4£®A proverb says£¬"Time is money"£®But in my opinion£¬time is even £¨61£©more precious than money£®Why£¿£¨62£©Becausewhen money is spent£¬we can earn it back£®However£¬when time is £¨63£©gone£¬it will never return£®£¨64£©Itis known to all that the time we can use is limited£®Therefore we should make£¨65£©fulluse of our time to study hard so as to serve our country in£¨66£©thefuture£®But it is a pity that there are a lot of people £¨67£©whodo not realize the value of time£®They £¨68£©spend/wastetheir precious time smoking£¬drinking and playing£®
In a word£¬we should form the good habit of£¨69£©saving £¨save£© time£®Do not put off what can be done today£¨70£©until/tilltomorrow£®
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