
 I work in a company in India which has branches in Germany and the UK,so I often take business trips to these places. We have a (1) at the company. Anybody coming back to India from a foreign country (2) chocolates for all the other members of the company. (3) the chocolates are finished in no time because everyone loves them and tries to get as many as possible.

  I (4) that the housekeeping staff never had the chance to get even a single chocolate maybe because they were not as (5) as others to take the chocolates. I felt it was (6) to them.

  Recently,I came back to India after a month-long trip from Berlin and I had bought a lot of chocolates. While the office staff were helping themselves to the chocolates, I met the man called Babul. I gave him a packet of chocolates too and told him to hand them out around his department. His face immediately (7) with a wide smile. He thanked me again and again, which made me very happy.

  But the story didn't (8) here. The best part of it was that Babul actually handed out the chocolates to (9) in the company equally instead of just giving them among members in his (10) It was so (11) for me to see this. I find it really hard to understand why we,who have the money to buy chocolates and other goodies do not feel like (12) but just think about how to get more? (13) Babul, who earns just enough to raise his family,was so generous(慷慨的)and did not even keep one (14) chocolate for himself.

It made me think of one simple question:Which is better, having a little less money but being (15) or having lots of money but being selfish?

(   ) 1. A. law    B. completely   C. tradition    D. habit

(   ) 2. A. affords    B. offers   C. supports    D. provides

(   ) 3. A. Luckily    B. Naturally C. Custom    D. Necessarily

(   ) 4. A. reminded    B. wondered C. noticed    D. mentioned

(   ) 5. A. quick    B. honest     C. brave    D. smart

(   ) 6. A. unfair    B. strange    C. special    D. important

(   ) 7. A. came up    B. lit up     C. took up D. put up

(   ) 8. A. start    B. continue    C. end    D. last

(   ) 9. A. anybody    B. nobody    C. somebody    D. everybody

(   ) 10. A. company    B. neighborhood   C. club    D. group

(   ) 11. A. tiring    B. interesting   C. moving    D. worrying

(   ) 12. A. fighting    B. sharing    C. competing    D. enjoying

(   ) 13. A. Since    B. Though    C. However    D. Therefore

(   ) 14. A. extra    B. exact      C. spare    D. free

(   ) 15. A. humorous   B. active    C. mean    D. kind

1. C tradition意为"(宗教,文化)传统",指在特定的人群当中存在已久的做事方式或风俗习惯;custom


2. D provide sth. for sb.或provide sb. with sth.是同定词组,意为"为某人提供某物"。

3. B自然地巧克力很快就被拿光了。

4. C表"无意中看到,发现"应用notice。

5. A也许是因为后勤部门员工拿巧克力的动作没有别人快。

6. A我认为这对后勤部门的员丁来说是不公平的。

7. B light up意为"脸上露出喜悦的表情"。

8. C 故事并没有就此结束。

9. D 他把巧克力平均分给公司的每个人。

10. D 而不是只发给后勤部门的员工。

11. C 我看到此场景是如此感动。

12. B 为什么我们这些买得起巧克力和其他好吃的东西的人就没有想到分享,而只考虑怎样才能拿得更多呢?

13. C 此处副词表转折意思。

14. A extra意为"额外的,附加的"。虽然Babul挣钱不多,但他在有权比其他员工多拿一些巧克力的时候没有多拿,而与其他人拿的一样多。

15. D 钱少但心地善良与钱多但自私哪个更好呢?


  "I can't believe what Fm hearing!" I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate(候选人) for president of Student Council. My best friend Tony came to me and said, "I'm sorry,Mike. I really thought you should be    (1)  .”

  Later that day,I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a (2) "Congratulations" and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine. "Fm,er. . . I'm just wondering if you would    (3) coming to work on my team," he said (4) "You are really smart,and you would be a great manager.” "I don't think so," I replied, feeling unsure.

  "Well,if you change your (5) ,we are meeting tomorrow”,he said before moving to another table.

All that night,I thought about the (6) from Jeff. Maybe being a part of the election process(选举过程)would give (7) a chance to make important changes at our school. I decided to join them.

  My first goal was to (8) a catchy advertisement. Within a few days,we designed a poster with Jeff s pictures showing him in a number of activities. No one could walk through any hallway (9) passing Jeff's smiling face.

  My next step was to (10) which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.

  With the information I had collected, Jeff met with the headmaster. The headmaster (11) to add these activities to our school program.

  With the help,Jeff and our ideas were well(12) at school.

