
Dear Mary,
I'm so glad to hear from you.butDear Mary,
Iam so glad to hear from you.but Ifeel so desperately sorry to learn that you are depressed about some extra weight you have put on recently.To begin with,being fat or slim is merely a matter of personal opinion.With different people holding different views on this subject,there is no agreed standard for an ideal figure.So there is no need for you to worry about.What's more,it being fit that is the most important for us.Only when you have a healthy body can you live to the fullest.As far as Iam concerned,you can do some sports daily by which means you can keep healthy.Most importantly,it is suggested that you should go on a balanced diet at the same time,thus doing good to your health.Ihope what Isaid above can be of great help to you.after all,health is to us what water is to life.Iam looking forward to hearing your good news.
Best wishes!
Yours forever,
Li Hua
Yours forever,
Li Hua.

分析 这是一封劝慰朋友的书信.根据题目要求可知用第一人称和一般现在时态.内容包括:一表明自己同情她的处境并安慰她;二强调保持健康的重要性; 三给出保持健康的建议.
【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如:As far as I am concerned、after all以及With different people holding different views on this subject.还运用高级词汇desperately,merely等等.并注意了句子的衔接如:What's more,Most importantly以及thus等等.
Only…can you…,只有…你才能…(Only when you have a healthy body can you live to the fullest,只有当你拥有一个健康的身体,你才能活得充实)
it is suggested that…,用于提出建议.(it is suggested that you should go on a balanced diet at the same time,建议你应该均衡饮食)
health is to us what water is to life,健康对我们来说就如同水对生命的意义.

解答 Dear Mary,
      I am so glad to hear from you.but I feel so desperately sorry to learn that you are depressed about some extra weight you have put on recently.To begin with,being fat or slim is merely a matter of personal opinion.With different people holding different views on this subject,there is no agreed standard for an ideal figure.So there is no need for you to worry about.What's more,it being fit that is the most important for us.Only when you have a healthy body can you live to the fullest.As far as I am concerned,you can do some sports daily by which means you can keep healthy.Most importantly,it is suggested that you should go on a balanced diet at the same time,thus doing good to your health.I hope what I said above can be of great help to you.after all,health is to us what water is to life.I am looking forward to hearing your good news.
Best wishes!
                                                                                                                                                                                            Yours forever,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Li Hua

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提纲类写作是近年高考英语书面表达的热点题型,命题人 通常以提纲作文的形式考查书信、报道、通知、日记、发言稿、对某人或某物的介绍、欢迎词等.提纲作文的选材范围很广,内容简单易懂,且多是考生熟悉的话题.这类题型的主要特点 是要点明确,范围具体.但考生也容易受中文提纲的制约,将书面表达变成了翻译,造成语法结构和词汇上的单调,甚至写出结构不完整的句子.

14.The text message answered by Aaron Amrich was sent by a 19-year-old woman who wrote that she was feeling hopeless and beginning to give up on life.Aaron,a veteran (老兵) who served in Afghanistan and Iraq,has himself suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.He understood the feeling.
For the past year,Aaron has been volunteering with the Crisis Text Line (CTL),a free,confidential 24-hour service that people in need of a lifeline can access via the number 741741.The line currently has 1,500 volunteer Crisis Counselors (顾问) across the country and has exchanged more than 19 million texts-50,000 messages a day.
As he had been instructed,Aaron"listened"openly and nonjudgmentally to the young woman.He didn't offer advice; he didn't try to help her solve her problems.Mostly,his messages mirrored back what he'd heard from her,occasionally emphasizing a strength that he'd noticed-like the fact that she d taken this step to help herself even in the midst of her depression.
"A lot of people have an overwhelming loneliness,"he says."Sometimes it takes a stranger to say,‘Hey,you've been through hell,but you've been helping yourself.If you can do that,you can do more.'Many people reply,‘I've never thought about it that way.'''
The goal of a crisis line,explains Nancy Lublin,who runs the CTL,is narrow.Ifs not a cure; it's meant to bring people from"a moment of hot to a moment of cool,"so counselors can suggest ways the texter can move to a place of increased safety.Researchers are excited about the text line."Teens are unwilling to use crisis services,"observes Anthony Pisani,a suicide-prevention researcher."But the CTL offers a layer of protection from the shame of expressing your weaknesses."
As for the woman with whom Aaron was communicating,the opportunity to share her feelings with an empathetic person appeared to help."She said she couldn't remember the last time anyone had told her they believed in her,"Aaron recalls.She ended the conversation the way people often do,by texting,"Thanks for listening."

