
Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau stands with his wife, Sophie Gregoire, as he gives his victory speech after Canada's federal election in Montreal, Quebec, Oct. 19, 2015.

“Tonight I'd like to toast(为……干杯) the future prime minister of Canada: to Justin Pierre Trudeau."

American President Richard Nixon had that to say in 1972 at a state dinner to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau about his newborn son, Justin. Forty-three years later, Justin Pierre Trudeau has become the second-youngest prime minister in Canada. His Liberal Party(自由党) won a majority in Monday's national election over the Conservative Party(保守党).

Justin Pierre Trudeau came from Canada's political royalty. He is the son of Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair Trudeau. His father, Pierre Trudeau, served two terms as Prime Minister between 1968 and 1984. His mother, Margaret Sinclair Trudeau, came from a well-known family of politicians. She married the 51-year-old prime minister when she was 22. Margaret Trudeau was known for her partying at New York nightclubs with stars like the Rolling Stones. The couple inspired "Trudeaumania" and was frequently compared to the American Kennedys, another political royal family.

Young Trudeau graduated from McGill University in 1994. He spent his early years as a schoolteacher in Vancouver. He is married to Sophie Grégoire, a former broadcaster. They married in 2007. They have three children.

Justin Pierre Trudeau is promising "real change" in domestic and foreign policy. He told supporters earlier Tuesday that a positive campaign led to the victory.

"This is what positive politics can do," Trudeau said. "Canadians from across this great country sent a clear message tonight."

Mr. Trudeau promises to invest(投资) in rebuilding roads and bridges. He also plans to raise taxes on wealthy Canadians.

Like his father before him, the young Trudeau has already received international attention on his election as prime minister. Major American newspapers like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal published his victory on the front pages. News websites from Le Monde of Paris to the Times of London headlined the return of "Trudeaumania" in their coverage.

1.How old is the new Canadian prime minister?

A. 51 B. 47

C. 43 D. The text doesn’t tell us.

2.Which of the following statement is WRONG?

A. There is more than one American president coming from Kennedy family.

B. Justin Pierre Trudeau will continue the political view "Trudeaumania"

C. Justin’s positive campaign won many voters(选民).

D. Justin Pierre Trudeau has attracted wide attention of the Press.

3.What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Liberal Party has been the leading party in Canada.

B. Justin Pierre Trudeau won a victory in Canada's election

C. A great political royal family in Canada.

D. A new political star and his happy family.



Once there was a baby eagle living in a nest (巢) on a cliff (山崖).The baby eagle loved his nest.It was warm, soft and comfortable.And even better, he had all the food and love that his mother could give.Whenever the baby eagle was hungry, his mother would always come just in time with the delicious food he liked.

He was growing happily day after day.But suddenly his world eagle changed.His mother stopped coming to the nest, he was full of sadness and fear.He thought he would die soon.He cried, but nobody heard him.

Two days later mother appeared with some nice food.The baby eagle was wild with joy.But his mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her baby.

The baby eagle cried out, “Mum, why did you do this to me? I’m hungry.Don’t you know I will die if I have nothing to eat?”

“Here is the Last meal I give you.Come and get it by yourself.” his mother said.Then she flew down and pushed the baby eagle out of the nest.

The baby eagle fell down, faster and faster.He looked up at his mum.“ Why do you abandon me?” He looked down at the earth.The ground was much closer.Then something strange happened.The air caught behind his arms and he began to fly! He wasn’t moving to the ground any more.Instead, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

You are flying! You can make it!” His mother smiled.

1.Which of the following is TRIJE about the baby eagle’s life before his mother stopped coming to the nest?

A.lie lived in a nest in the tree.

B.He was always cold and hungry.

C.He lived very happily with friends.

D.His mother offered him nice food.

2.How did the baby eagle feel as soon as lie saw his mother coming again?





3.What does the word “abandon” mean?





4.We can infer (推断) from the story that _____________

A.The baby eagle lost his mother

B.The baby eagle fell down and died

C.The baby eagle was still angry with his mother.

D.The baby eagle could get food himself.


How to plan for a perfect holiday

People often dream of a perfect holiday with white sands, blue beaches and so on. But traveling or sometimes even planning a trip can be more of a stress. Here are some tips to make your holiday a memorable one.

● Set a budget. Before making a plan for the holiday, the most important thing is to set a budget. 1.

● Plan ahead. The first thing you need to do is to be sure of what you need from this trip. Do you want to experience the local culture or just have fun on those sandy beaches? 2.

● Read up before you go. 3. Buy a good guidebook and read up on the culture, history, local attractions of the place. You can read the local publications online or surf the Net for more information. The more you know, the better you can enjoy the place and its traditions.