  An eighth grader said, "It'll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president."

  Hearing these words made my heart filled with (13) . I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeffs team. He became the most popular candidate and I was a large part of his (14) . The fact that it has made a difference in (15) people's lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!

(   ) 1. A. heard    B. chosen C. invited    D. followed

(   ) 2. A. polite    B. loud     C. warm    D. cheerful

(   ) 3. A. suggest    B. consider C. practice    D. continue

(   ) 4. A. proudly    B. quickly C. nervously    D. regretfully

(   ) 5. A. heart    B. idea      C. mind    D. suggestion

(   ) 6. A. advice    B. chance     C. message    D. offer

(   ) 7. A. them    B. him       C. me    D. us

(   ) 8. A. print    B. invent      C. create    D. send

(   ) 9. A. for        B. from      C. with    D. without

(   ) 10. A. carry out    B. try out     C. work out    D. find out

(   ) 11. A. agreed    B. wanted        C. expected    D. asked

(   ) 12. A. allowed    B. received      C. introduced    D. required

(   ) 13. A. pride    B. surprise       C. patience    D. hope

(   ) 14. A. luck    B. spirit          C. life    D. success

(   ) 15. A. the other    B. another      C. other    D. the others

  It was very cold outside my car. I did not want to get out of it (1) we passed by a cafe. Suddenly I noticed a short old man, (2) with some bits of cloth, shaking with cold. He was waiting for anyone who would (3) him a coin or a cup of hot coffee.

  I asked my (4) to go over and hand this old man something. He (5) into my husband's face,smiled and said," (6) . ”I felt so happy and I wished the old man could live (7) the cold night.

  I was sure to meet him again and find out how he was the next (8) , as I have to pass this way every day. I did so the next evening, and he remembered the (9) and came up to my window and (10) at me. This time I offered him a (11) of food. He reached out for the bag and I gave him my hand. He (12) the food,smiled and said, "May God bless you!" I looked at the old man and he (13) me think of my father.

  I do hope all of us will remember that maybe one day,it is us who need others' help. (14) when you pass by a (15) person,do offer at least a word of love and a kind smile or an act of kindness of any kind.

(   ) 1. A. after    B. when    C. before    D. if

(   ) 2. A. covered    B. tied    C. filled    D. provided

(   ) 3. A. send    B. leave    C. greet    D. accept

(   ) 4. A. father    B. son    C. husband    D. friend

(   ) 5. A. watched    B. knocked    C. came    D. looked

(   ) 6. A. Excuse me    B. Beg your pardon 

       C. Take it easy    D. Thank you

(   ) 7. A. in      B. through     C. under    D. off

(   ) 8. A. year    B. month     C. week    D. day

(   ) 9. A. office    B. gift     C. car    D. shop

(   ) 10. A. smiled    B. pointed   C. called    D. shouted

(   ) 11. A. box        B. bag     C. bottle    D. basket

(   ) 12. A. held    B. ordered     C. dropped    D. received

(   ) 13. A. got    B. forced     C. made    D. allowed

(   ) 14. A. So    B. And      C . Or    D. But

(   ) 15. A. quiet    B. sick      C. poor    D. shy

  Music and Behavior

  Where did you go yesterday?Did you hear any (1) ?Today, most stores and restaurants play music. You might    (2) hear music in an office or on a farm.

  Scientists believe that music changes the (3) people behave(举止).According to some scientists, the sound of western classical(古典的)music makes people (4) richer. When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend (5) money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays (6) music, people spend less money. With (7) music,people spend even less.

  Scientists also (8) that loud,fast music makes people eat faster. In fact,people (9) their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their (10) hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants (11) make more money in this way.

  Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say (12) music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are (13) . And listening to music can help you relax.

The (14) time you hear music somewhere, be (15) . It might change the way you do things.

(   ) 1. A. music    B. stories     C. songs    D. sound

(   ) 2. A. already    B. even    C. hardly    D. never

(   ) 3. A. way    B. time        C. idea    D. place

(   ) 4. A. become    B. get       C. feel    D. look

(   ) 5. A. much    B. more       C. little    D. less

(   ) 6. A. pop    B. modern     C. light    D. country

(   ) 7. A. no    B. much        C. any    D. some

(   ) 8. A. think    B. hope     C. realize    D. believe

(   ) 9. A. cook    B. order      C. eat    D. make

(   ) 10. A. free    B. busy     C. happy    D. sad

(   ) 11. A. can    B. should     C. can't    D. needn't

(   ) 12. A. how    B,why      C. what    D. that

(   ) 13. A. excited    B. interested    C. confident    D. relaxed

(   ) 14. A. first    B. second    C. next    D. last

(   ) 15. A. quiet    B. quick     C . happy    D. careful

  When I finished my work and put away my things, I hurried to drive home for my 30th birthday celebration. My husband called, saying he would give me a (1) this evening. Then I came up to a red light and stopped.

