
I came into the head teacher’s office, where my brother was waiting for me. He was filling out papers for me to ______. He turned to face me and his eyes were red. I knew that something ______ had happened.

“Amanda had a car accident, and now she is in hospital.” he said. I was astonished. How could that happen? Amanda was the ______ driver I knew.

Without a thought in my head, I got out of the school and ______ to the medical center. She was lying on a bed with her ______ covered from the eyebrows up. Nothing could explain my feeling ______ she looked up at me with blood-filled eyes. In her eyes, where I had expected to see ______, I saw strength. She said to me, “I love you, Renee.” I was shamed and speechless realization that I ______ told my sister I loved her.

As the doctors ______ her down the hallway to the X-ray room, I wanted to scream out to her that I loved her, but I couldn’t. I cried with tears of ______.

Everyone kept telling me she would be all right. ______, something in their voices spoke loudly of the doubt that everyone was trying to ______. Finally, the doctor came, “She’s going to be fine.” Great! I knew that the accident could leave a large scar(伤疤) on her head but she was ______, and that’s all that ______ to me.

A year later, I still have a(n) ______, even though we complain about each other. Every time I see her face and the large scar, I remember to tell her that I love her. I almost lost the opportunity to tell her that, and I am thankful I still can.

1.A. hit B. leave C. study D. stay

2.A. unforgettable B. stupid C. strange D. terrible

3.A. fastest B. safest C. youngest D. worst

4.A. jumped B. flew C. walked D. rushed

5.A. head B. fingers C. arm D. back

6.A. after B. before C. when D. until

7.A. excitement B. amazement C. fear D. honesty

8.A. A. frequently B. rarely C. directly D. seriously

9.A. pulled B. lifted C. wheeled D. followed

10.A. carelessness B. happiness C. kindness D. hopelessness

11.A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Instead

12.A. raise B. throw C. hide D. remove

13.A. alive B. confident C. strong D. concerned

14.A. occurred B. mattered C. struck D. competed

15.A. brother B. head teacher C. interviewer D. sister


Every living thing has genes. Genes carry information. 1. They make sure that humans give birth to humans and cows give birth to cows. They also make sure that a dog doesn’t give birth to a frog, or an elephant to a horse. However, genetic engineers take genes from one species-for example, a snake, and transfer them to another-for example, corn. 2. Such new life forms have been described, by some scientists as a real-life Frankenstein(科幻怪人).

Genetic engineers put duck genes into chicken to make the chickens bigger. They put hormones(激素) into cows to make them produce more milk. They put genes from flowers into beans and from fish into tomatoes. 3. It just makes them easier and faster for the farmer to grow.

The effects of genetic engineering on the natural world may be disastrous. The engineers may create strange life beings, or monsters. that we cannot control. 4. They’ll have to find one, fight for one-or kill for one. It may be your land they fight for-or you that they kill. Moreover, the effects of these experiments can often be cruel. In America, pigs were given human genes to make them bigger and less fatty. The experiment failed. The pigs became very ill and began to lose their eyesight. We would all like a better, healthier and longer life, and genetic engineering might give us this. On the other hand, it may be a dangerous experiment with nature. In the story of Frankenstein, the doctor created such a terrible and dangerous monster that he had to destroy it. 5.

A. The information tells us what to do or what not to do

B. We must make sure that this tale remains a story-and no more than that

C. This doesn’t make them cheaper, tastier, or healthier

D. The new life forms have no natural habitat or home

E. Then they feed the tomatoes to the fish

F. In this way a new life form is created

G. They are passed on from generation to generation

Some people may think I’m crazy when I say “work is rest”. But that’s the way it is — we need to rest. Without rest, we will die. At a minimum, we won’t have the energy to work.

Nobody forces us to be so stupid about this. We just don’t know how to rest properly. We rest in ways that are not restful, even stressful. Some of our ways of rest interfere with our working energy. Instead of sleep, we go to the movies and clubs, drink or have a smoke with friends. This is because we misunderstand the meaning of “rest”.

We should remember that rest means not working, both physically and mentally. Only then is it real rest. When tired, rest. It’s simple. Actually, dogs and cats are smarter about this than people. People are stupid enough to rest in ways that destroy their capacity to work.

Rest and work always go together. There must be a balance: work during the day and rest at night. When the sun comes up, one has plenty of strength to work well and enjoy it. In other words, rest is a kind of investment, so that one has the strength and energy to continue working. So we need rest to work, recognizing that we can’t have one without the other. Rest is what recharges our batteries. We need enough time to charge up adequately to the tasks we undertake. Thus, we need to rest correctly; otherwise, illness will occur and also can affect the efficiency of our work.

Rest can’t be skimped. Without enough rest, good work is impossible. This is why we say that rest is another kind of work.

1.Which of the following is the best rest according to this passage?

A. Sleeping at home.

B. Drinking or having a smoke with friends.

C. Going to the movies and clubs.

D. Playing cards with family members.

2.We can know from this passage that _____.

A. dogs and cats are smarter than we human beings

B. rest can make us work more efficiently

C. it’s not proper to sleep in the daytime for people.

D. rest is more important than work for people

3.The underlined word “skimped” in the last paragraph probably means “______”.

A. added B. connected

C. saved D. developed

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. How to Form the Habit of Sleeping B. Why People Need to Rest

C. Sufficient Rest Leads to Success D. Rest is Another Kind of Work

Your house may have an effect on your figure . Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off . You can make your environment work for you instead of against you . Here are some ways to turn your home into part of diet plan.

