
◇Classes for beginners for 3months
◇Focus on grammar as well as writing and oral English
◇Open from 3:00p.m.to 9:30p.m.
◇Small classes with maximum 8students
◇Course fee:﹩300 (10% discount for the first to enroll)
◇Ring's Cross Street,Halifax
◇Open from Oct.10th-17th on Golden Pond by Emest Thompson
◇This is a magical comedy about real people.A well-acted play for everyone.
Don't miss it.
◇Performances:at 7:30p.m.
◇Tel:3659 9988
◇Classes for foreign students of all levels
◇3months,6months,9months and 1year course
◇Focus on spoken language
◇Open through all year from 8:00a.m.to 5:00p.m.
◇Small class with maximum 12students
◇Course fee for English for one year:﹩1,200
◇Discount at shorter period of study
◇Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Art
◇A combination of Eastern and Western Art
◇Open from 8:00am to 6:00p.m.,January 3rd to 19th
◇Admission:﹩2for adults,﹩1for students
◇China National Art Museum
◇European modern art,Chinese art and African ancient art
◇Open from 7:30am to 4:00pm from January 6th to 20th
◇Admission:﹩3for adults,﹩1.5for middle school students
◇Oxford Street,Leeds
◇Restaurant and Café
◇Admission:Tues-Thurs.﹩2-6; Fri.& Sat.﹩4-8
◇Sue Townsend's musical play
◇Performances:Evenings at 9:45am,October 10-17; at 2:30p.m.No Monday performance.
◇All kinds of drinks offered
46.Wendy,a student who is interested in comedy and performing,happens to be free on Oct.12th and wants to relax herself by enjoying some performances,but she has no more than﹩4.B
47.Carol happens to be free on October 15th and plans to enjoy some performances while having a cup of coffee.F
48.Jenny,a student who is a major in art is interested in Italian art as well as Chinese,will be free after school at 4:30.D
49.Tom will go to study in the USA for a master's degree.He wants to have a full-time special training for several months to improve his oral English.C
50.Mark,a worker of an export company,needs to improve his writing and oral English.He can only go to the training class after work every day.A.

分析 本文为信息匹配题,文章介绍了几个活动项目,包括培训课程、表演等,要求考生根据个人需求匹配相应的活动.

解答 46-50 BFDCA
46.答案B.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词comedy and performing,Oct.12th,no more than﹩4可知,Wendy喜欢戏剧,要找10月12日上演的,票价不超过4元的表演.对应B部分的Open from Oct.10th-17th,This is a magical comedy about real people,Admission:﹩3.故选B.
47.答案F.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词October 15th,having a cup of coffee可知,Carol想在看表演的时候喝咖啡,且表演的时间为10月15日.对应F部分的October 10-17,All kinds of drinks offered.故选F.
48.答案D.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词Italian art as well as Chinese,after school at 4:30可知,Jenny想在4:30放学后看有关意大利或中国艺术的表演.对应D部分的A combination of Eastern and Western Art,Open from 8:00am to 6:00p.m.故选D.
49.答案C.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词improve his oral English可知,Tom想提高自己的英语口语.对应C部分的Classes for foreign students of all levels,Focus on spoken language.故选C.
50.答案A.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词improve his writing and oral English,after work every day可知,Mark想在每天下班后提高英语口语和写作.对应A部分的Focus on grammar as well as writing and oral English,Open from 3:00p.m.to 9:30p.m..故选A.

点评 匹配技巧:1、寻找同义、相同的词或词组.2、寻找近义词或词组.3、留意数字(包括时间).数字的位置是最容易找的,如果问题提及过,用寻找关键字的方法就能找到答案. 注意:数字有时候也可用英语表达出来.