28.The 19-year-old women in the passage is a typical example of those whoD.
A.have served in the army
B.have given up on life
C.volunteer to help through
D.are helped out by the CTL service
29.How has Aaron been instructed to help people in need?A
A.He gives them a lifeline they need.
B.He listens and makes some suggestions.
C.He shares their feelings and recognizes their strength.
D.He provides them solutions to their problems.
30.The underlined sentence in paragraph 5 meansC.
A.to help people to calm down
B.to take people to a cooler place
C.to bring people a moment of comfort
D.to increase people's awareness of safety
31.One of the benefits of CTL according to Anthony Pisani is thatB.
A.the texters can be moved to a safer place
B.the texters needn't be ashamed to express their weaknesses
C.teens are protected by the Crisis Counselors through CTL
D.teens are brave enough to seek crisis services.
20.When Breath Becomes Air gives an autobiography about Paul Kalanithi's experiences as a doctor and as a terminally ill patient.The book discusses Kalanithi's longtime fascination with questions of human biology,mortality (生命的有限),and meaning.It then examines how these questions are heightened by the author's own confrontation (冲突) with lung cancer,sickness,and death.
Kalanithi's father was a doctor from New York City.The family moved to Kingman,Arizona,so that his father could pursue his medical career when Paul was young.His father worked long hours and was rarely home,which convinced young Paul that the last thing he wanted to do was to become a doctor himself.Paul's mother was concerned about the weak school system in Kingman,and so e a long list of literary classics which she made Paul and his brothers read.As a result,Paul became fascinated by literature.He attended Stanford University,from which he graduated in 2000 with a B.A.and M.A.in English Literature and a B.A.in Human Biology.He earned an M.Phil in History Philosophy of Science and Medicine from the University of Cambridge.In 2007,Paul graduated from the Yale School of Medicine with the highest honors.He returned to Stanford for residency training (住院医生实习) in Neurological Surgery.As he neared the end of his 7-year residency he was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.The hopes and dreams he and Lucy,his wife,have held to are dramatically changed.
When Breath Becomes Air gives an account of Kalanithi's transformation from an innocent medical student troubled by the question of"what,given that all organisms die,makes a virtuous and meaningful life"into a young neurosurgeon (神经外科医生) at Stanford,guiding patients toward a deeper understanding of death and illness,and finally into a patient and a new father to a baby girl,confronting his own mortality.What makes life worth living in the face of death?What do you do when the future,no longer a ladder toward your goals in life,flattens out into a continuous present?What does it mean to have a child,to care for a new life as another fades away?These are some of the questions Kalanithi wrestles with in this deeply moving,delicately observed autobiography.
Paul Kalanithi died in March 2015,while working on this book,yet his words live on as a guide and a gift to us all."I began to realize that coming face to face with my own mortality,in a sense,had changed nothing and everything,"he wrote."Seven words from Samuel Beckett began to repeat in my head:'I can't go on.I'll go on.'"When Breath Becomes Air is an unforgettable,life-confirming reflection on the challenge of facing mortality and on the relationship between doctor and patient,from a gifted writer who became both.

58.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?D
A.What led to the diagnosis of Kalanithi's lung cancer.
B.Why Kalanithi changed his mind to become a doctor.
C.When Kalanithi decided to follow in his father's footsteps.
D.How Kalanithi developed his interest in English literature.
59.Which of the following words can be used to describe the book?B
60.Kalanithi began to seek the meaning of lifeA.
A.when he was a medical student
B.when he became a neurosurgeon
C.when he studied English literature
D.when he was diagnosed with cancer.
10.Time:2017-01-24     From:kekenet.com     Editor:clover
The head of China's largest online seller Alibaba does not think China and the United States will have a trade war despite comments from the Trump administration.
Jack Ma is the chairman of the Alibaba Group.At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos,Switzerland,he said,"China and (the) U.S.will never have a trade war.Give Trump some time.He's open-minded,he's listening."
The Chinese billionaire said he would do all he could to prevent trade relations between the countries from getting worse.
Last week,M met with Trump at the Trump Tower in New York City.He is said to have discussed a plan to permit one million small U.S.businesses to sell goods on Alibaba's online shopping platform.
During the campaign and after winning the presidential election,Trump strongly criticized the Chinese government's support for its businesses.He blamed unfair trade policies for taking away U.S.jobs.And he said that China unfairly controls the exchange value of its currency,the yuan.
Trump also has threatened to place import taxes on goods from China and other countries in response to their trade policies.
According to the South China Morning Post,Ma said,"American international companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization."He added that the U.S.should not blame the loss of jobs and companies on globalization.
However,a new study by an American business group says many U.S.businesses feel unwelcome in China.The companies say the cost of doing business in China is increasing.They add that rules and regulations are unclear or not enforced in a consistent way.
The American Chamber of Commerce in China led the study,which looked at responses from 462companies.
William Zarit is chairman of the chamber.He says trade policies in China make it difficult for American companies.He says,"we feel that over the last few years that we've been taken advantage of to some extent,with our open market and the lack of open areas in the Chinese market."
Another major concern for U.S.companies in China is fake products.Fake products are copies of the originals that cost businesseswith the legal right to sell them millions of dollars each year.
Ma defended Alibaba's efforts to fight fake products on its shopping platform.He said his company is doing all it can to fight the problem.
"Fighting against fake products is a war against human greediness,"Ma said.

28.Who does the underline phrase"The Chinese billionaire"refer to?B
A.Trump.B.Jack Ma.C.Mario Ritter.D.Willian Zarit.
29.Where is the text likely to be taken from?C
A.Economic magazine.B.Trade speech.C.Website.D.TV news.
30.What is the major concern for US companies in China?D
A.Import taxes.B.Export policies.C.Domestic companies.D.Fake products.
31.Which of the following can be a proper title for this passage?A
A.Chinese Billionaire Does Not See China-US Trade War.
B.China should not be blamed for the loss of jobs in America.
C.A trade negotiation between China and America.
D.The war about fighting against fake products.

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