
On receiving my learner driver license a couple of months ago, I started driving lessons straight away. In New Zealand, the __1__ driving age is 15.
However it wasn’t __2__ two days ago that Dad finally allowed me to drive on the motorway. Our __3__ was Urawa, a seaside town about 60 kilometers away from my home in Auckland. That morning I __4_ sure I had enough to drink and went to the toilet (厕所) about three times __5_ we left. I thought I was totally __6 for the journey, but nothing could have prepared me for my family’s _7__. "Relax! Don’t hold the steering wheel (方向盘) so _8_. The car is going zigzag (弯弯曲曲的), called a nervous voice from the __9__. "Speed up. 70km/h isn’t fast enough. You are holding up the traffic," another voice ordered from the seat next to mine.
How _10__ ! My parents were really starting to get on my nerves. To satisfy them I sped up and within a second, an angry voice began to yell again. "Stop! __11__! Are you crazy? ” Everything did not go fine until I pulled off the motorway and drove into the city, 12__ the speed limit was only 50km/h.
My family seemed relieved (放心的) and __13__ telling me what to do. They all looked out of the windows and enjoyed the scenery. 14__, that silence didn’t last very long. My mum suddenly cried out, "Look at those birds above us. __15 they lovely?"
How did she expect me to look up in the __16__? As the driver I had to _17_ . Who knows what would have happened if I had taken my eyes off the 18__? Four hours later we drove home. This time the journey was much __19__ than before as everyone else __20__ fast asleep. So, I just took my time and enjoyed the drive.
A.praisesB.encouragements C.complaints D.cries
A.tightlyB.lightlyC.loosely D.happily
A.front seatB.back seatC.top seatD.empty seat
A.Get outB.Move onC.Slow downD.Speed up
A.began B.stoppedC.continuedD.forgot
小题14: A. Luckily                 B. Probably                  C, Warmly             D. Sadly
A.easierB.flatterC.harder D.lower


小题2:It was not until…这是强调句。”直到….才”,选A。
小题4:词组make sure “确保”选D。
小题6:固定词组:be prepared for “为…做好了准备”,选B。
小题7:从后面的话:Relax! Don’t hold the steering wheel 可知是家人的埋怨。选C。
小题9:推理题:从这段的最后一句话the seat next to mine看出旁边座位已经有人坐了,这里应该是后排座位,故选B。
小题11:从前面的sped up“加速”,加上后面的“stop”看出这里是让他放慢速度,slow down,选C。
小题12:这里where引导定语从句,修饰the city。选A。
小题13:从前面的句子:My family seemed relieved家人放心了,可以推断出,这里指:不再叫他怎么做了。Stop doing sth “停止做…”选B。
小题14:从后面的句子:that silence didn’t last very long. 沉默没有持续太久,说明作者感到难过了,选D。
小题15:后面给的是形容词lovely,说明要填连系动词。选 C。
小题16:look up in the air 词组“抬头看天空”选A。
小题20:固定词组fall asleep 睡着了。选C。
Autumn and winter are cold and flu seasons. Will the old advice about dressing warmly help prevent a cold, or if you get sick, should you follow the old saying, “feed a cold and starve a fever?” And what about that fever? Should you take medicine to reduce your temperature, or is it better to let the body treat the fever itself? Everyone seems to have an answer. But is popular wisdom valuable?
Doctor Nelson knows a lot about cold and flu seasons. Nelson says research may be just starting to provide proofs for long-held beliefs. For example, scientists for years were against the idea that getting cold and wet might cause colds or flu. But recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause stress on the body, and that stress can create conditions more inviting to viruses. So maybe it does make sense to wrap up warmly before going outside.
And what about feeding a cold and starving a fever? Nelson says if you have a cold and are hungry, you should eat. But a fever, especially a high one, suggests a more serious problem. He says people are usually not hungry when they have a high fever. Eating might even make a person sick. But drinking enough water is important. A fever easily makes the body lose water.
Finally, when should you treat a fever? Nelson says a fever should be treated if it stays at
40℃ or above for a day or more. A high temperature can damage brain cells. The doctor also believes in treating a fever if it prevents a person from sleeping.
Medicine like aspirin, for example, can be used to reduce pain and fever. But aspirin should not be given to children because it can cause serious problems.
