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Dear Sir or Madam£¬

My name is Li Hua. I am writing to apply to be volunteer to take care of our school flowers and trees during the winter vacation.I believe this job suits me perfect.

On the one hand, that I am fond of is growing flowers and I have the experience to look after the flowers and trees well. On the another hand, it is not far from my home to our school. However I have enough time to work, which was a great advantage over other students. I¡¯m convincing that as a volunteer I can do the job more better.

Thank you very much for read my application. I¡¯m looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,

1.ÎÄÖеڶþ¾ä volunteer Ç°¼Óa

2.ÎÄÖеڶþ¾äºó°ë¾ä school¸ÄΪ school's

3.ÎÄÖеÚÈý¾ä perfect¸ÄΪperfectly.

4.ÎÄÖеÚËľä that¸ÄΪwhat

5.ÎÄÖеÚÎå¾ä another ¸ÄΪother

6.ÎÄÖеÚÁù¾ä however¸ÄΪTherefore

7.ÎÄÖеÚÁù¾ä was¸ÄΪis

8.ÎÄÖеÚÆß¾ä convincing¸ÄΪconvinced

9.ÎÄÖеÚÆß¾ä È¥µômore

10.ÎÄÖеڰ˾ä read¸ÄΪreading


1. volunteerÇ°¼Óa¡£VolunteerÖ¾Ô¸Õߣ¬Ãû´Ê¡£Ãû´ÊÇ°¼Ó¹Ú´Êa±íʾһ¸ö¡­¡£½áºÏÌâÒâÀÊÇÒª³ÉΪһÃû¡¢²¢ÇÒÖ»ÄܳÉΪһÃûÖ¾Ô¸Õß¡£ËùÒÔÒª¼Óa

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Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet£¬but what is it?

The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet£®

Maybe that doesn¡¯t sound interesting. But when we¡¯ve joined the Internet, there are lots of things we can do£®We can find lots of interesting information on the World Wide Web(www)£®We can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework. We can find information about our favourite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Inter-net. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending a letter.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front of them, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98£¥of the information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?

1.The passage is mainly about________.

A£®the Internet B£®information

C£®computers D£®e mail

2.The quickest and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is________£®

A£®by post B£®by e mail C£®by telephone D£®by TV

3.The Internet cannot be used to__________.

A£®find information for our homework

B£®get some information about our favourite sports stars

C£®do some shopping

D£®do our housework

4..Which of the following is NOT true?

A£®The Internet is a big computer£®

B£®The Internet is lots of computer networks£®

C£®The Internet is very helpful£®

D£®People can work at home with the help of the Internet£®

5.What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A£®The Internet is more and more popular£®

B£®All the information is in English£®

C£®English is important in using the Internet£®

D£®Every computer must join the Internet£®

At the age of seven I started taking violin lessons. I practiced half an hour every day, went to lessons once a week, and occasionally played in a group concert. Like most kids, I always thought practicing was boring. If my parents hadn¡¯t been there to make me practice, I probably would have put down my violin and never have picked it up again.

I met Moira when I was 11 at an Irish music party. Moira hosted the party that night, playing the violin, singing and dancing. She made sure that everyone in the room got involved and had a great time. I immediately fell in love with the music she played and the energy that she brought to it. Just a few days after that party, I took my first lesson with Moira, and I continued taking lessons with Moira throughout middle school.

When I started playing the violin with Moira, playing music became something that I loved. She introduced me to so many types of music, from Irish to Old Time, to Cajun. Moira also taught me to play the guitar. Soon we started performing together and were shocked to discover that people actually wanted to hear us! When I began to play the violin, practicing was something that I did at home in my living room, but with Moira¡¯s influence it quickly became something that I did everywhere. I played on street corners, at festivals, at the beach, at parties, at weddings, and late at night in my friends¡¯ kitchens.

Moira took the music out to the classroom and brought it to life. Her passion(¼¤Çé)was not only for playing music, but also for sharing it. My time with Moira allowed me to grow both musically and personally. I have met so many special people and had so many invaluable(ÎÞ¼ÛµÄ) experiences. Moira has proven to be the most important influence in my musical development, and also my invaluable friend.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer had her violin lessons every day.

B. The writer disliked the kids who hated the violin.

C. The writer usually played music in school concerts.

D. At first the writer was not active in learning the violin.

2.The passage didn¡¯t say directly but we can learn that .

