
For the last 20 years, Elizabeth Eaton Rosenthal, 1. fine artist in New York, has been dressing from head to toe in2. (variety) shades of green. To her, green is the happiest, most positive color in the world, so she can’t imagine 3. (wear) anything else.

4. is most widely known, Elizabeth, “The Green Lady of Carroll Gardens”, has always had a thing for experimenting. At one point in her life she 5. (choose) to wear only the 1930s print dresses. Her6. (prefer) for green started in her fifties with some home-mixed green nail polish. But it quickly spread to her clothing and her home.

Elizabeth’s house is mostly green as well, 7. the front door to her backyard, and everywhere in between.

She knows that green makes her happy and helps her deal with daily8. (problem) , so she won’ t dream of wearing any other color. 9., that’s not her only motivation for wearing green. The 75-year-old artist also does it because it makes other people happy.

When10. (ask) if she ever gets tired of green, Elizabeth Sweetheart said, “Oh no, never. It keeps getting better every day.”


There are many principles and values all people live by. The _______ that I live by is honesty. I have always been taught that lying will just get me into more trouble than I might already be _______. Being honest is a _______ all people need to have and use to go _______ in life.

Ever since I was a little kid, my parents have _______ me to be honest _______ it is the right thing to do. As I got _______, I realized something very important that could _______ the way people take me to be a person. If just once you stop being honest and tell a lie it will _______ change people’s opinion of you and their whole way of acting ________ you. When you tell a lie you lose that person’s ________ forever or have to work your whole life to get it back.

It is my personal ________ to achieve great things in life and honesty will sure help me get there. For me right now losing somebody’s trust would be a truly ________ thing. Whatever you do for a living or ________ you live, honesty is something important for all of us.

Honesty gets you much higher in life than getting into more ________ like lying would. Lying can ________ get you into trouble dealing with the government. Honesty is just as important to me as my family. Already, I know it is something that will ________ my future and my relationship with all people. It is something about myself that I hope to never ________ no matter what happens. Most of all honesty will help me no matter whether I’m at school, home or just ________ with friends. It is something ________ I hope my children will also have and appreciate.

1.A. profession B. law C. career D. contract

2.A. in B. into C. on D. onto

3.A. character B. quality C. personality D. speciality

4.A. slowly B. down C. fast D. far

5.A. advised B. made C. taught D. ordered

6.A. in case B. so that C. although D. because

7.A. older B. elder C. stronger D. taller

8.A. accept B. ensure C. change D. exchange

9.A. possibly B. totally C. hardly D. nearly

10.A. like B. toward C. against D. forward

11.A. confidence B. hope C. interest D. trust

12.A. arrangement B. intention C. goal D. purpose

13.A. horrible B. fascinating C. unacceptable D. surprising

14.A. wherever B. whenever C. whichever D. whomever

15.A. questions B. problems C. accidents D. incidents

16.A. surely B. easily C. even D. still

17.A. break B. improve C. destroy D. strengthen

18.A. lose B. meet C. own D. miss

19.A. hanging over B. hanging on C. hanging up D. hanging out

20.A. who B. what C. which D. that

Weekly Update: April 18, 2015

Do you pretty love going to documentary film festivals? If you do, here are some which you’d not miss.

Colorful Documentary Festival

It’s clear that it focuses on documentaries exploring the social and cultural developments in the world. Lying on the nice coast of Greece, the festival’s side events host exhibitions, concerts and parties.

Visions Festival

Changing to new management in 2015 in Nyon, Visions Festival quickly became the important event for documentary films with major reports and historical inquiries.

Hot Festival

What is impressed is that it allows participants to meet sectors of the whole of the British documentary industry under one roof, which attracts the leading names of British documentaries and promotes the screenings of today’s documentaries for the future.

Silver Festival

As is well-known to us all, it includes a week-long international film festival and a five-day conference---the large professional conference of its kind in the US. Meanwhile, the conference promotes documentary films as a leading art form, supports the work of independent filmmakers, and encourages public dialogues around the issues and ideas explored in films.

And just a few minutes’ distance away from downtown Washington, D. C., screenings take place at the Silver Theatre, one of the premier film exhibition spaces in America.

1.Which of the following festivals features British documentaries?

A. Silver Festival B. Visions Festival

C. Hot Festival D. Colorful Documentary Festival

2.What can we learn from Silver Festival?