小题1:We can learn from the passage that Doctor Nelson________.
A.doesn’t believe in the old advice about preventing colds
B.is now trying his best to provide proofs for long-held beliefs.
C.doesn’t think it necessary to see a doctor immediately if a person has a temperature of 40℃
D.doesn’t think it necessary to treat a fever even if it prevents someone from sleeping.
小题2:According to Doctor Nelson, if someone catches a fever, he should________.
A.bathe in cold waterB.drink enough water
C.try to eat somethingD.take some exercise outside
小题3:Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage?
A.When people should treat a fever
B.Whether the old advice about preventing a cold is valuable.
C.What the medicine , aspirin, is used for.
D.Why people should eat when having a cold.
小题4:The passage suggests that_______.
A.aspirin can damage train cells if an adult takes too much of it.
B.it is easier for people to catch colds when their bodies are stressed.
C.some old advice about preventing colds doesn’t make any sense.
D.the idea that getting cold can cause flu was proved true years ago.

While applying to college may seem easy, getting in can be tough! When you apply for college, you will have to be honest with yourself and do a bit of research to find the right fit. Here are three steps to take when applying to colleges for the best chances at getting into the best college for you.
Step l: Making A List Of Colleges To Apply To
With over 6,000 colleges in the United States, the first step in applying to college is to do some research and make a college list .This process will be different for everyone. The number of colleges you apply to can vary, from applying  to 1 school (not recommended) to 30 schools (not recommended),each applicant can choose how many colleges they apply to. Many limit the number because applications are accompanied by a fee.
Step2: Splitting The List Into Target, Reach and Safety Schools
In general, students will want to apply to three types of schools: Target, Reach and Safety schools. It is up to you how many applications you send, but a good mix would be more target than reach, and at least one safety. You will need to take your list, and now decide which are your top picks, which are attainable for you academically, which are affordable for you only with aid, and refine your broad list into a group of schools that gives you the best chance for success. Talk to an admissions counselor at your high school if you have questions about this.
Step 3: Completing and Sending Applications to Colleges
Once your list is complete you are ready to apply to college by completing and sending in applications! College applications take time to complete —you have to write essays, ask for recommendations and get test scores sent to schools—so stay organized! All colleges will require these types of application materials, so start thinking about these items well before October or December. Once you complete and send them, then you have successfully applied to college.
小题1:It can be learned from the first paragraph that_____________.
A.you should be cautious to pick up the right college
B.you don't have to think twice before applying to college
C.once you apply to a college, you'll be admitted to it easily
D.each applicant should choose the best college for their ideal
小题2:To make a list of colleges, you____________.
A.should consider more Safety schools
B.had better take your academy into account
C.are supposed to choose merely one most fit
D.are required to pick out more than 30 colleges
小题3:Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A.One should clarify the list according to one's abilities.
B.Refer to admissions counselor at high school if necessary.
C.One doesn't have to send his test scores to the intended college.
D.Teachers' recommendations are included in application materials.
小题4:We can conclude from the text that____________.
A.each applicant has the right to apply to any colleges for free
B.the more college one chooses, the more successful he will be
C.applicants should send required materials before the deadline
D.safety schools are those that don't have so many requirements
小题5:The text is mainly about____________.
A.how to succeed in life
B.how to apply to college
C.how to ask for information
D.how to do a research in college

I live in the land of Disney, Hollywood and year-round sun. You may think people in such a splendid, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.
Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more lasting emotion.
Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.
I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful individuals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells“happiness”. But in memoir(回忆录)after memoir, they reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism ,drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children and profound loneliness.
Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage, if he’s honest, and he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment, for commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Similarly, couples that choose not to have children are deciding in favor of painless fun over painful happiness. They can dine out whenever they want and sleep as late as they can. Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three-day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating(解放性的)realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those rich and glamorous people we were so sure are happy because they are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
小题1:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.fun creates long-lasting satisfaction
B.fun provides enjoyment while pain leads to happiness
C.happiness is lasting whereas fun is short-lived
D.fun that is long-standing may lead to happiness
小题2:To the author, the role Hollywood stars play is to ________.
A.write memoir after memoir about their happiness
B.tell the public that happiness has nothing to do with fun
C.teach people how to enjoy their lives
D.bring happiness to the public instead of going to parties
小题3:In the author’s opinion, marriage ________ .
