







How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



l£®Does the man think that they can get there in time£¿

A£®There is no doubt.

B£®Yes. If there is no hold-up.


2£®How often does Emy take her ballet lessons now£¿

A£®Once every week.

B£®Twice every week.

C£®Three times every week.

3£®Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A£®At a grocer¡¯s store.

B£®At a restaurant.

C£®At a bookstore.

4£®How many students did the woman believe had taken the exam£¿

A£®Fifty students.

B£®Forty students.

C£®Twenty-five students.

5£®What does the woman think£¿

A£®She does not agree with the man.

B£®She thinks that it is better to wait.

C£®She thinks that it is better to drive at night.





6£®What did the woman buy at last£¿

A£®An insect guards.

B£®Some insect nets.

C£®A can of insect spray.

7£®Where are the man and the woman probably talking£¿

A£®In a store.   B£®In an office. C£®In a camp.

8£®What is the man£¿

A£®A company manager.

B£®A shop assistant.

C£®A house keeper.


9£®What did the woman buy?

A£®A bundle of flowers.

B£®An electric spaghetti fork.

C£®An interesting instrument.

10£®Why did the woman buy the fork£¿

A£®Because she used it to eat spaghetti.

B£®Because she wanted to keep it as a gift.

C£®Because she was interested in it.

11£®What did the man think of the fork£¿

A£®He seemed not to understand why she had bought it.

B£®He thought it was necessary to eat spaghetti with it.

C£®He thought the fork cost too much money.


12£®What color tie is the man looking for?

A£®Yellow.   B£®Brown.¡¡¡¡ C£®Blue.

13£®What time does the party begin?

A£®7:00.¡¡¡¡   B£®6:45.¡¡¡¡   C£®7:30.

14£®Where does Mrs. Johnson¡¯s sister live?



C£®New York.


15£®Why did Linda Brown want to change jobs?

A£®Because she wanted a job as a waitress.

B£®Because King Hotel dining-room was closing down.

C£®Because she wanted more time to study.

16£®What days did the interviewer say they needed help?

A£®At week-ends.  B£®On week-days.  C£®Late in the week.

17£®What was the result of the interview?

A£®The manager would contact her on May1st.

B£®Linda Brown got the job.

C£®The manager promised her a pay rise.


18£®Who is Smith speaking to?

A£®The staff.

B£®Professional journalist.

C£®A group of students.

19£®How many days a week is The Voice printed?




20£®What is most likely the best reason for joining the staff?

A£®To make lots of money.

B£®To get experience in journalism.

C£®To become a better student.



Text 1

W: Do you think we can get there by night?

M: If the traffic lights are with us, there should be no problem.


Text 2

M: Emy is really enthusiastic about her ballet class, isn¡¯t she?

W: Yes, she used to take lessons only one day a week, but now she goes every other day after school.


Text 3

W: Shall I bring you your coffee now or would you rather have it with your lunch?

M: I¡¯d like it now, please.


Text 4

M: How many students took the exam last Saturday?

W: Well, let me see. I believe that we had twenty-five from the Middle East and fifteen from Latin America.


Text 5

M: It¡¯s much better to wait until tomorrow to go. Don¡¯t you agree?

W: Yes. I couldn¡¯t agree more.

Text 6

M: Good afternoon. May I help you?

W: Yeah. I¡¯m going camping, and I need something to keep the insects away.

M: How about these? They¡¯re new. They¡¯re insect guards.

W: I¡¯ve never seen anything like them.

M: You can use them to keep insects off you¡ªflies, mosquitoes...any insect.

W: These will keep insects off me? How?

M: They cover you. You know, like a net. You put one on your head, one on each hand, and one on each foot. You just put them over your body. The insects can¡¯t bite you.

W: Right. Actually, I think I just want some insect spray.

M: You don¡¯t want to try the guards?

W: No, thanks, Just a can of insect spray, please.

M: I see.

Text 7

M: What¡¯s this?

W: Oh, I just bought it. It¡¯s an electric spaghetti fork.

M: An electric spaghetti fork?

W: Yeah. You can use it to eat spaghetti.

M: I don¡¯t understand.

W: You put it in the spaghetti. Then you turn it on. The fork moves in a circle. It pulls the spaghetti around the fork.

M: Does this really help you to eat spaghetti?

W: Well, um...I haven¡¯t tried it yet. I just bought it. But looked interesting.

M: Better living through technology.


Text 8

M: Where did you put my new blue tie?

W: It¡¯s right there in the closet with your other ties.

