





2015 Spring Festival is coming now. I plan buy something for my parents. What I want to give them back is a VIP card for a health club but they need enough exercise. My father works hardly as a teacher, spent most of his time at school. My mother loves reading and often buried herself in her books. Therefore, all of them should exercise more from now on.

I want to give them this card to express my thank and love. I hope that they will be able to get relaxing in the health club and make more friends there. At the same time, I hope that they can take care with their health.


¡¾1¡¿buy¡ú to buy


¡¾3¡¿but ¡ú since / because

¡¾4¡¿hardly ¡ú hard

¡¾5¡¿spent ¡ú spending

¡¾6¡¿buried ¡ú buries

¡¾7¡¿all ¡ú both

¡¾8¡¿thank ¡ú thanks

¡¾9¡¿relaxing ¡ú relaxed

¡¾10¡¿with¡ú of



¡¾1¡¿buy¡ú to buy¿¼²é¶¯´Ê´îÅä¡£Plan to do sth¡°¼Æ»®×öijÊ¡±¡£

¡¾2¡¿È¥µôback¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¶ÌÓï´îÅä¡£Give back¡°¹é»¹£¬Ëͻأ¬»Ö¸´¡±£¬²»·ûºÏÌâÒâ¡£

¡¾3¡¿but ¡ú since / because¿¼²ì¹ØÁª´Ê¡£But±íʾתÕÛ¹Øϵ£¬´Ë´¦ÉϾäÓëϾäÊÇÒò¹û¹Øϵ£¬¹Ê¸Ä³Ésince»òbecause¡£

¡¾4¡¿hardly ¡ú hard¿¼²é¸±´Ê¡£Hardly¡°¼¸ºõ²»£¬¼òÖ±²»¡±£»hard¡°Å¬Á¦µØ£¬Ç¿Áҵأ¬ÑÏÖصء±£¬hard·ûºÏÌâÒâ¡£

¡¾5¡¿spent ¡ú spending¿¼²é¶ÀÁ¢Ö÷¸ñ¡£SpendºÍmy fatherÖ®¼äÊÇÖ÷ν¹Øϵ£¬¶ø¾ä×ÓÖÐÒѾ­´æÔÚνÓïworks£¬ËùÒÔspend¸Ä³ÉÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Êspending¡£

¡¾6¡¿buried ¡ú buries¿¼²é¹ØÁª´Ê¡£My mother loves reading and often buried herself in her books.ÖÐlove ºÍburyÊDz¢ÁйØϵ£¬my motherΪÖ÷Ó¹ÊburyÓõÚÈýÈ˳ơ£

¡¾7¡¿all ¡ú both¿¼²ì´ú´Ê¡£¸ù¾ÝÉÏÎÄ¿ÉÖªall´úÖ¸my fatherºÍmy mother£¬µ«Ö»ÓÐÈýÕߺÍÈýÕßÒÔÉϲÅÓÃall£¬both´úÖ¸Á½¸öÈË¡£

¡¾8¡¿thank ¡ú thanks¿¼²éÃû´Ê¡£LoveΪ²»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬thankÓëloveÊDz¢ÁйØϵ£¬±£³ÖÒ»Ö¸ÄΪÃû´ÊÐÎʽ£¬¹Êthank¸ÄΪthanks¡£

¡¾9¡¿relaxing ¡ú relaxed¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¹Ì¶¨Ó÷¨¡£Get sb to do¡°Ê¹Ä³ÈË×öijÊ¡±£»get done¡°±ä³ÉijÖÖ״̬¡±£¬get ×÷Á¬Ïµ¶¯´Ê¡£

¡¾10¡¿with¡ú of¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¹Ì¶¨´îÅä¡£Take care of¡°Õչˡ±£¬¾äÒ⣺ÕâÑùËûÃǾͿÉÒÔÕչ˺Ã×Ô¼ºµÄ½¡¿µ¡£


¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Welcome here! The Southern Spring Home & Garden Show will be held at The Park Expo and Conference Center. This show will last from Wednesday (March 2) to Sunday (March 6,2012).

Admission : Adults $10.00. Teenagers under 15 free with a paying adult.

Join Lincolnton¡¯s own Tammie Davis as she performs her original country songs at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 5th.

Special Days: The Spring for Kids First Night Gala benefiting the Council for Children¡¯s Rights will take place from 7 p.m. to 10p.m. on Wednesday, March 2,2012. Tickets are $50 and include an access to Freedom Hall, where you can enjoy delicious food, beverage(ÒûÁÏ)and entertainment free of charge.

Seniors Day(55+):Wednesday is for them. Cost is $7.00 but without coupons(¼õ¼ÛÓÅ»Ý).

Hours :Wednesday, Thursday &Sunday :10 a.m.---5p.m.;Friday &Saturday :10 a.m.----9 a.m.

Wheelchairs are available on a first come first served basis for you. The cost is $1.00 and you are required to leave a valid driver¡¯s license or ID.