  As I was (2) ,I saw a young guy standing on my left. He was pale in the face and (3) a cardboard sign with some writing on it. When you're in the heart of downtown, it's pretty    (4) to see homeless people asking for money. Generally, I would (5) them. But this time when I looked over the sign,I stopped. I didn't know (6)   ,but this sign stuck me.

  I can,t remember what the sign said (7) but it was something like:"Need money/ (8) have stomach cancer, homeless, anything helps."

  The light had just turned green,and there was a line of supper rush hours traffic (9) me. I went back and forth in my mind a hundred times in that next second.  " Should I do something or just (10) ?”The traffic moved forward, and I went with it.

  About a block or two away,my heart had sunk simply for this guy. I felt so (11) for him. So,I decided to go back and ask him if I could buy him some food and listen to his (12) 

  It took me about five minutes to turn around and go back to the same (13) where I had seen him. It was just five minutes—but he had gone.

  "Where did he go so fast?" I wondered. So there was (14) left to do except going on my driving.

  Back at home,I just couldn't (15) happy when I thought of the pale face. If you get an idea from inside you,act on it. Don't miss out―for yourself and for that other person.
(   ) 1. A. kiss    B. hand   C. donation    D. surprise

(   ) 2. A. shopping    B. waving   C. waiting    D. standing

(   ) 3. A. pulling    B. pushing   C. holding    D. throwing

(   ) 4. A. common    B. hard    C. impossible    D. strange

(   ) 5. A. help    B. pass     C. stop    D. join

(   ) 6. A. how    B. when       C. where    D. why

(   ) 7. A. suddenly    B. gradually   C. exactly    D. hardly

(   ) 8. A. clothing    B. food    C. medicine    D. houses

(   ) 9. A. beside    B. before    C. above    D. behind

(   ) 10. A. wait    B. drive     C. walk    D. greet

(   ) 11. A. upset    B. thankful   C. impolite    D. angry

(   ) 12. A. advice    B. songs    C. jokes    D. story

(   ) 13. A. street    B. house    C. light    D. store

(   ) 14. A. everything    B. anything    C. something    D. nothing

(   ) 15. A. remain    B. appear     C. seem    D. become

                      Welcome to Tongjiang Zoo

  Do you want to see the animals from nearly every part of the world in just one place in one day? Come to Tongjiang Zoo. The zoo has more than 2 ,000 animals of 400 kinds. Big elephants from Yunnan, tigers from the south and the northeast of China, and the African lions,giraffes, and zebras, are all waiting for you. Lovely pandas and clever monkeys are going to make you laugh. A lot of other animals which you have never seen are waiting to meet you. It's home to a collection of animals.

  Tongjiang Zoo was built in 1985 and is about 20,000 square meters. There is basic information of each kind of animals about their living habits and birth places there. You can certainly learn a lot. You are welcome to take photos with some animals there, too.
Ticket Price                                     Opening Time

Grown-ups:¥30. 00                              From Monday to Friday:9:00—16:30

Children:¥ 15. 00                                Saturday and Sunday:8:00—17:30

Children under Six:Free

Keep the zoo clean. Do not feed or go near the dangerous animals.

(   ) 1. The animals in Tongjiang Zoo are from        .

A. Yunnan    B. South China C. Northeast China    D. different places

(   ) 2. Mr. and Mrs. Green are going to the zoo with their five-year-old son. They have to pay    for the tickets.

A. fifteen yuan    B. thirty yuan    C. forty-five yuan    D. sixty yuan 

(   ) 3. The zoo closes at          on weekends.

A. 5:30 p. m. B. 4:30 p.m. C. 9:00 a.m. D. 8:00 a.m.

(   ) 4. Visitors        in the zoo.

A.     mustn't take photos with all animals

B.     mustn't go close to the dangerous animals

C.     can give food to the animals

D.     can throw your things around

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A.     The zoo has a history of more than twenty-five years.

B.     You can see many rare(珍贵的)animals in the zoo.

C.     You can see 2 ,000 kinds of different animals in the zoo.

D.     You can get some basic knowledge of the animals in the zoo

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