My parents passed away ten years ago and I miss them terribly. But I know they are with me every day in what they taught me and in the    36    they gave me. Every morning my father’s message to me was: Remember that    37    you walk out of this door, you carry responsibility, the good name of this family, the hopes and dreams of your mom and dad. My mother often urged me to   38   the high standards she set for me.

When I was in high school, I played in a rock band with friends in my class. We were devoted and practiced constantly. We moved past the guys – in – a – garage stage and   39   to be pretty good, doing getting – paid gigs (演奏会) most weekends, which made me   40   . At that time, though part of me was   41   up in that band, another part of me was the oldest son in the Clark family,   42    of my origin and a dedicated student busy applying to colleges. Without even telling my parents, I applied to Harvard. I didn’t think I had much chance of getting in,   43   I wanted to try. So I was riding around being Mr Cool Rock Musician half of the time, and the other half I was focused on family and   44   goals. I was running on parallel   45  .

When the group won a city wide Battle of the Bands, things heated up. My band mates had stars in their eyes – we might be able to make it big. However, I began to feel   46  . I realized I was on quite different tracks: I   47   was becoming two people,   48   identities back and forth depending on who I was with. I had to make an option. As I considered my   49  , my parents’ words were right there, helping me to see that my dreams weren’t about signing a record deal, letting my hair grow, and living in a tour bus. So I   50   out. My bandmasters were   51  . They thought I was crazy to withdraw   52   the peak of real success. But however successful that band got, I knew it wasn’t in line with my   53  , with my feeling of what I was   54   to do, with who I was – it simply wasn’t me.

In that instant and in many others throughout my life, my parent’s advice has helped me recenter and   55  . I could remember who I was – the hopes and dreams I carried.            B.advice               D.aid

A.when                   B.before             C.while            D.since

A.come up with      B.stand up to up to         D.keep pace with                      B.failed                  C.hoped              D.attempted

A.lost                      B.disappointed     C.confused          D.thrilled

A.wrapped            B.centered           C.spent            D.offered

A.scared                  B.proud              C.guilty              D.ashamed

A.if                        B.unless              C.until                D.yet

A.economic             B.political           C.academic         D.literary

A.tracks                 B.ways               C.processes         D.directions

A.confident            B.optimistic        C.cheerful           D.uncomfortable

A.exactly               B.actually           C.eventually     D.fortunately

A.switching           B.acting              C.discovering      D.seeking

A.conditions          B.choices            C.competence

A.gave                  B.looked             C.called              D.dropped

A.disturbed                  C.shocked           D.tolerant                               

A.goals                  B.interests           C.personality       D.consideration

A.meant                B.demanded     C.forced             D.aimed

A.recall                 B.refocus            C.rebuild            D.reunite

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
My parents passed away ten years ago and I miss them terribly. But I know they are with me every day in what they taught me and in the __36__ they gave me. Every morning my father’s message to me was: Remember that __37__ you walk out of this door, you carry responsibility, the good name of this family, the hopes and dreams of your mom and dad. My mother often urged me to __38__ the high standards she set for me.
When I was in high school, I played in a rock band with friends in my class. We were devoted and practiced constantly. We moved past the guys-in-a-garage stage and __39__ to be pretty good, doing getting-paid gigs (演奏会) most weekends, which made me __40__. At that time, though part of me was __41__ up in that band, another part of me was the oldest son in the Clark family, __42__ of my origin and a dedicated student busy applying to colleges. Without even telling my parents, I applied to Harvard. I didn’t think I had much chance of getting in, __43__ I wanted to try. So I was riding around being Mr Cool Rock Musician half of the time, and the other half I was focused on family and __44__ goals. I was running on parallel __45__.
When the group won a city wide Battle of the Bands, things heated up. My band mates had stars in their eyes —— we might be able to make it big. However, I began to feel __46__. I realized I was on quite different tracks: I __47__ was becoming two people, __48__ identities back and forth depending on who I was with. I had to make an option. As I considered my __49__, my parents’ words were right there, helping me to see that my dreams weren’t about signing a record deal, letting my hair grow, and living in a tour bus. So I __50__ out. My bandmasters were __51__. They thought I was crazy to withdraw __52__ the peak of real success. But however successful that band got, I knew it wasn’t in line with my __53__, with my feeling of what I was __54__ to do, with who I was —— it simply wasn’t me.
In that instant and in many others throughout my life, my parent’s advice has helped me recenter and __55__. I could remember who I was —— the hopes and dreams I carried.
36. A. property                    B. advice                      C. guide                       D. aid
37. A. when                         B. before                      C. while                       D. since
38. A. come up with             B. stand up to               C. live up to                 D. keep pace with
39. A. got                            B. failed                       C. hoped                      D. attempted
40. A. lost                           B. disappointed             C. confused                  D. thrilled
41. A. wrapped                    B. centred                     C. spent                        D. offered
42. A. scared                       B. proud                       C. guilty                       D. ashamed
43. A. if                              B. unless                      C. until                        D. yet
44. A. economic                   B. political                   C. academic                  D. literary
45. A. tracks                        B. ways                        C. processes                  D. directions
46. A. confident                   B. optimistic                 C. cheerful                   D. uncomfortable
47. A. exactly                      B. actually                    C. eventually                D. fortunately
48. A. switching                   B. acting                      C. discovering               D. seeking
49. A. conditions                  B. choices                     C. competence                     D. health
50. A. gave                          B. looked                            C. called                       D. dropped
51. A. disturbed                   B. cool                         C. shocked                    D. tolerant
52. A. in                             B. to                                   C. by                           D. at
53. A. goals                         B. interests                   C. personality               D. consideration
54. A. meant                        B. demanded                 C. forced                      D. aimed
55. A. recall                        B. refocus                     C. rebuild                            D. reunite

