
People are different. Some are extrovert. These people are outgoing, confident, and know the “gift of the gab”. They also feel very comfortable when in groups of people.
Unfortunately we have the other extreme. This is the introvert. The introvert feels sick in crowds, and does not like them. These people feel awkward in the crowds, when placed in this type of situation. Many introverts are shy and lack confidence. They need to get used to people, and want to run away when questioned by people.
The introvert feels very lonely in a crowd, but this could happen to the outgoing  as well.
I think that I fall into the middle of the two kinds. Sometimes if I am comfortable about the type of people in the crowds, I feel welcome. If for some reason the crowd consists of different types of people, then I do not feel very comfortable in the crowd.
So what do I do when I suddenly feel lost and alone in the crowd? I try to calm my mind by taking deep breath and telling myself that even this will pass. I then try, and get away from the crowd by making excuses or even trying to get to my car and go home. This, of course, is a poor excuse and doesn’t often work well. These are excuses that are employed. The ones that I am not so proud of are acting like I have an emergency to go to. This is a very good lie, but I feel really bad afterwards.
I have tried this one, and have succeeded. I try and find someone who feels just like I do. I then try and make a new friend. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not. This is quite a noble way of staying in the crowd.
小题1:What is the best title of the passage?
A.What is the character of the introvert?
B.Why do people feel lonely in a crowd?
C.How can we make ourselves calm down in a crowd?
D.What do you do when you suddenly feel lonely in a crowd?
小题2:The word “extrovert” is most likely to mean ______.
小题3:From the fourth paragraph we can infer that _____.
A.the writer is good at getting along with others
B.the writer does not like to deal with people from other regions
C.the writer sometimes does not feel very comfortable in the crowd
D.the writer has double personality when faced with different types of people
小题4:When the writer feels lonely, he prefers to calm down by _____.
A.making a callB.making excuses
C.holding his breathD.deep breathing


小题1:D主旨大意题。文章开头提出两种性格不同的人,然后提出自己偶尔会遇到的尴尬情况,接着提出“So what do I do when I suddenly feel lost and alone in the crowd?”,再就这个中心问题提出自己的应对方法,所以文章中心话题即为“如何去应对突然的孤独感”,故D选项正确。
小题2:C词义猜测题。从文章开头These people are outgoing, confident, and know the “gift of the gab”.对这些人的描述可以判断extrovert是指性格外向的人。所以正确答案是C。
小题3:C细节理解题。文章第四段提到then I do not feel very comfortable in the crowd.,由此可知作者有时在人群中会突然感觉不自在,所以C选项正确。
小题4:D细节理解题。I try to calm my mind by taking deep breath and telling myself that even this will pass.从文章第五段可知作者感到不自在的时候会通过深呼吸来调整自己状态,使自己平静下来。
In the United States and several other countries, 2.5 million children play baseball in an organization called Little League. They play on teams in their hometowns. Their parents and other adults in the community coach or instruct them and serve as umpires to make sure that everyone follows the rules. Local businesses give money for the ball fields and the uniforms. Local teams compete against each other and the winners get to play teams that are more distant. Eventually, the top teams go to the Little League World Series.
One hundred years after Abner Doubleday invented baseball in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839, Little League got started in Pennsylvania. Three men started the game for neighborhood boys with a smaller playing field and fewer innings than adult baseball. Little League became popular after World War II when the game spread across the United States. By 1955 it was played throughout North America and within five years it had spread to Europe. Children’s baseball really caught on in Japan and Taiwan of China and teams from those areas won the World Series seven out of eight years. After this, the organization tried banning foreign teams from the World Series, but the ban came to an end after one year.
At first, Little League was only for boys aged nine to twelve. However, in 1974, the parents of girl baseball players brought a law suit. The courts ruled that Little League had to include both boys and girls. Later Little League added on softball and other games for teenagers up to age eighteen. Occasionally a Little Leaguer becomes a professional player. For example, Gary Carter went from Little League to play nineteen seasons in the Major Leagues, ten of them as an All-Star player. But, by and large, youngsters play baseball for fun and because their parents are proud of them.
小题1:The mothers and fathers of Little League players ______.
A.help run the gamesB.travel in coaches
C.give the teams moneyD.play in the World Series
小题2:In what year was Little League established?
小题3:Why do most players take part in Little League?
A.To play in the Major League.
B.To have fun and please their parents.
C.They expect a profit from All-Star games
D.They want to learn how to serve as umpires.
