
Oxford English Language Center

Information for New Students

CLASS TIME:8:30a. m. —10:00a. m.,10:30a. m. —12:00a. m.,1:30p. m. —3:00p. m..

The Language Center is open Monday to Friday. Each class has one afternoon free per week. On the first day, go to the lecture hall to check your timetable.

SELF—ACCESS:The language laboratory(Room 1110)is open Monday to Friday from 3:15p. m. to 5:00p. m. for all full-time students.

You can learn how to use computers for language games or word-processing. There are tapes for students to borrow to practice their English. Go in and ask the teacher to show you. If you plan to take public examinations, there are dictation and listening comprehension tapes for you to practice with. There are cloze exercises on the computers. Ask your class teacher for a list of past exam essays. Students can borrow tapes to take home but they must be returned after two days.

ATTENDANCE: All students are expected to attend classes as it is required. Students who do not attend classes will be reported to OSS. Eighty percent attendance is required for students to receive their certificates when they finish their courses. It is also required by OSS for an extension to your visa.

BOOKS: If students are given course books, the books are their responsibility. If a book is lost, the student will be expected to pay for it. If students wish to buy books, there is a bookshop in the college specializing in English books(Room 3520.

1.When do classes begin and end on a full day?

A. 8:30a. m. —1:30p. m.. B. 8:30a. m. —3:00p. m..

C. 8:30a. m. —3:15p. m.. D. 3:15p. m. —5:00p. m..

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. No teachers are in the language lab.

B. 90% attendance is required for the students.

C. Books can’t be taken out of the center.

D. Students can prepare for exams by listening to tapes.

3.The books that the students wish to buy are in ________.

A. the lecture hall B. the language laboratory

C. Room 1110 D. Room 3520


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1.This passage probably comes from ________.

A. a magazine B. a newspaper

C. the Internet D. a book

2.CareerBuilder.com offers the following EXCEPT ________.

A. Science & Biotech jobs

B. many ways to get the job searching done

C. names of the top companies hiring in Science & Biotech

D. the most functional and easy-to-use online job search for Science & Biotech jobs

3.Which of the following beat explains the underlined sentence?

A. The website only cooperates with some powerful companies to.

B. Different companies, whether big or small, work with this website.

C. All kinds of companies are likely to appear on the website.

D. All the nation's top companies are partners of this website.

4.This passage is written in order to ________.

A. introduce a website

B. help you find a job

C. introduce some ways of finding a job

D. make you click their website more often

The Square

Jack Dorsey, the co-inventor of Twitter, is promoting his latest invention called the Square. The square is a small plug-in attachment to your mobile phone that allows you to receive credit card payments.

The idea starting from Dorsey's friend Jim McKelvey who was unable to sell some glass work to a customer because he couldn't accept a particular card being used.

Accepting credit card payments for something you're selling isn't always easy, especially if you are mobile like a tradesman, or delivery service at a trade show.

This latest invention uses a small scanner that plugs into the audio input item on a mobile device. It reads information on a credit card when it is swiped(刷卡). The information is not stored on the device but sent over secure channels to banks. It basically makes any mobile phone a cash register for accepting card payments.

As a payer, you receive a receipt via email that can be instantly accessed securely online. You can also use a text message to authorize payment in real time. Retailers can create a payer account for their customers which speeds the payment process. For example, a cardholder can assign a photo to their card so their photo will appear on the phone for visual identity confirmation. Mobile devices with touch screens will also allow you to sign for goods.

There are no contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs to accept card payments using Square and it is expected the plug-in attachment will also be free of charge.

As with Twitter, it's expected that Dorsey will direct the company based upon feedback from users. Square Inc. has offices in San Francisco, Saint Louis and New York and is currently beta testing the invention with retailers in the United States.

1.Why is Jack Dorsey promoting his latest invention?

A. To test a plug-in attachment.

B. To identify a particular credit card.

C. To sell some glass work to a customer.

D. To allow people to receive credit card payments.

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A. The service performs only on special mobile phones.

B. The latest invention is just a small scanner.

C. The Square contains information on a credit card.

D. It is safe for your information to be sent to banks.

3.How can a cardholder receive a receipt?

A. By email online.

B. By oral message.

C. By a payer account.

D. Over safe channels to banks.

4.What does the writer imply in the last paragraph?

A. The invention may be used in the future.

B. The Square has already put into use widely.

C. The invention hasn’t been tested these days.

D. The Square is popular among people in the US.

It was August 2nd, 1927. The news had spread ______ .

A man named Craig Pierce was coming to the city of Bristol. He wanted to make recordings of local people singing and playing musical instruments. And he said he would ____ fifty dollars for each song recorded. That was a huge ____ in those days. Many people came to Bristol that day to ____ for Mr. Pierce. But one group seemed to have just the sound that he was ____. They were a man named A.P. Carter,his wife Sara,and her cousin Maybelle. They ____ themselves the Carter Family.