● Pack light and right. 4. Avoid carrying unnecessary things around. A heavy luggage may sometimes influence your holiday spirit. Carry clothes that are comfortable and right for the season. As much as possible try to put everything you need in a single carry-on bag.

●5. Unreasonable expectations can lead to unwanted stress, so enjoy the holiday by managing what you can with the time you have. Enjoy each moment, whether good or bad.

A. Always book your stay.

B. Have realistic expectations.

C. Pack only the important things.

D. Plan your trip according to your needs and likes.

E. It helps you to plan and enjoy the trip within your limits.

F. Prepare yourself before visiting an unknown holiday place.

G. All you need is to get away from busy people and the world.

People in the western state of California who are in the United States illegally can now request a driver's license. The law went into effect on January l. California is not the first American state with such a law, but it has the largest number of illegal immigrants. More than a million people began to request licenses shortly after the new state law went into effect. Among them was Christian Alvarado. Mr. Alvarado entered the United States from El Salvador eight years ago without permission from the U.S. government. Some call such people "illegal immigrants." Others call them "undocumented immigrants".

Mr. Alvarado thinks it so exciting, for he has been waiting for the license for a long time. But some are worried that their personal information will be used to find them and deport them. Armando Botello is a spokesman for the California Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV. He says people should not be afraid, for such information will not be shared.

The new licenses are the same as licenses given to citizens except that they have the words "Federal Limits Apply". That means the license cannot be used to travel on an airplane or enter a federal building. Ana Garcia, working at the Central American Resource Center, says some illegal immigrants fear those words will be used to abuse them. Civil rights groups say the police and others will not.

Dan Schnur, a political scientist at the University of Southern California, said that the main argument against the new law is that it rewards illegal behavior. But Professor Schnur argued that young, white Americans generally support immigration reform, including giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

"It's simply because they grew up in a much more multicultural society than their parents or their grandparents did." Professor Schnur says he believes the changes in beliefs about illegal immigrants that have taken place in California will spread throughout the United States.

1.Why did the new law make Mr. Alvarado excited?

A. Because he can request a driver's license.

B. Because he became a legal immigrant of California.

C. Because he got his driving license as an illegal immigrant.

D. Because a law went into effect for the new immigrants.

2.What is the difference of the new licenses compared to those given to citizens'?

A. The words “Federal Limits Apply” will abuse illegal immigrants

B. They can't be used to travel on an airplane or enter a federal building.

C. They can be used to act against the police and other people.

D. With the words "Federal Limits Apply", immigrants can enjoy special rights.

3.What’s the public's attitude towards the new law released on January l in California?

A. supportive B. negative

C. neutral D. controversial


I have been driving for over 30,years, but I can remember what happened that day when I drove a car for the-first time.My mom had driven our big Plymouth to a and deserted back road and parked it.

The road was only one lane(车道)and had a wall built with river rocks along the side of it Mom knew there was little chance of meeting any on it that day.With a smile, she gave me the key and _ . seats with me.And then she told me to start the car, to petit into drive and to 46 push on the gas pedal.In my , though, l miscalculated what " gentle "meant.After I pushed on the gas pedal, the car sped forward. I could turn the wheel, I heard the ;scraping c副擦声) of metal the stone wall.I stopped the car and looked over at my Mom.Her face was pale and her hand’s were _.Slowly, she opened her _ and started checking the car. Then she walked _ around the car to the driver's side door.I kept waiting for her to me but she just and said, “Well, that’s enough for today. We’ll try again tomorrow.”

As I looked and on that day. I am amazed at the amount of kindness, love and my Mom showed me. In the years that followed, I many times in many ways.Often I didn't feel worthy to be , but each time I could feel Mom's gentle voice, "We'll try again tomorrow," When we fall today, don't down.Rise up and be to try again tomorrow.

1.A.mostly B.almost C.rarely D.still

2.A.dirty B.strange C.narrow D.smooth

3.A.or B.for C.and D.but

4.A.neighbors B.animals C.policemen D.traffic

5.A.provided B.switched C.offered D.shared

6.A.cautiously B.correctly C.carefully D.gently

7.A.excitement B.hesitation C.disappointment D.depression

8.A.When B.Before C.Unless D.Until

9.A.to B.with C.against D.on

10.A.bleeding B.sweating C.waving D.trembling

11.A.eyes B.fists C.seat belt D.door

12.A.quietly B.casually C.deliberately D.sadly

13.A.encourage B.comfort C.shout at D.quarrel with

14.A.laughed B.sighed C.nodded D.glared

15.A.around. B.into C.back D.up

16.A.enthusiasm B.respect C.patience D.praise

17.A.messed up B.broke up C.held up D.gave up

18.A.mentioned B.blamed C.forgotten D.forgiven

19.A.stay B.put C.lie D.let

20.A.anxious B.ready C.eager D.willing

It’s never a real problem for us when the weather gets cold. We can put on more clothes, stay next to a fireplace, turn on the air conditioner or simply travel to a warmer city to spend the winter – people have many different ways of dealing with the cold.