A. Moira was a good neighbor

B. the writer was a good singer

C. Moira was a good organizer

D. the writer was a music teacher

3.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Moira didn¡¯t like to play music in the classroom.

B. Moira helped the writer a lot with her personal life.

C. Moira had great influence on the writer¡¯s life

D. Moira was very thankful for the writer¡¯s support.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. My Way to Success. B. My Invaluable Friend.

C. My Middle School Life. D. How I learned the Violin.

A new study from Harvard University revealed that the message parents mean to send to children about the value of sympathy(ͬÇéÐÄ£© is being mistaken by the message they actually send. In fact they value achievement and happiness above all else.

The Making Caring Common Project at Harvard¡¯s Graduate School of Education surveyed 10,000 middle and high school students about which is more important to them¡ªachievement, happiness, or caring about others. Almost 80 percent of students placed achievement or happiness over caring about others. Only 20 percent of students considered caring about others as their top aim.

In the study ¡°The Children We Mean to Raise: The Real Message Adults Are Sending about Values¡±, the authors refer to a reality gap, an incongruity (²»Ò»ÖÂ) between what adults tell children they should value and the message we grown-ups actually send through our behavior.

Simply talking about sympathy is not enough. While 96 percent of parents say they want to raise caring children, and cite the development of moral character as ¡°very important, if not essential¡±, 80 percent of the youths surveyed reported that their parents ¡°are more concerned about achievement and happiness than caring about others¡±. Approximately the same percentage of the students reported that their teachers put their achievement over caring.

As the report shows, simply talking about sympathy is not enough. Children are sensitive creatures, fully capable of telling the true meanings in the blank spaces between well-organised words. If parents really want to let their kids know that they value care and sympathy, the authors suggest, they must make a real effort to help their children learn to care about other people¡ªeven when it¡¯s hard, even when it does not make them happy, and yes, even when it is at odds with their personal success.

1.The first paragraph suggests that parents _____.

A. value achievement less

B. fail to make students realize the importance of sympathy

C. don¡¯t intend to value success

D. regard achievement and happiness as the same

2.What can be concluded from the study?

A. 20% of the students are not ambitious.

B. Kids care more about achievement.

C. About 80% of the students are not caring.

D. A majority of the kids are kind students.

3.What may be the cause for the reality gap?

A. Children¡¯s failure to understand parents¡¯ well-organised words.

B. The generation gap between parents and children.

C. Children¡¯s desire for getting individual achievement.

D. Parents¡¯ lack of a real effort to guide children.

Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season. ¡°Seventy-six percent of consumers who plan to buy holiday gifts say that they will spend money buying at least one technology product; definitely a solid vote of confidence for technology.¡± Steve Koenig is with the Consumer Electronics Association. He says the group¡¯s latest research also shows that Americans this year are spending more on technology products.

¡°Here in 2012, $252 on average¨Cthe technology spend for consumers this year.¡± From tablet computers to smart phones, American shoppers have been lining up to get the newest and coolest electronic devices on the market. There are more choices today than ever before. ¡°It¡¯s kind of hard to make a decision.¡±

Tablet computers are one of the best-selling products this year. Brian Tong is Senior Editor of CNET.com. The website reports on tech news and examines the latest electronic products. He says the Apple iPad Mini is one of the most popular tablets. Its starting price is $329. One of Apple¡¯s biggest competitors is the Google Nexus 7. It starts at $199.

¡°The hardware inside is more powerful than what¡¯s in the iPad Mini, but also it offers you a lot of things like maps that work better than Apple¡¯s maps.¡± Brian Tong says there is one reason why people may like the iPad Mini more than the Nexus 7. ¡°If you just want to read books and surf the Internet, you don¡¯t really need to get an iPad Mini, but if you want the largest group of apps that¡¯s where the iPad and Apple¡¯s ecosystem shines the most.¡±

Elman Chacon is with the electronics store Best Buy. He says another hot product this season is smart cameras. They connect to the Internet through Wi-Fi. This makes it easy for users to email or upload photographs directly from the camera. ¡°You can literally take a picture, upload it into your Facebook in a matter of seconds. These things are pretty cool because they do a lot of things.¡±

Streaming media boxes also connect to the Internet. People are able to watch web content such as movies and YouTube videos on their televisions. Another popular item is wireless speaker systems. The newest ones work with any device that has Bluetooth technology, including smart phones, laptops and tablets.

