


Text 1

1. What does the woman want to do?

A. To have a fried egg. B. To see the man another day. C.To meet the man on Friday.

Text 2

2. What does the man wish the woman to do?

A. To see two of them. B. To have a good time. C. To have a weekend.

Text 3

3. What does the woman like doing?

A. Feeling too keen to see the man. B. Talking to two of her friends.

C. Having a conversation with the man.

Text 4

4 Why does the woman thank the man?

A. For helping her. B. For politeness. C. For no reason .

Text 5

5 How much does the man know about Mr. Braun?

A. Not very much. B. A lot. C. Not mentioned in the conversation.


Text 6

6. What is Mr.Lampl’s full name?

  1. George Lampl. B. Richard Lampl. C. Morgan Lampl.

7. Who is the man answering Mr.Lampl’s phone call?

A. A telephone operator. B. A wrong person.

C. The very man Mr. Lampl wants to talk to.

8. What does Mr. Lampl want the man to do?

A. To tell him his full name. B. To find the right man for him .

C. To do something about the bad telephone connection .

Text 7

9. How does Mr. Lampl know Mr. Braun?

  1. They met each other not a long ago.
  2. They met at a party yesterday.
  3. Not mentioned.

10. How did Mr. Lampl feel when he heard the word“Speaking”?

  1. Excited. B. Disappointed. C. Surprised.
  2. 11. How is Mr. Lampl at the end of the conversation?

    A . He’s getting more and more impatient.

  3. He’s getting more and more excited.

C. He’s managed to control himself.

Text 8

12. What is the first sentence the woman say at the beginning of the conversation?

A. Walker speaking. B. Who is speaking?  C. Who can I hear speaking?

13. What is the man’s name?

  1. Harry Julian. B. Hans Julian. C Julian Martin.

14. What does the man want to know about?

  1. Her sir name, her fax number, her working place.
  2. Her address, her fax number, her sir name.

Her telephone number, her sir name, her address.

Text 9

15.The man the woman wants to know about must be a …

A. Chinese .   B. British  C. Japanese .

16. Who does Tom Morrison work for ?

  1. Sam & Son . B. Sand & Sand . C. Sam’s Sound Company .

17. The number the man and the woman are talking about is probably …

  1. a fax number .
  2. the number of a mobile telephone .

C. the number of an ordinary telephone .

Text 10

18. What work is the man in charge of?

  1. Sales work. B. After- sales service. C. Contact with customers.

19. Why do people contact with the man?

  1. For spare parts. B. For broken parts. C. For worn-out parts.
  2. 20. What does the man do with the parts customers have ordered?

    A. He takes them to their homes.

  3. He asks someone else to take them to the customers’ homes.

C. Not mentioned.


Text 1难度系数=中等


仔细阅读听力原文:Text One


---See you on Friday.

Text 2难度系数=中等


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Two

---Have a nice weekend.

---Thank you. You too.

Text 3难度系数=中等


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Three

---Nice to talk to you.

---It was nice talking to you, too.

Text 4难度系数=中等


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Four

---Goodbye and thank you for your help.

---That’s all right. Goodbye.

Text 5难度系数=中等


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Five

---ABC Software.

---This is Richard Lampl from Morgan Enterprises. I’d like to speak to Mr. Braun.

---Is that Robert Brown or George Braun?

---Er… George Braun.

---Hold the line, please.

---Thank you.

Text 6难度系数=中等


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Six


---This is Richard Lampl from Morgan Enterprises, is that Mr. George Braun?

---Sorry, what’s your name?

---Lampl. L.A.M.P.L.

---I’m sorry, Mr. Lampl. This is Robert Brown. I think you’ve got the wrong extension.

---Oh, could you put me through to Mr. George Braun, please?

---Just a moment.

Text 7难度系数=较难


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Seven


---Is that Mr. Braun? Mr. George Brown?


---Oh, at last. My name’s Lampl. We met a couple of …

---Sorry, Who’s speaking?

---Richard Lampl. L.A.M.P.L. From Morgan Enterprises. We met at a party …

Text 8难度系数=难



Text Eight

---Walker speaking.

---Is that you, Barbara? It’s Julian Martin.

---Oh, hi, Julian. How can I help?

---Can you give me some information about Maria? You know, the accountant at APG.

---Sure. What do you want to know?

---What’s her surname?


---Sorry, can you spell that?

---Yes, O.L.I.V.E.I.R.A.

---What’s her address?

---Rua Cachambi. That’s C.A.C.H.A.M.B.I.

--- C.A.C.H.A.M.B.I.

---Right. Rua Cachambi 2, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

--- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. OK. Now, what’s her fax number?

---55 21 394 6845.

---I’m sorry, can you repeat that?

---Sure. 55 21 394 6845.

---Right, thanks very much.

---You’re welcome. See you at the meeting on Friday. Bye.


Text 9难度系数=较难


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Nine

---Sand & Sand.

---This is Tamara Spencer. Can I speak to Tom Morrison.

---Hold the line, please.

