
Doing voluntary work abroad is a great way for you to learn about service learning and know better about the world and different cultures. Visit our websites for further details.

Global Vision International

Experience everything in our adventure when you join us in a team of international volunteers under 18. Assist with the projects that will benefit poor children’s development and education. Discover the area’s splendid beaches, explore beautiful jungles and immerse(沉浸)yourself in the friendly local culture.

Cost: $2,990 Tel: 1-888-653-6028 Email: info@guiworld.com

Website: www. Volunteer and Adventure Experience in Costa Rica. Com

Broadreach Summer Adventures

Since 2993, Broadreach has taken over 12,000 students on their worldwide summer adventure volunteer programs for middle school, high school students. Their 75+ program offerings include marine biology, sailing, medicine, culture, arts, community service and leadership adventures. Programs are located in 40 +countries.

Cost: Staring at $3,880 Tel: 919-256-8200

Email: info@ gobroadreahc. Com Website: www. gobroadreach. com

Cross-Cultural Solutions

CCS teen summer service trips are for high school students aged 15-17. The High School Volunteer Abroad program offers you an awesome opportunity to volunteer side-by-side with local people. You can also meet new friends on a teens-only group volunteering project in Costa Rica, India, Peru, Ghana, and so on. You’ll participate in many cultural activities during the week and on weekends.

Cost: Contact us for pricing and availability

Tel: 1-800-380-4777

Email: info@crossculturalsolutions.org

Website: www. crossculturalsolutions. Org

United Planet

United Planet offers volunteer abroad programs in four destinations for those under 18. Volunteers may work in nursing home, Community Service Stations or in environmental conservation projects. Destinations include Romania, Peru, Ecuador and Chile. Candidates 16 years and older can apply.

Cost: According to the length of your stay Tel: 617-267-7763

Email: quest@unitedplanet. org Website: www. unitedplanet.org

1.If you join Broadreach Summer Adventures, you’ll_________.

A. travel around the world with 12,000 students

B. learn how to build a house on your own

C. experience adventures with your guide

D. get to know something about medicine

2.What can you do in Cross-Cultural Solutions?

A. Explore beautiful sights

B. Know more about sea life

C. Do volunteer work with local people

D. Have the opportunity to visit four destinations

3.Who may have great interest in the four programs?

A. Teens who want to volunteer abroad

B. People who want to work abroad

C. Teens who want to study abroad

D. People who want to travel abroad


Below are some of London's must-see museums.

Science Museum

The Science Museum features seven floors of educational and entertaining exhibits, including the Apollo 10. The Wellcome Wing shows developments in modern science, medicine and technology. The Medical History Gallery in the museum contains a large collection of medical history treasures. Exhibits in the Exploring Space galleries include models of the Huygens Titan probe(探测器) and Beagle 2 Mars Lander. Tickets to the museum’s in-house IMAX cinema cost extra.

Natural History Museum

The handsome Alfred Waterhouse building houses a collection that contains some 70 million plant, animal, fossil, rock and mineral samples. The Natural History Museum’s Life Galleries are devoted to displays on animal life. The Earth Galleries explore the natural forces that shape our planet, the treasures we take from it, the effect we have on it and its place in the universe. The museum’s wildlife garden attracts urban wildlife such as dragonflies and blackbirds and highlights inner-city wildlife conservation.

London Transport Museum

Among the vehicles on display at the London Transport Museum is the first underground electric train, which had no windows because there was nothing to see underground. The trouble was that no one could tell which stop they were at, a small problem solved by employing an athletic announcer who ran to each carriage at every station, shouting out the stops. Dating from 1890, this is one of the several museum exhibits you can board. The design gallery is in memory of Frank Pick, the man responsible for rolling out the London Underground brand and giving each line its own character.

Museum of London

The history of London, from prehistoric times to the present is told in the Museum of London through reconstructed interiors(内部) and street scenes, alongside displays of original artifacts found during the museum’s archaeological digs. Check the website before your visit as a packed program of temporary exhibitions, talks, walks and children’s events is central to the life of the Museum of London.

1.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. report the opening of four latest museums of London

B. present a brief introduction to the history of four museums

C. introduce four famous museums in London

D. show the significance of visiting the museums

2.What can visitors do in the Natural History Museum?

A. Design plant, animal, fossil, rock and mineral samples.

B. Watch displays on plant life.

C. See some urban wildlife.

D. Learn about the history of London.

3.Why was an athletic announcer employed for the first underground electric train?

A. To show tourists around the train.

B. To guide passengers to the train.

C. To remind passengers of train delays.

D. To inform passengers of the stops.

4.At which museums can visitors watch films?

A. Science Museum B. Natural History Museum

C. London Transport Museum D. Museum of London

GRANDMOTHER, Michelle Riotton, a 78 old, survived after falling down a mountain valley. She set off for a walk alone dressed only in a light jacket and trousers. "I slipped into a valley!" said Mrs. Riotton, who said the fall happened in a deep forest close to her home village.

It was warm and sunny when the accident happened, but temperatures dropped to very low when night fell, and it rained. "I wasn’t afraid," said Mrs Riotton. "But I was worried that my children and grandchildren would become too worried about me." Mrs Riotton said she covered herself in leaves when feeling cold, taking very small bites of two biscuits which she had in her pocket and drinking rainwater which fell down her face.

She spent six nights before she was found on Saturday. She was lying at the bottom of the valley, which was less than a mile from her home. The search had once been stopped, but Patrice Fossard, one of her neighbors, insisted that the search continue. "There was no way we could give up her, even if deep inside we felt we had little hope of finding her alive," said Mr Fossard. "It was a miracle that Michele was finally found."

