
Chinese consumers' crazy appetite for luxury goods and services appears unstoppable,with just 2 percent of the Chinese population responsible for one-third of the world's luxury items.

As China's economic miracle develops,the market opportunities for all sorts of luxury goods and services are increasing.Luxury consumption in China now extends ways beyond well-known car,clothing and jewelry brands.For example,the luxury jet market in China is the fastest-growing in the world,even outstripping that of the United States, with a market share of 25 percent.This trend appears to continue,with 20 to 30 percent growth expected in China, compared with only 2 to3 percent in the US.But more importantly,China's luxury jet market growth represents a major development in the private consumption of luxury items.

China's high-quality red wine market also provides evidence of the growth in private consumption of luxury goods.In 2013,China became the largest market for red wine in the world,even overtaking France,with l.86 billion bottles consumed in China last year.Over the past five years,China's red wine consumption has grown 136 percent.

According to my ongoing consumer research in this area while working at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing,public consumption of such expensive global luxury brands such as Prada and Armani is easily explained by the desire to "gain face" and publicly display social climbing through material possessions.On the other hand,it is "self-reward" that lies behind consumer motivation in this area.Chinese consumers who have experienced rapid financial and economic gains appear particularly prone to the need to reward themselves for their success.But this has little to do with "gaining face" and impressing others and much more to do with the need for personal contentment.

Finally,the growth in private luxury consumption in China is set to continue in part due to the maturity of the Chinese consumer and advancement of Chinese consumer culture generally.

1.What do you think the author would most probably be?

A. A news reporter. B. An accountant.

C. A professor. D. A conductor.

2.The underlined word "outstripping" in Paragraph 2 probably means" ".

A. falling far behind of B. going out of

C. going far ahead of D. keeping pace with

3.What can we learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3?

A. China's luxury jet market growth is only 2% to 3%.

B. France was once the largest market for red wine in the world before 2013.

C. The luxury jet market in the US shares 25%of the jet consumption in the world.

D. China's red wine consumption has increased to 1.86 billion bottles since 2013.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Future Private Luxury Consumption in China

B. Chinese Appetite for Luxury Goods and Services

C. The Potential Luxury Jet Market in China

D. The Maturity of the Chinese Consumers



Learn and Earn

Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. They both worked very hard. After several years, the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie a salesman. One day Charlie could not it any more. He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not hard-working employees, but only raised those who tried to please him. He thought that it was really .

The boss knew that Charlie had spared no for the company all these years, but in order to help Charlie to realize the between him and Jackie, the boss asked Charlie to do the following. “Go and if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market.” Charlie went, returned and said, “Yes.” The boss asked, “How much per kilogram?” Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to , “$ 12 per kg.”

The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the question. Jackie went, returned and said, “Boss, only one person selling watermelons. $ 12 per kg, $ 100 for 10 kg. He has a of 340 melons. On the table are 58 melons, and every melon weighs about 15 kg, from the South two days ago. They are fresh, red, and of good .”

Charlie was and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie. He decided not to but to learn from Jackie.

My dear friends, you know, a more person is more observant, thinks more and understands in . For the same matter, he sees several years ahead, you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, so how could you ?

Think: how far have you seen ahead in your life? How are you?

1.A. made B. became C. kept D.remained

2.A. do B. tolerate C. get D. put

3.A.value B. meet C. repay D.enjoy

4.A. unusual B. careless C.unfair D. selfless

5.A.effort B. trouble C. effect D.rest

6.A. competition B. relationship C.distance D.difference

7.A. carry out B.find out C. look out D. pick out

8.A.only B. again C. even D.still

9.A. offer B. remind C. answer D. repeat

10.A.difficult B.familiar C.simple D.same

11.A. lot B.total C. few D.number

12.A. taken B. come C. heard D.bought

13.A. value B. condition C.quality D. shape

14.A. moved B.struck C. puzzled D.encouraged

15.A.leave B. stop C. work D.stay

16.A.important B. intelligent C.hardworking D.successful

17.A. time B. need C.depth D. common

18.A. Though B.while C. unless D. since

19.A.win B.think C.know D.see

20.A.hopeful B.helpful C.thoughtful D. meaningful


?Yuanxiao, Chinese Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar. The festival ends the New Year's celebration. It is a fun festival. People carry lanterns and go into the streets at night to watch lion or dragon dances, play games and light firecrackers. Yuanxiao, a sweet dumpling made of rice flour, is the traditional food eaten during the festival. In Chinese, the festival is named after this food, which is said to represent family unity and happiness because it is sticky, round and sweet.

