

Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair. Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest

all the time, you'll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and

regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you

even if you speak the truth.

However, nowadays it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of

honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, money, intelligence, honesty, reputation

and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be thrown away. They don't understand or pretend

not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune for humans,.and that it is necessary to do

everything well.

In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great; dishonest, your name

will be spoiled: Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a

slight thing." We should remove immediately the seed of dishonesty once it's sowed in our

















It is known that honesty plays an important role in our life, which can contribute to our success and earn us respect from others. Therefore, honesty is of vital importance and bring people benefits.

Dishonesty may bring people short-term benefits. But actually, it will cost them friendship, love, social status or even life. Dishonesty destroys the harmonious relationship between people. What’s worse, it even becomes a barrier of the moral development in society.

San Lu Milk Powder Company made a lot of money by dishonest means. But when the scandal was disclosed ,not only did the company have to close down, but also some officials concerned were sent to prison.

Personally , we should keep in mind that honesty is the best policy. We should try our best to avoid dishonesty. Only in this way can we trust each other and have a harmonious society .



【亮点说明】范文中出现一些比较高级的短语plays an important role in扮演重要的角色;contribute to 有助于;What’s worse,更糟糕的是;keep sth in mind 记住;try one’s best to do 竭尽全力做某事;It is known that honesty plays an important role in our life, which can contribute to our success and earn us respect from others.这个句子中体现众所周知这个重要的句型结构,还有which引导的非限制性定语从句。But when the scandal was disclosed ,not only did the company have to close down, but also some officials concerned were sent to prison这个句子中not only but also引导两个句子,第一个句子用倒装的结构。

考点: 提纲类作文



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (KABC)一A Santa Monica High School teacher who was put on

leave after using physical force to control a student who was selling marijuana(大麻)in his classroom has received surprising support on Facebook. The incident was captured on video and has caused a sudden reaction from parents, teachers, students and even graduates. They are showing their support for Black. A Facebook page supporting "Coach Black" has over 4,700 likes. And many want him back in the classroom.

Student witnesses say Mark Black, who is also the wrestling coach, tried to confiscate(没收)a bag of marijuana and was then injured by the student with a pencil. The cellphone video shows Black locking the student's legs and pinning the student to the ground. "He just wanted him to stop and he was trying to be a teacher and help, and I don't think it was his fault." said student Kylan Townsend.

School Board member Oscar De La Tone says Mr. Black is one of his teachers at Santa Monica High School. "I know him very well. I know him to be a fair person, a good person, someone who cares deeply about his students," said De La Torre. He says that the video does not tell the whole story and that the incident brings to light the issue of drug use, something the district needs to address.

But in an email to parents, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Superintendent Sandra Lyon says the teacher's behavior is "absolutely alarming." She put Black on leave during an independent investigation.

Lyon has come under fire from parents for initially saying the kind of physical action used by the teacher was unacceptable. On Saturday, Lyon released the following statement to Eyewitness News: "I want to stress that teachers are at times confronted with difficult, even threatening situations, and they must make judgment calls to protect safety. I want to emphasize that putting the teacher who was involved in this incident on leave until completion of an independent investigation is a matter of standard policy and practice; it in no way prejudices the outcome of the investigation."

Students hope the situation will have a quick and just resolution. An online petition(请原书) pas also peen createu by one of Black's former students. The petition has already gained thousands of signatures.Black did not respond to a request for comment.

1.What does the cellphone video on Facebook disclose?

A. Mark Black injured a student with a pencil.

B.Mark Black wrestled with a student in his class.

C. Mark Black confiscated a bag and locked a student.

D. Mark Black controlled a student with physical force.

2.In the fifth paragraph, the underlined word "it" refers to__.

A. making judgment calls to protect safety

B. putting the teacher involved on leave

C. completion of an independent investigation

D. a matter of standard policy and practice

3. From the passage, we can infer that__

A. the people involved in the matter support Mark Black

B. Mark Black will be eventually fired by the School Board

C. Sandra Lyon won some support from parents initially

D. no decision has been made from the investigation yet

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Teacher Put on Leave Receives Support

B. Thousands Come and Sign the Petition

C.School Teacher Wrestled with Student

D. Cellphone Video on the Facebook Page


Air pollution is a leading cause of cancer and classified among Group 1,or top, human carcinogens (致癌物质), said the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is the World Health Organization's (WHO) cancer agency, on Oct 17,2013.
The most widely used system for classifying carcinogens comes from the IARC, which places them into five groups. Group 1 carcinogens definitely cause cancer in humans. Group 2A is probably carcinogenic to humans, Group 2B is possibly carcinogenic, the carcinogenicity of Group 3 in humans is unclassifiable, and Group 4 is probably not carcinogenic to humans. Only a little more than 100 are classified as Group 1 cancer-causing substances, including ultraviolet radiation and tobacco smoke.
“Our task was to evaluate the air everyone breathes rather than focus on specific air pollutants,” the lARC's Dana Loomis said in a statement. “The results from the reviewed studies point in the same direction: the risk of developing lung cancer is significantly increased in people exposed to air pollution.”
In 2010, lung cancer resulting from air pollution killed 223,000 people worldwide, and there was also convincing evidence that it increases the risk of bladder (膀腕) cancer, according to the IARC.
Air pollution is already known to raise risks for a wide range of illnesses, including respiratory and heart diseases.
Air pollution is global, although the levels of it vary over space and time.
Loomis said people in Asia, eastern North America, some places in Central America and Mexico, as well as North Africa have relatively high exposure. Developing countries with large populations and booming manufacturing sectors, such as China, are particularly at risk.
Many cities in China, such as Beijing, frequently see smog. This week, Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang province, became the first Chinese city to officially suspend classes due to serious smog
Many developed countries face similar problems, although to a lesser degree than most developing nations. In Europe, levels of many pollutants have fallen. But between 91 and 96 percent of Europeans living in cities are exposed to levels of PM2.5—tiny particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers—that are higher than the WHO safety limits, says a report published by the European Environment Agency on Oct 15.
Although both the composition and levels of air pollution can vary dramatically from one location to the other, the 1ARC said its conclusions apply to all regions of the world.
“Given the scale of the exposure affecting people worldwide, this report should send a strong signal to the international community to take action without further delay,” said Christopher Wild, director of the IARC.

1.What might be the best title of the passage?

A. Signals of air pollution

B. Safety limits of air pollution

C. Air pollution, cancer risk

D. Air pollution, smog risk

2.What’s the main task of IARC?

A. To focus on cancer-causing substances.

B. To evaluate the air quality.

C. To study the developing risk of cancer.

D. To send signals to the international community.

3.Why should the international community take action without further delay?

A. The composition and levels of air pollution vary from place to place.

B. More and more people in developing countries are exposed to air pollution.

C. Developed countries face air pollution, the level of which is higher than the safety limits.

D. A large number of people worldwide are exposed to air pollution.


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