
  It was very cold outside my car. I did not want to get out of it (1) we passed by a cafe. Suddenly I noticed a short old man, (2) with some bits of cloth, shaking with cold. He was waiting for anyone who would (3) him a coin or a cup of hot coffee.

  I asked my (4) to go over and hand this old man something. He (5) into my husband's face,smiled and said," (6) . ”I felt so happy and I wished the old man could live (7) the cold night.

  I was sure to meet him again and find out how he was the next (8) , as I have to pass this way every day. I did so the next evening, and he remembered the (9) and came up to my window and (10) at me. This time I offered him a (11) of food. He reached out for the bag and I gave him my hand. He (12) the food,smiled and said, "May God bless you!" I looked at the old man and he (13) me think of my father.

  I do hope all of us will remember that maybe one day,it is us who need others' help. (14) when you pass by a (15) person,do offer at least a word of love and a kind smile or an act of kindness of any kind.

(   ) 1. A. after    B. when    C. before    D. if

(   ) 2. A. covered    B. tied    C. filled    D. provided

(   ) 3. A. send    B. leave    C. greet    D. accept

(   ) 4. A. father    B. son    C. husband    D. friend

(   ) 5. A. watched    B. knocked    C. came    D. looked

(   ) 6. A. Excuse me    B. Beg your pardon 

       C. Take it easy    D. Thank you

(   ) 7. A. in      B. through     C. under    D. off

(   ) 8. A. year    B. month     C. week    D. day

(   ) 9. A. office    B. gift     C. car    D. shop

(   ) 10. A. smiled    B. pointed   C. called    D. shouted

(   ) 11. A. box        B. bag     C. bottle    D. basket

(   ) 12. A. held    B. ordered     C. dropped    D. received

(   ) 13. A. got    B. forced     C. made    D. allowed

(   ) 14. A. So    B. And      C . Or    D. But

(   ) 15. A. quiet    B. sick      C. poor    D. shy

1. B此处是指作者在路过小咖啡馆时,不想下车。故选when。

2. A根据句意可知,老人用几块布遮身,应使用covered with sth.结构,故选A。

3. B leave表示"留给"。根据句意可知应选B。

4. C 根据后面的into my husband's face可知应选C。

5. D 表示"直盯着某人的脸"用look into one's face,故选D。

6. D 接受别人的帮助要表示感谢,故选D。

7. B表示顺利度过,介词用through。故选B。

8. D  根据后一句I did so the next evening...可知这里应为第二天,故选D。

9. C 根据上文和本句中的came up to my window可知,老人记住了我的车,故选C;。

10. A 根据语境可知,老人是对我微笑,所以选A。

11. B 根据后一句中的he reached out for the bag可知,这里应是一袋食品,故选B。

12. A hold表示"拿着",选A。

13. C 动词force,get,allow与make都有"使,让,允许"的意思,但force,get,allow后都需要接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,而make接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,故选C。

14. A本句与前一句之间为因果关系,因此应使用连词so,故选A。

15. C poor表示"可怜的,贫穷的",所以选C。


  On Christmas Eve,the Woods, an English couple, received a very unusual telephone call. Although it (1)only twenty seconds, it was from their fifteen-year-old daughter who disappeared six months ago.

  "I'm phoning to    (2) you a happy Christmas," she said. "I love you."

  The Woods were so happy that they started a (3)telephone service called "Alive and Well".

  The service  (4) parents to keep in touch with children who have run away from home.

  Young people can phone "Alive and Well" and leave a(5) for their parents. The (6) are answered by answering machines. (7) no one speaks to the child or makes them (8) home. Parents of runaway children who are under eighteen can ask the (9) to bring their children home. So children do not want to tell their parents (10) they are. Through "Alive and Well" they can telephone their parents without (11) about letting their parents know their address.

