



1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a market

B.In a hospital

C.On a bus

2.When was John born?

A.In 1982

B.In 1986

C.In 1978

3.Why does the man want to have a few days off?

A.To have a good rest.

B.To look after his parents.

C.To visit his grandparents.

4.How often does the man exercise in summer?

A.Three times a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Six times a week.

5.What is the man probably?

A.A pop singer

B.A film-maker

C.A reporter




6.What is the woman going to do?

A.Water flowers for the man.

B.Go away on business.

C.Look after the man's flat.

7.What can we know about the woman?

A.She likes travelling on business.

B.She likes watering her plants.

C.She likes keeping her house clean.


8.What does the woman dislike?

A.Meeting different people.

B.Answering telephones.

C.Typing the files.

9.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Rest for a year.

B.Apply for a new job.

C.Take a business course.


10.What clothes in the shop are on sale?

A.Autumn clothes.

B.Winter clothes.

C.Spring clothes.

11.Which skirt did the man buy?

A.The black one.

B.The green one.

C.The white one.

12.What was the original price of the skirt?

A.240 dollars.

B.300 dollars.

C.1,200 dollars.


13.Why did the man miss the movie?

A.He read the newspaper for too long.

B.He went shopping with Meg.

C.He went to see another film.

14.How did the woman feel about the plot of the movie?


B.Too long.

C.Difficult to understand.

15.How long did the film last on TV last night?

A.180 minutes.

B.120 minutes.

C.150 minutes.

16.Why did the film last longer than expected?

A.There were too many advertisements.

B.There was a preview at the beginning.

C.There were some comments at the end.


17.Where did Audrey Hepburn attend private schools?

A.In Belgium.

B.In Ireland.

C.In England.

18.When did Audrey Hepburn's parents divorce?

A.In 1929.

B.In 1935.

C.In 1951.

19.What was Audrey Hepburn's favorite film?

A.The Secret People

B.Roman Holiday


20.What award did Audrey Hepburn receive for her performance in Ondine?

A.The Theatre World Award.

B.The 1953 Academy Award for Best Actress.

C.The 1954 Tony Award for Best Actress.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



lDoes the man think that they can get there in time

AThere is no doubt.

BYes. If there is no hold-up.


2How often does Emy take her ballet lessons now

AOnce every week.

BTwice every week.

CThree times every week.

3Where did this conversation most probably take place?

AAt a grocers store.

BAt a restaurant.

CAt a bookstore.

4How many students did the woman believe had taken the exam

AFifty students.

BForty students.

CTwenty-five students.

5What does the woman think

AShe does not agree with the man.

BShe thinks that it is better to wait.

CShe thinks that it is better to drive at night.





6What did the woman buy at last

AAn insect guards.

BSome insect nets.

CA can of insect spray.

7Where are the man and the woman probably talking

AIn a store.   BIn an office. CIn a camp.

8What is the man

AA company manager.

BA shop assistant.

CA house keeper.


9What did the woman buy?

AA bundle of flowers.

BAn electric spaghetti fork.

CAn interesting instrument.

10Why did the woman buy the fork

ABecause she used it to eat spaghetti.

BBecause she wanted to keep it as a gift.

CBecause she was interested in it.

11What did the man think of the fork

AHe seemed not to understand why she had bought it.

BHe thought it was necessary to eat spaghetti with it.

CHe thought the fork cost too much money.


12What color tie is the man looking for?

AYellow.   BBrown.   CBlue.

13What time does the party begin?

A7:00.     B6:45.     C7:30.

14Where does Mrs. Johnsons sister live?



CNew York.


15Why did Linda Brown want to change jobs?

ABecause she wanted a job as a waitress.

BBecause King Hotel dining-room was closing down.

CBecause she wanted more time to study.

16What days did the interviewer say they needed help?

AAt week-ends.  BOn week-days.  CLate in the week.

17What was the result of the interview?

AThe manager would contact her on May1st.

BLinda Brown got the job.

CThe manager promised her a pay rise.


18Who is Smith speaking to?

AThe staff.

BProfessional journalist.

CA group of students.

19How many days a week is The Voice printed?




20What is most likely the best reason for joining the staff?

ATo make lots of money.

BTo get experience in journalism.

CTo become a better student.





1.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Use his computer.

B.Buy a new computer.

C.Borrow Martha’s computer.

2.What does the man say about Bob?

A.He has been to Seattle many times.

B.He lived in Seattle for many years.

C.He holds a high position in his company.

3.How did the woman learn about the job?

A.A friend told her about it.

B.She saw an ad in the newspaper.

C.She found it by chance.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher.

B.He will wash the dishes himself instead.

C.He himself will operate the dishwasher.

5.What will the speakers most probably do tomorrow?

A.Meet someone at the railway station.

B.Go to London by train.

C.See someone off at the railway station.




6.About whom are the speakers talking?

A.Some friends.

B.A doctor.

C.Their dad.

7.Why is the father very bad tempered recently?

A.Because he doesn’t like the woman’s friends.

B.Because he is not feeling well.

C.Because everybody knows about his problem.


8.What can we know about the man from their conversation?

A.He is tired of everything.

B.He misses his grandfather.

C.He enjoys working in the office very much.

9.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Try something cheerful.

B.Take a holiday.

C.Think nothing of his job.

10.Why does the man mention great-great-grandfathers’ life?

