
14.Instagram is a fast,beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends and family.Take a picture or video,choose a filter to transform its look and feel,and then post to Instagram-it's that easy.You can even share to FaceBook,Twitter and more.It's a new way to see the world.So many photos of food are contained on Instagram-now a pop-up diner in London is taking advantage of this new trend by letting people settle the bill for their meals simply by uploading photos of their dishes to social networks.
I always thought people's taking pictures of their food was kind of silly,but at this new pop-up restaurant in the UK,I'd probably do it too."The Picture House"is the world's first pay-by-photo restaurant.You order,click a photo of the food,share on Instagram and eat for free!
The restaurant belongs to frozen food giant Birds Eye,who came up with the idea to cash in on people's addiction with photographing food and sharing the pictures online.They conducted a survey and found out that more than half of the British population regularly took pictures of their meals.So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range.
The pop-up diner was open in SOHO,London for three days in May,and is now moving to other major UK cities.They serve two-course meals that customers don't have to pay for,if they photo and Instagram it.
The restaurant is a part of Birds Eye's"Food for Life"campaign,a new marketing project that aims at changing the way people look at frozen food."Taking photos of food enables people to show off and to share their mealtime moments-from the everyday to the special,"said marketing director Margaret Jobling.
The reaction to the Picture House has been great so far.And the pay-by-picture concept has proven to be an effective way.Alternative payment methods are actually gaining popularity among a lot of businesses.Last year in a cafe in Germany customers pay by how much time they spend there,not by what they eat.

28.From the description in the passage we can see Instagram isD.
A.a restaurant in which meals are free
B.a new marketing strategy of a restaurant
C.the name of a company to collect food pictures
D.an application software to share photos or videos
29.What the Picture House does is actuallyA.
A.an ad to expand its popularity
B.a reward to its regular customers
C.an effort to raise the price of their frozen food
D.a method trying to change British people's type of dining
30.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.The pay-by-picture concept has received a great reaction.
B.Meals are free if you send your pictures to the Picture House.
C.The pop-up diner was open in SOHO,London for three days in May.
D.Taking and sharing photos of their meals has become a new trend in Britain.
31.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A
A.Pay by Picture.
B.The Picture House.
C.No Picture,No Meal.
D.New Dining Style.

分析 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了英国一家餐厅运用了时下最流行的照片分享软件来招揽顾客,顾客只要上传餐厅食物的照片到软件上,就可以免单,这家餐厅所属的公司通过对人们日常生活的观察,结合自身产业推出的营销策略深受大家喜爱,实践证明这个策略非常成功

解答 28.D 主旨大意题.纵观全文Instagram is a fast,beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends and family.可知,本文讲的是英国一家餐厅将餐厅经营与时下流行的照片分享软件相结合的事例,主要讲述了 Instagram 是一款非常受欢迎的软件,结合选项,故选D.
29.A 细节题.根据文章内容"They conducted a survey and found out that more than half of the British population regularly took pictures of their meals.So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range"可知,他们意识到想要拓宽餐厅的业务范围,吸引更多的顾客,扩大他们的知名度,就可以用拍照留影的方式,结合选项,故选A.
30.D 细节理解题.根据第二段中的"but at this new pop-up restaurant in the UK,I'd probably do it too"可知,作者认为如果有这样的餐厅出现,他也会拍照上传照片的,说明作者对此是感兴趣的,吃饭拍照已经成为了一种趋势,故选D. 
31.A 主旨题.根据本文的主旨大意可知,本文讲的是英国一家餐厅将餐厅经营与时下流行的照片分享软件相结合的事例,人们只要拍照上传餐厅食物就可以获得免单,即全文主要是围绕"Pay by Picture"这一主题展开的,故选A.

点评 本文是新闻报道类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据

2.Michael Phelps has broken a 2,000-year-old Olympic record by winning more individual titles than Leonidas of Rhodes.Who was this athlete whose record (12 individual titles) has taken 2000 years to beat?
Phelps has a total of 22 Olympic gold medals,but in terms of individual titles he has only just passed the greatest athlete of the ancient world.Leonidas of Rhodes competed in four Olympiads in 164 BC,160 BC,156 BC and 152 BC and in each of these he won three different foot races.
The three events at which he won were the stadion,a sprint(短跑)of roughly 200m;the diaulos,which was twice the distance of the stadion; and the race in armour(盔甲).
Unlike most races,the race in armour required competitors to wear heavy armour,possibly including a helmet,a breastplate,shin armour and a shield made from bronze and wood.
"He broke through the distinction between sprinters and endurance(耐力)athletes,"says Paul Cartledge,professor of classics at the University of Cambridge.The race in armour had not previously been considered suitable for sprinters."They were running in armour,the temperature would be 40℃.You can imagine how it would be in that race.It required completely different muscles and gymnastic skills."
"There is very little biographical information about Leonidas,and no images of him survive,"says Cartledge.But his name-coming from the Greek word for lion-suggests he was a man of distinction.After his death,"he was respected as a local god in Rhodes,"says Swaddling,the director of a museum.He was also venerated in ancient Greek literature.Pausanias described him as"the most famous runner".In the 3rd Century,Philostratus the Athenian wrote in his Gymnastikos that Leonidas's achievement proved that not all received wisdom about athletic training and body types was true.
A statue of him in Rhodes displayed the legend:"He had the speed of a God."Quite a reputation for Phelps to live up to.