With the growing popularity of Internet shopping, many consumers will visit a store first to look at a product, and then go online to find it at a lower price. Stores like Best Buy understand that and they want to stay competitive.

¡°We have something called the perfect match promise which means if you buy a certain device and you find it cheaper within 30 days we¡¯ll go ahead and price match that for you.¡± Elman Chacon said.

1.According to Brain Tong, ________.

A. the Apple¡¯s iPad Mini is more suitable for enthusiastic readers

B. the hardware in iPad Mini is more advanced than that in Nexus 7

C. iPad Mini is more eco-friendly

D. Nexus 7 has fewer apps than iPad Mini

2.If you¡¯ve discovered that a certain device you bought at Best Buy is more expensive than one at another store, ________.

A. you are sure to get double the amount you paid

B. the store will return the price differences

C. you can return the device and get your money back

D. the store will lower the price within 30 days

3.Which of the following would be the best gift for a cab driver?

A. Smart cameras. B. Streaming media boxes.

C. Tablet computers. D.Wireless speaker systems.

4.What is true about the smart cameras ?

A. To show the varieties of products

B. The smart cameras are more powerful.

C.It can make the users upload their photographs easily .

D. The smart cameras makes it more convenient to go on Internet .

5.From the passage , we can infer _______ .

A. Electronics have become one of the biggest consumer industries in the US.

B. There are many electronics in the United States .

C. The US becomes the Number One electronics consumers .

D. We can buy much cheaper products in US .

Green invaders are taking over America. Not invaders from space, but plants! You might not think of plants as dangerous, but in this case they are threatening nature¡¯s delicate food chain.

The invaders are plants brought here from other countries to make gardens and yards look pretty. Ever since people started to arrive on America¡¯s shores, they have carried along trees, flowers, and vegetables from other places. Now there are so many of those plants, they are crowding out the native plants that have lived here since before human settlers arrived.

And that¡¯s a problem, says Dr. Doug Tallamy. He¡¯s insect expert at the University of Delaware. He explains that almost all the plant-eating insects in the United States are specialized, which means they eat only certain plants. Monarch butterfly caterpillars(Ó׳æ),for example, dine on milkweed. If people cut down milkweed and replace it with another plant, the butterflies will not have the food source that they need to survive.

But the trouble doesn¡¯t stop there. When insects can¡¯t get the right plants to eat and they die off, then the birds don¡¯t have enough bugs for their meals. Tallamy points out that almost all migrating birds depend on insets to feed their young.

¡°We cannot let the plants and animals around us disappear.¡± says Tallamy, ¡°The way to preserve them is to give them food to eat. But when we plant non-native plants, we are clobbering the food chain, because then we don¡¯t have the insects the birds need to live.¡±

Fewer of the right plants mean fewer bugs, and fewer bugs mean fewer birds. And that¡¯s bad for the Earth, because we need a variety of living things to keep the planet healthy and beautiful.

The good news is, garden centers sell native plants. ¡°Just Google ¡®native plants¡¯ and your location, and you can find out which plants really belong where you live,¡± says Tallamy

1.How did green invades arrive at America?

A.They fell down from space.

B.They floated to the America¡¯s shores.

C.They were brought in from foreign countries

D.They has lived here since human settlers arrived

2.According to Dr.Tallamy, which of the followings about the insects in the US is NOT true?

A.Almost all the plant-eating insects in a place eat certain plants.

B.Monarch butterfly caterpillars can¡¯t survive without milkweed.

C.If insects can¡¯t eat the right plants, they will find another one.

D.The insects¡¯ death will greatly affect the migrating birds¡¯ survival

3.The underlined word ¡°clobber¡± in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _________.

A.protect B. damage C. create D. collect

4.We can know whether a plant is native by _________.

A.Googling on the Internet B. asking Dr. Doug Tallamy

C. looking up in books D. searching in garden

5.What is the best title of the pass age?

A.Green invaders¡ª¡ªlocal living things

B. Green invaders¡ª¡ªdangerous food chain

C.Green invaders¡ª¡ªenvironmental protectors

D. Green invades¡ª¡ªthreat to local nature

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