

1What do we know about the man?

A. He wants to get a job in finance.

B. He doesn’t have any work experience.

C. His old job was in marketing and advertising.

2What will the woman probably do next?

A. Go downstairs. B. Make a phone call. C. Look at her schedule.









【题目】 It’s widely acknowledged that reading plays an important role in language learning, but for a great many readers, what to read and how to read is always a puzzle. Here are some suggestions for reading improvement.

● Read about things that interest you.

If you are interested in what you are reading about, the words will come alive, and naturally you will be attracted to understand. 1 find which you consider meaningful.

● Read material that is at your level, or just a little difficult for you.

Looking up many unknown words in a dictionary is really dull, and the results of the dictionary search got quickly forgotten. 2, And soon you will be able to take on more difficult content.

● Learn to read in depth, stay on the same subject for a while.

If you are familiar with the subject you are reading about, you will understand better. If the subject matter is new to you, you should even try to read a few different books or articles about the same subject, before you move on. 3 helping you to learn. You will also be able to get deeper into the subject and your reading confidence will grow.


Most of your reading should be for pleasure. You can enjoy reading without understanding all of what you read. You may even understand some things in your own personal way.

● Recognize that the key is to read a lot.

You may develop a system for keeping track of new words that you encounter in your reading. However, the main growth in your vocabulary and reading skill will come just from reading as much as you can. So learn to enjoy reading and read a lot. Keep reading, and you will become a better reader.

5. When you are reading a textbook or manual, or report or other material that have to read for school or work, you may need to underline, take notes, and read some parts over again, in order to retain what you are reading. However, if you have developed the habit of reading for pleasure, you will find that some other techniques you need will come naturally, and that you will understand a lot better than before.

A. You’d better read more difficult books

B. Enjoy understanding all of what you read

C. Don’t worry about what you don’t understand

D. Unfortunately not all reading is just for pleasure

E. This way you will meet the same vocabulary and ideas often

F. It is better to stay within your comfort zone and keep reading

G. You will feel satisfaction in accomplishing a task that fascinates you

【题目】Customs on either side of the Atlantic

We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a common language. But in fact, 1. as BBC did in a recent story called 8 Situations When Britons Behave Differently From Americans. Below Teens has picked out four for you. Take a look.

When someone knocks into you.

If someone bumps into an American, the victim will most likely look the accidental aggressor in the face and expect an apology. If however, 2. chances are that the victim will say "sorry" before the other can make his or her own apology.


Britons don’t all change into evening dress for supper like what you may have seen in popular TV shows like Downton Abbey. But they do tend to make an effort when going out for dinner somewhere nice. Americans, however, will probably wear a casual shirt to a fancy eatery.

When you doift finish your food.

When dining out at a restaurant, 4 They think the food is somehow "tainted" once they’ve poked at it with a knife and fork. In the US, wrapping it up to take home is a standard practice.

When you get into a taxi.

Britons will give the cab driver an address, then assume that’s it for the interaction until it’s time to pay. Even if they’re being taken in a roundabout way, 5 In the US, however, most passengers think nothing of telling the driver what route to take after telling him or her the destination.

A. When you get dressed for dinner

B. When you go out with your friends

C. the differences are more fun to observe

D. they’re very unlikely to say anything

E. the victim happens to be British

F. Britons wouldn’t think to take the leftovers home

G. they will point it out immediately and politely

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