A.affords greater funB.leads to raising children
C.indicates duty and devotionD.usually ends up in pain
小题4:Which of the following is the best example of“painful happiness”?
A.Winning lottery by accident
B.A bachelor resisting marriage
C.Raising children
D.Buying some fancy clothes
小题5:If one gets the true sense of happiness, he will ________.
A.stop playing games and joking with othersB.keep himself with his family
C.give a free hand to moneyD.use his time to increase happiness

“Where is the bus?” I asked myself. I was going to be late and the manager wasn’t going to be pleased. Thank God, here it is! The bus__1__round the corner and I got on. Ten minutes later I was walking into the__2__ where I work. “Twenty-five past nine. I__3__ the manager doesn’t notice.” But no __4__luck! “Smith!” shouted the manager. “Late again. What’s your__5__ this time?”. “ I’m afraid the bus was late, Mr. Brown.” “Get up earlier tomorrow! Anyway, go to your__6__ at the counter, we’ll be opening in a few minutes.”
My first customer was a pretty girl wearing a red dress. Behind her was a young man of about 25. He seemed very__7__, and every few seconds he looked __8__the main entrance. The girl__9__about opening a bank account. I gave her the necessary __10__and she walked out. __11__, I noticed a tall man by the door, carrying something__12__with brown paper. Turning to my next customer, I was terrified to see a gun__13__ out of his coat. The moment a loud noise __14__ my ears. Everything went black. I was falling…. After__15__seemed a very long time, I opened my eyes and found in bed! __16__shaking from the memory of this terrible dream, I got dressed and ran out of the house. As usual, the bus wasn’t on time, and I got to the bank at 9:25.
“Smith!” the manager cried out in a voice like thunder. “__17__of your excuse! Go start work at once!” To my__18__, the first customer was a girl __19__ a red dress and behind her stood a man carrying something wrapped in brown paper. The __20__! Wasn’t that the surprise of my life?

Balzac was good at buying things at its lowest price. One day he wanted to buy a vase in a shop window that was much more expensive than he could offer. Not being able to make the shopkeeper cut down its price very much, he left without further talking. Collecting a half dozen of his friends, he explained his wish to them and they worked a plan. The first would enter the shop and make an offer, lower than the marked price. Not getting the vase at his price, he would walk out. Shortly after another would enter and ask for a price lower than the first. In this way, each of the others would offer a price lower than the one before, and the last of his friends made a great effort to attempt to get it at the lowest price. Before long Balzac himself would return, offer more than the last two or three persons made and trust to luck. The plan worked--- Balzac got the vase at his price!
小题1:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.vase in the window was placed much higher than Balzac could reach.
B.At first the price of the vase was much higher than Balzac could offer.
C.Balzac always wanted to buy a vase that was much more expensive than he could pay.
D.Balzac was very poor. He couldn’t buy the vase at a high price.
小题2:How many friends did Balzac gather?
小题3:Who asked for the lowest price?
A.The first one.B.The second one.
C.The last of his friends.D.Balzac.
小题4:What kind of person does the writer try to tell us about Balzac and his friends?
My husband is a born shopper. He loves to look at things and to touch them. He likes to compare prices between the same items in different shops. He would never think of buying anything without looking around in several different shops. On the other hand, I’m not a shopper. I think shopping is boring and unpleasant. If I like something and I have enough money to take it, I buy it at once. I never look around for a good price or a better deal. Of course my husband and I never go shopping together. Doing shopping together would be too painful for both of us. When it comes to shopping, we go our different ways.
Sometimes I ask my son Jimmy to buy some food in the shop not far from our home. But he is always absent-minded. This was his story.
One day I said to him, ” I hope you won’t forget what I have told you to buy.” “ No,“ said Jimmy. “I won’t forget. You want three oranges , six eggs and a pound of meat.”
He went running down the street to the shop. As he ran, he said to himself over and over again, “three oranges , six eggs and a pound of meat.”
In the beginning he remembered everything but he stopped several times. Once he saw two men fighting outside a clothes shop until a policeman stopped them. One of them was badly hurt. Then he stopped to give ten cents to a beggar. Then he met some of his friends and he played with them for a while. When he reached the shop, he had forgotten everything except six eggs.