?The Dai Water?Splashing Festival

The Dai minority in Yunnan celebrate the Water?Splashing Festival in the middle of April. The festival celebrates the Dai Lunar New Year and lasts for three days. There are dragon races and fireworks displays on the first day and a fair on the second day. At the fair, young lovers throw love pouches to each other. The third day is the actual water?splashing day, people splash water on each other to wash away illnesses and bad luck and bring good luck for the coming year.


Losar is a Tibetan word for New Year.“Lo” means “year” and “sar” means “new”. As the most popular festival among Tibetans, it is celebrated from the first day in the first month to the fifteenth day based on the traditional Tibetan calendar.

On the last day of the year, people clean their houses and prepare for the festival. On the first day of the New Year, Tibetan women usually wake up early at about 5 o'clock, and prepare for a special kind of barley wine for the family which have tsamba, brown sugar, and milk dregs. The whole family have to drink the wine in their beds and then continue to sleep, while the housewives sit in front of their windows, waiting for the sunrise. As soon as they see the sun rays in the east, they go to the well for the first bucket of water in the New Year. It is said that water in the well is the freshest and sweetest at this time and the family who get the lucky water earliest will be the most fortunate.

1.People eat yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival because


A.it is the traditional food and has its symbolic meaning

B.it is delicious and easy to be made

C.it is sticky, round and sweet

D.it is made of rice flour

2.What can we know from Paragraph 2 about the word “fair”?

A.Young people splash water on each other at the fair.

B.It is the time when young people have meetings.

C.Young people find their lovers there.

D.Young people sing and dance there to celebrate the festival.

3.How many days does Tibetan Losar last?

A.2. B.3.

C.15. D.25.

4.The passage is mainly about________.

A.the culture and custom in China

B.the reason why people celebrate festivals

C.several festivals in China

D.the history of three festivals in China


The Verizon Innovative App Challenge gives kids a chance to create apps (计算机应用程序) that can solve problems in their community.

Do you want to make a difference in your community? The Verizon Innovative App Challenge can get you started. The first step is to think of a problem in your community. The next step is to create an app that can solve the problem.

Groups of five to seven students in middle school or high school, led by a teacher, can enter the contest. First, teams compete on a local level. Teams that make it to the next round receive D|S5,000 for their schools. Finalists present their app ideas to judges in a live webinar (网络研讨会).

Next, the judges pick national winners. The top eight teams receive an additional D|S15,000 for their schools, and each team member receives a Samsung tablet. Plus, the winning teams get the chance to bring their app to life.

A group of six girls from Los Fresnos, Texas, won the second annual Verizon Innovative App Challenge. They came up with the Hello Navi app concept, short for “hello navigation”. The app was designed to help visually?impaired students navigate their school by using an internal compass and voice?over technology. Read more about the team in September 19, 2016 issue of TIME For Kids: Edition 3-4.

Do you have an app idea that could help solve a local issue? The deadline to register is November 24, 2016. Find more information and register your team at www. verizonfoundation. org/appchallenge.

Here are some tips from the Verizon Foundation to get you started:

•Get your team together for a brainstorming meeting. Write out all the ideas that come to mind.

• Don't ignore challenges. Think of the problems that exist in your community.

•Ask family, friends, and people in your community to share their thoughts about problems that they want to see solved.

1.The Verizon Innovative App Challenge was launched to ________.

A.let students create apps to solve problems

B.call on students to put their ideas into practice

C.inspire students to focus on social problems

D.encourage students to cooperate with teachers

2.In which order should one follow to enter the Verizon Innovative App Challenge?

①You think of a problem in your community.

②Your team compete against others in your city.

③You invent an app with your partners and teachers.

