
6.It's rare that you see the words"shyness"and"leader"in the same sentence.After all,the common viewpoint is that those outgoing and sociable guys make great public speakers and excellent networkers and that those shy people are not.A survey conducted by USA Today referred to 65 percent of executives who believed shyness to be a barrier to leadership.Interestingly,the same article stresses that roughly 40 percent of leaders actually are quite shy-they're just better at adapting themselves to situational demands.Bill Gates,Warren Buffet and Charles Schwab are just a few"innies".
Unlike their outgoing counterparts who are more sensitive to rewards and risk-taking,shy people take a cautious approach to chance.Rather than the flashy chit-chat that defines social gathering,shy people listen attentively to what others say and absorb it before they speak.They're not thinking about what to say while the other person is still talking,but rather listening so they can learn what to say.Along the same lines,shy people share a common love of learning.They are intrinsically(内在地) motivated and therefore seek content regardless of achieving an outside standard.
Being shy can also bring other benefits.Remember being in school and hearing the same kids contribute,until shy little Johnny,who almost never said a word,cut in?Then what happened?Everyone turned around to look with great respect at little Johnny actually talking.This is how shy people made good use of their power of presence:they"own"the moment by speaking calmly and purposefully,which translate to a positive image.
Shyness is often related to modesty.Not to say that limelight-seekers aren't modest,but shy people tend to have an accurate sense of their abilities and achievements.As a result,they are able to acknowledge mistakes,imperfections,knowledge gaps and limitations.
Since shy people have a lower sensitivity to outside rewards than outgoing ones,they're more comfortable working with little information and sticking to their inner desires.Shy people are also more likely to insist on finding solutions that aren't primarily apparent.Don't believe me?Maybe you'll believe Albert Einstein,who once said,"It's not that I'm so smart,it's that I stay with problems longer."Obviously,finding certainty where uncertainty is typically popular is a huge plus for any successful person.
The myth that shy people are less effective leaders than their outgoing fellows is just a misunderstanding.Make wise use of your personality strengths to lead your business no matter what side of the range you fall on.
24.We can learn from Paragraph 2 thatB.
A.shy people are sensitive to rewards
B.shy people care more about content
C.outgoing people are more careful about chances
D.outgoing people consider what to learn while listening
25.The example of Johnny showsD.
A.shy people are likely to be modest
B.hardworking students speak little in public
C.some students keep silent on purpose at school
D.shy people may have an advantage in discussion
26.We can learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 thatA.
A.success results from devotion
B.shyness contributes to popularity
C.outside reward leads to insistence
D.uncertainty counts more than certainty
27.The author supports his ideas mainly byD.
A.giving definitions and presenting research results
B.explaining problems and providing solutions
C.quoting authorities and making evaluations
D.making contrasts and gibing examples.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了害羞的人在适应环境之后会有更好的发展,因为害羞的人往往个性谦虚,对于风险十分敏感,对回报不甚在意,因此只要适当运用他们的优势,一定可以获得巨大成功.

解答 24.B.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"They're not thinking about what to say while the other person is still talking,but rather listening so they can learn what to say"他们不会去想去说什么在别人还在说话的时候,而是去认真的听,因此他们能学习到怎么去说;可知害羞的人更关注说话的内容;故选B.
25.D.推理判断题.根据文章第三段"they"own"the moment by speaking calmly and purposefully,which translate to a positive image"他们"能时刻冷静地有目的地讲,这使得害羞转化为一个正面的形象,可知改修在谈话中是有益的;故选D,
26.A.句意推断题.根据文章第五段"It's not that I'm so smart,it's that I stay with problems longer"这不是因为我很聪明,而是因为我和问题相处的时间更长,可知成功来自于奉献;故选A.

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

19.It's a Snoopy card; cheerful message,bright colors,though a little yellow and faded now.Though I've received fancier,more expensive card over the years,this is the only one I've saved.That summer,it spoke volumes to me.
I received it during the first June I faced as a widow(寡妇) to raise two teenage daughters alone.In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single parenthood,I was overwhelmed with,of all things,the simplest housework,leaky taps,oil changes,even barbecues.Those had always been my husband's jobs.I was embarrassed every time I hit my thumb with a hammer or couldn't get the lawnmower started.My uncertain attempts only fueled the fear inside me:How could I be both a father and mother to my girls?Clearly,I lacked the tools and skills.
