
There are few places in the world with people as friendly and scenery as beautiful as the Philippines. Of the 7,107 islands that make up the archipelago nation(群岛国家),Boracay is one that has some of the best beaches the country-or even Asia-has to offer.

Boracay is a great choice for a beach holiday, especially if you're trying to escape the cold

claws of winter. A lot is packed on the island, which is not much bigger than 10 square kilometers. It has many charms and attractions for the most active traveler, as well as the biggest beach bum(冲浪爱好者).

It also caters to a variety of budgets. With everything from low-key guesthouses to five-star resorts, local fare to gourmet meals(餐要大餐),travelers will be able to spend as -much or as little as they want. And like many destinations in Asia, bargaining will help you get better prices on accommodation, leisure activities, shopping and dining. The majority of accommodations can be found along the western side of the island, along White Sand Beach and Bulabog Beach. The southern part of the beach, called Station Three, caters more to backpacker crowds, and prices tend to increase the farther you go up the beach. Station Two, 5 to 10 minutes on foot from Station Three, is the center of the island's pulsing nightlife. Another 10 minutes up from Station Two is Station One, where you'll find the resort hotels and a more relaxed, comforting atmosphere. The island's lookout point is arguably the best place for panoramic(全景的)views of Boracay and its neighboring islands. Just a few moments of breathtaking scenery and fresh sea air will rejuvenate(使精神焕发)you and make you feel you never want to leave.

There are organized trips to nearby islands, one of the most popular being Ariel's Point. The Boracay Beach Club resort, which owns the island, plans outings to Ariel's for a minimum of 14 people each trip.Visitors can have a day of cliff-jumping, snorkeling and barbecues. An alternative-and a sure way to see and do what you want-is to hire a boat. Ride around Boracay, stop at a restaurant frequented by locals, visit the neighboring islands, find a good snorkeling spot or fthd a beach where you can appreciate Boracay's unspoiled beauty. Countless boat operators offer their services along the shore. Rental is typically 500 pesos($12) an hour. Another must-do is a sailboat ride at sunset. White Sand and Bulabog Beaches are lined with sailboats, and there's nothing quite like watching the sun descend against the backdrop of a blue sea and sky. There's very little that will top this bonding moment with nature. To round up the day, head out for a tasty meal.Because of Boracay's countless international visitors, almost every major food type is available. There's New York-style pizzas, burgers galore, Mexican treats, Thai favorites, as well as Japanese udon noodles.

There's plenty more to love and appreciate about Boracay. With its small, cozy atmosphere and welcoming people, it's one destination not to pass up for that romantic getaway, family trip or holiday with friends.

1. If you want to find inexpensive accommodation, you should go_along White Sand Beach and Bulabog Beach.

A. northward B.southward

C. eastward D. westward

2.What does the underlined word "top" in Paragraph 8 mean?

A .Be better than. B.Be suitable for.

C. Be away from. D. Be equal to.

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Hotel expenses. B. Public transport.

C. Outdoor recreations. D. International food













Imagine living in a country torn by war. Or maybe you live in a place where there are few jobs and little chance to earn a living. Your family decides to move — not to another town, but to another country. You and your family have become immigrants. People are called immigrants when they move to a foreign country to make their homes.

People become immigrants for many reasons. The most common one is economic opportunities. Most immigrants are attracted to other countries by the promise of jobs, farmland, or business opportunities.

Other people become immigrants in order to get away from mistreatment or natural disasters. They are refugees. Some refugees move to avoid wars and political unrest. Others are seeking freedom to express their religious views. Still others are uprooted by disasters, such as terrible flooding or drought.

Some people have become immigrants against their will. Captured in Africa, shipped to foreign lands and forced to work as slaves, many early African immigrants to North and South America came in chains.

Except for Native Americans, all people came to the United States from someplace else. For nearly 500 years, immigrants have landed on America’s shores seeking a better life. Throughout American history, immigrants often worked low-paying, dangerous jobs that other people refused to do.

Immigrants from around the world helped shape American life. Many immigrants absorbed the customs and language common to most Americans. They also brought their own traditions, including music and foods. Over time, many of these traditions have become part of American life.

The first European immigrants to America hoped to colonize new lands. By the mid-1500s, Spaniards had ventured into Florida, California, and the American Southwest. French immigrants arrived in the early 1600s and built their first colony in Canada. The English also arrived in the early 1600s. They established 13 colonies along America’s Atlantic Coast.

In the 1700s, England became the major power in colonial North America. But many European immigrants came to live in the English colonies. They included people from Sweden, Holland, Germany, Scotland, and Ireland.

Immigrants still come to the United States seeking freedom and economic opportunities. Most new immigrants no longer come from Europe. They come mainly from Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Asia.

Today, the U.S. government limits the number of immigrants into the country each year. People who sneak illegally into the United States are called illegal immigrants, who, if caught, would be sent back to their home countries.

Key Points

Detailed Information


Immigrants are those who move to a foreign country to make their homes.


Most people come for 2. opportunities, such as good jobs, farmlands, or business opportunities.

Some move to the US to 3. away from wars or disasters.

Some people immigrate to4. for religious freedom.

Some people have become immigrants 5. , like many early African immigrants.


French immigrants 6. Canada in the early 1600s and built their first colony there.

The English also came to the early 1600s and 7. thirteen colonies along America’s Atlantic Coast.

In the 1700s, European immigrants came to live in the English colonies, people from Sweden, Holland and etc. are 8. .


9. from the past, the origins of most new immigrants are mainly Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Asia, instead of Europe.

The US government erects dams to 10. the number of immigrants into the country each year in check. Illegal immigrants, if caught, would be sent back to their home countries.


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