

爬山(mountain climbing)是一项很好的运动,修身养性,但涉及环保和森林防火隐患等问题。请你就爬山这项运动的优缺点谈谈自己的看法,写一篇英语短文。








【答案】Nowadays there is an increasing number of people who go in for mountain climbing. Indeed, it is an awesome outdoor sport, which can offer us a chance to get close to nature. While climbing a mountain, we can enjoy beautiful views along the way and totally relax ourselves after tiring work or study. Besides, it can not only benefit our health but also shape our character.

However, mountain climbing is also likely to cause some negative effects. Take environmental protection for example, some people always throw away empty bottles or garbage bags along the path while climbing a mountain, which has become a real headache for the cleaners. What’s worse, many forest fires are caused by cigarette ends which are left behind carelessly by some smokers.

To sum up, mountain climbing is a sport worth joining in. But when climbing a mountain, we must pay attention to the two problems mentioned above. Only by our joint efforts can we make mountain climbing enjoyable and worthwhile!


范文语言表达能力好,语法结构和词汇的应用基本正确。文中用了 Besides, however, take…for example, What’s worse, To sum up, 等连词,使全文流畅结构紧凑。最后总结时Only by our joint efforts can we make mountain climbing enjoyable and worthwhile!使用倒装句强调只有一起努力才能使这项运动成为享受和值得的。



The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. 1 By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.


Your children need to be deeply curious. 【2】 Ask kids, “What ingredients(配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time ?” and then try them out. Ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?


True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new. 【3There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.

3.Personal skills

Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what’s going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kid from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 【4】 “Why do you think she’s crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”


【5】 There are many ways to express thoughts and ideasmusic, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.

A.Encourage kids to cook with you.

B.And we can’t forget science education.

C.We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.

D.So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist?

E.Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.

F.We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.

G.Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.

【题目】Thank you for agreeing to be a Test Administrator for PISA. The purpose of this manual is to help you to understand how you will assist with the successful implementation of this large-scale student survey.

1.1. What is PISA?

PISA stands for the Programme for International Student Assessment, sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). PISA 2015 is the sixth PISA study that has been conducted since 2000 and involves more than 70 participating countries.

PISA has the following characteristics:

It is the world’s largest international survey in education.

It surveys students aged about 15 years.

It assesses students’ preparedness for adult life.

Undertaking PISA is important because the results of the test can be used:

to indicate how well prepared students in a country/economy are for learning once they leave school;

to identify areas for improvement over time by schools, education systems, and governments; and

to allow a comparison of student performance and the learning environment between different countries.

1.2. Components of PISA 2015

1.2.1. Cognitive test

42 students from each school will be randomly sampled to complete a 2-hour computer-based test consisting of questions in science, mathematics, reading, and Collaborative Problem Solving.

1.2.2. Questionnaires

These students will also be asked to complete a 30 minutes Student Questionnaire on the computer either directly after the test sections or at a later time.

1.2.3. Financial Literacy assessment

After the cognitive test and questionnaires, a sub-sample of 10-11 students will take a computer-based Financial Literacy(FL) assessment. The 65-minute Financial Literacy assessment tests students’ knowledge of personal finances and their ability to apply it to their financial problems.

【1】According to the manual, each participating student of PISA should___________.

A. be aged more than 15 years old

B. be of or above the average level in their classes

C. spend 215 minutes for the programme

D. carry out all the tasks on the computer

【2】What can we know about PISA from the passage?

A. There will be over seventy countries participating in the seventh PISA in 2018.

B. Top PISA scorers are more likely to succeed in their adult life than lower score owners.

C. PISA will compare students’ personal performance based on their learning environment.

D. The FL assessment is specially intended for students who are suffering financial problems.

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