
为满足人们日益增长的健身需求,我国政府于2009年将每年的8月8日定为“全民健身日”。今年的“全民健身日”即将来临,为了让这项活动更加深入人心,某英文报纸举办了一场征文比赛。现在请你以“Let’s Do Sports ”为题写一篇短文,向该报投稿。


*Do you think it is important for everyone to do sports?

*What sports do you like?Why do you like it/them?

*Do you often do sports with your friends and parents?

*How often and how long do you do sports?

*How do you feel after doing sports?



Let’s Do Sports



To me, kindness is a chosen lifestyle. In my classroom, I tell my _____that every day they are offered a choice. They can’t choose what happens to them, but they can choose how they ______to it. Kindness is a ______. And it is a lifestyle. It isn’t something that we just choose once in a while---- it is a(n)______to live our lives.____, he chose how to react to it. To this day, seventeen years later , the nurses ______ write my mother letters. The ______? It was because of my father’s kindness to others even when he was _____ against the disease. He made kindness a lifestyle.

And I want to be ______ him.

Every day as a teacher, I try and teach my students the kindness lifestyle. Just recently, I turned 40 and a friend gave me 40 individual dollar bills. She challenged me to do something _____ with the money. I gladly accepted the challenge.

I gave 40 of my students one dollar each and challenged them to make a(n) _____. What happened? My Twitter and Instagram were ______with pictures of kids making the world a better place. One girl bought a dollar store stuffed animal(填充玩具). It was______that kids should have made a difference when they were given the___.

Living the kindness lifestyle _____ every day, every opportunity. As a high school teacher, I see _____ everywhere. In the hallways, in the lunchroom, in the locker room, ______words and gossip(随笔) fill the air. So I started a hashtag (标签) to _____ positive gossip called “third party compliments(称赞)”. The idea is that you talk about people behind their backs, but do it in a _____ way. In that way, the gossip that gets back to students makes their day instead of getting them down.

Our kindness lifestyle leaves a footprint on others, and let us be the movers and kindness-makers who________a better, more beautiful world.

1.A. teachers B. classmates C. students D. friends

2.A. respond B. refer C. return D. contribute

3.A. mood B. goal C. benefit D. choice

4.A. spirit B. way C. chance D. idea

5.A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Furthermore

6.A. still B. never C. once D. just

7.A. meaning B. solution C. purpose D. reason

8.A. working B. struggling C. seeking D. exercise

9.A. against B. with C. before D. like

10.A. reasonable B. private C. necessary D. creative

11.A. promise B. difference C. profit D. achievement

12.A. concerned B. equipped C. flooded D. decorated

13.A. confusing B. natural C. common D. amazing

14.A. opportunity B. advertisement C. payment D. introduction

15.A. means B. increases C. makes D. explains

16.A. progress B. negativity C. trust D. harmony

17.A. hurtful B. inspiring C. touching D. humorous

18.A. call off B. call for C. turn down D. set aside

19.A. honest B. flexible C. positive D. cautious

20.A. requires B. allows C. promotes D. works

Doing voluntary work abroad is a great way for you to learn about service learning and know better about the world and different cultures. Visit our websites for further details.

Global Vision International

Experience everything in our adventure when you join us in a team of international volunteers under 18. Assist with the projects that will benefit poor children’s development and education. Discover the area’s splendid beaches, explore beautiful jungles and immerse(沉浸)yourself in the friendly local culture.

Cost: $2,990 Tel: 1-888-653-6028 Email: info@guiworld.com

Website: www. Volunteer and Adventure Experience in Costa Rica. Com

Broadreach Summer Adventures

Since 2993, Broadreach has taken over 12,000 students on their worldwide summer adventure volunteer programs for middle school, high school students. Their 75+ program offerings include marine biology, sailing, medicine, culture, arts, community service and leadership adventures. Programs are located in 40 +countries.

Cost: Staring at $3,880 Tel: 919-256-8200

Email: info@ gobroadreahc. Com Website: www. gobroadreach. com

Cross-Cultural Solutions

CCS teen summer service trips are for high school students aged 15-17. The High School Volunteer Abroad program offers you an awesome opportunity to volunteer side-by-side with local people. You can also meet new friends on a teens-only group volunteering project in Costa Rica, India, Peru, Ghana, and so on. You’ll participate in many cultural activities during the week and on weekends.

Cost: Contact us for pricing and availability

Tel: 1-800-380-4777

Email: info@crossculturalsolutions.org

Website: www. crossculturalsolutions. Org

United Planet

United Planet offers volunteer abroad programs in four destinations for those under 18. Volunteers may work in nursing home, Community Service Stations or in environmental conservation projects. Destinations include Romania, Peru, Ecuador and Chile. Candidates 16 years and older can apply.

Cost: According to the length of your stay Tel: 617-267-7763

Email: quest@unitedplanet. org Website: www. unitedplanet.org

1.If you join Broadreach Summer Adventures, you’ll_________.

A. travel around the world with 12,000 students

B. learn how to build a house on your own

C. experience adventures with your guide

D. get to know something about medicine

2.What can you do in Cross-Cultural Solutions?

A. Explore beautiful sights

B. Know more about sea life

C. Do volunteer work with local people

D. Have the opportunity to visit four destinations

3.Who may have great interest in the four programs?

A. Teens who want to volunteer abroad

B. People who want to work abroad

C. Teens who want to study abroad

D. People who want to travel abroad

We are often unable to pay close attention to what we hear. But sometimes we try to remember everything a speaker say. We turn into sponges, taking in a speaker’s every word as if every word was equally important. We try to remember all the names, all the dates, and all the places. In the process we often miss the speaker’s main point.