Parking :All Day Parking: $6.00;Half Day Parking:$3.00; Every Hour Parking:$1.00

For more Information: Come to visit Mardee Woodward in person.

E-mail: mwoodward@southernshows.com


¡¾1¡¿ We can learn from the text that the show will ___________.

A. last only five days

B. offer a free parking

C. have the only one singer

D. take place in a private house

¡¾2¡¿ How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and a child aged 16?

A.$ 10 B. $ 30 C.$ 20 D.$40

¡¾3¡¿We can infer from the text that______________.

A. old people can visit the show onlyon Wednesday

B. the disabled can use the wheelchairs free of charge

C. there are not enough wheelchairs for the disabled

D. kids¡¯ tickets on Wednesday don¡¯t include beverage

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿The iMOVE database is a foreign-language information platform for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic.

All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs.

Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have stated their training activities towards the international market. Therefore, they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and the training provider.

To guarantee(±£Ö¤) high standards in the database, iMOVE has developed quality standards for training providers and their services. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow these quality criteria(±ê×¼). All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMOVE database have recognized general terms and conditions.

¡¾1¡¿The iMove database is intended for people who __________.

A. seek a job as a language translator

B. wish to work for professional training providers

C. are interested in German

D. want to be employed by German companies

¡¾2¡¿Which of the following measures has iMove taken to guarantee its high standards?

A. Offering different language courses.

B. Providing modern training facilities.

C. Developing quality standards.

D. Starting training courses overseas.

¡¾3¡¿The purpose of the passage is to _______________.

A. advertise the iMove database

B. hire overseas employees to work in German

C. make German companies more popular

D. encourage people to learn more foreign languages

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Summer Hours

June 15 - September 15

Saturday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Regular Hours

January 1 - June 14 and September 16 - December 31

Saturday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Individual Ticket Prices




Child£¨3 - 11£©

Group£¨at least 3 persons£©







¡ô A Bird¡¯s World

This exhibit includes a sample of every bird found in New England. It provides a lot of information about bird behavior, and New England birdwatchers will also find a useful bird ¡°dictionary¡±. With this, you can learn how to understand the bird language you hear being chirped just outside your window at home.

¡ôButterfly Garden

This garden offers a wonderful chance to get close to all kinds of living butterflies from New England and across the world. You can also look inside the ¡°Emergence Box¡± to see hanging chrysalids£¨µûÓ¼£©change into adult butterflies. If you¡¯re lucky, you might see a new butterfly crawl out of its casing.

¡ôDiscovery Center

Designed for children under 8 and their parents, the Discovery Center offers lots of fun, hands - on activities that are designed to help them discover through playing. A perfect area for early learners, this educational environment emphasizes the use of real objects for exploring natural history, physical science, and technology topics.

¡ôTake a Closer kook

Explore the world around you using sight, hearing, touch and smell. Test yourself to see what you can discover when you pay attention to your senses, and learn how technology extends them.

¡¾1¡¿If you visit the exhibits on a Wednesday in August, you can stay there until ________.

A. 3 pm B. 8 pm C. 9 pm D. 5 pm

¡¾2¡¿A child at 5 and its parents will have to pay ________.

A. $60.00 B. $80.00

C. $20.00 D. $68.00

¡¾3¡¿People, who are interested in the human body, can visit ________.

A. Take a Closer Look B. Butterfly Garden

C. Discovery Center D. A Bird¡¯s World

¡¾4¡¿The passage is an advertisement of _________.

A. a sight - seeing park B. a science park

C. a training center D. an art center

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿With her pretty face and soulful voice, Zhang Bichen was instantly thought a possible champion when she first set foot on the stage of the TV show The Voice of China.

On Oct 7, 2014, the 25-year-old girl won the fierce competition and received the title of the ¡°Voice of the Year¡±. Zhang¡¯s dream of being a singer star came true at last. What impressed people was not only Zhang¡¯s singing skills, but her willingness to make an effort. ¡°I gained the opportunity to sing on The Voice of China,¡± she said.

In fact, being a singer has always been her dream. She wanted to apply to a college for singing, but her parents insisted that she should have a stable job after graduation because she did very well at academic studies. So Zhang gave in to her parents and learned French at university. However, in the first year of her college, she was discovered by a South Korean company when she entered a singing competition. To pursue her dream, Zhang signed a contract with the company, started her career in South Korea, and became a member of a band.

¡°My company had rules that did not allow us to use cell phones. During the first few months after I arrived in South Korea, a totally unfamiliar country, I felt terribly homesick. But I could only phone my parents in the restroom when nobody noticed.¡± said Zhang. ¡°When I did not have much income, I had to eat instant noodles every day for months.¡±

It was her positive attitude and outgoing character that helped her through. ¡°When I feel down, I tell myself it is not winning or losing that matters. The most important things are standing on the stage and singing for people.¡± she said.

¡¾1¡¿On October 7, 2014, Zhang Bichen ________.

