
   One evening last week,my wife and I were sitting 1. (quiet) at home. All of a sudden,we heard a loud bang. I supposed that the old lady in the flat 2. ours was moving the furniture about. My wife was afraid 3. the noise would wake the baby. She turned down the television and a moment 4. we heard someone calling for help.

   I ran upstairs. The old ladys door was shut,but I could see smoke under the door,and could smell 5. burning.

   “The flat is on fire,” I shouted and banged on the door,but the old lady 6. (take) a long time to answer. I was turning over in my mind the idea of breaking the door down 7. she finally appeared.

   “I was having a bath ,” she said ,“when the water heater in the kitchen blew up."

   “8. didn’t you open the door?” I asked her.

   “I was getting dressed when you knocked,” she said,looking 9. (embarrass) .

   I took her downstairs to our flat. Then I ran back to the old lady's flat and turned the gas off 10. (prevent) another explosion. Just then I heard a fire engine arriving outside.

1. quietly。考查副词。设空处修饰谓 语,故填quietiy。

2. above/over。考查介词。由下文I ran upstairs 可知 the old lady住在作者的楼上。

3. that。考i连接词。设空处引导宾 语从句且从句成分和意义均完整, 故填that。

4. later。考查副词。.a moment later 意为“过f 一会”。

5. something。考查代词。此处意为 “闻到一些东西在燃烧”,故填 something。

6. took。考查一般过去时。由but前 '分句的时态可知,take所表示的动托发生在过去,故填took。

7. when。考查连词。此处用到了句 型 be doing …when …。

8. Why。考查疑问副词。根据答语可 知应用疑问词Why。

9. embarrassed。考查形容词作表语的 用法。设空处意为“尴尬的”,故填 embarrassed 。

10. to prevent。考查不定式作状语的 用法。I与prevent之间是逻辑上成主谓关系,且设空处作目的状 语,故填 to prevent。


   A few days before his eighth birthday,in February 1817,Abraham Lincoln shot a wild turkey. He hoped the kill would impress his father. Instead,the sight of the dead bird left the future president traumatized. Lincoln later wrote that he never again pulled a trigger (扳机) on any other animal.

   On the frontier,animals were seen as sources of labor,food,or amusement. It was a time when ripping (撕) the heads off live geese was entertainment like late-night TV. But Lincoln wasn’t shy about sticking up for animals. As a youngster,he saved a turtle when some boys tried to pour hot coals on the animal's back; he also warned his friends that “an ant's life -was to it as sweet as ours to us." The role animals played in Lincoln's life has been largely overlooked. But it's not an unimportant part of his life. As biographer Michael Burlingame writes, “Lincoln's anger at the mistreatment of animals foreshadowed his anger at the cruelties of slavery."

   Lincoln,s White House was full of cats,rabbits,goats,and horses. And once,he noticed three kittens on the floor of a telegrapher's tent, “moving about pitifUlly." Hearing that the kittens’ mother had died,Lincoln ordered an officer to see that the cats were cared for. Before leaving,he returned to play with them — three times.

   But there was one animal he adored above all. Around 1855,Lincoln adopted a lost yellow dog he named Fido (from fidelis,Latin for faithfur') , Fido lived up to his name,accompanying Lincoln everywhere. But after the election of 1860,Lincoln feared the trip to Washington would be too stressful,and left the dog behind with friends. He even left behind Fido's favorite horsehair sofa to keep him comfortable.

   When the president died,Fido returned his love,standing guard as thousands of mourners filed through Lincoln's home to pay their respects.

1. What does the underlined word “traumatized” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Excited and proud.

   B. Shocked and upset.

   C. Brave and confident.

   D. Sad and discouraged.

2. On the frontier,people amused themselves .

   A. by killing animals   B. by saving animals

   C. by training animals   D. by keeping animals

3. According to Michael Burlingame,the way Lincoln treated animals had something to do with.

   A. his family background

   B. his academic experience

   C. his interests and hobbies

   D. his political performance

4. What can we infer about Lincoln from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. He enjoyed playing games.

   B. He was interested in animal stories.

   C. He felt great sympathy for the weak.

   D. He dreamed of becoming an animal doctor.

5. Which word can best describe Fido?

   A. Wild. B. Brave.

   C. Strong. D. Devoted.

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