小题4:What is true about players today?
A.Little League is only for neighbourhood boys.
B.Girl players have to buy their suits.
C.Girls and boys can participate to age eighteen.
D.Children can only play until age twelve.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?
Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream. Just ask John Harrison an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 21 years. Testing helps manufacturers (制造商) to be sure of a product’s quality. During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice cream—as well as for developing over 75 flavors (口味).
Some people think that it would be easy to do this job; after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No—there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a career in this “cool” field.
In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12℉. Harrison explains: “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir (搅拌) it, creating ice-cream soup.”
While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself, “Dose the product have the color expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!
Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors, and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy---working at one cool job.
小题1: What is John Harrison’s job?
A.An official.B.An ice-cream taster.
C.A chemist.D.An ice-cream manufacturer.
小题2:According to John Harrison, to be qualified(合格的) in the “cool field”, it is helpful to ________.
A.keep a diary of work
B.have a degree in related subjects
C.have new ideas every day
D.find out new flavor each day
小题3: What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?
A.He stirs the ice cream.
B.He examines the color of the ice cream.
C.He tastes the flavor of the ice cream.
D.He lets the ice cream warm up.
小题4:Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?
A.Tasting with EyesB.Flavors of Ice Cream
C.John Harrison’s LifeD.One Cool Job
Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear. Children know this very well. Fred Epstein, in his book I Make It to Five, tells a story he heard from one of his friends about Tom, a four-year-old boy with a cancer in his back bone. He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination.
Tom loved to pretend, and he particularly loved to play superheroes. Dr. Epstein explained that it was actually a brilliant way for his young mind to handle the terrifying and painful life he led.
The day before his third trip to the operating room, Tom was terribly afraid. “Maybe I could go as Superman,” he whispered to his mom. Hearing this, the mother hesitated for a while. She has avoided buying the expensive costume(戏装), but finally she agreed.
The next day Tom appeared as the powerful Superman, showing off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the people greeting him along the way. And Tom, with the strength of his fantasy, successfully made it through the operation.
The power of imagination need not be reserved for children only. We all have the power to use our fantasies to attempt things we never thought possible, to go through those things that seem impossible, and to achieve what we never believed we could. Just as Dr. Epstein puts it, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
It doesn’t mean that you should dress as a superhero for your next job interview. But, next time you are tested in a way that seems impossible, imagine what it would take to overcome it. Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it in your mind first. So, let your imagination run wild, and dare to dream.
小题1:What do we know about Tom?
A.He was seriously ill.
B.He was a dishonest boy.
C.He was crazy about magic.
D.He was Dr. Epstein’s patient.
小题2:What can be inferred about Tom’s mother?
A.She was a rich lady.
B.She refused Tom’s request.
C.She wanted Tom to be a superhero.
D.She wanted to get Tom through the pain.
小题3:When Tom went for the third operation, he_________.
A.pretended to be painfulB.acted like a superhero
C.appeared in poor spiritsD.argued with his mother
小题4:In the last paragraph, you are advised________.
A.to go through some difficult tests
B.to wake up from your wild dreams
C.to become a powerful person in your mind
D.to wear expensive clothes for job interviews
Your peers are people your age or close to it who have experiences and interests similar to yours. You and your friends make dozens of decisions every day, and you influence each other’s choices and behavior. This is often ________ --- it’s human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.
Sometimes, though, the stresses in your life can actually come from your peers. They may pressure you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with, such as shoplifting, doing drugs or drinking, or taking dangerous risks when driving a car.
The pressure to conform(随潮流) can be powerful and hard to resist. A person might feel pressure to do something just because others are doing it. Peer pressure can influence a person to do something that is relatively harmless--- or something that has more serious consequences.
People may feel pressure to conform, so they fit in or are accepted, or so they don’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. When people are unsure of what to do in a social situation, they naturally look to others for cues(暗示)about what is and isn’t acceptable.
The people who are most easily influenced will follow someone else’s lead first. Then others may go along, too --- so it can be easy to think, “It must be OK. Everyone else is doing it. They must know what they’re doing.” Before you know it, many people are going along with the crowd --- perhaps on something they might not otherwise do.
Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature --- but some people are more likely to give in, and others are better able to resist and stand their ground.
It’s not always easy to resist negative peer pressure. But when you do, it is easy to feel good about it afterwards. And you may even be a positive influence on your peers who feel the same way --- often it just takes one person to speak out or take a different action to change a situation.