As he walked home, his face became sadder and sadder. When he saw me he said, “I’m sorry, Mum. I have forgotten to buy oranges and the meat. I only remembered to buy six eggs, but I’ve dropped three of them.”
小题1:The husband likes shopping because _______.
A.he has much money.
B.he likes the shops.
C.he likes to compare the prices between the same items.
D.he has nothing to do but shopping.
小题2:They never go shopping together because_______.
A.their ways of shopping are quite differentB.they hate each other.
C.they needn’t buy anything for the familyD.they don’t have time for it.
小题3:Jimmy can’t do the shopping well because _______.
A.he is youngB.he is absent-minded
C.he often loses his moneyD.he doesn’t like shopping
小题4:Jimmy didn’t buy what his mother wanted because_______.
A.the shop was closed that dayB.the policeman stopped him
C.he forgot some of themD.he gave all the money to the beggar
There is a fine line between a parent who is active and open-minded and one that doesn’t know when to let go (放手). As my daughter, Nicole, prepares to leave home for college, I’m discovering how hard it is to stay on the  36  side of this line. When I hold   37  the apron strings (围裙带) connecting us, Nicole, eager to  38  independence, tries to loosen my grasp. What results is a (an)  39  mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango.
For the past two years, it’s gone like this:
My question: “Have you thought of taking an advanced placement class (高阶课程) so that you can earn college credit?”
Nicole’s  40 : “No, I’m not interested in that.”   ………
Two months ago, she was   41  to a great university. However, I was still the mother having a   42  time letting go. The night before the introductory meeting of the university, I had read the course catalog carefully and   43  courses which I thought looked good. We met on the campus the next afternoon, and Nicole’s face  44  with excitement. “I have had my entire schedule figured out,” she said. “Already?” I was astonished,  45  she should have discussed it with me. I examined the schedule. Nicole hadn’t taken a (an)  46  one of the courses I had suggested. Every course she had chosen  47  suited her interests. Just then I saw a mature, capable young woman with a  48  mind and the ability to shape her future. She no longer needed her mother’s  49  every decision she made. I felt proud, though still a bit          50  .
I   51  the lessons carefully. Nicole has struggled to learn over the past 18 years:  52 , sympathy, and hard work. There have been a few holes along the way.  53 , she is well-equipped and eager to  54  the future. The next step, I recognized, was mine to take: giving my daughter and myself the  55  we both needed.
A.lit upB.built upC.turned upD.made up
Sophia Richardson: Both my parents are really important to me. My parents are really more than friends. They’re the people I can open up and talk to. Talking to them is like talking to one of my friends. They’ve been there for me and given me good advice on a lot of my problems.
Stacey Avnes: My Jewish big sister is important to me. Her name is Lauren. We’ve been together for two years. My mom is a single mom and she is very busy. Lauren is someone who helps me deal with all this stuff because she’s someone I can talk to. She’s like a second mom to me and also a best friend. If I have any problem, I can call her and she’ll come and pick me up and we’ll go to a park and talk.
Jean Park: It’s my uncle who is important to me. When I’m with him, I’m grateful(感激的) for the small things—being alive and healthy; having a good family and friends. He’s also very grateful for the small things and gives back to his community(社区).
Melaku Shierfaw: My father is important to me. He came here from a rich family in Africa. But when he came, he didn’t take any money and started fresh. He showed that he could do everything by himself without the help of others and he’s successful. It shows me that I can do anything as long as I try.
Kalin Scott-Wright: My great grandmother is in charge of our whole family. She was born in 1920. I know she went through a lot in her life. She was a very strong woman and she raised my mom and took her in. She had a kind spirit and loved me and my brother. She’ll always be there for me although she’s not alive any longer.
小题1:We can infer that Sophia             .
A.is always in trouble
B.has few friends
C.gets along well with her parents
D.depends too much on her parents
小题2:What do we know about Stacey’s big sister?
A.She is very lonely.
B.She is a single mother.
C.She is Stacey’s only friend.
D.She often helps Stacey.
小题3:What does Jean’s uncle teach her?
A.To be grateful for the small things in life.
B.To be ready to help her community.
C.To treat others like friends.
D.To have a good family.
小题4: From his father, Melaku has learnt that            .
A.not everyone can be successful
B.money is not important in one’s life
C.one should never ask others for help
D.he can do anything as long as he tries

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