---Morrison speaking.

---Hello, it’s Tamara Spencer.

---Oh, hello Tamara. What can I do for you?

---Well, I need some information about Yoshi Takahashi.

---Sure. What do you want to know?

---Who does he work for?


---How do you spell that?


---O.C.E.A.N.I.A. Right. What does he do?

---He’s a sales representative.

---Ah. What’s his telephone number?

---Just a minute. 813 3827 4848.

---Sorry, can you say that again?

---It’s 813 3827 4848. Anything else?

---No, that’s everything, thanks.

---You’re welcome. Bye for now.


Text 10难度系数=较难


仔细阅读听力原文:Text Ten

I have a lot of contact with customers because they phone us when they have problems with our machines, which is quite often. They phone us because they need spare parts --- something’s broken or worn out --- and then I take the orders and send parts to the customers.




Text 1

1 Who does the woman want to see?

   A. Mr. Robinson B. Mrs. Robinson C. Ms. Robinson

Text 2

2 What does the woman say?

   A. Let’s meet him. B. Nice to meet you. C. There’s the man to meet you.

Text 3

3. Where is the woman’s company going to open a new branch?

   A. In Macao. B. In Moscow. C. In St Pertersburg.

Text 4

4 There are probably two men called …

   A. Brown . B. Frankfurt . C. Buscotti.

Text 5

5 What does the woman invite the man to do?

   A.To go through the lounge.

   B.To come to Sao Paulo.

   C.To have some coffee.


Text 6

6. Who introduces whom to see whom in this conversation?

   A.A woman introduces two men to see each other.

   B.A woman introduces a man to see another woman.

   C.A man introduces a woman to see another man.

7. What does one of the men want to have?

   A. Black coffee.  B. Coffee without sugar. C. Coffee with sugar.

Text 7

8. What are the two men’s full names?

   A.Richard Lampl and George Braun.

   B.Richard Braun and George Lampl.

   C.Richard Einstein and George Einstein.

  9. Where does one of the two work?

   A.In an installing company.

   B.In a computer company.

   C. In an engineering company

Text 8

10. What is the woman’s name?

   A.Miss Parson. B. Miss Vetta. C. Mrs. Peters.

11. Where are the two women to meet?

   A.On the first floor.

   B.On the fourth floor.

   C.In the department that sells false flowers.

12. What is the man asked to do?

   A.To tell the woman the way to the office.

   B.To send her up to the meeting place.

   C. To help her with her suitcase.

Text 9

13. How do you spell the man’s name?

   A.B.R.O.I.D.I     B.R.O.R.D.I.      C.I.O.N.D.I.

  14. What do you know about the woman’s company?

   A.It’s an international company.

   B.It does business in two nations.

   C.She works for two national companies.

  15. What does the man want the woman to do?

   A.To help him to call her boss back.

   B.To call him back.

   C.To tell her boss to call him back.

16. Where is the woman’s boss probably from?

      A. Indonesia.    B. Japan.   C. Iraq.

Text 10

17. What does the woman work as?

   A. A secretary.   B. An organizer. C. A receptionist.

18. Who does she have to write a lot of letters to?

   A. guests.    B. speakers. C. customers.

19. What is one of the jobs mentioned in her talk?

   A.Keeping secret papers.

   B.Collecting information.

   C.Inviting speakers.

20. Why do so many people write to her?

   A.They want to find jobs in her company.

   B.They offer her important information about production.

   C. They are interested in what her company makes and sells



Text One

1. How long has the woman collected stamps?

A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years.

Text Two

2.What is the woman’s feeling towards her work?

A. She is disappointed. B. She is excited. C. She is satisfied.

Text Three

3. Who’s going to speak to the woman next?

A. The operator. B. The manager .C. The secretary.

Text Four

4. How long is the Changjiang River?

A. About 6,000 kilometres. B. About 5,000 kilometres. C. About 4,000 kilometres.

Text Five

5. Where are the speakers?

A. In an office. B. In a classroom. C. In a hotel.


Text 6

6. Which flight does the man take actually?

A. The 8:30 flight. B. The 20:30 flight. C. The 9:30.

7. What do you know about the flight which the man planned to take?

A. The tickets are all sold out. B. It has changed its taking-off time. C. The plane is too crowded.

Text Seven

8. What did the woman do last night?

A. She cooked a good meal. B. She invited Lanlan to dinner. C. She had a wonderful dinner.

9. What do you know about Jim?

A. He is good at cooking. B. He is an old man. C. He likes good food.

Text Eight

10. What is the man’s plan for his future?

A. Take a business course in Shanghai. B. Learn some English in Shanghai.

C. Do some business in Shanghai.

11. What can you tell about the man?

A. He used to live in Shanghai. B. He used to live in Xi’an. C. He used to live in Beijing.

12. What do the two speakers agree to?

A. Going to the evening school. B. Improving their English. C. Practising business.

Text Nine

13. Where does the man work?

A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel.

14. Where does the woman work?

A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hotel.

