It was a weeknight. We were a half dozen guys in our late teens, hanging around “the flat” — as usual. The flat was poorly furnished, which, after some time, grew tiresome. We wanted action.

We got in a car, big enough for all of us to crowd into — and off we went, in search of adventure. We soon found ourselves at Blue Gum Corner, a place named after the huge old blue gum tree that stood by there, a well-known local landmark. It stands at a minor crossroad leading to our town. The trunk is tall and smooth with no handholds for climbing. About six metres from the ground the first branch sticks out over the road. We parked beneath the huge old tree and discussed what we might do. All of a sudden we hit upon an idea — a hanging! I was chosen as “hangee”.

The plan was quite simple. As I stood upon the roof of the car, the rope (绳子) was threaded down my jacket through my collar and down one leg of my jeans. I put my foot through the loop at the bottom. There I hung, still. The boys rolled about laughing until, a car, I hear a car! Before they ran to hide in the nearby field, they gave me a good push so that “the body” would swing as the car drove by.

To our disappointment, the car simply turned off for town without even slowing. The boys came out of their hiding places and we discussed the situation. Surely they had seen me, hadn’t they? Then we heard another car. The act was repeated, but still without any obvious reaction. We played the game about five or six times, but as no one seemed to notice, we abandoned the trick.

What we did not know was that every car that had passed had unquestionably seen “the body” and each one, too scared to stop, had driven directly to the local Police Station. Now at that time of the night, the local policeman was sound asleep in his bed, so the first person sent to the scene was the traffic officer that happened to be on duty that particular night. He had been informed that some person had been killed, by hanging, at Blue Gum Corner. When he arrived, the body was gone! And he was hearing “unnatural sounds” from the surrounding area. As far as he knew, some fierce animal was hiding in the field before him, possibly dragging a body behind him — and we thought we were scared!

He went to his radio and made a call that really began to worry us. I lay so close that I could hear every word. He called for the “armed police” and a “dog team, better make it two” and he had a “serious situation” at Blue Gum Corner. Then the police officer arrived. After a briefing from the traffic officer he decided not to go into the field until armed police and dog teams arrived. Now two spotlights were on the field and none of us could move.

As luck would have it, police cars cannot leave their spotlights on all night without charging their batteries. So, after a time, the two officers began lightening the field by turns, allowing us the opportunity to move on our fours for freedom. One by one, we all managed to steal away and make our way home. Behind us we left what must have looked like a small city of lights, police cars, roadblocks, barking dogs, armed officers and an old rope hanging from a tree.

When I think back to that night, to that tree, to what the drivers of the cars think happened, to what police believe happened, and to what I know happened, I am reminded of a simple truth — our eyes see darkness and light, color and movement, our ears hear only vibrations (振动) in the air. It is how we explain these vivid pictures that shapes our “reality”.

1.The boys made the “hanging” plan in order to ______.

A. make a fool of the police

B. draw public attention

C. seek fun and excitement

D. practise acting skills

2.Seeing that no car passing by stopped, the boys must have felt ______.

A. discouraged B. proud

C. annoyed D. confident

3.Why was the traffic officer sent to the scene of “hanging”?

A. Because a fierce animal kept the traffic in disorder.

B. Because the local policeman was not available at that time.

C. Because some naughty kids were playing a terrifying game.

D. Because many scared drivers turned directly to him for help.

4.The boys managed to escape from the field when ______.

A. the two police cars were being charged

B. the police officer was taking over the duty

C. the traffic officer was making a call for help

D. the two spotlights were not working together

5.What is conveyed in the passage?

A. Actions speak louder than words.

B. The truth lies beneath the surface.

C. Experience is the best teacher.

D. To see is to believe.

6.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Blue Gum Tree B. A Body Found Hanging

C. Escape to Freedom D. A Disappointing Experience


Before we start a voyage, we usually try to find out more or less definitely where we are bound and how we are supposed to get there.

I happen to have the “Concise Oxford dictionary” on my desk and that will do as well as any other. The word I am looking for appears at the bottom of Page 344. edition 1912.

“Geography: the science of the earth's surface, form, physical features, natural and political divisions, climate, productions and population.”

I could not possibly hope to do better, but I still stress some of the aspects of the case at the expenses of others, because I intend to place man in the centre of the stage. This book of mine will not merely discuss the surface of the earth and its physical features, together with its political and natural boundaries. I would rather call it a study of man in search of food and shelter and leisure for himself and for his family and an attempt to his background or has reshaped his physical surroundings in order to be comfortable and well nourished and happy with his limited strength.