M: There¡¯s a green one and a couple brown ones, but no blue one.

W: Here it is in your drawer. You must have put it there when you brought it home.

M: I suppose so. Does it look OK with this green shirt?

W: I think so. We¡¯d better hurry up or we¡¯re going to be late. The Johnsons said to come at 7:30.

M: What time is it now?

W: 6:45.

M: Sue isn¡¯t here to take care of the kids yet.

W: She¡¯ll be here at 7:00. That still gives us time to get there.

M: Who else is coming tonight?

W: The Hacketts and the Franks. And Mrs. Johnson¡¯s sister will be there too.

M: Oh, no. You mean the one from Philadelphia?

W: That¡¯s Mr. Johnson¡¯s sister. No, Connie is from Washington. We met her once in New York at the airport. Don¡¯t you remember?

M: Yeah, when the Johnsons were coming back from London.

W: That¡¯s the one. She¡¯s really very nice. I talked to her yesterday. She¡¯s here on her vacation.

 Text 9

M: Miss Linda Brown, right?

W: Yes, that¡¯s right.

M: Please take a seat.

W: Thank you.

M: So you¡¯re interested in a job as a waitress.

W: That¡¯s right. I saw your sign in the window asking for part-time waitress.

M: Mnn, have you worked as a waitress before?

W: Yes, I¡¯ve worked as a waitress for three years at several different restaurants.

M: I see, Are you working now.

W: Yes, at the King Hotel dining-room on Dark Avenue.

M: They have a very nice dining-room there. Why do you want to leave?

W: Because I can¡¯t work full time at the moment. I¡¯m taking some courses at the university and need more time for study.

M: I see. What days are you available?

W: I¡¯m free all day Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

M: That suits us very well actually. We¡¯re looking for someone who can help us late in the week when we get very busy. That¡¯s Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon and evening as well as all day Saturday. The restaurant is closed on Sunday.

W: That¡¯s fine with me.

M: When can you start?

W: Is the first of next month all right with you?

M: That¡¯s fine. The first of May. Yes, that¡¯s good. By the way, you¡¯ll get 1.80 an hour, with tips, of course.

W: Good, Thank you very much.

 Text 10

Hello, I¡¯m Harold Smith. As the editor of The Voice, I¡¯d like to introduce you to our campus daily. We need volunteers to assist us in keeping the student body informed through our newspaper. Experience isn¡¯t absolutely necessary, but writing and typing skills are in great demand. We need people to rewrite articles, type, and proof-read. We could also use a good photographer. Although many of our staff members are journalism majors, we also have several engineers and a pre-law student working for us. Since The Voice comes out five days a week, we need excellent students who know how to budget their time efficiently. Good grades are a prerequisite for working on the paper. There is some money for salaries depending on how involved you get with the paper, but don¡¯t expect to get rich. This isn¡¯t something you do for the money. Mostly it¡¯s just for fun. Anyone who is interested in joining the staff should speak to me immediately after this meeting. Be prepared to start right away. The first issue goes to press tomorrow.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1£®What does the woman mean?


A£®She'll have dinner with him before Sunday.

B£®She'd like to go to the man's home.

C£®She'll go to another place on Sunday.

2£®What can you infer from the dialogue?


A£®The two speakers haven't seen each other for ages.

B£®The two speakers are surprised to meet again after a short time.

C£®The two speakers don't know each other well.

3£®What is Frank probably going to do after the dialogue?


A£®He is going to study.

B£®He is going to help his mother with the housework.

C£®He is going to see a film.

4£®How does the man usually go to school?


A£®He usually goes to school by car.

B£®He usually goes to school in her parents' car.

C£®He usually goes to school on foot or by bus.

5£®What's wrong with the man?


A£®He is sick.

B£®He is tired.

C£®He is going to see a doctor.





6£®What can you learn from the dialogue?


A£®The two speakers have the same opinion towards the lecture.

B£®The two speakers have different opinions towards the lecture.

C£®The two speakers are not sure if the lecture is interesting or not.

7£®Why won't coal become important again according to what the woman says?


A£®Because in the future there won't be enough coal left.

B£®Because in the future scientists will find another sort of energy.

C£®Because in the future nobody would like to work down coal mines.


8£®What does the woman like doing?


A£®Going to the folk music.

B£®Going to the theatre.

C£®Going to the cinema.

9£®What will the speakers do tomorrow?


A£®They are going to watch football games.

B£®They are going to have a chat again.

C£®They are going to an exhibition.


10£®What is the job of the man?


