
【题目】W: What do you think of the football match we 【1】 (watch) yesterday afternoon?

M: Very2 (excite). The two teams did very well in the match and it was really 3 lose game.

W: I enjoyed it very much too. I have never seen a more interesting game so far this year.

M: I had expected it to be a wonderful match because4 of the teams had excellent players.

W: I’m sorry I missed the first part of it.

M: You were late for the match? What for?

W: I was filled with 5 (anxious) to see the match and fell off my bike on the way. My legs hurt, 6 I had to ride my bike slowly. It took me quite some time7 I got to the sports field.

M: I’m sorry to hear that. Were your legs hurt?

W: Yes, but not very serious. I only got my skin 8 (scratch) and bled a little.

M: You 9 (see) a doctor first.

W: But I didn’t think it necessary. I cleaned my skin and then started again.

M: How long were you late for the match? 【10 time was it when you got to the sports field?

W: When I got to the sports field, it was already three twenty.

M: Three twenty? Oh, you were twenty minutes late for the match. You missed a very wonderful part of the match.

W: Yeah. It was really a pity.










【9】should have seen




【1】watched。考查过去时。由yesterday afternoon可知此处用过去时,所以填watched。


【3】a。考查冠词。 game是可数名词,所以用冠词a。

【4】both。考查固定搭配。both of是固定搭配两者都,所以填both。

【5】anxiety。考查名词。由filled with后面接名词,所以anxious的名词形式。

【6】so。考查连词。由文中My legs hurt我的腿受伤了,所以我慢一点骑我的自行车。

【7】before。考查介词。由文中It took me quite some time 67 I got to the sports field可知,在我到达体育场之前花费了我很多时间,故填before。


【9】should have seen。考查完成时的特殊用法,由题意可知,你应该先去看医生,但是却没有,所以这里应用现在完成时的特殊形式should have seen。



【题目】In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) ____might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I____.

Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I____to catch a taxi to my____and settle in. Next morning, I took another____to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs.____I went to a caf to have lunch, but all the tables were____. Then I heard a friendly voice saying,You can___my table.

I gratefully sat down with the ____lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the____drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I hadn’t____ a car, and hadn’t realized how____taking taxis would be. After a while she said,My dear, dont use any more taxis. Im retired and it would be my pleasure to____ you wherever you wish. I told her that I couldnt put her to that____, but she brushed aside my protests (反对). She asked me where I was____and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the____time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to____alone. At the end of the day, she____to take me back to my accommodation. I____her money but she refused to take any.

Ill never forget that wonderful lady who, through her____, filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.

【1】A.holiday B.Ceremony C.operation D.experiment

【2】A.kept B.Went C.dropped D.knocked

【3】A.intended B.Promised C.managed D.deserved

【4】A.hospital B.Company C.university D.accommodation

【5】A.colleague B.Passenger C.suitcase D.taxi

【6】A.Instead B.First C.Later D.Once

【7】A.classified B.Occupied C.decorated D.painted

【8】A.share B.Reserve C.set D.possess

【9】A.old B.Poor C.innocent D.stubborn

【10】A.journey B.Meal C.speech D.interview

【11】A.donated B.Repaired C.hired D.guided

【12】A.convenient B.Worthwhile C.unfortunate D.expensive

【13】A.inspire B.Entertain C.call D.drive

【14】A.business B.Argument C.trouble D.challenge

【15】A.working B.Staying C.moving D.shopping

【16】A.appointed B.Limited C.Favorite D.regular

【17】A.digest B.Explore C.perform D.calculate

【18】A.forgot B.Refused C.returned D.preferred

【19】A.sent B.Lent C.offered D.owed

【20】A.confidence B.Dignity C.curiosity D.kindness

【题目】Hightech glasses developed at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis may help surgeons visualize cancer cells, which glow blue when viewed through the eyewear. Cancer cells are notoriously difficult to see, even under highpowered magnification. The glasses are designed to make it easier for surgeons to distinguish cancer cells from healthy cells, helping to ensure that no tumor cells are left behind during surgery.

Were in the early stages of this technology, and more development and testing will be done, but were certainly encouraged by the potential benefits to patients, said breast surgeon Julie Margenthaler, MD, an associate professor of surgery at Washington University. “Imagine what it would mean if these glasses got rid of the need for followup surgery and the associated pain, inconvenience and anxiety.”

Current standard of care requires surgeons to remove the tumor and some neighboring tissue that may or may not include cancer cells. The samples are sent to a pathology(病理) lab and viewed under a microscope. If cancer cells are found in neighboring tissue, a second surgery is often recommended to remove additional tissue that is also checked for the presence of cancer.

The glasses could reduce the need for additional surgical procedures and following stress on patients, as well as time and expense.

Margenthaler said about 20 to 25 percent of breast cancer patients who have lumps removed require a second surgery because current technology doesn’t adequately show the extent of the disease during the first operation.“Our hope is that this new technology will reduce or ideally eliminate the need for a second surgery, she said.

In a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics, researchers noted that tumors as small as 1 mm in diameter (the thickness of about 10 sheets of paper) could be detected.

Ryan Fields, MD, a Washington University assistant professor of surgery and surgeon of Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, plans to wear the glasses later this month when he operates to remove a melanoma from a patient. He said he welcomes the new technology, which theoretically could be used to visualize any type or cancer.

A limitation of surgery is that its not always clear to the naked eye the distinction between normal tissue and cancerous tissue, Fields said.With the glasses developed by Samuel Achilefu, PhD, professor of Washington University, we can better identify the tissue that must be removed.”

【1】【改编】what is the ultimate goal of developing the new technology ?________.

A.to distinguish cancer cells from healthy ones

B.to encourage hope for life in cancer patients

C.to make sure no cancer cell is left behind

D.to cut down the risk of cancer surgery

【2】The underlined word eliminate in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.

A.meet B.remove

C.feel D.resist

【3】【改编】From the whole passage,what can be inferred ?_____

A.The glasses are invented by Ryan Fields and Samuel Achilefu.

B.The glasses glow blue when finding tissues including cancer cells.

C.Tumors as small as 1 cm in diameter could be detected by the glasses.

D.Much remains to be done before the technology can be widely employed.

【4】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Special glasses help surgeonssee cancer

B.A new technology has been used in surgery

C.Patients will benefit from a new technology

D.Cancer is no longer a threat to people

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