小题1:Which of the following is a kind of peer pressure?
A.Your teachers give you a lot of homework.
B.Your parents expect high scores from you.
C.Your classmates persuade you to cut class.
D.Your relatives invite you to attend a party.
小题2:Which is most likely to be filled in the blank in Paragraph 1?
小题3:Most people tend to do what others are doing in order to _________.
A.feel a sense of achievement
B.get a feeling of being accepted
C.set a good example for others
D.stand out in a crowd
小题4:What can we know according to the author?
A.Giving in to peer pressure is unavoidable.
B.Peer pressure usually leads to serious results.
C.Going along with the crowd usually means making a right choice.
D.Everyone can make a difference by resisting negative peer pressure.
小题5:This passage is mainly about _______.
A.thoughts on peer pressure
B.different types of peer pressure
C.ways to deal with peer pressure
D.the influence of peer pressure on people
It was a bright spring afternoon when Freda told me she wouldn’t need me any more. I had just finished my four-hour work - 36  up and down the stairs of her three-storey home, cleaning the floor and washing the dished. She was  37 jeans and a sweater. Sitting at the table I had just   38 a pile of papers spread around her. Her husband’s 39   was going to be reduced by thirty percent. And they were trying to live as if it had 40  happened. I felt sorry for her, but I also felt a sense of   41 .
I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had   42  an unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just   43  I had become an expert at scraping(刮掉)dirt stuck to their wooden floor.   44  that I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’ beds. It was   45  than that, for I felt I had become a part of their    46 .
Freda stayed at home with the kids,   47 I would often see her in the morning 48
them to school. And I’d be there when they   49  home at lunch for sandwiches and piano practice. I had   50  them grow up. Now I was fired, but the   51 thing was that I still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family.   
I left Freda’s  52  relationship with my clients(主顾). Who am I  53 them? As a matter of fact. I’m   54  an employee - the lowest kind of employee. But I’m also a trusted  55  of the family. I can’t help worrying about what happens around me.
A.washed B.cleanedC.sweptD.brushed
A.lossB.surprise C.fearD.regret
A.why B.whatC.thatD.which
A.leftB.marchedC.went D.returned
A.meaning B.resultC.natureD.importance
You’re finishing up your history homework when your cell phone rings. You’ve got 30 minutes to reach head-quarters, get your equipment packed and receive your task. There’s a lost hiker in the mountains near the edge of town. Your task: find the missing person; provide emergency medical treatment, if necessary; and be prepared to operate 48 hours on your own with only the supplies you carry.
Sounds like some kind of film’s plot? Not if you’re a member of the Arapahoe teen rescue patrol in the suburbs of Denver. About 25 teen guys and girls are active members of this search, rescue and emergency organization, and they know firsthand that you don’t have to be an adult to save lives.
These 9th-through-12th graders are the real deal when it comes to emergency services. In fact, they’re the only teen-commanded patrol in the nation. Sure they have adult advisers to turn to if necessary, but in the field it’s a teen patrol officer calling the shots — sometimes even giving direction to adults.
Members are trained in rock-high-angle,swift-water and avalanche rescue (雪崩施行营救), winter and alpine operation , wilderness life support and emergency care, among other skills. They also regularly ride along with the local fire and police departments, providing support such as security details and evidence searching.
When asked what qualities make a good patrol member, founder and president Stan Bush named good physical conditioning and an interest in helping people. “We put in lots and lots of hours helping people in trouble,” he says. “So if a person is not really interested in doing that kind of thing, he won’t last as a member.”
小题1:In the first paragraph, the author describes ______.
A.a plot in some kind of filmB.a teen patrol member’s life
C.an emergency rescueD.a lost hiker in trouble
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true about the Arapahoe teen rescue patrol?
A.They are trained to have many special skills.
B.They also work with local firemen and policemen.
C.They turn to adults for help sometimes.
D.They think they can save lives only when growing up.
小题3:If you want to become a good rescue patrol member, you must ______.
A.be strong and interested in offering help
B.be a 9th-through-12th grader
C.finish your history homework first
D.spend many hours helping people first
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.What qualities make a good patrol member?
B.The Arapahoe teen rescue patrol
C.How to become a rescue patrol member
D.Skills a rescue patrol member needs
Xu Hui is very excited. The Senior 1 student in a middle school in Beijing will go to South Korea with his parents during the Spring Festival.
“Overseas touring has always been a dream for me,” he said happily.