Mrs Riotton said she would be taking life easier from now on. "Enough is enough!" she said. "No more forests--I don’t want to visit one again."

A mountain policeman said walking alone in the mountain was not recommended and that Mrs Riotton should have carried a mobile phone with her. "The mountains are particularly dangerous at this time of year as sunny afternoons can quickly change into cold, wet and stormy evenings," he said. "Anybody walking into the mountains should carry safety equipment and be prepared for any kind of emergency."

1.When Michelle Riotton was in the valley, she _________.

A. was hurt too badly to move B. missed her home very much

C. didn’t feel afraid D. felt very hungry

2.Michelle Riotton covered herself with leaves to __________.

A. keep warm during her suffering B. prevent the harmful animals

C. make herself noticed by others D. avoid getting wet in the rain

3.Michelle Riotton got lost on _________.

A. Saturday B. Monday

C. Wednesday D. Sunday

4.According to the mountain policeman, _________.

A. the mountains in the morning are very dangerous

B. one had better not walk in the mountains alone

C. people should carry safety equipment every day

D. people wouldn’t be safe without a mobile phone

The Iron Lady

Margaret Thatcher, known as the Iron Lady, was one of the toughest political women in the world.

As the daughter of a businessman and mayor of Grantham, Margaret was educated at a very famous grammar school. 1. Upon graduation, she worked for four years as a research chemist. She then became a lawyer, doing an excellent job in taxation law, in 1954. Miss Margaret stood twice in elections for the Conservative Party before being elected to the House of Commons(下议院) in 1959. 2. After that she quickly became a spokesman for her party, and member of the Shadow Cabinet(影子内阁).

3. Thatcher spent quite a lot of time visiting schools and universities, who encouraged people to be creative. After the Conservatives lost power in 1974, she was appointed to the Shadow Cabinet. She was elected leader of the Conservative Party in the following year. In May 1979, she became Britain’s first female prime minister, after the Conservatives regained power from Labor.

4. She fought against labor organizations. According to a figure reported by her government, traditional industries were reduced to around 15,000 in total and she also made social housing and public transport private.

She left office on November 28, 1990 after she failed to carry out a fixed rate local tax, which led to huge popular protest from within her party. In 1992, she was appointed to the House of Lords(上议院), as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. In the last few years of her life, she has been busy with writing and public speech. This caused her increasingly poor health. 5.

A. She got a degree in chemistry at Oxford University.

B. Also she built strong association with US President Reagan.

C. In June 1970, she became secretary of state for education and science.

D. In power, she was best known for her reducing Britain’s traditional industries.

E. Therefore, she had to give up many chances of attending public activities.

F. Thatcher was appointed as a Minister in 1961.

G. Thatcher was well-known as a female leader.

Many people think that babysitting is one of the_______jobs for young people. They imagine a teenager putting a few well-behaved children to bed and then continuing to watch television until the parents return home to hand over some money. Well, I can tell you how_______that thought is.

I now work all_______on Wednesdays for a Ukrainian family with three young boys. In the early morning, I go there to _______the older two while their mother does her jobs or takes care of her six-month-old baby. However, I am also there to_______their English by teaching them songs and games in my native language.

Now, four months later, I get home at the end of the day_______exhausted!Babysitting is not a job for the_______or the weak. I expected_______children who would behave well and listen to me all the time. _______,I don’t think those kind of children exist at all. While my two boys are usually polite and calm, they are_______children and also like to fight, scream and lose their temper for no real_______. I often have no idea why they cry together.

Being a babysitter requires you to play a hundred different_______throughout the day. I have to be a friend when I play with the boys, but their _______when I tell them to do something. When they hurt themselves, I have to be their_______, and when they fight over_______ things like sharing their crayons(彩笔),I have to be a negotiator(调停者)。 When lunchtime rolls around, I am a(n) _______to prepare the meal and then a maid as I clean up after lunch. Finally, in English, if someone is very_______, we say they have the “Patience of God”. I think I embody(体现) this _______sometimes!

Despite the_______involved in my job, I usually do enjoy it. Working with children is so tiring that I always feel_______after leaving them with their parents at the end of the day!

1.A. hardest B. worst C. easiest D. heaviest

2.A. wrong B. wonderful C. right D. believable

3.A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. day

4.A. take off B. struggle against C. send for D. look after

5.A. learn B. improve C. explore D. recognize

6.A. suddenly B. gradually C. completely D. exactly

7.A. lazy B. young C. strong D. rich

8.A. impolite B. perfect C. tall D. noisy

9.A. Amazingly B. Strangely C. Sadly D. Hopefully

10.A. traditional B. formal C. unusual D. ordinary

11.A. purpose B. doubt C. reason D. question

12.A. jobs B. parts C. looks D. toys

13.A. teacher B. gardener C. driver D. assistant

14.A. nurse B. trainer C. guide D. protector

15.A. surprising B. unimportant C. serious D. expensive

16.A. manager B. eater C. adviser D. cook

17.A. patient B. impatient C. energetic D. lucky

18.A. action B. language C. lesson D. expression

19.A. satisfaction B. exhaustion C. disagreement D. kindness

20.A. frightened B. energetic C. relaxed D. nervous

Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:

Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from Dinosaur (恐龙) models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.

Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.

Visit art museums. They offer all kinds of activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings( 签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.

Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.

1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit _________ .

A. a Youtheater B. a natural history museum

C. an art museum D. a hands-on science museum

2.What can kids do at a Youtheater?

A. Look at rock collections. B. See dinosaur models.

C. Give performances. D. Watch puppet making.

3.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?

A. Learning science by doing things. B. Science games designed by kids.

C. A show of kids' science work. D. Reading science books.

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A science textbook. B. A tourist map.

C. A museum guide. D. A news report.

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