A£®He is a taxi driver.

B£®He is a conductor.

C£®He is a bus driver.

11£®How long does it take to get to the Grand Hotel?


A£®30 minutes. B£®More than 30 minutes. C£®Less than 30 minutes.

12£®How much tip does the woman give to the man?


A£®$1.25.¡¡¡¡B£®$ 15.¡¡¡¡C£®$12.75.


13£®What's the relationship between the two speakers?


A£®They are close friends.

B£®They are shop assistant and customer.

C£®They are strangers.

14£®Why did the man talk to the woman?


A£®He wanted to buy a house.

B£®He wanted to get a job.

C£®He wanted to rent a flat.

15£®What is the flat the man is interested in like?


A£®It has a bathroom and one bedroom.

B£®It has two bedrooms and a sitting room.

C£®It has a kitchen but it hasn't a bathroom.

16£®How much will the man pay for the biggest one each year?


A£®3 600 dollars. B£®2 400 dollars. C£®3 000 dollars.


17£®What was Mrs Young worried about?


A£®Her husband's business.

B£®Her husband's health.

C£®Her husband's attitude towards his secretary.

18£®What was Mrs Young afraid of?


A£®Her husband's vacation might be spoilt.

B£®He husband wouldn't agree to her plan.

C£®Her husband's secretary would spoil her plan.

19£®Why didn't the secretary explain clearly in her letter what had happened to Mr Young's business?


A£®She wanted Mr Young to have a nice vacation.

B£®She forgot to do so.

C£®She wanted Mr Young to guess what it was.

20£®Which of the following is the main idea of the story?


A£®Mrs Young was a very good wife.

B£®Mr Young was a clever businessman.

C£®Mr Young had a stupid secretary.








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1£®What time does the man usually have breakfast?


A£®At 8 : 00 .

B£®At 10: 00 .

C£®At 7 : 00 .

2£®What will the woman do?


A£®Return the tape to the man at once .

B£®Borrow a tape from the man next week .

C£®Return the tape to the man next week .

3£®What will the woman do?


A£®She will go back home without her car.

B£®She will drive her car back home .

C£®She will go back home in her car.

4£®What will the woman do?


A£®Go away at once .

B£®Wait outside until the man is free .

C£®Go into the man's office .

5£®Where does this dialogue take place?


A£®In a bookshop .

B£®In a library .

C£®In the reading room .




6£®When is the cheapest time to phone Brazil?


A£®9:00 am.

B£®7 :00 am.

C£®5 :00 pm.

7£®What time is it now in Brazil?


A£®11:00 am.

B£®8:00 am.

C£®9:00 pm.


8£®Where does this dialogue take place?


A£®In a plane .

B£®In a ship .

C£®In a flight .

9£®Are the two speakers going on holiday?


A£®Yes .

B£®No .

C£®The woman is , but the man isn't .


10£®When are they going to meet?


A£®Wednesday morning .

B£®Friday .

C£®Wednesday evening .

11£®What is the probable job of the woman?


A£®She is a film star.

B£®She is a musician .

C£®She is a football player.

12£®What are they going to do?


A£®They are going to see a film .

B£®They are going to have dinner together.

C£®They are going to enjoy a concert.


13£®Why was the woman going to buy a pet?


A£®Because it was David's birthday .

B£®Because she liked pets .

C£®Because David had asked her for one .

14£®The old man said she wanted to buy something unusual. What does she mean?


A£®She wanted to buy something useful .

B£®She wanted to buy something extraordinary .

C£®She wanted to buy something valuable .

15£®The man says ¡°I don't want to open my bedroom door and find a snake£¡¡± What does that mean?


A£®He disliked the thought of having a snake in the house .

B£®He didn't want David to put the snake in his bedroom .

C£®He wouldn't go into his bedroom until David took the snake out of it .

16£®What can you infer from the dialogue?


A£®Nobody wants to keep a snake as a pet .

B£®David is hard to please.

C£®David is quite an active boy.



17£®When did Nancy and Peter listen to the weather forecast?


A£®Thursday evening .

B£®Friday evening .

C£®Friday morning .

18£®What are Nancy and Peter planning for the weekend?


A£®A trip to the mountains .

B£®A trip to the winter resort .

C£®A ski trip in the mountains .

19£®What will the weather be like on Sunday?


A£®Cold and cloudy.

B£®Cold and sunny.

C£®Windy and sunny.

20. What can you learn from the passage?


A£®Nancy and Peter must live quite near the mountains .