Their first recordings were sent to _____ throughout the United States. Many listeners were ___ at what they heard. Instead of classical or jazz songs that radio stations usually played,a new ___ was born. The Carter Family sounded ____ . They did not sound ____ they had taken music lessons. But it did not matter. The people in poor rural areas thought they sounded just like their ____ .

The Carters sang songs about living in the mountains of Virginia,Tennessee,and North Carolina. They sang about the _____ of a young man for a special girl. They sang about the beauty of nature. They sang about death and sadness. And they sang religious songs that told of the hope for a(an) ____ life after death.

A.P. Carter sang in the group and also searched for ____ songs. He often traveled long ____ to small towns in the southeastern United States. He wanted to hear the songs that ____ people sang in their communities. He wrote down the words but kept the music in his ____. When he returned home, he helped Sara and Maybelle fit them to the Carter Family musical ____. The Carter Family soon became popular. Within three years, the Carter Family sold 300,000 recordings.

Life is like a stage, on which gold will _____.

1.A. wide B. fast C. well D. short

2.A. bring B. take C. lend D. pay

3.A. sum B. celebration C. money D. instrument

4.A. wait B. listen C. play D. learn

5.A. looking for B. looking after C. picking up D. picking out

6.A. asked B. called C. wished D. showed

7.A. rural areas B. big cities C. radio stations D. families

8.A. surprised B. good C. slow D. annoyed

9.A. story B. singer C. song D. sound

10.A. interesting B. great C. appealing D. different

11.A. in case B. as if C. even if D. as long as

12.A. teachers B. farmers C. neighbors D. owners

13.A. beauty B. love C. respect D. description

14.A. bitter B. early C. worse D. better

15.A. new B. modern C. same D. exact

16.A. directions B. distances C. places D. trains

17.A. talented B. famous C. local D. old

18.A. diary B. memory C. songs D. stories

19.A. style B. program C. show D. concert

20.A. develop B. distinguish C. shine D. change

How to Survive High School

High school can be terrible phase if you get it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.

1. Be Yourself.

High school is a fun time to make new friends, meet new people, date and socialize. Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with. Most peer pressure cases are because of the weak image created by freshmen. 1. Don’t give in to anyone’s wants.


Choose your friends carefully and make sure you won’t get influenced by anyone. Socialize, but by judging who you can connect to. You will find friends, but stay away from the ones who don’t want to be your friends as a bad company is tempting, but the good one is true.

3. Be Optimistic.

There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can. 3. Don’t be afraid to make friends, don’t get aggressive or personal with anyone and treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the same in return.

4. Be Confident.

When you believe in yourself, others believe in you. Talk, walk and address people confidently and this will create a strong image about you. 4. Be creative and unique and learn to set trends. Confidence is one quality you grow with, and people respect you for that.

5. Love High School.

5. Make the most out of it, and you will never get those moments back. Come up with frank ideas, get a detention, top your class, make the best friends, drink, go to prom, party, but just make as many memories as you can!

With these tips to survive high school, you will surely be proud of graduating as an all-round approaching adult.

A. And always wear your smile

B. Keep Good Company

C. Just be yourself and create a strong self-image

D. Practice positive thinking

E. Do your thing, and don’t imitate others

F. Fall in love with it

G. Study as hard as you can in your spare time

Where do you go when you want to learn something? A friend? A tutor? These are all________aces of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really______want somewhere else instead. I had the______of seeing this first hand on a________.

Why daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did very well this season and so_______a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some______experiences on Saturday as they played again teams______trained. Through the first two games, her ______did not get on serious shot on goal. As a parent, I_______seeing my daughter playing her best, _______ still defeated.

IT seemed that something clicked with the______between Saturday and Sunday. When they ______for their Sunday game, they were______different. They had begun integrate (融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had______the day before into their______.They played aggressively and______ scored a goal.

It _____ me that playing against the other team was a great______moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. ______ is the best teacher. The lessons they may not be______what they would have gotten in school. But are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.

1.A. public B. traditional C. official D. special

2.A. passes B. works C. lies D. ends

3.A. dream B. idea C. habit D. chance

4.A. trip B. holiday C. weekend D. square

5.A. won B. entered C. organized D. watched

6.A. painful B. Strange C. common D. practical

7.A. less B. poorly C. newly D. better

8.A. fans B. tutors C. class D. team

9.A. imagined B. hated C. Avoided D. missed

10.A. if B. or C. but D. as

11.A. girls B. parents C. coaches D. viewers

12.A. Dressed B. showed up C. made up D. planned

13.A. slightly B. hardly C. Basically D. completely

14.A. seen B. Known C. heard D. read

15.A. styles B. training C. game D. rules

16.A. even B. still C. seldom D. again

17.A. confused B. Struck C. reminded D. warned

18.A. Touching B. thinking C. encouraging D. learning

19.A. Experience B. Independence C. Curiosity D. Interest

20.A. harmful to B. mixed with C. different from D. applied t

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