There is a saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” What one person considers beautiful may not be beautiful to another. When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their physical attractiveness. Of course, a beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to look at. But to me beauty is not only something that pleases the eyes.  but also pleases the other senses and the mind. I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you insight (深刻的了解) or realization of something interesting beyond just the outward appearance.
The most memorable “beautiful people” are those who have attractive personalities behind the pretty faces. In one of my previous classes, there were two beautiful girls. Sue and Lin. Both had almost perfect faces and slender(纤细的) figures. But Lin was used to getting her own way. She felt that her looks could help her get anything she wanted, especially among the boys. Sue, on the other hand, treated her beauty in a matter of-fact way and she was nice to everyone. She was also a member of the debating team. Her personality was mostly accepted by others and it made her a more outstanding beauty than Lin.
Inner beauty is another kind of beauty that attracts people greatly. People who have this kind of beauty have attained(获得) inner peace. They care about their fellowmen, and try to right the injustices in this world, Two well-known personalities who exemplify this are Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa.  Mandela is willing to sacrifice his life and freedom to obtain equal rights for the blacks in South Africa. Mother Theresa’s mission is to help the poorest of the world’s poor. This inner beauty makes the world a better place.
60. When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to ________.
A. the beauty of eyes                             B. something beyond the lovely sight
C. something that pleases our eyes           D. inner beauty
61. What does the underlined sentence “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” mean?
A. Beauty is a matter of a person’s taste and judgement.
B. Beautiful people are very popular.
C. Everybody hopes for beauty.
D. Beauty attracts people’ s eyes.
62. According to the passage, why did the author think Sue was more beautiful than Lin?
A. Sue had a perfect face                      B. Sue had a good character.
C. Sue became more and more slender.     D. Lin treated her beauty in a matter-of-fact way.
63. What’s the author’s opinion on beauty?
A. Beauty is a perfect face and a slender figure.
B. Beauty is something that pleases the eyes.
C. Beauty is an attractive personality behind the pretty faces.
D. Inner beauty doesn’t attract people.

These young men were a different kind of prisoner from those we had seen before. They- were brave, hostile(怀敌意的)and_1__ they would not take orders, and shouted "Amandla”at every opportunity. Their instinct was to confront(对抗)rather than cooperate. The authorities did not know how to handle them, and they turned the island upside down. During the Rivonia Trial, I remarked to a security policeman that if the government did not reform itself, the freedom fighters who would take our placewould some-day make the authorities miss us. That day had indeed come on Robben Island.

??? In these young men we saw the angry revolutionary spirit of the times. I had had some warning. On a visit with Winnie a few months before, she had managed to tell me through our coded conversation that there was a rising class of discontented youths who were violent and Africanist in beliefs. She said they were changing the nature of the struggle and that I should be aware of them.

??? The new prisoners were shocked by what they considered the inhuman conditions of the island, and said that they could not understand how we could live in such a way. We told them that they should have seen the island in 1964. But they were almost as sceptical of us as they were of the authorities. They chose to ignore our calls for discipline and thought our advice weak and unassertive(不果断).

??? It was obvious that they regarded us, the Rivonia Trialistsas moderates(温和派). After so many years of being branded a radical(激进的)revolutionary, to be seen as a moderate was a novel and not altogether pleasant feeling. I knew that I could react in one of two waysI could scold them for their disrespect or I could listen to what they were saying. I chose the latter.

??? 'then some of these men, such as Strini Moodley of the South African Students' Organization and Saths Cooper of the Black People's Convention, came into our section, I __2____

??? Shortly after their arrival on the island, the commanding officer came and asked me as a favour to address the young men. He wanted me to tell them to behave themselves, to recognize the fact that they were in prison and to accept the discipline of prison lifeI told him that I was not prepared to do that. Under the circumstances, they would have regarded me as a follower of the authorities.

??????????? (-adapted from "Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela')

1.Which of the following words fits best in Blank 1

A. mild Baggressive C. friendly D. optimistic

2.We may infer from the passage all of the following EXCEPT that_

A. an angry massive revolution was probably on its way

Bthe author's activities were strictly monitored

Cmany were concerned about the influence these young men could make

D. these young men were willing to cooperate in face of difficulties

3.Sentences are missing in Blank 2 regarding the author's following reactions. Which of the following reactions do you think he would have?

A. "I" asked them to tell us about their movement and beliefs.

B"I" reported to the officers about their dissatisfaction.

C. "I" tried to calm them down and talked them into behaving.

D. "I" just turned a deaf ear to the young men.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Conditions of the prison were far more unsatisfactory in 1964.

BOfficers of the prison turned the island upside down to discipline the young men.

C. The Rivonia Trialists felt honored to be regarded as moderates.

D. The young men regarded the author as a follower of the authorities.

5.Several phrases have been underlined and numbered in the passage; which two of them actually refer to the same people?

A.①② B.③④ C.⑤③ D.⑥①


     There is a saying"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." What one person considers beauty may not be
beautiful to another. When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their physical attractiveness. Of
course, a beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to look at. But to me beauty is not only something that pleases
the eyes, but also pleases the other senses and the mind. I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely
sight. It will give you insight (深刻的了解) or realization of something interesting beyond just the outward
     The most memorable "beautiful people" are those who have attractive personalities behind the pretty faces.
In one of my previous classes, there were two beautiful girls, Sue and Lin. Both had almost perfect faces and
slender (纤细的) figures. But Lin was used to getting her own way. She felt that her looks could help her get
anything she wanted, especially among the boys. Sue, on the other hand, treated her beauty in a matter of-fact
way and she was nice to everyone. She was also a member of the debating team. Her personality was mostly
accepted by others and it made her a more outstanding beauty than Lin.
     Inner beauty is another kind of beauty that attracts people greatly. People who have this kind of beauty have
attained (获得) inner peace. They care about their fellowmen, and try to right the injustices in this world. Two
well-known personalities who exemplify this are Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa. Mandela is willing to
sacrifice his life and freedom to obtain equal rights for the blacks in South Africa. Mother Theresa's mission is
to help the poorest of the world's poor. This inner beauty makes the world a better place.
1. When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to _____.
[     ]
A. the beauty of eyes
B. something beyond the lovely sight
C. something that pleases our eyes
D. inner beauty
2. What does the underlined sentence "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" mean?
[     ]
A. Beauty is a matter of a person's taste and judgment.
B. Beautiful people are very popular.
C. Everybody hopes for beauty.
D. Beauty attracts people's eyes.
3. According to the passage, why did the author think Sue was more beautiful than Lin?
[     ]
A. Sue had a perfect face.
B. Sue had a good character.
C. Sue became more and more slender.
D. Lin treated her beauty in a matter-of-fact way.
4. What's the author's opinion on beauty?
[     ]
A. Beauty is a perfect face and a slender figure.
B. Beauty is something that pleases the eyes.
C. Beauty is an attractive personality behind the pretty faces.
D. Inner beauty doesn't attract people.

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