But things are not as easy for plants. Unlike humans, plants can’t move to escape the cold or generate heat ( 发热) to keep themselves warm. So how do they manage to survive the freezing winter?

It turns out that plants have their own strategies (策略) too, said a study published on Dec 22 in the journal Nature.

According to researcher Amy Zanne of George Washington University, US, the cold is a big challenge for plants. Their living tissues (活组织) can be damaged when they freeze. “It’s like a plant’s equivalent to frostbite ( 相当于冻疮),” Zanne told Science Daily. Also, the process of freezing and thawing (解冻) can cause air bubbles (气泡) to form in the plant’s water transport system. “If enough of these air bubbles come together as water thaws they can block the flow of water from the roots to the leaves and kill the plant,” she explained.

To live through cold weather, plants have developed three traits (特性) , according to the study. Some plants, such as oak trees(橡树), avoid freezing damage by dropping their leaves before the winter chill sets in – effectively shutting off the flow of water between roots and leaves – and growing new leaves and water transport cells when the warm spring returns.

Other plants, pine trees(松树) for example, protect themselves by narrowing their water transport cells, which makes it easier for cells to travel among air bubbles.

The third strategy is also the most extreme – some plants die on the ground in winter and start growing as new plants from seeds when conditions get warmer.

However, the study also found that these smart strategies were developed very slowly – over millions

of years of evolution ( 进化). This leads scientists to worry that plants may not be able to deal with human-caused climate change, which has only started occurring over the past few decades.

Scientists are hoping that this study can help people find possible ways to save plants from the threat

of climate change.

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. Why plants are not afraid of the winter chill.

B. The ways that plants survive cold weather.

C. Changes in plants’ water transport system in winter.

D. How plants evolve to keep up with climate change.

2.According to the article, if a plant freezes in the winter, ______.

A. it produces more living tissues to stay alive

B. its leaves quickly fall out and its roots begin to die

C. lots of air bubbles form in its water transport system

D. its water transport system could be blocked in the spring

3.What are scientists worried about when it comes to plants according to the article?

A. Plants may not be able to adapt to the increasingly cold climate.

B. Human activities might have a great impact on the pace of plants’ evolution.

C. Plants may not be able to evolve fast enough to adapt to human-caused climate change.

D. The strategies plants develop are not good enough to protect them against cold.


However wealthy we may be, we can never find enough hours in the day to do everything we want. Economics deals with this problem through the concept of opportunity cost, which simply refers to whether someone’s time or money could be better spent on something else.

Every hour of our time has a value. For every hour we work at one job we could quite easily be doing another, or be sleeping or watching a film. Each of these options has a different opportunity cost—namely, what they cost us in missed opportunities.

Say you intend to watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium. Why not, you might reason, watch the game from home and use the leftover money and time to have dinner with friends? This—the alternative use of your cash and time—is the opportunity cost.

For economists, every decision is made by knowledge of what one must forgo—in terms of money and enjoyment—in order to take it up. By knowing precisely what you are receiving and what you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make better-informed, more reasonable decisions. Consider that most famous economic rule of all: there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Even if someone offers to take you out to lunch for free, the time you will spend in the restaurant still costs you something in terms of forgone opportunities.

Some people find the idea of opportunity cost extremely discouraging: imagine spending your entire life calculating whether your time would be better spent elsewhere doing something more profitable or enjoyable. Yet, in a sense it’s human nature to do precisely that we assess the advantages and disadvantages of decisions all the time.

In the business world, a popular phrase is “value for money.” People want their cash to go as far as possible. However, another is fast obtaining an advantage: “value for time.” The biggest restriction on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something, so we look to maximize the return we get on our investment of time. By reading this passage you are giving over a bit of your time which could be spent doing other activities, such as sleeping and eating. In return, however, this passage will help you to think like an economist, closely considering the opportunity cost of each of your decisions.

1.According to the passage, the concept of “opportunity cost” is applied to ________.

A. weighing the choice of opportunities

B. reducing missed opportunities

C. making more money

D. taking more opportunities

2.The “leftover ... time” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to the time ________.

A. taken to have dinner with friends

B. spared for watching the match at home

C. saved from not going to watch the match

D. spent on the way to and from the match

3.What are forgone opportunities?

A. Opportunities you make up for.

B. Opportunities you forget in decision-making.

C. Opportunities you give up for better ones.

D. Opportunities you miss accidentally.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the concept of “opportunity cost”?

A. Indifferent B. Negative

C. Subjective D. Objective

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