Nowadays, Chinese people enjoy longer holidays, such as the three “Golden Week Holidays”(the Spring Festival, May Day and National Day). They have more time to travel. Rising incomes also make travelling abroad realistic for ordinary Chinese people.
Nearly 7 million Chinese travelled overseas in 2001, according to the National Tourism Administration(国家旅游局). The most common problem travellers face is how to choose the best routes(路线).
By the end of 2002, Chinese citizens were allowed to travel to 19 foreign countries and regions at their own expense.
The top 10 places included Hong Kong, Macao and Thailand. European countries are also becoming increasingly popular.
“More and more Chinese people have shown interest in travelling to Europe, particularly France and Finland,” said Tan Wen, a general manager of China Youth Travel Service. “Sooner or later, there will be a peak(高峰) in European tours.”
Another consideration is choosing the right travel agencies and finding the best price. The China Consumers’ Association(CCA, 中国消费者协会) offered tips to consumers on choosing the right travel agencies to help prevent a relaxing vacation from turning into a costly disaster.
“Price should not be the single most important factor in choosing a travel agency,” said Zhang Yuanchao, CCA vice-secretary general. Consumers are advised to choose large State travel agencies with good reputations(名声) and official approval to organize overseas tour groups.
Zhang’s association dealt with more than 5, 000 complaints about travel agencies(旅行社) last year. And the majority of the complaints were about random changes in travel routes, bad tour guides, and forced shopping.
Travellers were warned to look carefully at their contracts(合同) with agencies and to buy travel insurance(保险).
小题1:How many reasons are given in the article as to why ordinary Chinese people are traveling abroad more today?
小题2:According to the passage, what is the biggest problem Chinese travelers face when going overseas?
A.Choosing the best travel agent.
B.Deciding the best way to get to the places they want to go to.
C.Traveling to Europe.
小题3:According to the passage, what seems to be the most common result of choosing a bad travel agency?
A.People buy more souvenirs than they had planned to.
B.People spend more money than they had planned to.
C.People go to different places than they had planned to.
D.People complained more than they had planned to.
小题4:The underlined part “random changes” probably means that _______.
A.the travelers agreed with the changes.
B.the travel agency didn’t make any changes.
C.the travel agency refused to changes the routes.
D.the travel agency changed the routes or time without following the original plan.
小题5: What would be a good title for this passage?
A.Xu Hui’s Vacation in South Korea
B.The Job of the National Tourism Administration
C.Where Young Chinese Travelers Go
D.Suggestions for the Chinese Travelers
A. Adults keep pets with their children
B. Pet keeping has a very long history
C. Pet-keeping may do hard to animals
D. People keeps pet for their aesthetic need
E. Caged pets become increasingly popular
F. Pet-keeping is helpful for children’s growths
Pet-keeping is a time-honored tradition. One of the reasons for people to raise to raise dogs or cows was usefulness. While people in the past hunted animals and kept them in their backyards, the civilized man today is less cruel towards them and is less exploitative(利用的).
We keep animals as pets because they are attractive. We all have the urge to possess something that has aesthetic value, and that is why we treasure paintings or fine furniture. Keeping pets is one form of this urge. A Siamese cat in the house can be a decorative objective. Pets are playful animals and they amuse us. A little rabbit amuses us by its playful and lively runs.
Many parents find it helpful to have pets in  their house and for their children. Having pets is an excellent way of developing in children the love of animals and responsibility. Children get the opportunity to take on full responsibility for another creature’s life. It will be an educational experience for a child to watch the natural life cycle of an animal. There are psychological benefits for children. Pets are welcome friends for children who are lonely. Pets are excellent companions. Keeping pets means giving love and being loved. We find comfort in giving care and receiving care in return. We get pleasure from their appreciation and their behavior.
小题4: ___________ 
As more people move into apartments, there are limitations on keeping of animals like dogs and monkeys. Therefore, caged animals have increased in popularity. Birds fall into this type. We keep them for their beautiful songs and feathers. Fishing keeping is a widespread hobby and the keeper can observe their behavior in the glass tank and study its entire life cycle. The cat is a fine house pet and it fits neatly into human habitation(居住地) without requiring its own cage. They are wonderful hunters, if there are rats around.
Pets satisfy man’s desire to care for a bit of nature. The pet owner has the responsibility for supplying those needs nature provides. Pets are amusing and entertaining, but we are in a way doing animals harm by making them live in a human environment. Are we not enslaving(奴役)them?

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