4.[1]People with many different relationships often use small talk.But the most common people who use small talk are those who don't know each other at all.It is also common for people who are only acquaintances (熟人),often called a"friend of a friend'',to use small talk.
[2]There are certain"safe"topics that people usually make small talk about.The weather is probably the number one thing.Sometimes even friends and family members discuss the weather when they meet or start a conversation.Another topic that is generally safe is current events,such as sports news and entertainment news.If there is something that you and the other speaker have in common,that may also be acceptable to talk about.Negative comments about another person shouldn't be made:when you don't know a person well you cannot be sure who his friends are.
[3]People make small talk just about anywhere.Most often,small talk occurs in places where people are waiting for something.For example,you might chat with another person who is waiting for the bus to arrive.Some social events (such as a party) require small talk among guests who do not know each other very well.
[4]The most common time for small talk is the first time you meet someone.However,the next time you see each other you might just smile and say nothing.If someone is reading a book or writing a letter at the bus stop it is not appropriate to start a conversation,either.
[5]There are different reasons why people use small talk.The first is to break an uncomfortable silence.Another reason,however,is simply to kill time.That is why it is so common to make small talk when people are waiting for something.
71.What is the most common topic in small talk?(within 5words)
The weather.
72.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?(within 9words)
Where people make small talk.
73.Why negative comments about another person shouldn't be made in small talk?(within 10words)
Because you cannot be sure who his friends are.
74.What's the most common time for small talk?(within 8words )
The first time you meet someone.
75.What's the first reason for people to use small talk?(within 8words )
To break an uncomfortable silence..
1.A  Rose lost her single mother without knowing her father,when she was born three years ago.Being a little bit quiet,she enjoys sitting there reading picture books or listening to music.She is a tender girl,speaking softly,talking less but smiling often.
B  Dora,eight-year-old,is a very good helper in the orphanage,taking good care of the young and doing all kinds of housework.She is a happy girl although she can't hear.She always says that she can hear with her heart and God can hear her smile if she keeps happy.
C  Tom,a poor two-month-old baby boy,was abandoned by his parents for some inborn handicap.But luckily,his handicap can be repaired if money is available for the operation.Except the handicap,he is a handsome baby,with big eyes and thick black hair.
D  Tony,a five-year-old boy,got injured seriously after a horrible accident with his parents.Unfortunately,his parents were too injured to survive.Facing the tragedy,he keeps strong and optimistic about life,which moves so many people.To recover completely,he still needs more money to keep medical care.
E  Mary,abandoned by an unmarried mother,is a very beautiful and lovely three-year-old girl.She is active and energetic all the time,sometimes a little bit noisy.She loves singing and dancing to the music.Besides,she is very fond of beautiful clothes and toys.
F Michelle,whose parents died in an accident,has spent eight years in the orphanage since her birth.Fortunately,she grows healthy physically and mentally.She is so popular among the children,because she takes good care of the young and plays with them patiently and happily all the time.
46.The Greens are a rich couple,who run a very big company.For some reason,they don't have their own children.Now they decide to adopt a baby child,whether it is a boy or a girl,even with a curable disease.C
47.Mrs.Smith,a very young housewife,whose husband earns much money but works busily,feels lonely at home.She likes children but is not willing to give birth at such young age in order to keep herself slim.So,she wants to adopt a lovely little child,boy or girl,so long as it is healthy and active.E
48.Mrs.Black,a busy housewife with a two-year-old boy of her own,wants to adopt a child to keep her son's company.A healthy girl,at least six-year-old,is the best choice for her,because a six-year-old girl is not only a very good companion for his son,but also can take care of herself and her son.F
49.Mr.and Mrs.Bush are nearly fifty-year-old now.Their son goes to university away from them,so they feel lonely sometimes.Having a son,they hope to adopt a girl,who won't be too noisy.They prefer a little girl,two or three years old,because they believe a closer relationship is likely to be built at her early age.A
50.Mr.and Mrs.Wang,a traditional Chinese couple,has a four-year-old girl of their own,but they still feels it a pity to have no son.They hope to adopt a little boy to keep their daughter's company.It would be better if he had the similar age with their daughter.They don't mind if the boy has some curable handicap,because they can afford the operation.D.
8.Today,millions of people want to learn or improve their English,but‘it' is difficult to find the best method.Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country?
   The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious.Firstly,you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country.You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go.Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people.
   On the other hand,               of staying at home to study.You don't have to make big changes to your life.As well as this,it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain.
   So I think that if you have enough time and enough money,the best choice is to spend some time in the UK.But this is not possible for most people,so the most important thing to do in this situation is to catch your opportunities:to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class.
76.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 10 words)
The best way to learn English.
77.Please complete the sentence according to the the passage.(no more than 3 words)
 The English language will surround you completelyEnglish/the language
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 8 words)
there are also advantages of
79.What suggestion does the author give to those who learn English in their own country?(no more than 15 words)Speaking only English in class and trying to use English whenever possible outside the class
80.What does the underlined word‘it'in paragraph 1 refer to?(no more than 5words).
Staying at home to study.
18.Believe it or not,there are times when you don't agree with your mother or even quarrel with her.Then what should you do?
Stay calm It is normal that you feel sad and angry after quarrelling with with her,but don't go and make big decisions like moving out,or running away from your home because not only will your friends and parents miss you,but it is dangerous for a teenager to do so.
Try to understand your mother.When your mom shouts and screams at you,she is not angry with you but she's disappointed about what you've done.This is because she cares a lot about you and doesn't want you to make bad choices which will do harm to your future.She is just trying to do you good Remember it is never good to say"Mom I really hate you",because it has a bad effect on your relationship.Don't shout at your mom because she is your mother and she deserves.respect from you.If you're angry with her,don't do things that would only make her angry.
Think of ways to make up.If you feel scared to approach her,wait until she cools down a bit And if you dare not to speak face to face with her,find another way to approach her,for example,write a letter to her.By and by,you will find chances to talk to your mother.You should apologize to her first for your bad attitude and then tell her what you are thinking in your mind in a very polite way.Ask for advice,and you will make up sooner or later