Erik Waldman works at a design company. Knowing he had never been good at budgeting his money, he was determined to begin thinking about his economic future. When his employer circulated an e-mail announcing a financial planning seminar, Erik signed up right away.

The first period was about retirement planning. Simone Fisher, the lecturer, explained that 7 of 10 Americans between the ages of 22 and 35 do not have a regular savings plan. Erik wrote down every number Simone mentioned.

“If you want to have a retirement income equal to 75 percent of your current salary,” Simone continued, “you will need to invest at least of 6 percent of your present earnings, and beyond that you need to consider future inflation rates(通货膨胀率). I will help you calculate your individual savings needs soon. In the meantime, I want to stress that the most important thing is to start saving now.”

Erik recorded all the statistics Simone used. When she opened the floor for question, Erik raised his hand and said, “I have two question. When is the best time to start saving for retirement ? And how am I supposed to figure out my savings target if I don’t know what inflation rates will be in the future?”

This is a typical example of losing the speaker’s point by concentration on details. Erik had fixed his mind on remembering all the statistics in Simone’s presentation, but he blocked out the man message. Rather than trying to remember everything, efficient listeners usually concentrate on main ideas and evidence.

1.What does the underlined part “We turn into sponges” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. We sometimes become other persons.

B. We often fail to focus our attention

C. We refuse to agree with the speaker.

D. We find it difficult to remember key things

2.During the first period of the seminar, Erik______.

A. focused on the lecture’s details

B. got Simone Fisher’s main idea

C. showed little interest in the lecture

D. knew how to calculate inflation rates

3.When hearing Erik’s questions, Simone might think______.

A. they were very good question

B. Erik was an excellent partner

C. they had just been discussed

D. they were hard to answer

4.What do we know about Erik?

A. His boss asked him to attend the lecture

B. He does badly in managing his money

C. He has a good memory

D. He is still a student


How to Write Product Descriptions Like a Professional

Whenever you sell any type of product, you have to convince someone why they should make a purchase. 1. You can hire a product description writing service or you can deal with it yourself We believe writing a convincing copy is the key. Here's how to write product descriptions like a professional.

●Read the Best Copy

You can't write a description until you know how experts are doing it. 2. Using Amazon is an ideal method to find the best-sellers in your category. If they've reached the list of best-sellers they're doing something right


Normally, the specifications provided by the producer give you the bare facts about the product and nothing else.4.Ask the producer to talk to you about their product. Get the facts from a human and you'll discover the heart behind the product. This is what you need to present to potential customers.

●Cut Down

5. It doesn't matter if you produce a long story about how smooth the materials are or how the product is created in detail. It's always easier to cut everything down. Of course it always takes practice to get this right.

Writing a persuasive product description requires a lot of time and effort. Multiple drafts are often needed to find the best words for the job.

A. Consult the producer

B. Begin the first draft carefully

C .There's no soul to these statistics

D. Speak to someone you trust about your ideas

E. Look at your chosen field and find the best-sellers

F. Don't write a 50-word product description immediately

G .You need to get your product description right in order to do this

Fun doesn’t have to be expensive

Everyone likes to have fun, but not everyone has much money to spend. Here are some free or cheap ways to enjoy yourself.

Go outside

Going outside in good weather can be a lot of fun if you don’t want to stay at home. 1. If you live in a city, you can go window-shopping. Or you can explore an old part of town and admire the buildings.

Try a hobby

While you’re out, take pictures of things you find. Planning and taking pictures can make you aware of the beauty all around you. Photographic equipment can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. You probably already own a camera or a cell phone that can take pictures. Other creative hobbies can also be done with basic materials. 2.

Find an event

Libraries often hold free public events. 3. And while you’re there, borrow a book or movie for free. Museums and universities also hold free events.

If you can’t find a free event, you can volunteer at an event that requires tickets. People who organize concerts and plays need help. 4. Sometimes they reward volunteers with free tickets.

Meet a friend

Relationships are often the best things in life. 5. For example, invite a friend for a walk, an event or a time working on your hobby. Hosting doesn’t have to be difficult. If your friend comes in the afternoon, you don’t have to serve a meal. You can sit and talk, play board games or card games or watch a movie together.

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. Stop by one to find out what’s going on.

C. Hike or bicycle with a friend on a nearby path or in a park.

D. Whatever you do, find a friend to share it with.

E. It’s a good idea to stay at home to watch a movie.

F. You can set up or take down chairs or greet visitors.

G. Drawing and writing require nothing more than a pencil and paper.

Starting college is a difficult transition for many students. Here are some ways to make the transition a little bit easier.

Get involved. By joining a team, you not only get to meet older students who can help you get through the transition, you also make friends quickly and have things to do. One of the huge differences from high school to college is the amount of free time you have.1.

Have an open mind. Especially if you are going to a bigger school, it’s important to have an open mind. 2. Yet when you get to college, there are people from all over that have different views on things and act in a different way.

Stay focused. 3. . It is so easy to get caught up in your social life and forget about the academics. Remain focused on your schoolwork and figure out what you want to study, but be sure to have time for social activities as well.

4. Take care of your body. Being away from home and no longer having parents looking after you doesn’t mean you have to throw away all the things you learned about staying healthy. Eat healthily and play sports as you did in high school to stay in shape.

Again, the transition from high school to college can be extremely challenging.5. By following some of these tips, hopefully your transition will be a little smoother and you will get the most out of your freshman year in college!

A.Enjoy the sports.

B.Work to stay healthy.

C.When you are healthy, you feel better.

D.It may not come as easy to you as it does for some students.

E.How you decide to use it determines how well you do in school.

F.You may be used to the people from your town and your high school.

G.The main thing to remember when starting college is what you are actually there for.

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