

The world’s most human-like robot has begun work as a university receptionist. And scientists positively predict the new technology will ______ provide childcare and offer _____ to lonely elderly people.

With her soft skin and flowing dark-brown hair, Nadine does not only meet and greet_____, smile, make eye contact and ___ hands, but she can even_______ past guests and get into conversation based on ______ chats.

Unlike _____ robots, Nadine has her own personality and ______ . She can be happy or sad, _______ on the topic.

Powered by intelligent ____ similar to Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana, she is the creation of scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and is based on her creator Prof Nadia Thalmann.

Prof Thalmann, the director of the Institute for Media Innovation who led the development said robots such as Nadine are bound to become more visible in offices and _____ in future.

“Robotics technologies have ____ significantly over the past few decades and are already being used in manufacturing and logistics,” she said.

“As countries worldwide face ______ of an aging population, ____ robots can be one solution to _____ the shrinking(缩小的) workforce, become personal ______ for children and the elderly at home, and _____ serve as a platform for healthcare services in future.”

“Over the past four years, our team at NTU have been _____ cross-disciplinary(跨学科的) research in social robotics technologies— involving engineering, computer science, linguistics, psychology and other______ — to transform a virtual human(虚拟的人), from within a computer, into a ______ being that is able to observe and interact with other humans.”

1.A. constantly B. totally C. eventually D. instantly

2.A. friendship B. love C. dignity D. affection

3.A. students B. scholars C. strangers D. visitors

4.A. hold B. shake C. exchange D. wave

5.A. recognize B. civilize C. symbolize D. realize

6.A. various B. previous C. precious D. conscious

7.A. original B. normal C. theoretical D. conventional

8.A. looks B. gestures C. figures D. emotions

9.A. focusing B. agreeing C. depending D. reflecting

10.A. software B. equipment C. firm D. technology

11.A. homes B. schools C. laboratories D. hospitals

12.A. fled B. qualified C. advanced D. needed

13.A. changes B. challenges C. chances D. chapters

14.A. industrial B. beneficial C. artificial D. social

15.A. meet with B. compare withC. deal with D. sympathize with

16.A. bodyguards B. nurses C. assistants D. companions

17.A. mostly B. even C. ever D. merely

18.A. adopting B. operating C. conducting D. witnessing

19.A. services B. fields C. means D. targets

20.A. physical B. practical C. electrical D. magical

An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to (归因于)the global economic crisis (危机) awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.

Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, according to UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up.

Professor John Beath, the president of the society and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University, said his first-year lectures-which are open to students from all departments-were drawing crowds of 400, rather than the usual 250.

“There are a large number of students who are not economics majors, who would like to learn something about it. One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasn’t traditionally done.” He said.

University applications rose 7% last year, but there were rises above average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump, with people’s renewed interest in careers in the public sector(部门), which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.

A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters, and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on, although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.

Zack Hocking, the head of Child Trust Funds, said: “It’s possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that’s financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty.”

1. Professor John Beath’s lectures are_______ .

A. given in a traditional way

B. connected with the present situation

C. open to both students and their parents

D. warmly received by economics

2.Careers in the public sector are more attractive because of their_________ .

A. greater stability B. higher pay

C. fewer applications D. better reputation

3.In the opinion of most parents, __________ .

A. economics should be the focus of school teaching

B. more students should be admitted to universities

C. the teaching of financial matters should be strengthened.

D. children should solve financial problems themselves

4. According to Hocking, the global economic crisis might make the youngsters _______ .

A. wiser in money management

B. have access to better equipment

C. confident about their future careers

D. get jobs in Child Trust Funds

5.What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Universities have received more applications.

B. Economics is attracting an increasing numbers students

C. College students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty

D. Parents are concerned with children’s subject selection.

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