B£®Nancy and Peter like skiing better than swimming.

C£®Nancy and Peter go swimming or skiing every weekend .








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1£®How much does the coat sell for this week?


A£®$ 39.85.¡¡¡¡B£®$ 39.95.¡¡¡¡C£®$45.

2£®How does the man go to work?


A£®By bike and on foot.

B£®By bike and by bus.

C£®By bus and on foot.

3£®Where does the woman work?


A£®At a school.

B£®In a hotel.

C£®In a hospital.

4£®Why doesn't the man do well in physics?


A£®Because he has been ill.

B£®Because the exam is difficult.

C£®Because he hasn't worked hard.

5£®How many people are there in the man's family?


A£®Four.¡¡¡¡B£®Five.¡¡¡¡C£®At least Six.




6£®How long will the man take his holiday?


A£®For two weeks.

B£®For three weeks.

C£®For five weeks.

7£®Where will the man probably spend his holiday in July?


A£®Go abroad.

B£®At home.

C£®In China.


8£®When is Lily's birthday?


A£®The day after tomorrow.

B£®The same day they talked.

C£®The day after they talked.

9£®What will the two speakers buy for her?


A£®Some flowers.

B£®A purse.

C£®A box of chocolate.


10£®What happened to the woman?


A£®She lost her job.

B£®The boss allowed her to go on a holiday .

C£®She was given a chance to study abroad.

11£®How did the man feel about the woman's boss's decision?


A£®He understood it well.

B£®It was completely wrong.

C£®He didn't understand it.

12£®What should the woman do in the future?


A£®She should go to work on time.

B£®She should learn new things and work hard.

C£®Both A and B.


13£®Where did the two women actually meet?


A£®At the east entrance.

B£®In the women's clothing department.

C£®At the main entrance in the front.

14£®When did the two women actually meet?


A£®At 2:00.¡¡¡¡B£®At 2:30.¡¡¡¡C£®At 3:00.

15£®What did Betty want to buy?



16£®What did Betty finally buy?


A£®A skirt.

B£®A sweater.

C£®A blouse.


17£®Why were most of the astronauts unwilling to go on the trip?



A£®Because there was little chance of being selected.

B£®Because they weren't experienced enough.

C£®Because they thought they might get killed.

18£®Why were Sam and Joe chosen?


A£®The boss trusted them more than anyone else.

B£®They were the last people who wanted to go.

C£®They were the only men who offered to go.

19£®What did Sam and Joe think the trip would be like?


A£®There wouldn't be any danger.

B£®It would be long and tiring.

C£®It would be exciting.

20£®Why didn't Joe want to work with Sam again?


A£®Because Sam was very slow and possibly deaf.

B£®Because Sam was less experienced than he was.

C£®Because Sam didn't know how to do repairs.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1£®What does the man say about the pancake?


¡¡A£®He hasn't had .any pancakes.

¡¡B£®He thinks the first pancake is better than this one.

¡¡C£®He'd like the same kind of pancake as the last one.

2£®What does the woman mean?


¡¡A£®She wants to congratulate .

¡¡B£®She doesn't believe it .

¡¡C£®She thinks the man is going to be a father, too.

3£®What should the woman do right now?


A£®Try to get up.

B£®Cook, supper.

C£®Stay still .


4£®What's the woman's profession?


A£®She ,is a teacher.

B£®She is an operator .

C£®She is a journalist .


5£®Why doesn't the man go with the woman?


¡¡A£®He tries to be honest.

¡¡B£®He doesn't like to do the same thing as he did yesterday .

¡¡C£®He gets tired of picnic .






6£®What is the relationship between the two speakers?


A£®Teacher and student .

B£®Doctor and patient .

C£®Wife and husband .


7£®What does the man tell the woman to do?


A£®To stop walking.

B£®To take it easy .

C£®To give a few tests .



8£®What's the man's problem?


¡¡A£®He borrowed a book but he can't find it .

¡¡B£®He can't find the book he wants .

¡¡C£®He needn't come every day to look for the book .

9£®Where are the two speakers?


A£®In a library .

B£®In a shop .

C£®In a classroom .


10£®What does ¡°reserve¡± mean?


¡¡A£®When the book comes in they will keep it.

¡¡B£®When the book is returned they will let the man know .

¡¡C£®When the book is back they will keep it for the man and let him know.


11£®What causes the riot?


¡¡A£®The extra math homework .

¡¡B£®The new rule of staying at school until 6 o'clock.

¡¡C£®The rule of cutting out sports .