A. won the championship of The Voice of China

B. signed a contract with a big company

C. first set foot on the Chinese stage

D. was successful in her study

¡¾2¡¿The reason why Zhang learned French at university is that _______.

A. she is good at French

B. French is popular in the world

C. it is easy for her to find a stable job

D. she can realize her dream

¡¾3¡¿What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs?.

A. The company in South Korea has strict rules.

B. Zhang¡¯s road to success isn¡¯t easy.

C. Zhang always lives a simple life in South Korea.

D. Zhang has an outgoing character.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Researchers from the University of Newcastle are leading a worldfirst study which builds on earlier unpublished research that children are most likely to be guided by their father's eating and exercise habits.

The new study ¡°Healthy Dads£¬Healthy Kids¡±£¬led by Associate Professor Philip Morgan from the University's Faculty of Education and Arts£¬is designed to help fathers promote and demonstrate to their children positive behaviors related to physical activity and healthy eating.

¡°The earlier findings showed that children are more likely to follow the example set by their father than their mother when it comes to eating and exercise£¬¡±said Morgan.Morgan saw striking results in a previous trial involving 165 overweight children£®He found children who lost the most weight had fathers who were engaged in the new eating and exercise plan.

¡°We might think mothers are the main influence on children's diet and health£¬but the reality may be different£¬¡±said Morgan£®¡°The roles of fathers are changing£®More families have two parents working and more fathers are involved with food preparation and food shopping than in the past.¡±

¡°Fathers influence the food and physical activity habits in the home through their behaviours£¬attitudes and approach to food and eating£¬and act as a role model to their children£¬¡±said Morgan.

Researchers are inviting fathers who would like to reduce their weight to join the ¡°Healthy Dads£¬Healthy Kids¡± program£®Participation involves attending eight sessions £¨½²Ï°°à£© at the University of Newcastle over six months where the men will receive information£¬have weightrelated measurements recorded and complete questionnaires.

Cooking healthy food with the kids and creating a backyard fitness circuit £¨Ñ­»·ÑµÁ·³¡£© are among the assignments £¨¿ÎÍâ×÷Òµ£© for fathers taking part in the study.

¡¾1¡¿What do we learn about the ¡°Healthy Dads£¬Healthy Kids¡± program£¿

A£®It aims to build close family relationships.

B£®It involves fathers who want to lose weight.

C£®It will last more than eight months.

D£®It offers free online courses for parents.

¡¾2¡¿Morgan finds a link between children's weight loss and .

A£®their parents' efforts

B£®their father's influence

C£®balanced diets

D£®regular sports training

¡¾3¡¿Which of the following facts causes the change of fathers' roles£¿

A£®That kids have more time to spend with family.

B£®That more kids need their father's help in learning.

C£®That there are more working mothers than before.

D£®That fathers become much busier than before.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Alzheimer's disease is a major national health problem. Nearly2 million Americans over the age of 65 have Alzheimer's disease. It is a leading cause of death among the elderly. But Alzheimer's disease is not confined £¨ÏÞÓÚ£©to the aged. There may be a million or more people under the age of 65 suffering from the disease.

At one time, people suffering from the disease were said to be "getting old". The disease was thought to be a natural part of growing old, but it is now known that Alzheimer's disease strikes young and old alike. It is an organic £¨Æ÷¹ÙµÄ£©disease, that destroys brain cells.

Alzheimer's disease affects the patient's memory, speech, and movement. In the beginning stages of the disease, the patient may seem slightly confused. He may have trouble speaking, then the patient's memory begins to fail. He may forget dates, numbers, names and plans.

As the disease progresses, the patient may not recognize family and friends. These symptoms £¨Ö¢×´£©often cause terrible anxiety in the patient. He may feel lost and frightened. Sometimes the patient reacts with wild and bad behavior.

In the last stages of the disease, the patient may not be able to take care of himself. He may have lost the ability to speak and walk.

Scientists don't know exactly what causes Alzheimer's disease. It may be caused by a virus £¨²¡¶¾£©. It may be caused by a poisonous substance £¨ÎïÖÊ£©in the environment. At present, there is no cure for the disease. But there are ways to slow its progress. Exercise and physical treatment can help the patients of this disease.

¡¾1¡¿The main idea of the passage is that Alzheimer's disease __________.

A. is a terrible part of the aging process

B. is an organic disease that affects young and old

C. can be cured by physical treatment

D. causes forgetfulness

¡¾2¡¿All of the following are symptoms of Alzheimer's disease EX-CEPT __________.

A. forgetfulness B. difficulty in speaking

C. loss of sight D. loss of the ability to walk

¡¾3¡¿According to the passage, which of the following may be a cause of Alzheimer's disease?

A. Poisons produced by the brain.

B. Getting old.

C. A virus.

D. Lack of exercise.

¡¾4¡¿The press of Alzheimer's disease can be slowed by __________.

A. operation

B. a change in environment

C. medicines

D. physical treatment and exercise

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