On this particular morning,my girls pushed me into the living room to see something.(I prayed it wasn't another repair job).The"something"turned out to be an envelope and several wrapped bundles on the carpet.My puzzlement must have been plain as I gazed from the colorful packages to my daughters'bright faces.
"Go ahead!Open them!"They urged.As I unwrapped the packages,I discovered a small barbecue grill and all the necessary objects including a green kitchen glove.
"But why?"I asked.
"Happy Father's Day!"they shouted together.
"Moms don't get presents on Father's Day".I protested.
"You forgot to open the card".Jane reminded.I pulled it from the envelope.There sat Snoopy,on top of his dog house,merrily wishing me a Happy Father's Day."Because",the girls said,"you've been a father and mother to us.Why shouldn't you be remembered on Father's Day?"
As I fought back tears,I realized they were right,I wanted to be a"professional"dad,who had the latest tools and knew all the tricks of the trade.The girls only wanted a parent they could count on to be there,day after day,performing repeatedly the maintenance tasks of basic care and love.
The girls are grown now,and they still send me Father's Day cards,but none of them means as much to me as that first one.Its simple message told me that being a great parent didn't require any special tools at all-just a willing worker.
60.The girls gave their mother a barbecue set probably becauseD.
A.it was what their mother wanted        
B.it was a proper Father's Day gift
C.barbecue was their favourite food                  
D.they wanted their mother to barbecue
61.After her husband's death,the mother found it was the hardest toD.
A.handle the emotional shock                   
B.face the terrible loneliness
C.keep harmony of the family                    
D.fulfill a male role in the house.
62.Which of the following statements is true about the first Father's Day card?D
A.It made the mother eager to get the latest tools.
B.It praised the mother as a professional dad.
C.Its fancy design impressed the mother most.
D.It showed the girls'appreciation for their mother's love.
17.Easy Ways to Boost (改善) Your Mood
(16)D.Taking an extra moment for yourself will make your day brighter and give you a healthier outlook on life.Here are some simple ways you can bring a little happiness into your life right now:
1.Go for a walk.
Grab your dog,best friend,or your significant other and head out on a brisk (轻快的) walk.Just a little bit of exercise can boost your mood and give you a fresh perspective (态度) on problems that have been bothering you.Think walks are boring?(17)BTake a trip to the mall,or even walk to get some frozen yogurt.Make it a fun trip and you'll surely make it part of your routine.
2.(18)GAfter all,laughte r is the best medicine.Pick up something that makes you laugh like a funny picture,book,magazine,or a DVD of your favorite comedy.(19)FGiving yourself time to laugh boosts feelgood endorphins(胺多酚).
3.(20)ATake a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy,like roller skating,skiing,swimming,playing an instrument,or being with friends and family.Place the picture  on your desk to remind yourself that you lead an amazing life and have lots to be happy about.
A.Model behavior.
B.Try walking to a place that seems exciting to you.
C.Ten minutes of relaxation can do wonders.
D.Even the most optimistic people can use a mood bo ost every once in a while.
E.Tell someone that you're guaranteed to brighten their day.
F.You could even plan a date night out to a comedy club.
G.Buy something interesting.
14.Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening,I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend's roof-tops.I stopped to watch it for a few moments,thinking about what a pity it was that most citizens,myself included,usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.
My friend had also seen it.He grew up living in a forest in Europe,and the moon meant a lot to him then.It had touched much of his life.
I know the feeling.Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends.We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water.Our group had campfires outside every night,and indoors when it was too cold outside.The moon grew to its fullest during our trip.Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys.Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard.It was one of the quietest places I have ever known,a bottomless well of silence.And above me was the full moon,which struck me deeply.
Today our lives are filled with glass,metal,plastic and fiber-glass.We have televisions,cell phones,papers,electricity,heaters and ovens and air-conditioners,cars,computers.
Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day,most of which was spent in doors,I thought that before long I would like to live in a small cottage.There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains,and perhaps write,but not in anger.I may become an old man there,and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.
25.The writer felt sorry for himself becauseA.
A.he usually failed to see the fullest moon      
B.there was too much pollution
C.he didn't get used to modern inventions 
D.there were too many accidents on the road
26.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?B
A.No modern equipment.
B.The nice moon.
C.The high mountains.
D.Complete silence.
27.Modern things (in Paragraph 4)are mentioned mainly toC.
