“Folk singers are more like poets than singers,” Li Yahe, a music businessman, once told China Youth Daily.

That saying perfectly describes Zhang Lei, the 34-year-old champion of the fourth “Voice of China” singing competition, which ended on Oct 7.

Critics thought Zhang's success as a victory for folk singers.The Voice of China used to attach great importance to singing skills and vocal techniques, which are not necessarily what folk singers are good at.“Folk songs are more about emotions and storytelling,” said Li.

Folk is one of the oldest musical styles.It dates back to ancient times, when people sang about their everyday lives and the society around them.

A powerful comeback

Folk music became popular again in the Western world in the 1960s.During social revolutions, many young Westerners turned to the simple rhythms of folk.Pioneers included US singer Bob Dylan, whose songs are reflections of some social issues like the Vietnam War.Singers at that time used traditional folk instruments like the banjo, the upright bass, the mandolin and the piano.

In the late 1970s, folk music was introduced to Taiwan.The rise of singers like Lo Tayu and Chyi Yu popularized folk music, particularly among young Chinese people.

At that time, folk tunes were based on simple song structures, with pleasant chord progression and pretty lyrics, just like during old times.But they focused more on the dreams and sorrow of youth than on politics.

This continued to be the case when the folk “wave” swept Chinese mainland in the 1990s.

Folk pioneers

Sadly, it didn't last long in China.Folk gave way to pop in the late 1990s, when people started living more fast-paced lives.But that didn't mean folk music had disappeared from the music world entirely.

“The drop in the popularity of folk songs is because the business mode of the music industry is outdated, not because of the music itself,” folk singer Song Ke once said.

He was right.Recent years have seen folk songs gaining popularity, with the appearance of singers like Li Jian and Song Dongye.

“The popularity of the Internet has shocked the traditional profit model in music industry,” Lu Zhongqiang, manager of 13-Month, a music recording and publishing company, told Tencent Entertainment.

“Not-so-well-known music starts showing its strength when the production of mainstream music is declining,” he added.

1.Which would be the best title of the passage?

A.The History of Folk Music

B.Folk Music Pioneers

C.The Folk Music Industry

D.The Voice of China

2.The underlined world “it” in the last but four paragraph means________.

A.the popularity of folk music

B.the focus of folk music

C.the tradition of folk pioneers

D.the new model of pop music

3.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A.The Voice of China is very popular among young Chinese people

B.Folk music once was a way to voice opinions about social issues

C.Folk songs are more about expressing emotions than storytelling

D.Outdated music mode is what leads to the decline of folk songs

4.Which word can best describe the attitude of Lu Zhongqiang towards folk music?






When talking about humor, people often refer to famous humorists such as Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by the pen-name Mark Twain.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, America's famous writer, journalist and humorist, was born in Florida on November 30, 1835.He was the sixth of the seven children in the family.As a child, Samuel was often kept indoors because of his poor health.

When Samuel was 12, his father died of a deadly disease and at the age of 13, Samuel had to leave school to make a living.He became a printer's apprentice(学徒).A year later, he became skilled at printing by working and studying hard.Samuel was then employed as a printer with pay.After two years, he became an editorial assistant.It was then that young Samuel became aware of his fondness for writing.

When he was 17 years old, Samuel left Hannibal for a printer's job in St.Louis.While staying in St.Louis, Samuel became a river pilot in 1858.His pen-name, Mark Twain, came from his days as a river pilot.It is a river term meaning “safe to sail”.

Because the river trade was brought to a stop by the Civil War in 1861, Samuel began working as a newspaper reporter for several newspapers all over the United States.Samuel's career took off and he became famous when his story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country appeared in the New York Saturday Press on November 18, 1865.Samuel's first book, The Innocents Abroad was published in 1896.The two novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (in 1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (in 1885) brought him worldwide popularity.He wrote 28 books and numerous humor stories, letters and plays.

Mark Twain passed away on April 21, 1910.To remember him, his childhood home was open to the public as a museum in Hannibal.

1.What do we know about Samuel Langhorne Clemens?

A.He was an unknown American writer

B.He had 7 sisters and brothers altogether

C.He was weak when he was young

D.He lived a rich life in his childhood.

2.When did Samuel Langhorne Clemens realize his interest in writing?

A.When he studied at school

B.When he went to St.Louis

C.When he worked on a ship

D.When he was sixteen years old

3.Samuel got his pen-name from the job as a(n) _________.


B.editorial assistant

C.river pilot

D.newspaper reporter

4.Which made Mark Twain become famous?

A.The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country

B.The Innocents Abroad

C.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

D.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Many animals recognize their food because they see it.So do humans.When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate,you know that these are things you can eat.You can also use other senses when you choose your food.You may like it because it smells good or because it tastes good.You may dislike some types of food because they do not look,smell or taste very nice.Different animals use different senses to find and choose their food.A few animals depend on only one of their senses,while most animals use more than one sense.

Although there are many different types of food,some animals spend their lives eating only one type.The giant panda eats only one particular type of bamboo f竹子).Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the choice.A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage,even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden.However,most animals have a more varied diet(多样化饮食).The bear eats fruits and fish.The fox eats small animals,birds and fruits.The diet of these animals will he different depending on the season.

Humans have a very varied diet.We often eat food because we like it and not because it is good for us.In countries such as France and Britain.people eat foods with too much sugar.This makes them overweight,which is bad for their health.Eating too much red meat and animal products,such as butter, can also be bad for the health.Choosing the fight food,therefore,has become an area of study in modem life.

