9.A peacock was very unhappy with his ugly voice; and he spent most of his days complaining about it."It is true that you cannot sing;"said the fox,"but look how beautiful you are!"
"Oh,but what good is all this beauty;"cried the bird,"with such an unpleasant voice!"
"Listen,"said the fox,"each one owns something good; you have such beauty; the nightingale has his song; and the owl has his eyes.Even if you had a sweet voice,you would still complain about another thing.Why can't you just be happy about what you have already got?"
(1)你或你身边的人的类似事例; (2)谈谈你对该主题的看法.
分析 (高分句型一)But he never realizes that his parents love him so much,and how beautifully he can play the violin,which makes him the envy of his classmates.
(高分句型二)Many people around us focus on what they want instead of what they have.
高级词汇:focus on 集中于;dissatisfied不满意的;stay positive保持乐观;
解答 This story is about a peacock who complained about his ugly voice while actually he is very beautiful.A fox advised him to be content with what he was blessed with.(30个词概括总结)
The peacock reminds of my friend Mike,who is always upset.He complained his parents are too busy to stay at home with him,He complains he is too short to play basketball well.(高分句型一)But he never realizes that his parents love him so much,and how beautifully he can play the violin,which makes him the envy of his classmates.(举例子)
(高分句型二)Many people around us focus on what they want instead of what they have.As a result of their endless desires,they are often dissatisfied.In my opinion,we should stay positive and value what we have instead of complaining too much.If we remain grateful for what we already have and what we can fulfill,we may live a happier life.(我的看法)
点评 读写任务型写作是将阅读与写作有机结合,要求考生既能读懂文章信息,又要依据要求规范连贯地表达内容,其中准确概括很有挑战且十分重要,根据记叙文、议论文、说明文等不同文体作相应概括,总的来说,遵循以下步骤:确定主题句;寻找关键词;重构主题句;重组支持句.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型.

A. | referred | B. | having referred | ||
C. | to have referred | D. | referring |