A.show that the writer likes city life very much
B.tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life
C.explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature
D.show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them
28.The author wrote the passage toB.
A.show the love for the moonlight
B.express the feeling of returning to nature
C.advise modern people to learn to live
D.want to show his longing (渴望) for modern life.
11.When men get together,they seldom talk about their feelings or inner thoughts.However,they talk about a lot,like their newest computer,how to repair their car,or even business.
Talk might move to the best place to find fish or women,jump to computer games,then continue to the sport of the season.They also like to tell jokes each other and spend a fair amount of time playing one-up and boasting(吹牛).Men seldom call each other to chat.
When man meets woman,he usually wants to make a good impression.Many single men try hard to carry on amusing,fun,and pleasant conversations.They use conversation to discover her interests and feelings in order to learn how to be attractive to her.
Some men,either out of nervousness or ignorance,spend most of the time talking about themselves,often appearing to brag about their achievements or talk endlessly about their problems or work.Even the quietest man talks to his woman when love is new.
When women get together,they talk about feelings and relationships,their work and their family.They enjoy talking but also want the give and take of talk,then listen.Women often call each other to chat.Conversation is an important part of most women's 1ives.
As relationships progress,however,many a man turns on the television and forgets how to talk.This raises anger and cry from his woman partner who says,"You never talk to me  anymore."Some men start talking.Many,however,mainly discuss their own achievements and problems.
When the woman starts talking about her favorite subjects:feelings,family,relationships,friends and her work,many men lose interest or bring the conversation back to themselves.Pretty soon,the man is back to staring at the television each night,wondering where his relationship has gone.The woman is talking to her friends,mom,sister,or neighbor,often about that very relationship and how she is hurting.
28.What can we know about men from the first two paragraphs?A
A.They like to talk about practical matters.
B.They are willing to expose their inner thoughts.
C.They prefer to take adventurous travels.
D.They often call each other to chat about work.
29.Which of the following can replace the underlined part"brag about"in Paragraph 4?A
A.Show off.    
B.Dream about.  
C.Put forward.
D.Care for.
30.What is the same topic in both men's and women's talk?D
B. Jokes.
31.What is the best title of this passage?C
A.How a man makes a good impression to a woman.
B.Good relationship between men and women.
C.Men talk;women talk;do they talk together?
D.Talking,the women's main tool in communication.
18.Last July a German doctoral student named Matthias Weβel made a remarkable discovery.He was examining are papers of the late Swiss publisher Emil Oprecht for an essay on Arthur Koestler's switch from writing in German to writing in English at the end of the 1930s.Oprecht was a 1eft-wing know traveler who had founded his famous publishing house Europa Verlag in Zurich in 1933.and was well known for his anti-Nazi views and support for writes who were forced to flee their homes,including the young Arthur Koestler.Weβel once said,"I was looking for letters and royalty reports,because I wanted to know how many copies were printed of the first German edition of Koestkr's Spanish Testament."He failed to find the answer to his question,but while 1ooking over the Europa holdings in the Zurich Central Library he came across a puzzling entry:"Koestler,Arthur.Rubaschow:Roman.Typescript,March 1940,326pages."
This was extremely strange Weβel knew of no such novel(Roman)in Koestler's German writings.but the name Rubaschow rang a bell.Rubasehow is the hero of Koestler's novel,Darkness at Noon.weβel hardly dared think about what he had found,suspecting a sequel(续集)or perhaps a false entry,for it was well known that the original text of the novel-the last one Koesder wrote in German before he switched to English-was lost during his flight from France at the start of World War II.That was seventy-five years ago and it has never been seen since.With unease,Weβel ordered a scan,which showed a typed carbon copy,with corrections in Koestle's handwriting.The date on the title page,March 1940,was the date on which Koestler is known to have finished the novel.There was no doubt Weβel had come across a copy of the German manuscript(手稿)of Koestler's masterpiece.
32.What is Weβel's main field of research?C
A.A Swiss publisher's papers     
B.The left-wing writers.
C.Arthur Koestlefs works           
D.The publishing house.
33.How dld Weβel feel about his discovery at first?D
34.What do we know about Rubasehow?C
A.The title of a book            
B.A Swiss publisher.
C.A character of a novel       
D.A left-wing fellow writer.
35.Weβel ordered a scan toB.
A.find out the date of the copy  
B.make out the copy's real identity
C.cheek the errors of the copy  
D.examine Koestler's handwriting.

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