Dear Eric£¬
How glad I am to hear from you!
Yours truly£¬

·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪÌá¸Ù×÷ÎÄ£¬ÈÃÎÒÃǸøÃÀ¹úÅóÓÑEric»ØÐÅ£®ÕâÐèÒªÎÒÃÇ·¢»ÓÓ¢Óï˼ά£¬½«ÌṩµÄÐÅÏ¢ÓÃÓ¢ÓïÍêÕûÁ÷³©µÄ±í´ï³öÀ´£®Ð´×÷ÐèÒªÓõÚÒ»È˳ƣ¬Ê±Ì¬Ö÷ÒªÊÇÒ»°ã½«À´Ê±£¬ÄÚÈÝÒªµã°üÀ¨£º½éÉÜ´«Í³½ÚÈÕ´º½Ú£»Ì¸Ì¸Ä¿Ç°Ñ§Ï°Çé¿ö£»ÑûÇëËûÊî¼ÙÀ´Öйú£®ÎÒÃÇ´Ëƪ×÷ÎÄ·ÖΪÁ½²¿·Ö£¬µÚÒ»²¿·ÖΪ½éÉÜ´«Í³½ÚÈÕ´º½Ú¼°Ä¿Ç°Ñ§Ï°Çé¿ö£®µÚ¶þ²¿·ÖΪÑûÇëËûÊî¼ÙÀ´Öйú£®
celebrate the Spring FestivalÇì×£´º½Ú
put our heart in ͶÈë
look forward to ÅÎÍû
Give my best regards to ¸øijÈË´øÈ¥×£¸£
We celebrated the Spring Festival£¬when we always have a family get-together and eat dumplings£®´Ë¾äÓÃÁ˶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÏÈÐдÊthe Spring FestivalÔÚ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷ʱ¼ä×´ÓËùÒÔÓÃwhen£®
If we put our heart in doing something£¬everything you try will be possible£®Ìõ¼þ×´Óï´Ó¾ä×¢Òâʱ̬£¬Ö÷¾äÓÃÒ»°ã½«À´Ê±£¬´Ó¾äÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ±í½«À´£®

½â´ð Dear Eric£¬
How glad I am to hear from you!
Now£¬our winter holiday is just over and we have begun our new term£®During the winter holiday£¬we celebrated the Spring Festival£¬when we always have a family get-together and eat dumplings£®It's really fantastic!I'm in senior 3 and this is my last term in high school£®It's one of the most important parts in my life£®As you said£¬if we put our heart in doing something£¬everything you try will be possible£®Though the school days are tough for me£¬I will still work hard£®½éÉÜ´«Í³½ÚÈÕ´º½Ú¼°Ä¿Ç°Ñ§Ï°Çé¿ö
I will be free this summer£®How I wish you could come to China!I'm looking forward to your visit to my hometown£®
Give my best regards to your family£®ÑûÇëËûÊî¼ÙÀ´Öйú
Li Hua

µãÆÀ µÚÒ»²½£ºÉóÌ⣬ȷ¶¨Ìå²Ã¸ñʽ¡¢Ö÷Ìåʱ̬¡¢ÖÐÐÄÈ˳ƺÍÄÚÈÝÒªµã£¬±ÜÃâÌî±íʽ»òÂÄÀú±íʽ±í´ï£®

20£®Allan Paul£¬a final year engineering student£¬was considered as a safe driver by all who knew him£®One sunny morning£¬Allan was on his way home from his friend's house on his favourite bike£®All of a sudden£¬due to a major £¨31£©B by a truck driver near a traffic signal£¬Allan's bike was hit by the huge truck£®Poor Allan lost his legs and was £¨32£©C in the middle of the road£¬trembling£®
He cried out for help but no one troubled to £¨33£©A£®They were afraid of the consequences they could face if they gave Allan £¨34£©D£®
There was a huge crowd gathering£¬£¨35£©B Allan like he was an alien£®Allan kept crying and shouting aloud and finally he £¨36£©C his body to the sidewalk£®Then he saw a man getting out of a car£®Allan £¨37£©A him and cried out£¬"Please help me£®I want to live£®Save me£¬I am £¨38£©D£®"
The man ran over and £¨39£©B£®He picked up Allan and took him to the hospital£®Allan gave him his £¨40£©C number and the man then called Allan's house to inform his parents about the £¨41£©A and their son's situation£®Allan's parents rushed to the £¨42£©D£» the doctors told them there was no £¨43£©B and asked them to take Allan home since it was impossible for him to £¨44£©A£®
Allan asked his parents to only £¨45£©C one person when he died£¬the man who had helped him£®He also requested that they not inform or allow anybody else to see his dead body£®Allan £¨46£©Bthe same night£®As was Allan's last £¨47£©C£¬his father called only that man and informed him about Allan's £¨48£©D£®?
Only a person£¬who has a £¨49£©A heart and who offers his service for the good of his fellow human beings£¬is a man£®Those who £¨50£©C to£¬remain animals forever£®