28.How many individual titles has Phelps won in the Olympics?B
29.What can be inferred from the text?A
 A.The conditions of race in armour were unpleasant.
 B.Leonidas was a swimmer with speed and endurance.
 C.Leonidas didn't have his picture drawn in his day.
 D.Phelps owed his success to the influence of Leonidas.
30.The underlined word"venerated"is closest in meaning toD.
31.What question does the author mainly discuss?C
A.Who was Philostratus the Athenian?
B.Who is Michael Phelps?
C.Who was Leonidas of Rhodes?
D.Who is Paul Cartledge?
9.Royale is surrounded by deep blue waters of Lake Superior,the largest freshwater lake on Earth.The only way to get there is by boat or sea plane.The National Park Service operates shuttle boats that take visitors to Isle Royale.The boats leave from two Michigan ports.A boat trip to Isle Royale takes three to five hours.Waters are often extremely rough.
    Modern copper mining began in the late 1800s,resulting in large areas of the island being burned.This led to settlement development.Soon,Isle Royale became popular for summer homes.It became a national park on April 3,1940.In 1980,officials named it an International Biosphere Reserve(生物圈保护区)because of its unique ecosystem.
    Isle Royale offers hiking,camping,boating,and even scuba diving.The National Park Service protects 11sunken(沉没的)boats for divers to explore.They are reminders of Lake Superior's commercial shipping history.The sunken wooden ship called The America is one of the most popular dive sites.The America carried passengers,mail,and supplies to many towns along the shores of Lake Superior.It first launched in 1898,and was used until 1928,when it was damaged.It sank to the bottom of the lake soon after.
    Visitors to Isle Royale share the trails with a well-studied population of wolves.Scientists believe wolves walked there during a freeze of the lake sometime in the 1940s.Researchers closely record their population numbers.Much of the research takes place during the winter,when the trees are bare.The researchers fly over the island to observe the animals from above.
    Animal research is the only winter activity going on at Isle Royale.The national park is closed each year in late October because of the terrible weather conditions and reopens in spring time the next year.
    But for the other months of the year,Isle Royale offers green forests,and clear blue waters.Its excellent scenery and unusual location keep visitors returning year after year.

28.What is mainly talked about in the first paragraph?A
A.The access to the island.B.The island's location.
C.The island's natural environment.D.The island's basic information.
29.How long is the history of the National Park?B
A.More than two centuries.B.Over seventy years.
C.Less than forty years.D.Over one hundred years.
30.The sunken boats and ship are considered asD.
A.a site where people seek pleasure and wealth
B.a lesson that reminds people to remember the disasters
C.an underwater museum where people can see many relics
D.a history book that shows the commercial shipping in the area
31.The researchers fly over the island in winter becauseB.
A.there are more animals then
B.they can have a clear look at the animals there
C.they don't intend to disturb the animals
D.the island can't be reached with the lake frozen.
19.For humans,climbing Mount Qomolangma is seen as a great impressive achievement.People make movies,write books,and have essentially developed a whole industry surrounding the challenge that is this mountain.While we consider climbing the mountain as an athletic achievement,there is one animal,the bar-headed goose,does not think so.
    As the species migrates (迁徙)from Central Asia to Southeast Asia every autumn,it must cross over the Himalayan range.These mountains force the bar-headed goose to fly at around 30,000feet above sea level,which is the highest altitude for migratory birds.
    These geese have special adaptions that allow them to survive at the altitude.For example,a special protein (蛋白质)in blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body allows their blood cells to combine with oxygen.Their circulatory system provides a constant supply of fresh,oxygenated blood to their wing muscles (肌肉).They have much larger lungs than other birds,which give them the ability to take in more air.
    Scientists initially believe that the geese flow at an extremely high altitude for the full length of their migration.But later the data suggests that the birds use a much more effective way of travel.Instead of remaining at an extremely high altitude to fly over the mountain range,the geese hug the mountains,flying up and down depending on the obstacles (障碍物)in their way.This works better for them because they don't have to use all their energy flying in an area with low oxygen; they can spend time flying at lower altitudes.
The geese also make use of nature to make this work easier.To fly down,they simply allow gravity to pull them.To fly back up,they make use of orographic (地形的)lift,which happens when flowing air meets an obstacle,such as a mountain.The mountain forces the air up,creating an upward draft.The birds take advantage of this draft,expending less of their own energy to fly up the mountain.
The way these birds have adapted to flying across the Asian continent during their annual migration is certainly an amazing way to see nature at work.

