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¡¾´ð°¸¡¿First Aid in Fires
It is important to know what to do when you are in dangerous situations such as a fire.
When you are caught in a fire, don¡¯t panic. Firstly, you should call 119 and report it to firemen at once. If you are in thick smoke, keep close to the ground and use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose. Secondly, don¡¯t take a lift or jump from a high building. You can fasten ropes to something that¡¯s fixed and then slide down the building. Thirdly, don¡¯t be unwilling to leave your money or other things behind. You should try to get away from the fire as quickly as you can. After all, life is more important. Once you get out of the fire, don¡¯t go back into it again.
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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¸ù¾Ý¶ÌÎÄÄÚÈÝ£¬´ÓÑ¡ÏîÖÐÑ¡³öÄÜÌîÈë¿Õ°×´¦µÄ×î¼ÑÑ¡ÏѡÏîÖÐÓÐÁ½ÏîΪ¶àÓàÑ¡Ïî¡£No personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realized without self-discipline. __¡¾1¡¿ It is the ability to control one¡¯s impulses, emotions, desires and behavior. To possess it is to be able to make the decisions, take the actions, and carry out your plan regardless of the obstacles, discomfort, or difficulties, that may come your way.How to develop self-discipline? We¡¯ll explore it together.¡¤ Start with baby steps. No process takes place overnight. ¡¾2¡¿ So, begin by making the decision to go forward and learning what it takes to get there.¡¤ Learn what motivates you and what your bad triggers are. ¡¾3¡¿ . Sometimes it is very difficult to fight off urges, so know the areas where your resistance is low and how to avoid those situations. Remove the temptations and surround yourself with encouraging items such as motivating slogans and pictures of what you want to achieve.¡¤ Make certain behaviors a routine. Once you have decided what¡¯s important to you and which goals to strive for, establish a daily routine that will help you achieve them. __¡¾4¡¿ They can put you in a negative frame of mind and hinder(×è°)your self-discipline. A poor attitude can also be a bad habit.¡¾5¡¿ Michael Jordan has always maintained that his greatness as a basketball player came as much from his willingness to work hard at his craft, as it did his talent. It was his desire through discipline and focus that made him one of the best basketball players ever. If it worked for him, it could certainly work for the rest of us.
A. What is self-discipline? |
B. Engage in sports or activities£® |
C. Get inspiration from those you admire£® |
D. You can begin by learning about yourself! |
E. If you try to do too much at once, you could injure yourself and have a setback£® |
F. Meanwhile, get rid of some of your bad, self-defeating habits, whatever they may be£® |
G. It does mean learning how to focus your mind and energies on your goals until they are accomplished£® |