people need to lock their cars.It's not because there are a lot of criminals running around stealing cars.Rather,it's because of good-hearted neighbors who want to share their harvest.Especially with this year's large crop,leaving a car unlocked in my neighborhood is an invitation for someone to fill it with zucchini(西葫芦).
    My sister,Sharon,recently had a good year for tomatoes.She and her family had eaten and canned so many that they had begun to feel their skin turn slightly red.That's when she decided it was time to share her blessings.She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed,she began asking everyone in the neighborhood,eventually finding a neighbor delighted to have the tomatoes."Feel free to take whatever you want,"Sharon told her.Later that day,Sharon found that her garden had indeed been harvested.She felt happy that she could help someone and that the food didn't go to waste.
    A few days later,Sharon answered the door.There was the neighbor,holding a hot loaf of bread.The neighbor smiled pleasantly,"I wanted to thank you for all of the tomatoes,and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hoped you wouldn't mind."
    Sharon couldn't think of anything else in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so."Oh,but you did,"the neighbor said."You had some of the prettiest zucchini I've ever seen."
    Sharon was confused.They hadn't even planted any zucchini.But her neighbor insisted that there really were bright-green zucchini in her garden.Sharon felt curious and decided to go to see where the zucchini had grown.The two of them walked together into the backyard.When the neighbor pointed at the long green vegetables,Sharon smiled."Well,actually,those are cucumbers that we never harvested,because they got too big,soft and bitter for eating."
    The neighbor looked at Sharon,shock written all over her face.She gulped(哽住)a few times,and then,smiling,held out the bread,part of a batch she had shared all over the neighborhood."I brought you a nice loaf of cucumber bread.I hope you like it."
28.Why does the author warn people in the neighborhood to lock their cars?C
A.They might be stolen by thieves at night.
B.They might be moved away by the police.
C.Their neighbors might fill them with their harvest.
D.Their neighbors might throw cucumbers into them.
29.How did Sharon's friends react to the invitation to take her tomatoes?A
A.They did not accept her kind offer.
B.They were all delighted to have the tomatoes.
C.They said they would go when they were free.
D.They began to tell everyone they knew about it.
30.What did the neighbor do in Sharon's garden?B
A.She only harvested some tomatoes.
B.She took some cucumbers mistakenly.
C.She took something with Sharon's help.
D.She harvested a few zucchini by accident.
31.We can infer that the neighbor's bread would tasteC.
A.soft and sweet   
B.hard and sour    
C.funny and bitter    
D.fragrant and delicious.
8.Being the youngest child has advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand,babies are spoiled and often get away with behavior that other family members can't.On the other hand,many youngest children feel that they never quite measure up to their more experienced and successful siblings.To borrow a phrase from a famous comedian,they get no respect.
Some parents look on their youngest child as their last chance to do everything right,so the youngest may feel great performance pressure,similar to a firstborn.Other parents will never allow their last child to be unhappy,ever.In most families,however,the parents have more experience and are more likely to give them more freedom on such issues as developmental milestones,toilet training,dating,and so on.They are more confident that things will work out for the best,and their relationship with their lastborn is less intense than that with the older children.
Having some distance in their relationship with their parents can give the lastborn freedom to explore new ideas and new places,but if it is too great,the youngest children may feel disconnected,as though they don't belong to the family.
Since lastborns are seldom the strongest or most capable during childhood,they often carve out a place for themselves by being clever and charming.Within the family,they know how to get along well with their siblings.They may become peacekeepers,but they're also able to cause much trouble when it serves their purposes.Playing the"baby card"also allows them to avoid punishment for wrongdoing,for example,breaking a sibling's toy.
Only with such a full understanding can you,as a parent,help your"baby"develop into a fully grown-up person.

5.What may dissatisfy the youngest child in the family?D
A.Being given too much pressure by the parents.
B.Being looked down upon by the other family members.
C.Not getting along well with their siblings.
D.Feeling that they fail to do as well as their siblings.
6.In most families,the youngest childB.
A.is expected to realize their parents'unfinished dreams
B.lives a life of less pressure from their parents
C.is often ignored and forgotten by their parents
D.doesn't like to get close to his/her parents
7.Which of the following characteristics may NOT appear in the lastborn during their childhood?A
8.By talking about the characteristics of the youngest child,this passageA.
A.gives parents some help in bringing up the youngest child
B.reminds parents to give the youngest child extra care
C.shows it is hard for the youngest child to succeed
D.calls on parents to treat the youngest child fairly.

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