  The Woods and their helpers (12) the telephone messages which are recorded by the tape and get in touch with the (13) . Many of the 30 ,000 British children who have left home are  (14) in London. For only two pence they can go into a telephone box and (15)their parents. They can dial 756-7556 and stop their parents' worry:Is he dead or alive?
(   ) 1. A. started    B. ended    C. sounded    D. lasted

(   ) 2. A. wish    B. tell       C. expect    D. make

(   ) 3. A. strange    B. terrible   C. special    D. popular

(   ) 4. A. stops    B. imagines    C. helps    D. hopes

(   ) 5. A. letter    B. message    C. number    D. surprise

(   ) 6. A. parents    B. machines    C. helpers    D. telephones

(   ) 7. A. So         B. But         C. If    D. Because

(   ) 8. A. miss      B. leave      C. return    D. stay

(   ) 9. A. friends      B. police     C. grandparents    D. teachers

(   ) 10. A. who        B. how      C. what    D. where

(   ) 11. A. worrying    B. thinking     C. caring    D. complaining

(   ) 12. A. give away    B. write down    C. keep out    D. call up

(   ) 13. A. church    B. school    C. police station    D. address

(   ) 14. A. always    B. also     C. never    D. probably

(   ) 15. A. miss    B. watch     C. call    D. kiss

  Even after many years,she still has not forgotten the last day her whole class got together to say goodbye to their dearest school days. Those memories always become (1) every time she drives her feet towards the old school,only to find a big old tree with all of their (2) carved (雕刻)deep into the trunk and the new school houses.

  Time has changed them. The happy "dwarf"(小矮人)of the class has now turned into a (3) businessman. The shy,skinny "bookworm" is now a talented Ph. D. That naughty girl has(4) a well-known athlete and the class beauty a movie star. But she,a literature(文学) lover, was driven by an inner force to put her pen aside and becomes a (5) instead.

  Now,she is a teacher, yet she has to (6) learning numerous difficult lessons of life. The more she ―(7)   ,the better she understands the value of her teacher's (8) lesson. She has given her students the whole heart that she once learnt from her teacher who  (9) years ago.

  Now and then,she sees the warm (10) in the eyes of her students. It encourages her to (11) She hopes to find herself again in her student days: always listening carefully and appreciating each (12) . To her,that will be the best award she could ever  (13) in her teaching years.

  She tells herself to try her best to understand and take life at its deepest. (14) she hasn't enough teaching experience, she will give her students the teaching that are not written in the lesson plans, as her teacher used to do. Her teacher's (15) "The giving of love is an education in itself" will be always in her mind.

(   ) 1. A. lovely    B. live    C. lively    D. close

(   ) 2. A. faces    B. names    C. scores    D. secrets

(   ) 3. A. lucky    B. successful   C. brave    D. strong

(   ) 4. A. become    B. developed   C. changed    D. shown

(   ) 5. A. writer    B. painter   C. reporter    D. teacher

(   ) 6. A. continue    B. agree    C.support D. expect

(   ) 7. A. hopes    B. passes    C. experiences    D. meets

(   ) 8. A. next    B. present    C. real    D. last

(   ) 9. A. passed down    B. passed on

      C. passed away    D. passed by

(   ) 10. A. feelings    B. looks     C.actions D. words

(   ) 11. A. set out    B. go through    C. go on    D. stay up

(   ) 12. A. person    B. lesson    C. situation    D. environment

(   ) 13. A. fight    B. produce    C. achieve    D. receive

(   ) 14. A. Though    B. When     C. Before    D. Until

(   ) 15. A. talking    B. telling   C. speaking    D. saying

 I work in a company in India which has branches in Germany and the UK,so I often take business trips to these places. We have a (1) at the company. Anybody coming back to India from a foreign country (2) chocolates for all the other members of the company. (3) the chocolates are finished in no time because everyone loves them and tries to get as many as possible.

  I (4) that the housekeeping staff never had the chance to get even a single chocolate maybe because they were not as (5) as others to take the chocolates. I felt it was (6) to them.

  Recently,I came back to India after a month-long trip from Berlin and I had bought a lot of chocolates. While the office staff were helping themselves to the chocolates, I met the man called Babul. I gave him a packet of chocolates too and told him to hand them out around his department. His face immediately (7) with a wide smile. He thanked me again and again, which made me very happy.

