
10.I was 17 and my job was to try to keep eight fairly active 10-,11-and 12-year-olds from killing one another or themselves.Among other activities,I would take them camping in the woods outside Dover Plains,New York.I learned that if you are going to be in the woods for a couple of days,take frosted food.You can eat them for breakfast,lunch and dinner,you don't have to cook them and they don't weigh as much as your meats and vegetables.I'll never touch another frosted food as long as I live.
The camp was for low-income black lads from New York City.During the camp,I found being out in the woods with the kids was a little scary,because I suddenly realized these are actually somebody's children and I'm responsible for them.I found myself being an authority figure because I had to.
On a camping trip we stopped at a lake to put up our tents.I was the only white person in the group.We were swimming when these white kids in a motorboat began yelling racial abuses and trying to splash(泼水)us.Then I had no choice but to warn them,"If you come anywhere near these kids,we've written down the number of your boat and we're going to call the police."
They yelled more but finally left.That experience was the biggest test of responsibility I had ever faced.
When I returned to high school after that first summer,it seemed a lot less fearful than before.Plus,I had earned $375,which after trips to the camp candy store was down to eight cents'clear profit.

25.The author took along frosted food for the following reasons EXCEPT thatA.
A.They were his favorite snacks                    
B.They were easy to carry and eat
C.They filled the belly easily                    
D.They wouldn't go bad in a couple of days 
26.What gave the author the best lesson of responsibility when they camped in the woods?D
A.To teach 8 naughty kids to swim.
B.To.put up tents out in the wilds.
B.To stop the kids from bee stings.
D.To protect his campers from abuses.
27.Which word may best conclude the camp trip?B

分析 本文讲述了我17岁的时候带领别人的孩子去野营旅行来赚钱的故事,这也让我体会到了保护成员的责任感.

解答 25.A.理解判断题.由第一段You can eat them for breakfast,lunch and dinner,you don't have to cook them and they don't weigh as much as your meats and vegetables,可知这种食物早中午都可以吃,容易填饱肚子,不需要烹饪处理,也不像蔬菜肉类一样重,便于携带,只有A选项未提及,故选A.
26.D.细节理解题.由第三段We were swimming when these white kids in a motorboat began yelling racial abuses and trying to splash(泼水)us,我们正在游泳时,这些白人孩子在摩托艇中开始大喊种族虐待,试图向我们泼水和第四段That experience was the biggest test of responsibility I had ever faced,那次经历是我所面临的最大的责任考验,可知我最大的责任是保护我的露营者不受虐待,故选D.
27.B.细节理解题.由最后一段Plus,I had earned $375,which after trips to the camp candy store was down to eight cents'clear profit,我已经赢得了375美元,之后前往营地的糖果店'的利润下降到8美分.可知这种露营旅行是有利可图的,故选B.

点评 在做阅读理解时,考生可快速阅读短文,通读测试题,明确考察点,在对应细读,加快做题速度.有时间还可以复查校对答案.

18.You may have heard that a young man named Abner Doubleday invented the game known as baseball in Cooperstown,New York,during the summer of 1839.Doubleday then went on to become a Civil War hero,while baseball became America's beloved national pastime.The story is untrue.Actually,Doubleday was still at West Point,a military academy in 1839,and he never claimed to have anything to do with baseball.
In 1907,a special committee used weak evidence-namely the claims of one man,Abner Graves-to come up with the Doubleday origin story.The officials would rely on the myth's lasting power in the 1930s,when they established the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in the village.
As it turns out,the real history of baseball is a little more complex than the Doubleday story.References to games resembling baseball in the United States date back to the 18th century.Its most direct ancestors appear to be two English games:cricket (板球) and rounder-a children's game brought to New England by the earliest settlers.By the time of the American Revolution,variations (演变) of such games were being played on schoolyards and college campuses across the country.They became even more popular in newly industrialized cities where men sought work in the mid-19th century.In September 1845,a group of New York City men founded the New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club.One of them made a new set of rules that would form the basis for modern baseball.
Cartwright's changes made the game faster-paced and more challenging from older games like cricket.In 1846,the Knickerbockers played the first official game of baseball against a team of cricket players,beginning a new,uniquely American tradition.

28.What can we know according to the first paragraph?C
A.Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday.
B.Abner Doubleday fought in the Civil War.
C.Doubleday stayed at West Point for some reason.
D.Doubleday said he had much to do with baseball.
29.Why did the Doubleday origin story come up?C
A.Because a special committee was founded.
B.Because Doubleday provided false evidence.
C.Because Abner Graves told a Doubleday story.
D.Because Abner Graves worked with Doubleday.
30.The real history of baseball isB.
A.much simpler than the Doubleday story
B.that baseball comes from two English games
C.about a children's game from New England
D.more interesting than that of rounder and cricket
31.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.Doubleday might have been an army officer
B.Doubleday is the most respected in America
C.Doubleday in fact came from Britain
D.Doubleday invented rounder and cricket.

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