
My six-year-old granddaughter stares at me as if she is seeing me1.the first time."Grandma,you are an antique,because you are old,"she says.I explain,"An antique is not only just old; it's an object2.(belong) to earlier times.Antiques are valuable.”

We look around the house for antiques.There is a large desk that3.(hand) down from an aunt to our family. "It's very old,"I tell Jenny."I try to keep it4.(polish),and I show it off whenever I can."When Jenny5.(get) older, I might also tell her that whenever I look at the desk or touch it,I am reminded of the aunt who was dear to me.I remember myself as a little girl standing against this antique,6.(listen) to one of her stories.

Our tour of antiques continues.There is a picture on the wall,7.dates from 1867,and it is not in very good condition.There is a vase on the floor.I'm not certain where it came from,8.I didn't buy it new."The one thing about antiques,"I explain to Jenny,"is that they usually have a story."

For a moment Jenny looks9.(thought)."I don't have any antiques but you,"she says.Then10.(she)face brightens."Could I take you to school for our antiques show?"


When others get off the train to finally go home, Leonie Muller stays behind. That's because she is already home: The train is her apartment, and she says she likes it that way. The German college student gave up her apartment in spring. "It all started with a quarrel I had with my landlord," Muller told The Washington Post via e-mail. "I immediately decided I didn't want to live there anymore and then I realized: Actually, l didn't want to live anywhere anymore."

Instead, she bought a subscription(会员费)that allows her to board every train in the country for free. Now, Muller washes her hair in the train bathroom and writes her college papers while traveling at a speed of up to 190 mph. She says that she enjoys the freedom since she gave up her apartment. "I really feel at home on trains. It's like being on vacation all the time," Muller said.

"I want to inspire people to question their habits and the things they consider to be normal,"

Muller told The Post. "There are always more opportunities than one thinks there are. The next

adventure is waiting just around the corner一provided that you want to find it."

Muller frequently travels late at night, although she tries to sleep at the apartments of relatives or friends. Often, she is accommodated by her boyfriend, her mother or grandmother. "Normally, we would have to have a long-distance relationship, but living on a train enables me to see him all the time," Muller told German TV station SWR regarding her boyfriend. "Most of my friends really like the idea, although some consider it to be quite adventurous. Others, however, have reacted more negatively. They feel offended by the fact that I question the ordinary way of life and living."

The only problem? "Possessing a headset that reduces most surrounding noises is important," she said.

1.What do we know about the direct reason for Muller's choice to live on trains?

A. She planned to act against tradition.

B. She had an argument with her landlord.

C. She wanted to visit more people on the way.

D. She had to finish her graduate paper on the topic.

2.According to Muller, which is one of the advantages of living on trains?

A. She can avoid the landowner. B. She can possess a headset.

C. She can escape from college life. D. She can see her boyfriend more often.

3.What does Muller want to express in Paragraph 3?

A. There are opportunities everywhere in life.

B. The next adventure is coming soon

C. People need to make changes in their life.

D. People need to follow in her footsteps to live on trains.

4.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. The ordinary way of life and living. B. The thought of living on a train.

C. German TV station SWR. D. A long-distance relationship.

Putting more green space around an elementary school may help students develop some mental abilities, a study suggests.

Researchers tested students repeatedly over the course of a year on attentiveness and working memory, which is the ability to keep something in mind temporarily for performing a task. The study tracked more than 2,000 students in 36 primary schools in Barcelona, Spain. The pupils were in the second to fourth grade when the study began. Overall, students whose schools are surrounded by more green space improve more pupils from schools with less green space.

“Policy makers should know that more green space around the school is better for cognitive (认知的) development and that they should make sure that kids can see and play in green areas,” one author, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen of the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, said in an email. “Existing urban schools should think about replacing concrete or other hard surfaces with green space, and even a few trees may help,” he suggested.

The researchers used satellite images to group schools according to how much green space appeared on the school ground and within about 55 yards of the school’s surrounding property. Their analysis indicated that differences in socioeconomic factors between schools did not account for the study outcome.

Sally Augustin, a psychologist in La Grange Park, Illinois, who used research on how people react to their surroundings to consult on design of buildings, products and services, said the results make sense to her. Augustin, who did not participate in the new study, said the results fit with previous findings that views of nature help children and adults lower stress and perform mental tasks better.

1.What do we know about the findings of the study?