完形填空(共20小题,每小题1 分,共计20分)
Having lived in the house for so long, we found our kitchen looked    21   . We decided it was time to   22  the kitchen, and my husband and I were discussing   23  colors. The children, sitting nearby, suddenly all spoke together:“Not the measuring stick. ”
“No,” I   24   them. “Not the measuring stick.”
The measuring stick isn’t a (an)   25    stick but the kitchen side of the door between our kitchen and dining room. Along the edge we’ve   26   each child’s growth by making a mark showing his or her   27   on every birthday. Over the years, so many colored pens, pencils and    28     have been used that now, this white door is somewhat like an abstract(抽象的) painting.
Names and dates show different    29   , and I can tell by the script(手迹) who measured whom. An eight-year-old   30  to measure her three-year old sister, a grandchild measured her grandmother and my husband did the same to me. At our family    31   , when this door swung back and forth frequently, friends used to stop to    32    the names and dates. When they were asked if they would like to be always remembered, they    33    smiled shyly and went back right up into place,     34  to be measured.
Many of those   35    on the door are still   36   . Some have stopped. Some remain with us only in   37   . When my mother came to see my eldest daughter graduate from university, we measured her, too. It was her last visit to our home.
We haven’ t   38   the new kitchen color plan yet, but one thing is certain: whatever color we choose, the   39   of the kitchen door will still remain    40  , with lots of names and dates in various colors.

A.smallB. oldC. familiarD. favorable
A.repairB. rebuild C. reuseD. repaint
A.safeB. possibleC. valuableD. changeable
A.promisedB. repeated C.followed D. persuaded
A.falseB. wonderfulC. actualD. obvious
A.keptB. witnessedC. recordedD. accompanied
A.age B. weightC. nameD. height
A.boxesB. markers C. schoolbagsD. sticks
A.informationB. handwriting
C.characterD. status
A.allowedB. pretendedC. helpedD. ordered
A.officesB. banksC. meetingsD. parties
A.copyB. readC. likeD. remove
A.hardlyB. neverC. usually D. seldom
A.readyB. afraidC. ableD. unwilling
A.missedB. taughtC. listedD. suggested
A.growingB.contributingC.studyingD. working
A.sightB. designC.trouble D. memory
A.connected withB.agreed to
C.decided on D.relied on
A.frontB. backC. rightD. left
A.yellowB. greyC. whiteD. blue

Open   adj., verb, nounadj.NOT CLOSED1 allowing things or people to go through: A wasp flew in the open window. She had left the door wide open.
2 (of sb’s eyes, mouth, etc.) with eyelids or lips apart: She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (=" because" she was very tired).He was breathing through his open mouth.3 spread out; with the edges apart: The flowers are all open now.
4 not blocked by anything: The pass is kept open all the year.NOT FASTENED5 not fastened or covered, so that things can easily come out or be put in: The bag burst open and everything fell out.
verbDOOR / WINDOW / LID1 [vn] to move a door, window, lid, that it is no longer closed: Mr Chen opened the car door for his wife. close2 [v] to move or be moved so that it is no longer closed: The door opened and Alan walked in. The doors of the bus open automatically.closeCONTAINER / PACKAGE3 [vn] to remove the lid, undo the fastening, etc.of a container, order to see or get what is inside: Shall I open another bottle? She opened her bag and took out her passport.EYES4 [vn, v] if you open your eyes or your eyes open, you move your eyelids upwards so that you can see closeCOMPUTING5 [vn, v] to start a computer program or file so that you can use it on the screenopen doors for sb to provide opportunities for sb to do sth and be successful open your / sb’s eyes (to sth) to realize or make sb realize the truth about sth: Travelling really opens your eyes to other your / sb’s mind to sth to become or make sb aware of new ideas or experiences.
open the way for sb/sth (to do sth) to make it possible for sb to do sth or for sth to happen: The agreement could open the way for the country to pay off its debts.—more at heart, heaven open into / onto sth to lead to another room, area or place: This door opens onto the yard. The two rooms open into each out to become bigger or wider: The street opened out into a small out (to sb) to become less shy and more willing to communicate open up1 to talk about what you feel and think: It helps to discuss your problems but I find it hard to open up.2 to begin shooting: Anti-aircraft guns opened up.3 (often used in orders) to open a door, container, etc.: Open up or we’ll break the door down! open up1 to become or make sth possible, available or able to be reached: The new catalogue will open up the market for our products. The railway opened up the east of the country.
2 to begin business for the day; to start a new business: I open up the store for the day at around 8.30. close up3 to start a new business: There’s a new Thai restaurant opening up in town. close down
noun  the open [sing.] OUTDOORS1 outdoors; the countryside: Children need to play out in the open.NOT HIDDEN2 not hidden or secret: Government officials do not want these comments in the open.
1.Which of the following “open” is closest in the meaning with the “open” in the sentence “The book lay open on the table.”
A.She had left the door wide open. 
B.The bag burst open and everything fell out.
C.The flowers are all open now.    
D.He opened the letter and read it.
2.Fill in the blank in the sentence “He’s eager to __________different kinds of music.” the minds of his audience to the eyes of his audience to the way for his audience to listen to doors for his audience to listen to
3.What does the phrase “ the open” mean in “ When you feel tired after a day’s hard work, you’d better invite some friends to the open to relax yourself.”
A.the gym       B.the cinema      C.the countryside       D.the music room
4.Choose one of the following to complete the sentence, “Exciting possibilities__________for her in the new job”.
A.were opening out        B.were opening into  
C.were opening onto       D.were opening up

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