33£®A£®pick him upB£®take him inC£®calm him downD£®leave him alone
34£®A£®some supportB£®some adviceC£®a liftD£®a helping hand
37£®A£®turned toB£®thought ofC£®pointed atD£®called on
46£®A£®broke downB£®passed awayC£®gave inD£®burned out
20£®[1]Katharine Meyer was born in New Yolk City in 1917£®In 1917£¬her father£¬Eugene Meyer bought a failing newspaper£¬The Washington Post£®It was the least successful of five newspapers in Washington£®She married Philip Graham£¬who became publisher of The Washington post£®Mr£®Graham improved the newspaper£®He bought Newsweek magazine and several television stations£®He also established close ties with important political leaders£®
[2]For many years£¬Mr£®Graham suffered from mental illness£®He killed himself in 1963£®In those days£¬it was ______ for a woman to be the head of a business£®Women were expected to supervise only their homes and children£®She did not think she had the ability to do an important job£®She had no training in business or experience in operating a large company£®
[3]Katharine Graham met with officials of The Post£®She said it would remain in her family£®She was elected president of The Washington Post Company£®She had no idea about how to operate a newspaper£®So she decided to learn£®She began by hiring Benjamin Bradlee£®He later became chief editor£®Mr£®Bradlee improved the newspaper£¬too£®He hired excellent reporters and editors£®They began doing important investigative reporting£®In 1969£¬Katharine Graham became publisher as well as president of The Washington Post Company£®
[4]Katharine Graham was recognized around the world as an important leader in newspaper publishing£®She was the first woman to head a major American company£®She successfully expanded The Washington Post Company to include newspaper£¬magazine£¬broadcast and cable companies£®
[5]Katharine Graham once wrote£º"A world without newspapers would not be the same kind of world£®"After her death£¬the employees of The Washington Post wrote£º"A world without Katharine Graham will not be the same at all£®"
66£®What is the text mainly about£¿£¨no more than 8 words£©A woman who succeeded finally throughout the difficulties£®
67£®Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with one proper word£®difficult
68£®What did Benjamin Bradlee do to improve The Washington Post£¿£¨no more than 6 words£©He did important investigative reportings£®
69£®Why was Katharine Graham recognized as an important leader in newspaper publishing£¿£¨no more than 15 words£©Because she was the first woman to head a major company and successfully expanded it£®
70£®Explain the underlined sentence in the last Paragraph in simple English£®£¨no more than 10 words£©Newspapers are very important in our life£®£®
7£®[1]Joshua Lionel Cowen£¬a New York inventor£¬was born in l 877£®In 1 900£¬he created maybe the most popular Christmas toy of the last century-little electric trains that circle Christmas trees£®More than 50 million Lionel train sets have been sold worldwide£¬and today Lionel produces more than 300 miles of track each year£®
[2]Like many American inventors£¬Josh Cowen£¬who died in l965£¬was self-taught£®According to history books£®when he was 7 he carved a wooden toy train and tried to put a little steam engine on it£®The engine blew up£¬but there were no complaints from his parents and eight brothers and sisters£®
[3]As a 23-year-old working at an electric fan company£¬Cowen dreamed up putting a little battery-powered fan motor onto a wooden toy train he called the Electric Express£®He took it to a toy store£¬and they put it in the window to replace a train you had to push around by hand£®Within days£¬Christmas shoppers snapped up six Lionel trains£¬and the company business took off£®
[4]While there were many toy train companies-the first electric train was exhibited at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago-Cowen's invention beat them a11£®probably because he tied it to Christmas and produced the toy villages and other things to put around the tree and the train£®Still£¬competition has not stopped£®Today there are many companies making toy trains of all sizes£¬some on tracks using electricity£¬some on the floor using wind-up springs£¨·¢Ìõ£©£®
[5]One of the best places in Washington to see a big toy train display is the U£®S£®Botanic Garden£®The big glass building at the foot of the U£®S£®Capitol has a single train running in one room and a bunch of trains in another big room£®____________________________ is one of the most popular holiday attractions in the city£®

66£®What does the author want to tell us about Joshua Lionel Cowen in Paragraph l£¿£¨no more than 8words£©He was a very successful inventor£®£®
67£®What was Cowen's family's attitude toward his devotion to invention£¿£¨no more than 6words£©They understood him£®/They supported him£®£®
68£®What made Cowen succeed at the 1893World's Fair£¿£¨no more than 8words£©He connected/tied his invention to Christmas£®£®
69£®Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 in English£®Very soon£¬Christmas shoppers bought six Lionel trains£¬and the company business became successful£®£®
70£®Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 5with proper words£®£¨no more than 8words£©The big toy train display/show/exhibition£®
4£®Chinese Dinner Table
Of course£¬the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork£¬but that's only superficial£®Besides£¬in decent restaurants£¬you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork£¬if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough£®The real difference is that in the West£¬you have your own plate of food£¬while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares£®If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you're in the country for the first time£¬he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes£®
The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes£¬to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes£®Soup then will be served £¨unless in Guangdong style restaurants£© to be followed by staple food ranging from rice£¬noodles to dumplings£®If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes£¬you should say so in good time£¬for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all£®
Perhaps one of the things that surprise a western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests£®In formal dinners£¬there are always"public"chopsticks and spoons for this purpose£¬but some hosts may use their own chopsticks£®This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness£®It is always polite to eat the food£®If you do not eat it£¬just leave the food in the plate£®
People in China tend to over-order food£¬for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed£®When you have had enough£¬just say so£®Or you will always overeat!
43£®The real difference on dinner table between China and West is thatD£®
A£®You're treated to a formal dinner for the first time£®
B£®On Chinese dinner table£¬chopsticks replace knife and fork£®
C£®The host will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes£®
D£®You have your own plate of food in West while in China everyone shares the dishes£®
44£®If you have a dinner in a Chinese home£¬in which order will the food be served£¿C
a£®serving soup£®
b£®a set of four cold dishes£®
c£®staple food such as rice£¬noodle or dumplings£®
d£®the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes£®
A£®badc          B£®cabd       C£®bdac        D£®cdab
45£®The"public chopsticks and spoons"are used toD£®
A£®taste different dishes
B£®consume the food in the plate
C£®show the friendship and politeness
D£®put food into the plates of their guests
46£®According to the message£¬the author's attitude towards Chinese dinner table isB
A£®critical      B£®objective    C£®negative     D£®positive£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