A. Attentiveness (专注) is the most important quality for students.

B. A good memory enables students to perform a task better.

C. More green space may help the mental development of students.

D. Schools surrounded by more green space are favored by parents.

2.According to Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, policy makers should _______.

A. reduce the noise near the school

B. reduce air pollution from vehicles

C. provide more green space for kids

D. encourage kids to play more sports

3.How are the schools classified by the researchers?

A. By green space. B. By test scores.

C. By size. D. By position.

4.Why is Augustin mentioned in the passage?

A. To introduce another interesting study.

B. To make the findings of the study more convincing.

C. To present new evidence for the study.

D. To show a different viewpoint.

I walked up to the counter.Behind it was a lady with glasses on the tip of her nose and gray hair on her head.

"Excuse me," I said.She looked up."You're that Clements kid," she said."I'm Miss Bee.Come closer and let me get a look at you." She pushed her glasses up her nose."I can describe you to the police if something goes missing from the store."

"I'm not a thief!" I was shocked.I was seven,too young to be a thief!

"From what I can see,you're not much of anything.But I can tell you've got potential." She went back to reading her newspaper.

"I need to get these."I said,holding up my list."So? Go get them."Miss Bee pointed to a sign on the screen door. "I'm not your servant,so I suggest you get yourself a basket and start filling."

I visited Miss Bee several times a week that summer.Sometimes she short-changed me.Other times she overcharged. "That can of beans is only twenty nine cents" I corrected her one afternoon.I had watched the numbers change on the cash register closely,and Miss Bee had added 35 cents.She didn't seem embarrassed.She just looked at me over her glasses and fixed the price.

But she ever let me declare victory.All summer long she found ways to play tricks on me.No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda(小苏打)and memorized its location on the shelf than Miss Bee rearranged the shelve and made me hunt for it all over again.

One day before I left,she said,"I know what you think of me,but I don't care! Each of us is put on this earth for a reason.I believe my job is to teach every child I meet life lessons.When you get older you'll be glad our paths crossed!"Glad I met Miss Bee? Ha! The idea was absurd...

Until one day my daughter asked me to finish her math problems. "If I do it for you,how will you ever learn to do it yourself?" I said.Suddenly,I remembered the lady Miss Bee.

1.The girl felt when Miss Bee implied she could be a thief.

A. surprised B. shocked

C. puzzled D. annoyed

2.We can infer from Paragraph 6 that Miss Bee .

A. showed no care about her mistakes

B. made the girl learn to double-check

C. was always playing tricks on the girl

D. was careless and dishonest to do business

3.It can be learned from the passage that Miss Bee .

A. knew her job was to help every child she met

B. asked the girl to shop by herself to test her honesty

C. taught the girl many lessons but she didn't understand

D. rearranged the shelves to teach the girl to be changeable

4.Which is NOT the lesson the writer learnt from shopping?

A. Treat others kindly and politely.

B. Don't be so quick to judge others.

C. The best teachers aren't only in school.

D. Try our best though the task seems beyond us.

Honeybees can do three kinds of jobs.

It is one of the most unusual insects in the world. Bees are special because they divide up their honeybee work. Each bee has a certain job to do.

The busiest bee is the worker. Workers build the nest, called a hive. Inside the hive, workers make a honeycomb from wax(蜂蜡). They store honey there for food. Workers are always cleaning and fixing the hive. They even stand at the opening and fan their wings to cool the hive. Worker bees will attack anything—even people—to keep their hive safe, if need.

Another kind of bee is the drone(雄蜂). Drones are male bees, and their job is to fly with the queen bee and mate with her. After the queen mates, the worker bees drive the drones away. The drones then starve to death.

The third kind of bee is the queen. Each hive needs only one queen, and her job is laying eggs. She can lay as many as 2, 000 eggs a day.

1.The bee’s nest is called a _______.

A. hive B. honeycomb

C. drone D. wax

2.Which jobs do workers do?

A. They lay 2, 000 eggs each day and build a nest.

B. They mate with the queen bee and then starve.

C. They clean the hive and keep it cool.

D. They attack the queen bee.

3.The drone is driven away when its job is finished, because _______.

A. it attacked the workers B. the queen bee has died

C. it is no longer needed in the hive D. it ate the queen bee

4.According to the story, bees _______.

A. are very dangerous insects

B. will attack anything or anyone to protect the hive, if necessary

C. are like any other insect that flies

D. eat each other as food

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