Among the two million human beings in the world, there is of course the widest possible range for all sorts of experiments of an economic and social and cultural nature. It seems me that those experiments deserve our attention before anything else. For a mountain is after all merely a mountain until it has been seen by human eyes and has been walked on by human feet and until its and slopes and valleys have been occupied and fought over and planted by a dozen generation of hungry settlers.

The Atlantic Ocean was just as wide and deep and as wet and salty before the beginning of the 13th century as after, but it took the human touch to make it what it is today—a bridge between the New World and the Old, the highway for the commerce between East and West.

For thousands of years the endless Russian plains lay ready to offer their abundant harvest to whoever should take the trouble to sow the first grain. But the aspect of that country today would he a very different one if the hand of a German or a Frank, rather than that of a Slav, had guided the iron-pointed stick that plowed the first furrows (犁沟).

The island of Nippon would shake and quake just as continually, whether they happened to be settled by Japanese or by the Tasmanian race, but in the latter case they would hardly be able to feed 60,000,000 people.

Generally speaking, I have paid more attention to the purely “human” side of geography than to the commercial problems which are so important in a day and age devoted to mass production.

1.In the first four paragraphs, the author wants to share with the readers ______.

A. his approach to planning a voyage

B. his emphasis on using a dictionary

C. his definition of the word “geography”

D. his altitude to the earth's physical features

2.Which of the following will the author NOT consider to be on experiment according to Paragraph 5?

A. Exploring a mountain.

B. Climbing a mountain.

C. Planting on slopes and valleys.

D. Becoming hungry.

3.Which of the following is implied about the Atlantic Ocean?

A. It is wide, deep, wet and salty.

B. Human touch makes it important.

C. There is a bridge over it.

D. The highway is busy there.

4.The author mentioned the Russian plains and the island of Nippon to show that _____.

A. they both feed a lot of people

B. they enjoy very good natural conditions

C. different people may make the same place different

D. their natural conditions haven't changed for many years


Sunny countries are often poor. A shame, then, that solar power is still quite expensive. Eight19, a British company by Cambridge University, has, however, invented a novel way to get round this. In return for a deposit of around $10 it is supplying poor Kenyan families with a solar cell able to generate 2.5 watts of electricity, a battery that can deliver a three amp(安培) current to store this electricity, and a lamp whose bulb is a light-emitting diode(二极管). The firm thinks that this system, once the battery is fully charged, is enough to light two small rooms and to power a mobile-phone charger for seven hours. Then, next day, it can be put outside and charged back up again.

The trick is that, to be able to use the electricity, the system's keeper must buy a scratch card—for as little as a dollar—on which is printed a reference number. The keeper sends this reference, plus the serial number of the household solar unit, by SMS to Eight19. The company's server will respond automatically with an access code to the unit.

Users may consider that they are paying an hourly rate for their electricity. In fact, they are paying off the cost of the unit. After buying around $80 worth of scratch cards—which Eight19 expects would take the average family around 18 months—the user will own it. He will then have the option of continuing to use it for nothing, or of trading it in for a bigger one, perhaps driven by a 10-watt solar cell.

In that case, he would go then through the same process again, paying off the additional cost of the upgraded kit at a slightly higher rate. Users would therefore increase their electricity supply steadily and afford ably.

According to Eight19's figures, this looks like a good deal for customers. The firm believes the average energy-starved Kenyan spends around $10 a month on oil—enough to fuel a couple of smoky lamps—plus $2 on charging his mobile phone in the market-place. Regular users of one of Eight19's basic solar units will spend around half that, before owning it completely. Meanwhile, as the cost of solar technology falls, it should get even cheaper.

1.The underlined word “get round” in the first paragraph can be replaced by _______ .

A. make use of B. come up with

C. look into D. deal with

2.How much would users pay for the cell and scratch cards before they own a 2.5-watt solar cell?

A. Around $10. B. Around $80.

C. Around $90. D. Around $180.

3.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ____________.

A. Kenyan families would find it difficult to afford the solar cell

B. using the solar cell would help Kenyan families save money

C. few Kenyan families use mobile phones for lack of electricity

D. the company will make a great profit from selling solar cells

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Solar Energy: Starting from Scratch.

B. Eight19: a creative British Company.

C. Kenyan Families: Using Solar Energy for Free.

D. Poor Countries: Beginning to Use Solar Energy.

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