15. Does the man think his work is hard?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. It is difficult to answer.

16. How did the man spend last Saturday?

A. He prepared for working in a bank. B. He had a good time in a hotel.

C. He was very busy receiving guests.

Text Ten

17. What is the speaker’s favourite subject when he was at school?

A. Language. B. Maths. C. Physics.

18. Why did he like to learn his subject?

A. He liked training people. B. He liked solving problems. C. He liked explaining things.

19. How many students did he give his make-up lessons to?

A. Four. B. Two. C. Three.

20. Why did he refuse the parents’ pay?

A. Because he loved to help his teacher. B. Because he loved to help his parents.

C. Because he loved to be a maths teacher.



Text One

1. At what time does the train leave for Beijing?

A. 4:05  B. 14:05 C.14:15

Text Two

2. What does the man offer to do?

A. Deliver the letter. B. Write a letter. C. Post the box.

Text Three

3. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Plan for a business trip. B. Work at the weekend. C. Plan for the weekend.

Text Four

4. What’s the weather like in Hangzhou these days?

A. Rains a lot. B. Very hot. C. A bit cold.

Text Five

5. What did the woman do?

A. Got up early this morning. B. Went to bed late last night. C. Worked hard this morning.

Text Six

6. What does the woman want?

A. A newspaper. B. A guide book. C. A city map.

7. What has the man done to help?

A. He has gone downstairs. B. He has provided the information.

C. He has offered a newspaper.

Text Seven

8. Why does the man leave early?

A. Because he is too tired. B. Because he is catching a flight.

C. Because he does not like to stay.

9. Where is the man going?

A. He is going home. B. He is going to school. C. He is going to his office.

Text Eight

10. What’s the matter with the woman?

A. She has got a toothache. B. She has got a backache.

C. She has got a headache.

11. How does the doctor examine her?

A. By finding the place which aches. B. By asking many questions .

C. By taking blood test and etc.

12. What’s the doctor’s advice?

A. Practise lifting. B. Have a lot of rest. C. Get up early every day.

Text Nine

13. Where are the speakers?

A. In an office. B. In a bar. C. At home.

14. What does the man drink?

A. Juice. B. Wine. C. Beer.

15. What does the woman drink?

A. Juice. B. Wine. C. Beer.

16. Why do they meet?

A. Talk about work. B. Talk about family. C. Talk about health.

Text Ten

17. What does the speaker often do exactly?

A. Travelling abroad. B. Marketing research. C. Selling goods.

18. Why does the speaker ask people questions?

A. Make friends. B. Find out what they think. C. Sell more goods.

19. What makes a good company?

A. Active people. B. Good products. C. Many customers.

20. What does the speaker worry about?

A. Losing customers. B. Losing money. C. Losing the job.



Text One

1.What’s the time now?


Text Two

2. How’s the school now?

A. It’s not as good as it was.

B. It’s better than it used to be.

C. It’s even worse than people say.

Text Three

3. Where does the woman work?

A. At a bank. B. At a hotel. C. In a post-office.

Text four

4. What are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?

A. They are going shopping. B. They are going to the park.

C. They are going to the cinema with their children.

Text five

5. Where did the woman think they were supposed to meet?

A. On the train. B. On the platform. C. At the information desk.


Text 6

6. What time did Mr. Gao ring?

A. 8:00 a.m. B. 8:30 a.m. C. 3:00 p.m.

7. What’s the most probable job of the woman?

A. A schoolteacher. B.A manager’s secretary. C. Manager of a company

Text 7

8. What does the woman want the man to do?

A. Change a decision. B. Make a phone call.

C. Suggest a place to meet.

9. What happened in the end?

A. They agreed on a decision. B. They went to the McDonald’s.

C. The woman phoned the others.

Text 8

10. What did the man do about his old car?

A. He sold it. B. He repaired the engine.

C. He gave it to his friend as a present.

11. What did the man feel about his old car?

A. It’s bad-looking. B. It wouldn’t go far safely.

C. It would be all right for years.

12. What does the man feel about his new car?

A. We are not sure. B. It’s even worse than the old one.

C. It’s much better than the old one.

Text 9

13. What’s the main reason the man doesn’t like watching plays?

A. Because they are expensive. B. Because they are not well-written.

C. Because the theatre is too far away.

14. What kind of music does the man like best?

A. Light music. B. Classic music. C. Jazz.

15. What kind of song does the man like best?

A. English songs. B. American songs. C. Not mentioned.

16.Which of the following does the man like most?

A. Films. B. Music. C. Reading.

Text 10

17.What does the speaker do most probably?

A. He’s a teacher. B. He’s a tour guide. C. He’s a shop-assistant.

18.What does Larp’s sell?

A. Bags. B. Shoes. C. Clothes.

19.What does the bookshop sell?

A. Chinese books. B. English books. C. English-Chinese dictionaries .

20. Which shop is NOT in the shopping center?

A. The Larp’s. B. The Li-Ning. C. The Splendid Tea Shop.

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