A.He wishes to go hunting like them.

B.He wishes to do as many jobs as they did.

C.He wishes to have much variety in his life.


11.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At a hotel.

B.At the ticket office.

C.At a super market.

12.What did the clerk say about the breakfast in the hotel?

A.It’s free on weekdays.

B.It’s free on Saturdays and Sundays.

C.It’s all free any day of the week.

13.Why does the man insist on seeing the manager?

A.He would have a complaint about the clerk.

B.He would praise the clerk for his good service.

C.He would refuse the clerk’s discount.


14.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the woman?

A.She is an English student.

B.She is a foreign student in England.

C.She is a girl of few words.

15.What is the woman’s main problem according to the dialogue?

A.She can’t get used to the weather there.

B.She can’t write English papers.

C.She doesn’t know how to carry on a conversation with the natives.

16.What can be inferred from the conversation?

A.Conversations usually start with the weather in England.

B.The woman can hardly become a welcome conversation partner.

C.Most English people are unwilling to speak to foreigners.

17.Who might be most popular in England according to the professor?

A.One who can speak perfect English.

B.One who knows best about the other’s habits.

C.One who is good at choosing topics for a conversation.






1.What does the man mean?

A.He can take care of the woman.

B.He can get a doctor for the woman.

C.He suggests the woman see a doctor.

2.What's the weather like today?




3.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Brother and sister.

B.Father and daughter

C.Mother and son

4.At what time does the train to Los Angles leave?




5.Why did the two speakers decide to take the subway?

A.Because it's more direct.

B.Because it is more comfortable.

C.Because it's faster.




6.What is the man going to do?

A.Make some dumplings.

B.Go to the market.

C.Buy some meat.

7.When did the man have dumplings?

A.Last Monday.

B.Last Sunday.

C.Last Saturday.

8.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?





9.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A ball game.

B.A weather forecast.

C.A champion.

10.How many members should probably be included in a team?




11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Kevin got hurt in the last game.

B.The game is likely to be cancelled.

C.Kevin should play the game.


12.Where is the conversation taking place?

A.On a bus.

B.In the street.

C.In a taxi.

13.What do we know from the conversation?

A.The woman loves English.

B.The man's son loves English.

C.The woman's son loves English.

14.How much does the man ask for?





15.What is the new employee going to be?

A.A typist.

B.A secretary.

C.A salesperson.

16.Why can't Joan train the new comer?

A.Because she is helping others prepare a report.

B.Because she is busy preparing a report for her boss.

C.Because she is to be transferred to a new section.

17.What do we know from the conversation?

A.The woman will still work in the correspondence section.

B.The woman's future work is to train new employees.

C.The woman is going to start her new job soon.


18.What is the speaker?

A.A teacher.

B.A computer saleswoman.

C.A computer engineer.

19.What is Better Computer Skills?

A.A course about software application.

B.A course about how to use a keyboard.

C.A course about how to use the Internet.

20.Which course will teach you how to use the Internet?

A.The course on Sept.5th

B.The course on Sept.12th

C.The course on Sept.8th



1.When does the man say the film would start?

A.At 8∶05.

B.At 8∶15.

C.At 8∶30.

2.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Pop star and fan.

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Interviewer and interviewee.

3.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In an office.

C.In a shop.

4.What can you know about the talks?

A.They haven’t started yet.

B.They have got an agreement.

C.They haven’t achieved much.

5.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Look after something for him.

B.Show him the way to the left luggage office.

C.Tell him some travel information.



6.Why is the man so happy?

A.He has got a new job in the government.

B.He has seen his brother and sister.

C.He is going to get lots of money.

7.How did the man’s uncle get his $ 15,000?

A.By selling his land to the government.

B.By opening a hospital.

C.By working in the government.

8.What is not mentioned as a way to do with the money?

A.To put it into the bank.

B.To pay off debts.

C.To buy a house.


9.How long does the winter last in the woman’s country according to the conversation?

A.Six months.

B.Four months.

C.Two months.

10.Who spends more money on clothes?

A.People in the man’s country.

B.People in the woman’s country.

C.All the men in the speakers’ countries.

11.What can we know about people in the man’s country from the woman?

A.It’s not easy to get along well with them.

B.They have the same things to worry about.

C.They needn’t worry about their children.


12.What’s the problem with the woman?

A.She doesn’t know what kind of shoes she should buy.

B.She hardly knows what colour is suitable for her grandson.

C.She doesn’t know what size her grandson wears.

13.How old is the woman’s grandson?

A.8 years old.

B.9 years old.

C.13 years old.

14.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The shoes there are very expensive.

B.The man is very helpful.

C.The woman will waste a lot of money.


15.What can we know about mahjong according to the conversation?

A.It is a beneficial hobby.

B.It can become an addiction.

C.It is too boring to play mahjong.

16.Which of the following is the man’s other hobby?

A.Collecting stamps.

B.Watching TV series.

C.Collecting science books.

17.What are the speakers going to do after the talk?

A.Teach their partners.

B.Learn old card games.

C.Play mahjong games.


18.What is the speaker talking about?

A.Her unique experience.

B.Her future prospects.

C.Her favourite job.

19.What does the speaker want most?


B.A good relaionship.


20.What will the speaker most probably do in the future?

A.Open a big restaurant.

B.Work in a bookstore.

C.Remain single.

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