
Planning a trip to Japan? No doubt you’ve planned visits to key attractions in Tokyo,Osaka,or other major cities. Any major city can offer more enjoyable sites than you’ll have time to see. A number of travel agencies can provide lists of hotspots for shopping,nightlife and fine dining unlike any other place on earth.

Having travelled in large cities,and the countryside,I feel like sharing a few thoughts with first-time visitors to Japan. If you wish to have a true cultural experience then nothing beats visiting the countryside,where there are rental (出租) car companies specialising in serving tourists though no tour buses stop. Don’t worry about running on the “wrong side” as you’ll quickly become used to it.

Precautions (告诫) :YouMl need to take a ^personal adventure level” reading before starting this trip. Unless you speak some Japanese,communication will be very limited. Most Japanese do not speak conversational English. This is especially true once you leave the cities behind. Lodging,dining and even getting gas will take more effort. It was challenging but just as rewarding;I do suggest that others learn some Japanese first,though.

Benefits: Even if you travel for a short time in the rural country,you will have many exciting stories unmatched by any friends who stayed on guided city tours. The best part is --Ican't tell you what they’ll be. Do make an effort to communicate with those around you. You will find that as a whole the Japanese are very welcoming to foreign visitors. Along your country journey you’ll find people who have never met a foreigner and have many questions for you,shops selling items you have never seen and restaurants with short menus serving delicious Japanese food. It's these simple people you’ll meet that you’ll most remember.

46. For whom is the passage written?

   A. Visitors who want to do shopping in Japan.

   B. Visitors who want to enjoy nightlife in Japan.

   C. Visitors who want to learn about Japanese culture.

   D. Visitors who want to enjoy natural beauty in Japan.

47. How can you visit small towns in Japan?

   A. By tour bus. B. By car.

   C. On foot. D. By bike.

48. To make your visits to small towns pleasant,you are advised to .

   A. choose a better travel agency

   B. read as many books about Japan as possible

   C. learn about some rules for lodging and dining

   D. learn some Japanese to make communication easier

49. The underlined sentence suggests that the travel in the rural country .

   A. will bring you many unexpected surprises

   B. will be interesting with a guide leading you

   C. is often well planned and organised

   D. will make sure you get the best service

50. Which word can NOT be used to describe the Japanese people in the countryside?

   A. Friendly. B. Curious.

   C. Badly-educated. D. Simple.

46. C解析:细节理解题。虽然第一段中捐 到了日本的名胜、购物、夜生活等话题,伯 这只是引出话题,因此排除A、B、D;根振 第二段可知文章是写给那些想要了解日冲 文化的游客。

47. B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可ft 到日本的郊区旅游,因为观光巴士不会法 那里,所以需要你自己租辆车。

48. D 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段K Unless you speak some Japanese,commu nication will be very limited.以及I dc suggest that others learn some Japanese first,though.可知要想在日本的郊区旅布 顺利一些,游客最好学些日语。

49. A解析:推理判断题。这句话的含义戈 “在日本郊区旅行的最吸引的人地方 是——我无法告诉你会是什么”,再根据本 段第一句可知,在日本郊区旅游你会有很 多惊喜。

50. C解析:推理判断题。选项A、D在末段 都有提示;选项B的依据是…you’ll find people who have never met a foreigner and have many questions for you …文章只是说郊区的人没有见过外国人,不一定就 是没有受过好的教育。故选   C.


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