④Winning teams can compete to become national winners.

A.①②③④ B.①③②④

C.①④②③ D.④①③②

3.What does the 5th paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The winning team and their app of the second Verizon Innovative App Challenge.

B.An app designed to help the disabled to work on the computer.

C.An app concept that navigates blind students to explore nature.

D.Six girls from Los Fresnos, Texas who signed up for the contest.

4.What's the purpose of the passage?

A.To tell readers how to solve a local issue.

B.To invite kids to join in the Verizon Innovative App Challenge.

C.To offer readers information about a talent show.

D.To appeal to adults to make contributions to society.


It's normal to wake briefly during the night. 1. But if you're waking up during the night and having trouble falling back asleep, the following tips may help.

Stay out of your head. The key to getting back to sleep is continuing to prepare your body for sleep, so remain in bed in a relaxed position. Hard as it may be, try not to stress over the fact that you're awake, because that very stress and anxiety encourage your body to stay awake. 2.

3. If you are finding it hard to fall back asleep, try a relaxation technique such as visualization (想象) or deep breathing, which can be done without even getting out of bed. Remind yourself that although they're not a replacement for sleep, rest and relaxation still help refresh your body.

Do a quiet, non?stimulating activity. If you've been awake for more than 15 minutes, try getting out of bed and doing a quiet, non?stimulating activity, such as reading a book. Keep the lights dim so as not to think that it's time to wake up. 4. A light snack might relax you, but be careful not to eat so much that your body begins to expect a meal at that time of the day.

5. If you wake during the night feeling anxious about something, make a brief note of it on paper and delay worrying about it until the next day when you are fresh and it will be easier to resolve.

A.Make relaxation your goal, not sleep.

B.Put off worries and troubles.

C.Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night.

D.In fact, a good sleeper won't even remember it.

E.Also avoid screens of any kind — computers, TVs, cellphones or iPads.

F.You'll be much more productive and creative after a good night's rest.

G.A good way to stay out of your head is to focus on the feeling of your body.


A new study warns that about thirty percent of the world’s people may not have enough water by the year 2025.

A private American organization called Population Action International(PAI) did the new study.It says more than 335 million people lack enough water now.The people live in 28 countries.Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.

PAI researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025,about 3,000 million people may lack water.At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water problems.The demand for water keeps increasing.Yet the amount of water on Earth stays the same.

Mr.Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the world.He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase.

The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems.It may increase health problems.Lack of water often means drinking waters is not safe.Mr.Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases,such as cholera which are carried in water.

Lack of water may also result in more international conflict.Countries may have to compete for water in the future.Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries.And the report says lack of water would affect the ability to improve their economies.This is because new industries often need large amounts of water when they are beginning.

The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem.One way,it says,is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose.Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water.A third way is to use less water for agriculture.

The report also says long--term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population growth.

Recently a professor of philosophy(哲学)in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life. He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day to day life has more meaning than we usually think. One of the exercises he has asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week. From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value(重视)in life.

The professor says our relation with others often becomes clearly defined(明确)when money enters the picture. You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some money.If he does,it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before. Otherwise it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t. Since money is so important to us, we consider those who are rich to be very important. The professor interviews some rich people in his research for his book.

Question: What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich?

Answer : The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect(尊重). I am nothing.I don’t know much.All I am is rich.

People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much money do I need for any given purpose in my life? In his book,the professor uncovered an important need in modern society:to bring back the idea that money is a tool rather than the end.Money plays an important role in the material world,but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

1.The students are asked to keep a record of every penny they spend to______.

A. learn how to spend money

B. learn how to make more money

C. know what to write in a record

D. know what is important in life

2.In the second paragraph, the professor mainly tells us ________.

A. never to borrow money from a friend

B. friendship disappears when it comes to money

C. money can influence friendship

D. money can weaken friendship

3.Through his book,the professor seems to tell us

A. money is very important in the material world

B. the purpose of our life is to make money

C. money does not surely mean happiness

D. we should value money in our life

4.Which of the following might the author disagree?

A. Money is important in modern society.

B. The meaning of life does not completely lie in money.

C. Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness.

D. Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.

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