





My father is the man I respect most. Strict as he may be, however he never fails to show her care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what has happened. I could only tell him a truth. Instead of scold, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor. I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health and he also teaches me what to be a good citizen. How luckily I am to have such a good father!




2. her¡úhis.¿¼²é´ú´Ê¡£ÎÄÕ½²ÊöµÄÊÇMy fatherµÄ¹ÊÊ£¬´Ë´¦Ö¸ËûµÄ¹ØÐÄÓôú´Êhis£¬¹Êher¡úhis.

3. neighbor¡úneighbor¡¯s.¿¼²éÃû´ÊËùÓиñ¡£´Ë´¦Ö¸ÁھӵĴ°»§£¬±íʾ¡°¡­µÄ¡±ÓÃÃû´ÊËùÓиñ£¬¹Êneighbor¡úneighbor¡¯s.

4. has¡úhad.¿¼²é¶¯´Êʱ̬¡£´Ë´¦ÊDZöÓï´Ó¾ä£¬Ö÷¾äÊÇaskedÊǹýȥʱ£¬´Ó¾ä·¢ÉúµÄÔçÓùýÈ¥Íê³Éʱ£¬¹Êhas¡úhad.

5. a¡úthe.¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê¡£´Ë´¦Ö¸ÎÒ´ò»µ´°»§Õâ¸öÊÂʵ£¬±íʾÌØÖ¸Óö¨¹Ú´Êthe£¬¹Êa¡úthe.

6. scold¡úscolding.¿¼²é¶¯´ÊÐÎʽ¡£´Ë´¦ÓÃÔÚ½é´Êofºó¶¯´ÊÓÃ-ingÐÎʽ£¬¹Êscold¡úscolding.

7. apologizeºó¼Óto.¿¼²é½é´Ê¡£±íʾ¡°ÏòijÈ˵ÀǸ¡±ÓÃapologize to sb.£¬to±íʾ¡°Ïò¡±¡£¹Êapologizeºó¼Óto.

8. and¡úbut.¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê¡£´Ë´¦ÊÇnot only¡­but alsoµÄÓ÷¨£¬±íʾ¡°²»µ«¡­¶øÇÒ¡±£¬¹Êand¡úbut.

9. what¡úhow.¿¼²é¸±´Ê¡£´Ë´¦±íʾÔõÑù³ÉΪºÃ¹«Ãñ£¬±íʾ·½Ê½ÓÃhow£¬¹Êwhat¡úhow.

10. luckily¡úlucky.¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£´Ë´¦ÊÇϵ¶¯´ÊamµÄ±íÓ²»Óø±´ÊÓÃÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£Ö¸ÎÒÊÇÐÒÔ˵ģ¬¹Êluckily¡úlucky.




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Mistakes are something did, said or believed, as a result of wrong thinking or understanding, lack of knowledges or skills. No one is perfect, but no one makes no mistake. Because many people are afraid of making mistakes, we don¡¯t believe, say or do much. They behaved like this just because they want to make no mistake. As I said, it¡¯s impossible. Being afraid of making mistakes is mistake itself. Only through mistakes can there be discover or progress. Making mistakes for seeking truth is much more better than doing nothing. Mistakes are the best teachers which guide us through difficulties. Don¡¯t let mistakes scare you. Let¡¯s learn on mistakes.







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Members Wanted

An English Speech Association has set up in our school. Now, they are recruiting members. If you are enthusiastically about English speech, please join us.

By participating in our various activity, you will harvest a lot. First, you can develop good communication skills and make a lot of friends there. What¡¯s more, not only will you be able to use that you will learn to become a persuasive speaker but also you can improve your spoken English. So join us or you¡¯ll have the chance to show a best of you to the world with your voice.

Students of all grades are welcome. If interesting, please scan the OR code and fill in the application form.

Don¡¯t hesitate to take part in.

Student Union

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