Open the curtains and turn up the lights . Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating , for people are often less self-conscious(难为情)when they’re in poorly lit places-and so more likely to eat lots of food . If your home doesn’t have enough window light , get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.

Mind the colors . Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites . In one study , people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room . Warm colors like yellow make tood appear more appetizing , while cold colors make us feel less hungry . So when it’s time to repaint , go blue.

Don’t forget the clock-or the radio. People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里) per meal than those who rush through their meals. Begin keeping track of the time, and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes, And while you’re at it, actually sit down to eat. If you need some help slowing down , turn on relaxing music. It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.

Downsize the dishes, Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat. We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate. When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one ,total intake(摄入) jumps by 14 percent. And we’ll pour about 30 percent more liquid into a short, wide glass than a tall, skinny glass.

1.The text is especially helpful for those who care about_______.

A. their home comforts B. their body shape

C. house buying D. healthy diets

2.A home environment in blue can help people_________.

A. digest food better B. reduce food intake

C. burn more calories D. regain their appetites

3.What are people advised to do at mealtimes?

A. Eat quickly. B. Play fast music.

C. Use smaller spoons. D. Turn down the lights.

4.What can be a suitable title for the test?

A. Is Your Hourse Making You Fat?

B. Ways of Serving Dinner

C. Effects of Self-Consciousness

D. Is Your Home Environment Relaxing?

Rebecca, who is a 25-year-old woman, has a rare condition. She can remember all the events she has experienced in her life. The events are so vivid(生动的), as if they happened just moments ago. But her vivid memories often become a reality. Rebecca said, “When I relive(再想起) memories, the emotions come back. So if it’s something that happened when I was younger, my emotions are about what I felt then. I also re-experience pain. For example, I remember falling over and hurting my left knee when I was three. When talking about it now, I’m getting pain in my left knee.”

However, there are times when Rebecca’s memories prove to be too overwhelming(压倒性的), and she has learnt relaxation and mindfulness(聚精会神) techniques to solve. “At school, it is a hindrance. I’m not very quick at processing(处理) things, so there is always so much going through my mind. At night, I have to sleep with the radio on and a soft light. If it’s too dark or quiet, my mind just recalls(再回忆起) all these memories and I can’t sleep,” Rebecca said.

In addition, Rebecca has no control over whether the memories she recalls will be positive or negative – recalling painful experiences with such vividness that she has suffered from post-traumatic (创伤后的) stress disorder. Rebecca said, “Recently, I went back to my old school for my sister’s high school graduation. Being in that building again brought all those memories flooding back. I burst into tears and had to leave.”

Rebecca and her mother Mrs. Barnes got in touch with the University of California in 2011. It was there that Rebecca knew she had Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). It’s reported that Rebecca is one of just 80 people worldwide, who have HASM. “Finding out about HASM has been such a positive experience. Now, Rebecca has been more positive and able to do things independently, which has been excellent,” Mrs. Barnes said.

1.What’s wrong with Rebecca?

A. She hardly sleeps well at night.

B. She usually gets hurt easily by others.

C. She can’t distinguish between reality and dreams.

D. Her vivid memories lead her to experience sufferings.

2.What does the underlined word “hindrance” mean in Paragraph 2?

A. priority(优先权) B. advantage.

C. difficulty. D. opportunity.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Rebecca had a strong dislike of going to school.

B. Rebecca was moved to tears at her sister’s graduation.

C. Rebecca and her sister once studied in the same school.

D. Rebecca enjoyed a happy life during her high school years.

4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Rebecca_____.

A. has got her life improved gradually

B. was influenced by her mother to be positive

C. was admitted into the University of California

D. became well-known due to her rare condition

She’s rarely seen without an elegant handbag on her arm, but the question of what the Queen keeps inside it has long remained a mystery. Now a new book claims to cast light on the contents of the royal matriarch’s main possession.

What’s In The Queen’s Handbag: And Other Royal Secrets reveals that though the 81-year-old British monarch(君主) doesn’t carry cash, keys or passport—since she doesn’t own one—her bag is far from empty. Inside are a collection of little presents from her children, a make-up case, some family photos, and a camera sometimes. There’s also an s-shaped metal hook that she places on the dinner table’s edge to hang her bag from so that it doesn’t touch the floor.

Should you ever meet the Queen, it’s not what’s in her bag but what she does with it that should concern you. She uses her bags, of which she has about 200 made by London-based firm Launier, to send signals to her staff.

Before dining with Queen, a point is made to inform guests that dinner will end in about five minutes after she places her bag on the table top.

On walkabouts, she holds the bag to one side to show she intends to move on, at which point a lady-in-waiting joins the conversation, allowing her to slip away without causing offence.

When at a banquet, if the Queen’s bag is placed on the floor then it’s a sign that she’s not finding the conversation interesting, and wants nothing more than to escape. However, if the royal bag is dangling happily from the crook of her left arm, she is happy and relaxed.

1.What does the article tell us about the Queen’s handbag?

A. She seldom has it with her.

B. She always carries the same handbag.

C. It used to be thought empty.

D. Its contents are not the same as ours.

2.When is it necessary for the Queen to convey her intention with her bag?

A. When she is with guests. B. When she eats outside.

C. When she has her staff around. D. When she is tired of speaking.

3.The Queen gives no signal when she ________.

A. hangs her bag on the metal hook B. hangs her bag from her left arm

C. places her bag on the floor D. puts her bag on the table top

4.“What’s In The Queen’s Handbag: And Other Royal Secrets ” is italicized(用斜体写)because that’s ________.

A. he very title of the article

B. the name of a book

C. the main information given in the article

D. what the writer wants to stress

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