A. It’s a festival mainly for independent filmmakers

B. It has the largest conference of its kind worldwide

C. It’s the most famous international film festival worldwide

D. The documentary film isn’t the only form at it

3.The passage may probably appear __________.

A. in a newspaper B. in a travel brochure

C. on a website D. in the cultural column of a magazine

A new study says electronic toys are not helping babies learn.

"Even if companies are marketing them as educational, they're not teaching the babies anything at this time," said Anna Sosa the study's author.

Researchers listened to audio(声音的) recordings of parents playing with their babies aged 10 months to 16 months. The researchers compared the experiences when the children played with electronic toys, traditional toys such as blocks, or when the children looked at books. What they found is that parents talked less with their babies when the babies played with electronic toys.

Why is this important? Research shows that how quickly children develop language is often based on what they hear from parents. When the infants played with electronic toys, parents said little to their children. But with traditional toys, such as blocks, parents shared the names and descriptions of the animals, colors and shapes as their children played. There was even more information given by parents as their babies looked at the pictures in books.

Of course, there is no need for parents to throw out electronic toys, but they should look at their infants’ play with such toys as entertainment, not a learning experience.

Toy Industry Association spokeswoman Adrienne Appell responded to the study. She said it is important that parents make time to play with their children. "Playing is a way that kids can learn so much, not only cognitive(认知的) skills, but social and developmental skills," she said. She added that play should be balanced, including time for just "make believe" activities, as well as traditional and electronic toys.

1.What’s Anna Sosa’s attitude towards companies claiming that their toys are educational?

A. supportive B. indifferent C. uninterested D. doubtful

2.We can learn from the text that babies in the research ________.

A. liked traditional toys better than electronic toys

B. interact less with their parents when playing with electronic toys

C. talked little with their parents when playing with electronic toys

D. listened to audio recordings of their parents

3.Children develop language more quickly when their parents ________.

A. read them picture books often B. teach them how to speak

C. buy them a lot of toys D. throw away their electronic toys

4.According to Adrienne Appell, playing ________.

A. can’t take the place of learning

B. shouldn’t take most of children’s time

C. is good to children’s overall development

D. can’t develop children’s cognitive skills

The birth of the black tea and the first to reach the Western world from Fujian originated by accident. A Chinese army happened to stop by a tea farm in the late Ming Dynasty (1368—1644) and the soldiers slept on raw tea leaves which were intended for green tea making. Helpless and eager to avoid further loss, the anxious tea producer roasted the withered (枯萎的) tea leaves immediately afterwards, with pine branches, ending up with a deep colored tea, which produced bright red soup, a smoky taste and sweet flavour. To the tea farmer's surprise, the taste and flavour became a hit in the market, and the whole area started to make the kind of tea to satisfy market demand.

Around the end of the 16th century, Dutch business people took tea to Europe. Catherine of Braganza, when she married British King Charles Ⅱ in 1662, took the tea drinking habit from Portugal to the British court.

It was hard to say if people in the United Kingdom had the choice of drinking green tea, because it is said that after long sea transportation, green tea from China naturally fermented (发酵) into black tea. At the time British people still didn't know that black tea and green tea are made from the same leaves, so Scottish botanist Robert Fortune (1812—1880) met with disbelief when he pointed out that only a different processing method made black tea and green tea different.

Fortune was sent by the East India Company to steal tea from China. He took more than 20,000 tea plants and seedlings to India in 1851. Although most of the tea plants he introduced to India are said to have died, trained Chinese tea workers he took there are believed to have equipped the country with the necessary technology and knowledge for tea making.

1.The tea farmer invented red tea ________.

A. to get a better taste

B. to please the soldiers

C. to avoid losing more money

D. to satisfy market demand

2.According to the text, British people ________.

A. preferred green tea to black tea in the 17th century

B. made green tea transported from China into black tea

C. was the first in Europe to have the habit of drinking tea

D. thought black tea and green tea were made from different leaves

3.What did Fortune do according to the text?

A. He trained workers to make tea.

B. He brought tea plants and seedlings to Britain.

C. He learned knowledge and skills to make different kinds of tea.

D. He did something illegal for the East India Company.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. The technology for tea making.

B. The origin of black tea.

C. The tradition of drinking tea in Britain.

D. The difference between black tea and green tea.

Campbell Remess taught himself how to sew when he was only 9 years old. It all started three years ago, when Campbell asked his parents if they could buy Christmas presents for kids in hospital. They were touched by his kindness, but told him that buying so many toys would be too costly. He is one of nine children, and buying presents for all of them was already a pretty expensive affair for the parents.