  But the story didn't (8) here. The best part of it was that Babul actually handed out the chocolates to (9) in the company equally instead of just giving them among members in his (10) It was so (11) for me to see this. I find it really hard to understand why we,who have the money to buy chocolates and other goodies do not feel like (12) but just think about how to get more? (13) Babul, who earns just enough to raise his family,was so generous(慷慨的)and did not even keep one (14) chocolate for himself.

It made me think of one simple question:Which is better, having a little less money but being (15) or having lots of money but being selfish?

(   ) 1. A. law    B. completely   C. tradition    D. habit

(   ) 2. A. affords    B. offers   C. supports    D. provides

(   ) 3. A. Luckily    B. Naturally C. Custom    D. Necessarily

(   ) 4. A. reminded    B. wondered C. noticed    D. mentioned

(   ) 5. A. quick    B. honest     C. brave    D. smart

(   ) 6. A. unfair    B. strange    C. special    D. important

(   ) 7. A. came up    B. lit up     C. took up D. put up

(   ) 8. A. start    B. continue    C. end    D. last

(   ) 9. A. anybody    B. nobody    C. somebody    D. everybody

(   ) 10. A. company    B. neighborhood   C. club    D. group

(   ) 11. A. tiring    B. interesting   C. moving    D. worrying

(   ) 12. A. fighting    B. sharing    C. competing    D. enjoying

(   ) 13. A. Since    B. Though    C. However    D. Therefore

(   ) 14. A. extra    B. exact      C. spare    D. free

(   ) 15. A. humorous   B. active    C. mean    D. kind

 Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise,having enough experience and knowledge, we regard these failures(失败)as a necessary and (1) part of learning. But often as parents and teachers, we don't    (2) this right(权利)to our children.

  Donnie was a third grader in my class. His (3) about failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He (4) answered my questions―he was afraid of making mistakes.

  I tried my best to build his self-confidence. But nothing changed (5) midterm, when Mary,a new teacher, came. She was young and pretty, and she was loved by every student (6) Donnie. It was her who made a big difference to Donnie later.

  One morning, they were doing math problems at the blackboard. Donnie had copied the problems clearly and (7) . But he'd missed the fourth problems and began to cry with his head in his arms.

  I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a smile (8) on Mary's face. From the desk she got a box(9) pencil.         "Look,Donnie," she said gently, kneeling(跪)beside him. "I've got something to (10) you.”She remove the pencils, one at a time,and placed them on his desk.

  "See these pencils,Donnie," she continued. " They (11) Mrs. Landon and me. See how the erasers are worn(磨损)?That's because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. That's what you    (12) learn to do,too."

  She kissed him and stood up, Here," she said, "I'll leave one of these pencils on (13) desk,so you'll remember that everybody makes mistakes, even teachers. " Donnie looked up with (14) in his eyes and a smile.

  The pencil became Donnie's prize. That,together with Mary's encouragement, gradually made him understand (15) the meaning of making mistakes is―it's all right to make mistakes, as long as you erase them and try again.

(   ) 1. A. similar    B. active    C. important    D. positive

(   ) 2. A. offer    B. pass    C. send    D. support

(   ) 3. A. puzzle    B. worry     C. complaint    D. answer

(   ) 4. A. always    B. usually    C. seldom    D. sometimes

(   ) 5. A. since    B. after      C. until    D. when

(   ) 6. A. including    B. except   C. without    D. however

(   ) 7. A. simply    B. carefully   C. casually    D. only

(   ) 8. A. appeared    B. froze     C. disappeared    D. felt

(   ) 9. A. made of    B. covered by   C. filled with    D. covered with

(   ) 10. A. tell    B. show       C. ask    D. say

(   ) 11. A. come to    B. refer to    C. belong to    D. prefer to

(   ) 12. A. might    B. could     C. must    D. should

(   ) 13. A. your    B. his     C. her    D. its

(   ) 14. A. hate    B. love     C. fear    D. like

(   ) 15. A. how    B. why     C. what    D. who

 Saving money gives you freedom(自由).If you have enough savings,you may be able to give up your job. I know a couple(夫妻)who saved up enough money so that they were able to leave their jobs for a year and travel across the country. You could see the wonderful experiences they had because they were able to enjoy that time together.