1.We can infer from the text that humans and animals.

A.eat entirely different food

B.are not satisfied with their food

C.choose food in similar ways

D.depend on one sense in choosing food

2.Which of the following eats only one type of food?

A.The white butterfly

B.The small bird

C.The bear

D.The fox

3.Certain animals change their choice of food when

A.they are attracted by different smells

B.the food color changes

C.they move to different places

D.the season changes

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that

A.food is chosen for a good reason

B.French and British food is good

C.some people have few choices of food

D.some people care little about healthy diet



During the wars, a soldier looked after his horse with the greatest care.He gave it the best wheat to eat and the water to drink.He dried it carefully with a towel when it got wet and it with a warm blanket on cold winter nights. , the horse was strong andswift and carried its master out of the dangers of

When peace came, however, the soldier .He put the out in a field full of wild plants and gave it only a little food to eat.He left the horse in a worn-out place with a roof and a floor made of mud.During the day the made the horse work hard on his farm, a large amount of wood and pulling heavy wagons (四轮货车).

After some time war broke out .The soldier prepared himself for the war and went to the field to his horse.Hurriedly brushing the mud from its coat, he the horse.For a moment the horse stood there without .Then gradually its legs began to bend it sank slowly to the ground.The horse gave the soldier a look of

“Master,”it said, “you'll have to on foot this time.You have made me work like a mule (骡子) and me like a goat.I cannot change back into a horse in an instant just because you want me to.”

1.A.dearest B.clearest C.coldest D.deepest

2.A.thanked B.visited C.welcomed D.covered

3.A.As a result B.At peace C.In a sense D.In fact

4.A.safely B.politely C.sadly D.angrily

5.A.fire B.storm C.war D.flood

6.A.succeeded B.understood C.changed D.left

7.A.horse B.cow C.mule D.goat

8.A.dying B.lying C.living D.playing

9.A.good-looking B.long-lasting C.ready-made D.broken-down

10.A.farmer B.soldier C.sailor D.officer

11.A.carrying B.cutting C.selling D.making

12.A.lately B.often C.again D.soon

13.A.comfort B.kill C.protect D.catch

14.A.helped out B.got on C.believed in D.let off

15.A.speaking B.complaining C.crying D.moving

16.A.long B.lovely C.skinny D.strong

17.A.though B.and C.but D.for

18.A.dissatisfaction B.pleasure C.surprise D.fear

19.A.fight B.compete C.travel D.finish

20.A.talked about B.shouted at C.used D.fed

New Yorkers and visitors to the Big Apple will get to ring in the Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year in the U.S., in style with a fireworks display on the Hudson River set to music written by Academy Award-winning composer Tan Dun.

The display is part of the second annual “Happy Chinese New Year: Fantastic Art China” festival held in New York on February 5-10, 2016. The China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), the U.S.-China Cultural Institute and the Cultural Associate of the Committee of 100 announced this year’s events on November 18 at a press conference at the Lincoln Center.

The “Fantastic Art China” festival will feature a larger and more diverse series of artistic and cultural events across New York’s top cultural venues (地点) and landmarks, including the Lincoln Center, Empire State Building and Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

This year’s theme focuses on exploring the complicated relationship between sound and image, said Professor Yu Ding from CAFA, who is also president of Fantastic Art China and in charge of the festival’s design. Lunar New Year, which celebrates the “Year of the Monkey” in 2016, is an opportunity to bring China’s modern art to mainstream America, and the festival serves as an innovative approach to establishing cultural exchange between China and New York City, Yu said.

UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Tan Dun’s music is a new edition that will be featured at several venues, including a major art exhibition at the Javits Center, events at the Lincoln Center and the fireworks display on the Hudson, which will take place on the evening of February 6. Five barges (游艇) on the river will launch the fireworks designed by CAFA that will tell a story about celebration and conservation.

“We Chinese are fond of nature, so the best way to celebrate the Lunar New Year is to salute with the sounds of nature, such as sounds of water, stone and bamboo,” said Tan Dun at the press conference, “And it will be fun to use the music of water during the firework display.”

In addition to the fireworks, a special lighting show at the Empire State Building will illuminate New York City during the holiday.

Chinese New Year is being recognized as a public school holiday for the first time in New York. Children from the National Dance Institute, which represents 75 schools, will perform traditional Chinese dances at the Lincoln Center and the Javits Center. And, in celebration of the “Year of the Monkey” events will feature a conservation message about the endangered golden monkey in China.

1.The theme of this year’s celebration is centered on ________.

A. diversity of Chinese traditional festivals

B. relationship between sound and image of nature

C. endangered species and environment protection

D. cultural exchange between China and America

2.The coming “Year of the Monkey” is to be celebrated in New York by ________.

A. sailing on the Hudson River along with a new-year speech

B. holding a special concert at the Empire State Building

C. setting off fireworks and holding a special lighting show

D. taking a week off and organizing Chinese dance contests

3.What does the underlined word “illuminate” (in Para. 7) most probably mean?

A. Lighten. B. Surround. C. Decorate. D. Broaden.

4.This passage is written mainly in order to ________.

A. compare some traditional festivals in China and America

B. attract visitors to America for the coming new-year celebration

C. strengthen the cultural co-operation between China and America

D. report celebration activities for the “Year of the Monkey” in New York

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