Campbell didn’t let a simple “no” discourage him from bringing a bit of joy to kids going through tough times, so he decided to make the presents himself. It took the 9-year-old boy five hours to create his first stuffed (填充的) toy. However after three years of practice, he is now able to put one together in just an hour.

“I was blown away by the first bear,” his mother said. “Overly impressed but not surprised at his determination to teach himself.” The successful experiment only inspired Campbell Remess to become better at sewing, and challenged himself to create one stuffed toy per day and donate them to sick children struggling in the hospital. Project 365 by Campbell was born. Over the last three years, Campbell Remess has created over 800 stuffed toys for sick children.

Campbell sends his toys to children all over the world, and still visits the Royal Hobart Hospital in his home city of Hobart, Tasmania, to personally gift toy animals to sick kids there and loves to see the reaction on their faces. “They smile and some hug me. It makes their whole day better,” he says.

“Campbell is just wired really differently. He looks at sadness and tries to turn it upside down,” his mother says. “He’s not a quitter—I only see bigger and brighter things for him.”

1.Why did Campbell’s parents refuse his request?

A. They thought that was ridiculous.

B. They wished him to depend on himself.

C. They were on a tight budget.

D. They hoped he could share his things with others.

2.What desire drove Campbell to make toys for sick children?

A. Bringing happiness to them. B. Showing kindness to them.

C. Encouraging them to treasure health. D. Proving to them everyone has creativity.

3.What can we learn about Campbell from the text?

A. He is planning to set up Project 365.

B. He sends toys to those who can’t afford one.

C. He made the first toy with his mother’s help.

D. He is determined and refuses to give up.

How to manage your time

For many high school students it seems that there is never enough time. There are several steps you can take to organize your time better.

First, make a to-do list every day. It makes it easy to plan any activities or meetings you may have in addition to homework. Be sure to set priorities(优先的事物). 1.

Use spare time wisely. Do you have a study hall(自习时间)? Instead of wasting that time, read a book or do homework. 2. If a friend asks you to do something and you have homework to do, realize which is more important and see your friend later.

Decide on the time that is good for you to do certain things. If you are more of a morning person, try getting up an hour earlier and do schoolwork before school. Review your notes every day. 3. If you spend a few minutes at the end of every day going over what you learned, it will mean less time studying when it is time for the exam.

4. Studies have shown that getting enough rest helps your memory. When you are tired, everything seems more difficult. It is best to stay on a regular sleeping cycle as much as possible.

Tell your friends and family about your work timetable. Explain that you will be working at certain times and ask them not to disturb you. 5. you can call your friends later.

A. Set goals(目标) for yourself.

B. Get a good night’s sleep.

C. Do the most important tasks first.

D. Also, do not be afraid to say “no”.

E. You should finish your homework on time.

F. Don’t take phone calls during the time you set aside or work.

G. Don’t wait until just before a test to try and remember everything.


Are you planning to study a course from a foreign university? Well, these tips for studying abroad will make you feel at home in a new city.

Learn about the university.

When you decide to study abroad, it is important to research well. 1. Instead, talk to people who have completed their studies from that country. This way you’ll get some real information about the university you’re applying for.


The more you speak to people, the more you’ll end up driving the blues away. Communicating with others will truly be helpful. Not only will it make it easier for you to face personal interviews but also to interact with the local people and fellow students.

Keep a diary.

Most students feel that the time they spent abroad was the best time of their lives. What better way to keep those moments “alive” forever than by writing them down on a diary?3.

Be prepared for adjustments.

When you land up in a country with a culture that’s completely different from yours, chances are that you’ll experience some level of culture shock. 4. Consider your stay abroad as an opportunity to discover a new culture and learn new things.

Know what to do in an emergency.

5. Get the details of the U.S. Embassy, including the phone number, and register (登记)yourself and your family members with the U.S. Embassy. This way you’ll know whom to reach out to in case you’re in an emergency.

A. Ensure you have all the documents.

B. Develop good communication skills.

C. However, don’t let that discourage you.

D. Don’t just follow the advertisements blindly and choose the university.

E. Make sure that you know what to do in the face of emergency.

F. Keep in touch with your friends at home to avoid homesickness.

G. You can write down every little detail of the beautiful time when you study abroad.

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