  Saving money is improving your future life. It is important to realize that by saving money now,you will be able to live as you like in your later years. You can retire early and spend time traveling around the world. By saving money now,you will be able to do as many things as you like and enjoy a good life.

  Saving money will bring you peace of mind. Every dollar that you have in the bank is a dollar which stands between you and disaster (灾难).People who have savings are not worried when a car breaks down or they become sick. They know that they will be okay even if they lose their jobs and it takes time to find a new one.

  Saving money sets an example for your children. By teaching your children to save money and plan for the future,you leave them a priceless treasure. It may be one of the most important ideas that you teach your children.

(   ) 1. According to paragraph 1 , if you want to give up your job ,         .

A.     you can travel across the country

B.     you must have enough savings

C.     you can stay with your family

D.     you will have wonderful experiences

(   ) 2. Paragraph 2 tells us that by saving money,           .

A.     you can do more things in the future

B.     it is easier for you to retire whenever you wish to

C.     it will be possible for you to have a better future life

D.     you will never do the things you don't like
(   ) 3. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us         .

A.     not to lose a job if you don't have savings

B.     to put the money in the bank when you have savings

C.     not to worry if a car breaks down or someone is ill

D.     to save money if you want to have a peaceful mind
(   ) 4. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about         .

A.     the plan for future life

B.     the importance of children's education

C.     the influence of saving money on children

D.     the skills of saving money for children

(   ) 5. The best title(标题)for this passage may be         .

A. Money Saving Importance    B. Money Saving Purpose

C. Money Saving Skills    D. Money Saving Experience



Tel: 83386223

Add; 635 Grand Road

Open;Mon. to  Fri. 7:00 a. m. ~2:30 p. m.

5:00 p. m. ~9:00 p. m. Sat. &Sun. 7:30 a.m. ~2:00 p. m.

5:00 p. m. ~10:00 p. m.

HISTORY MUSEUM Tel: 87796960 Add:  69 Hong Kong Road One of Guangdong's largest  museums special?izes(专门研究)in Guangdong history of the native(本地)people.

Open: Mon. to Fri.  9:00 a.m.   ~5:00 p.m. Sat. &Sun. 9:00 a. m. ~3:00 p. m.


Tel: 87872738

Add: 5300 Shanghai Road

Open;Mon. to  Fri. 10:00 a.m. ~  11:00 p.m.

Sat. &Sun.  9:00 a.m. ~10:30 p. m.


Tel: 83338989

Add: 368 East Huanshi  Road

Breakfast: 6:30 a. m. ~9:00 a. m.

Lunch: 11 :30 a.m. ~2:00 p. m.

Dinner: 5:30 p.m.-  10:00 p.m.

Coffee Shop:  Mon. to Fri.

7:00 a. m. ~10:00  p. m. Sat. &Sun. 8:00 a.m. ~10:00 p. m.

(   ) 1. If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday,you can call at     

A. 83386223 or 83338989       B. 87679690 or 83386223

C. 83338989 or 87872738       D. 87872738 or 87679690

(   ) 2. If you want to buy a new dress, you can go to      

A. 69 Hong Kong Road B. 368 East Huanshi Road

C. 5300 Shanghai Road D. 635 Grand Road

(   ) 3. ________ isn't open at half past two in the afternoon on weekdays.

A. Fuli Hotel    B. Hongnan Restaurant

C. History Museum    D. Baihe Shopping Center

(   ) 4. On Sunday morning, the coffee shop in Fuli Hotel doesn't open until-
A. 6:30 a. m. B. 7:00 a.m. C. 7:30 a.m. D. 8:00 a.m.

(   ) 5. You can know      when you visit History Museum.

A.     the history of South China

B.     the history of Guangdong's native people

C.     the history of Shanghai

D.     the history of Hong Kong

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