33.What does the underlined part"this work"in Paragraph 5 most probably refer to?C
A.To fly down.
B.To fly back up.
C.To fly over the mountain.
D.To fly at lower altitudes.
34.How do the geese behave while crossing over the Himalayan range?B
A.By flowing at an extremely high altitude all the way.
B.By taking advantage of the orographic lift.
C.By smoothing the obstacles in their way.
D.By forcing the air up,creating an upward draft.
35.What's the main idea of this passage?A
A.The geese's amazing migration.
B.The highest flying record of geese.
C.The flying mystery of geese.
D.Mount Qomolangma and its geese.
6.If you find yourself losing the motivation to do your homework,you are not alone.(36)D If you want to get good grades,of course,you must do your homework.Here's how to find the motivation:
 (37)A If you are too tired,you'll just want to watch television instead of thinking about your homework.Plus,you'll have a much easier time remembering what you've read if you are energetic.
Turn off the distractions(分散注意力的事).Turn off the music and television.If you don't need your computer or the Internet for your homework,turn it off as well.Make sure your study area is free from distractions.(38)G
Start right away.Doing your homework right after you get home can keep you from falling into the trap of endless hours of distractions.(39)FAlthough it may not be popular to do your homework on a Friday night,you'll have the rest of the weekend free.
Create a schedule.(40)C Plan out when you will do each part of the assignment.Split them into small parts,so that you can feel good about completing each part.It can be much easier to deal with a big assignment or project once you've split it into manageable pieces.
Homework can be boring,but it's a necessary evil if you want to pass your classes.Once you make a plan to finish your homework,stick to it.

A.Get enough rest.
B.Gather your materials.
C.Write all of your assignments on a checklist.
D.Many students delay in doing their homework.
E.You'll easily get distracted and avoid finishing your homework.
F.Plus,the material you've learned will still be fresh in your mind.
G.You'll be able to finish your homework much faster if you can focus on it.
1.Noise is one of the problems that have come with industrial advancement and progress in urban environments.It has significantly increased with the invasion (侵入)of social media websites and modern technology in homes,streets,schools and the workplace.
While many people are unaware of the effects of noise pollution,experts say there are many psychological,health and mental effects of noise on human beings.Dr Maher Yaqoub,ear,nose and throat specialist,said,"When we go home to relax,we hear noise coming from modern devices such as smart phones and tablets that exist in nearly all houses.At the workplace,we hear noise produced by devices used at the workplace.On the way home,we are affected by the car horns and the like.All these sources of noise can have negative effects on human beings."
Recent studies on the issue have shown that many people suffer from increasing hearing loss due to exposure to constant noise.Infants and the elderly are more easily affected by noise-related damage than others."In fact,noise can destroy a child's hearing ability and have impact on his health as well,"Yaqoub said.
Dr Alaa AL-Tabee,psychological and neurological (神经学的)disease specialist,said noise has negative impact on the psychological and health conditions of humans.It influences their performance at work or school as well as the way they communicate with others.Being exposed long to noise affects nerves and makes one feel dissatisfied and frightened because it harms the brain and reduces its activity.The end result is always discomfort and confusion.
Noise can cause mental stress and leave the mind unable to understand and process information.A person's level of alertness and ability to calculate are influenced as well.Sensitive children feel frightened if exposed to too much noise and such a feeling may get worse in the future and lead to depression,exhaustion and anxiety.

32.From Dr Maher Yaqoub's words,we can learn thatD.
A.our home is not a place to relax any longer
B.the modern devices should be improved
C.human health is going from bad to worse
D.noise pollution exists everywhere
33.When it comes to noise pollution,C.
A.the majority can tell what bad effect it has
B.it has caused mental problems to most people
C.it is more necessary to protect the young and the old
D.it has made most people lose their hearing in a way
34.If a person is exposed to constant noises,B.
A.he will lose his ability to speak and hear
B.he perhaps will be in a poor mood
C.he is sure to have a poor relationship with others
D.he will become more sensitive and stressed
35.What does the author mainly discuss in the text?A
A.Noise pollution is destroying calmness of nature.
B.Human beings are being threatened by pollution.
C.Advanced technology is doing harm to humans
D.Our living environment is being seriously polluted.

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