12£®What are the students doing now?


¡¡A£®They stay at the school until 6 .

¡¡B£®They are giving low grades .

¡¡C£®They are refusing to enter the classroom .

13£®What will the man probably do with the riot?


¡¡A£®He will cut out all the extra classes .

¡¡B£®He will solve the problem .

¡¡C£®He will fire all the students .


14£®What is the woman planning to do?


¡¡A£®Attend the game .

¡¡B£®Watch the game on television.

¡¡C£®Watch the game in the stadium.

15£®What does the man miss when watching a game on television?


A£®Watching the ball.

B£®Experiencing excitement .

C£®Cheering for the game .


16£®What is the man obviously planning to do?


¡¡A£®See the game in person .

¡¡B£®Insist on the woman's going with him .

¡¡C£®Watch the game on television, too .


17£®What is the speaker doing?


¡¡A£®Giving a research report .

¡¡B£®Making everyone know about the work they are doing.

¡¡C£®Giving everyone information about the meeting and himself.

18£®What do we know about the lectures?


¡¡A£®The lectures will be from 2 to 4 .

¡¡B£®The lectures will be offered this term.

¡¡C£®The lectures will be about the research interest.

19£®What is the speaker?


A£®A student .

B£®A guest .

C£®A researcher .


20£®After the speech what will probably happen?


¡¡A£®A student will tell the others about his interest .

¡¡B£®Professor Watson will give another speech .

¡¡C£®Students will go to the notice board .










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1£®What does the woman mean?


¡¡A£®She had waited for a week to send the letters.

¡¡B£®She was interested in this letter.

¡¡C£®She had written four letters herself.

2£®What does the woman mean?


A£®There will be a wind.

B£®It will rain.

C£®She's not sure.


3£®What is the relationship between the speakers?


¡¡A£®A policewoman and a thief.

¡¡B£®A mother and a son.

¡¡C£®A man and a dog protectionist .

4£®Where can the man smoke?


A£®In the office next door.

B£®In one of the offices.



5£®What does the man hate to do?


A£®To have lessons.

B£®To work on a farm.

C£®To pick apples.







6£®Where are the two speakers?


A£®In a restaurant.

B£®In a garage.

C£®At home.


7£®Why is the woman late?


¡¡A£®An accident happened on her way.

¡¡B£®There was something wrong with her car.

¡¡C£®There was no electricity.

8£®What can we know from the conversation?


¡¡A£®The man will find why the woman is late.

¡¡B£®The woman and the man will eat different food.

¡¡C£®The woman and the man will have a quarrel.


9£®Why was the man angry?


¡¡A£®The woman didn't tell him Mr. Powell came.

¡¡B£®The woman didn't phone him.

¡¡C£®Mr. Powell didn't phone him.

10£®What did the man think he had done before he left?


¡¡A£®He had put the card in his wallet.

¡¡B£®He had written the name and phone number on the card.

¡¡C£®He had given the card to the woman.

11£®Why does the man apologize?


¡¡A£®He forgot to give the card to the woman.

¡¡B£®He didn't tell everything clearly

¡¡C£®He is late for the phone.


12£®What does the man want?


¡¡A£®The two books.

¡¡B£®A book and an article.

¡¡C£®One of the books from the library.

13£®When can the man get the book?


A£®After the woman finishes it.

B£®A few days later.

C£®This afternoon.


14£®What is the solution?


¡¡A£®The man will copy the book.

¡¡B£®The man will copy the article.

¡¡C£®The man will take the article over.


15£®Why does the woman say it's one of their most popular?


¡¡A£®The man just needs to plug it.

¡¡B£®It's very simple to use.

¡¡C£®There aren't so many buttons.

16£®What do you do when you want a cold wash and a cold rinse?


¡¡A£®Press the first button down.

¡¡B£®Press the middle button down.

¡¡C£®Press the button on the right.

17£®What do you do if you wash extra-dirty clothes?


¡¡A£®Choose the super wash cycle.

¡¡B£®Turn on the speed and cycle control knob.

¡¡C£®Pull the knob out.


18£®Whom do you think the speaker speak to?


A£®To his son.

B£®To his brother.

C£®To his friend.


19£®What does the speaker want Ricky to do?


A£®To play ball with him.

B£®To give away the secret.

C£®To keep silent.


20£®What will the speaker do if his parents don't find out?


¡¡A£®He will be in big trouble.

¡¡B£®He will study with his Mom and Dad.

¡¡C£®He will allow Ricky to use his model trains.¡¡


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