61.What is the main idea of the passage?(No more than 15words)
What you should do after you quarrel with your mother.
62.What does the mother mean when she is screaming at her kid?(No more than l0words)
She's disappointed about what her kid has done.
63.What should you do first if you find a chance to talk to your mother after your quarreling?(No more than l0words)
You should make a apology to her.
64.Please explain the underlined part in English.(No more that 5words)
Become friendly again.
65.What way do you usually do after you have a quarrel with your parents?(No more than 25words)
Writer a letter.
5.The World  Health Organization(WHO)  says there has been a sharp increase in the number of children in developing countries who weigh too much.In African countries,the WHO says the number of overweight or obese children is two times as  high  as it was 20 years ago.
     Around the world,about 43 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2011.Doctors use height,weight and age to measure whether a person is underweight,normal,or obese.
     Overweight children are more likely to become overweight or obese adults.The condition can lead to serious health problems like diabetes,heart disease and stroke.
     Francesco Branca,director of the WHO Department of Nutrition for Health and Development,says people are eating manufactured or processed food more often,which often has a high sugar.fat and salt content.Another reason of gaining weight is the city lifestyle.They travel in cars or other vehicles more than on foot,and have less physical activities in general.
     Mr Branca says reducing the number of overweight children will not be easy.He says the goal is difficult to meet even in wealthy countries.
     The WHO has some basic solutions for individuals(个人):to lower your in-take of fat,sugar,salt and processed food,eat more fruit and vegetables,and increase physical activity.These actions are especially important for children and governments should concern providing vitamin for children.
     Reducing the number of overweight children will not be easy.The goal is difficult to meet even in wealthy countries.Educational campaigns about problems linked to obesity would also help.Food manufactures must balance quality and taste with the dangers of sugar,fat and salt.
     The current goal of the WHO's World Health Assembly is to prevent an increase in the percentage of overweight children during the next twelve years.
66.What's the main idea of the passage?(No more than 15 words)
There has been a sharp increase in the number of obese children in developing countries/the number of obese children in developing countries is increasing sharply.
67.What is the meaning of the underlined word"obese"in Paragraph 2?(No more than two words)very fat/overweight
68.What diseases can overweight or obesity lead to?(No more than 10 words)
diabetes,heart disease and stroke and so on..
69.Why do people put on weight easily?(No more than 12 words)
Eating manufactured or processed food more often,and the city lifestyle.
70.If you are overweight or obese,what should you do?(No more than 20 words)
Lowering my in-take of fat sugar salt and processed food,eating more fruit and vegetables,and increasing physical activity..

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